"You clearly know the word 'Agnia' and yet you ask such a question..."

Unlike Kevin, Mariette, who is a core member of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, really knows something.

Lin An observed the countess' reaction and felt happy. Before she could think about it, he thought, and the spiritual portrait of Kevin in the "Philosopher's Stone" disappeared and appeared, a silent threat.

"Okay, but you must swear to the devil, say the right oath, and never betray it."

The Countess' attitude immediately softened, and she raised her hand to draw a line of devilish incantation with the impact staff.

A shadow with three heads appeared. The first thing it did was to pounce on the countess. After being stopped by the contract triangle formation, it reluctantly looked at Lin An.

The devil has three heads, namely a black crane, a rooster and a crow, and it looks extremely ugly.

Naberius, the 24th demon god among Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demon gods, rules 19 demon legions and has the rank of marquis.

He has many nicknames, including Zeberos, Cerberus or Cherberos, the most famous of which is "Cerberus", which is based on Cerberus, the hell dog in Greek mythology. After demonology scholars Their ever-evolving demons.

"Repeat my words!"

A crisp sound sounded, and Nebiros shook three bird heads.

"I swear that I will fulfill my promise to deliver the soul of Mariette de Fouquet van Hoofwegen into her hands after she answers her questions."

Lin An repeated it word for word, and Nebiros nodded with satisfaction, folded his wings, and hovered beside the red dragon, quietly supervising the two to complete the transaction.

The demon's twisted, grotesque shadow casts itself across the rainforest canopy, terrifying apes and crocodiles diving.

"'Agnia' is the collective name given to the heritage of the previous civilization after unanimous consent by ancient families. It comes from the Mahabharata - you who are suspected to be above the myth level should be familiar with this, right?" Countess Open your mouth.

"That ancient Sanskrit narrative poem of the Lotus Kingdom, a creation poem as famous as Ramayana, is it 'the descendant of the great king of Bharata'?"

Lin An murmured to himself, lost in thought.

Over the past 21 years, he has read occult books from all over the world and from all eras, but the Mahabharata is clearly one of the important occult documents of the Lotus Kingdom, but he has never read it in depth.

For some reason, this book disinterested him.

In addition to "Mahabharata", Lin An also lacked interest in some contents of "Shan Hai Jing" simply because he was from the Dragon Kingdom and had forced himself to read the entire book before.

How is this going?

Why are there occult books that my subconscious cannot accept?

"Treat me like a baby who knows nothing about this." He held out his hands to Mariette.

Haven’t read the Mahabharata?

Lin An's reaction dispelled some of the countess's original guesses and made her even more confused about his identity. However, rescue was imminent. She took a deep breath and explained the meaning of the words.

"It is said that there were four prehistoric civilizations on Titan, and we are the fifth generation; as Greek mythology says, the world is divided into the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, the Heroic Era and the Black Iron Era."

"The Hopi mythology and the Bushmen mythology are also written in this way." Lin An nodded, "Before us, there were four generations of destroyed humans."

"Regardless of its authenticity, after all, except for the civilization of the previous generation, we can't trace things back any further." The countess said simply, "The origin of 'Agnia' comes from a man named Churchward. People start.”

"He was one of the Lion Kingdom's soldiers stationed in the Lotus Kingdom in the 19th century and became friends with a senior temple abbot. The abbot showed him a set of ancient black clay tablets inscribed with a long-lost mysterious language. , the abbot calls it 'Nakal language'."

"Through study and research, the soldiers discovered that the Nakal language is completely different from Hindi. Later generations proved that this language is exactly the same as the text on the Easter Island stone statues, 'Langa Lange'. In other words, the two are more than 19,000 kilometers apart. The same writing was actually used in these places thousands of years ago.”

"In modern times, Langerange has been basically deciphered. It reads, 'In a beautiful place, wide and smooth roads extend in all directions like spider webs, and the paved stones are so closely connected that the grass cannot pass through. Growing out of the cracks in the rocks'."

"Suddenly, the earth shook, volcanoes erupted, seawater swept in, and the city disappeared. The strange thing is that this Lotus Kingdom stone tablet mentioned a similar history and gave the city an exact name - Mu."

"Slate records state that Mu is a continent located in the Pacific Ocean, 8,000 kilometers long from east to west and 5,000 kilometers long from north to south. It is the birthplace of the 'Nakar' people. Their civilization flourished from 12,000 to 50,000 years ago, with advanced technology and far-reaching capabilities. Beyond our generation.”

Lin An thoughtfully said: "Mu Continent..."

