World Occult User Guide

Chapter 274 The Great Grimoire

The early morning sun was high in the sky, and the countess had been sailing on the ship for thirty minutes.

The scenery of Bantu is like a kaleidoscope. The turbid water is rolling in the sun, rolling up bursts of white waves, causing her rubber boat to bump and shake, and the tall trees fly behind as it sails.

The air was hot and humid, but the splashing turbid river water was cool. The countess covered her body with energy, forming a thin film. Her boatman did not have this power, and he was soaked again and again, as if he was drowned.

The waves lapped at the dead fish everywhere, like the bald heads of drowning victims.

Not only that, on the turbulent Kuba River, black mosquitoes or other blood-sucking insects gathered above their heads, buzzing and trying to bite.

The boatman swatted the mosquitoes nervously for fear of contracting the unknown malaria, while the countess frowned in disgust and waved her hand. An invisible energy was activated, and all the mosquitoes instantly became the piranha's breakfast.

Given the choice, the Countess would never have entered the rainforest in this way.

However, Mr. Jacob hoped that she would act more covertly. Kevin discussed a reasonable plan with her last night and placed the location of the first negotiation with the [Forest Ranger] on the Kuba River. This would not only conceal people's eyes and ears, but also make it easier to kill people and silence them. Destroy corpses and destroy traces.

Glancing at her watch, the countess impatiently counted the time she had wasted since setting off.

It has been sailing for half an hour.

According to Kevin's estimation, [Forest Ranger]'s spotted lion tribe is nearby.

[Star Moment] told her that the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

The countess turned her gaze to the shore and suddenly saw a standing figure.

There is a path in the winding rain forest. A young man with black hair walks from behind the rocks. His long woven cane boots fall silently on the mud.

The always harsh sunshine near the equator turned his fair skin into a wheat color. His hair and beard, which had not been taken care of for a long time, looked a little messy, but his eyes were bright and bright.

He looked quietly at the Countess, who couldn't help but think of those Nganga wandering the streets.

Nganga's foresight shines with the soul-stirring sheen of gems. They are well versed in the hidden power of the universe and the laws of balance of all things. The ever-changing wizards stand together, making deep and distant sounds, and their eyes are as ethereal as those of young people. .


He is undoubtedly a mystic.

The water gurgled and the young man approached her.

The Countess narrowed her eyes and asked the boatman to stop the wooden oar, and greeted him: "Good afternoon, [Forester]."

Hearing her voice, the young man smiled politely, showing a row of neat and white teeth.

"You came as expected, Countess."

"Oh? Your Dutch is perfect." The countess raised her eyebrows. "Generally speaking, if the people here can understand French, it is enough to be called a 'doctor'."

"When you receive a Flemish person who has no independent language, you have to accommodate their habit of patchwork."

The countess seemed not to hear his sarcasm and said calmly: "I have no interest in verbal disputes.

The young man spread his hands and stood on the river bank, only ten meters away from the rubber boat in the center.

"Then what are you going to argue with, ma'am?"

"You have no grievances with the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce], why should I go against you?" The Countess elegantly arranged the folds of her clothes, "Unlike those primitive people who are stuck in their ways, you have no objection to contact with one of our members. I thought you were enlightened.”

"Many 'enlightened' people who once collaborated with your ancestors are now weeping ghosts."

"Ah! The cries of the dead are indeed terrible; you should try not to hear their voices." The Countess realized that the visitor was unkind, "Forester, you don't seem to be good at negotiating."

"Because I have no intention of talking to you, ma'am."

The young man put his hand on his chest, and a strange stone glowed misty, its most subtle and pure parts inseparably united in a harmonious five-fold equality.

"Where is the person who contacted you?" The countess's premonition became more and more intense. "Where is Kevin van Hoofwegen? Where is my son?!"

"Ask the ghosts of the rainforest. They will tell you everything around you. People here often know the past and the future so well."

"Very good." The countess's gentle tone was tinged with a coldness. She pulled out a spike from her waist, "You don't know what you are doing, ranger. You don't know that I can help you at any time." The soul is freed from the shackles of the body.”

"On the contrary, you should be prepared to enter Hades."

"I don't think you are such an arrogant person, ranger. Say your name so that the Kuba River can hear whose funeral it is about to perform."

"I haven't gotten my real name back yet."

"Huh?" The countess was stunned.

"Your ancestors made countless ghosts wander in Bantu." Before the attack, Lin An replied, "There was also a woman who created countless ghosts because of her selfish desires. She imprisoned my true name and freedom, and did not kill her with her own hands. Before I die, I am not qualified to use my real name!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ancient Hittite language drifted away, and the sound of cold and dark wind wandered around, whistling and burning.

【Sacrifice to Hades】!

After Lin An confirmed the whereabouts of the countess through a summons, he waited early in a Kuba River canyon far away from the spotted lion tribe.

Sure enough, a wine-red boat that was incompatible with the green scenery floated down the river, and the dignified woman looked left and right slightly.

It was none other than the mistress of Red Poppy, Mariette Van, Count Hofwegen!

Atiksha's advice made the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] cautious, but it did not stop the Countess from going to the rainforest. Lin An did not blame Atiksha for not doing things well, he had already guessed the result.

Anyway, as long as the countess consciously hides her whereabouts, his assassination will not easily alert the family behind it.

[Name]: Great Grimoire, Red Dragon, Gospel of Satan, Grimoire of Thebes Honorius, Book of Abramelin the Mage, Magical Treatise of Solomon

[Rating]: Myth C level

[Radiation value]: 31.1%

[Pollution level]: 18.6%

[Media]: War Emperor

With Lin An's recognition, a line of panels appeared, following the woman on the rubber boat, approaching Lin An along the ancient Kuba River like the bell of fate.

The Grand Grimoire is also known as "Le Dragon Rouge" in modern times, and "The Red Dragon" in French.

"Grimoire" is derived from the Old French word "grammaire," meaning "grammar," and usually referred to books written in Latin. Over time, the meaning of the term evolved, eventually becoming associated with the occult.

Thus, a grimoire with the suffix "grimoire" refers to a book that provides its user with instructions for summoning supernatural beings, such as angels and demons.

This is a 15th-century magic book, said to be written by Honorius of Thebes, who was possessed by Satan. It is recognized as one of the most effective occult books in the world of black magic and also contains summonses. The largest collection of satanic rituals and spells.

Before "Cormus" was radiated, the Great Grimoire was circulated on the market in the form of a reprint of "Red Dragon". The original "Grand Grimoire" was kept in the secret archives of Vatican and was never made public.

This object is most likely one of the ancient objects containing radiation, and its writing time coincides with the time of the third overlap of "Comes".

Lin An speculated that the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] and the Pope exchanged its original scriptures, and used this as a benchmark to awaken the mythical prototype in the countess.

No one had ever read the original version of the "Grand Grimoire", and Lin An could only deduce some of the mystical arts that the countess might have mastered from its copy, "Red Dragon."

The work is divided into two books, the first containing instructions for summoning demons and forcing them to obey orders; the second is further divided into the Sanctum Regnum and the Secrets de L'Art Magique du Grand Grimoire".

The former contains instructions for signing a contract with demons, how to make them obey and reduce their threat to users. The bloody church in Zai's fantasy is one of the plans for raising demons recorded in "The Holy of Holies".

"Secrets of the Art of Magic" mentions some miscellaneous basic magic, such as spells to win the lottery, talk to the dead, get the love of a beloved girl, make yourself invisible, etc.

Most of what the Red Dragon recounts belongs to the second book, while many of the rituals in the first book remain a mystery.

According to Lin An's understanding, "Red Dragon" only writes about summoning Lucifer, Beelzebub, Archduke Astaroth and the six smaller demons Lucifer, Lucifer, Satanakia, and Agali The methods of Yarep, Fredi, Sagatanas and Nebiros.

If you don't study demonology, the names of the last six are rarely known. They are actually the generals and sergeants of the Hell Legion, and are introduced in the "Dictionary of Hell".

When summoning demons, most of the rituals mentioned in "Red Dragon" require a "shock staff", which is a thin, black, long stick surrounded by thorns around the countess's waist, as well as a stone called Ematille and two Candle.

At this moment, she was suddenly attacked, but the countess remained calm. The shadows of Mortil's Stone and two candles appeared behind her, forming a contract triangle.

A sacred, purified, protected space was created, with the concentrated power of the spells from the Sanctuary providing her with a boundary and acting as a gateway to the divine realm.

The cold wind stops when it reaches the edge of the magic circle, unable to enter this defined space, which symbolizes the astral realm or universe of the magician and also corresponds to the Ainsof of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

The carnival demon gradually became clear, and the shadow of a red dragon passed high in the sky, casting a malicious shadow on the rainforest. The corners of the countess's lips curved.

However, this time she underestimated the enemy.

[The Nine Pits of the Sun Goddess] is not only a source-level mysterious technique, but also one of the most powerful and overwhelming rituals in the series. It is difficult to stop its influence with just a purifying space.

The road to the gods of Hades was blocked by "sacrifice", and the Sun Goddess immediately issued an angry question, and the gods' reprimands rumbled in the ears of the countess.

You are a sacrifice,

Take care of your hands, feet and mouth,

Do not offend the gods.

At the same time, the dead piggy suddenly opened its mouth and inhaled the circular magic circle of the "Holy Sanctuary".

Nine potholes surrounded the countess whose face had changed greatly. Different types of bird corpses were cut into pieces. In the blood-flowing curtain, an ethereal atmosphere of death filled the air.

Lin An snapped his fingers, and a shekel of silver fell into the bottomless pit.

"Oh, Sun Goddess, please ascend the throne of purification and inspect the sacrificial utensils." (End of this chapter)

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