"Yes, combining the stone tablets and the Easter Island stone statues, we have a glimpse of the past of the Mu continent. This civilization was ruled by an emperor named 'Lam'. According to the language of the Mesopotamia, 'La' refers to the sun, so this The emperor is also called the 'Sun King'."

"Under the rule of Ram, the continent of Mu prospered, and they wanted to spread knowledge to the world. The empire first sent a people called Kara to sail eastward and arrived at Lower East Continent. Then it sent another people called Naqa Sailing westward, he landed in the Lotus Kingdom from Central Continent.”

"Everything that thrives must eventually fall. A disaster struck 12,000 years ago. An earthquake and tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption swept across the entire Mu Empire overnight, causing the continent to be swallowed up by the Pacific Ocean. This reminds you of Atlanta. Tis?"

"Atlantis first appeared in Plato's dialogues. He mentioned that there was a city that sank into the water 9,000 years ago. Solon was 9,000 years old, which is exactly 12,000 years ago."

In fact, while Lin An was meditating, he thought of fragments from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness East" made Qin Shihuang Yingzheng firmly believe in the existence of the three fairy mountains, and sent Xu Fu to the east. One of the passages reads: Beyond the East China Sea, there is a great ravine, the country of Shaohao.

There is a bottomless ravine in the East China Sea, which is where Shaohao founded his country.

Shaohao is the incarnation of the three-legged Golden Crow and the representative of the sun.

According to the inference of geologists, this "big ravine" is the Mariana Trench. The address of the so-called Shaohao Country is exactly the same as the "Mu Continent" recorded in Easter Island literature.

The Naga tribe landed from Zhongzhou...

"After the Mu continent was swallowed by the Pacific Ocean, the two sub-civilizations lost support and gradually declined."

The countess pulled Lin An back from her thoughts and continued.

“With the changes of the times, the landscape of Lower East Island, where the Kara people live, has undergone tremendous changes. The land has uplifted, forming the Andes Mountains. The former cities have turned into jungles, and people have returned to their most primitive life.

“In the mid-19th century, an archaeologist inspected the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan Peninsula and excavated more than 2,600 stone tablets. The language of several of the stone tablets was very different from Maya, but was different from Nacal and Lange. Lange is almost the same.”

"The stone tablet records: This temple was built in compliance with the will of the great monarch Ram to protect the envoys of the Sun Empire."

"The civilization of the Mayans?" Lin An pondered.

“In 1517, the Isbanian conquerors obtained the Mayan land and destroyed and burned a large number of Mayan idols, altars, books and historical materials in the name of pagans. Only four Mayan manuscripts were lost due to being exiled overseas. Survived.”

"One of the four surviving manuscripts, the Troiano Codex, is currently stored in the Lion Kingdom Museum. It records this passage, 'Strong earthquakes that lasted for several months caused underground flames to erupt twice, and the continent of Mu 46 million people were sunk together'."

"The history of the Mayans is obviously not that long, but they know the records of the so-called 'last civilization'..." Lin An narrowed his eyes, combined with the existing information, and came to the conclusion, "Are they descendants of the Kara tribe?"

"Maybe it's just a descendant. In any case, the ruins on that side have been eaten away by [Xi Yong], and that war separated the sun and moon of [Thirteenth Heaven]."

The countess inadvertently mentioned the battles between families in the past, which made Lin An think about it.

[Xi Yong] He crossed the sea from Xizhou and took root in the upper and lower Dongzhou. Was it originally to excavate the ruins of the "Mu Continent"?

If Agnian technology is related to the continent of Mu, no wonder they planned the "Da Vinci Project" and deduced the so-called "Vitrusian Man" when "Comes" arrived.

X mentioned that Lin An is like its "mother", does this mean that this artificial intelligence is 70-80% similar to the alien Anhui?

Are they going to create a "Comes" man?

Using a human body to write an AI program that is similar to a god...

Hearing this, Lin An could only confirm that [Xi Yong]'s technology was closely related to Mu Continent, but he still didn't know the purpose of X, so he continued to listen.

"As for the Naga tribe that landed in Central China, they were destroyed due to civil war after the Mu continent sank."

"Is this the war recorded in the Mahabharata?" Lin An felt that he was about to touch the source of Agnia.

"Yes, a civil war broke out among the tribes in the upper reaches of the Ganges. The original text of "Mahabharata" is 'The heroic warrior sat firmly in the Vimana 'flying machine' and fired weapons banned by the gods at another tribe. 'Agnia'."

"This is a missile-like weapon that can emit dense flame arrows in the sky, like heavy rain, with infinite power. In an instant, thick shadows quickly formed, the sky turned dark, the compass lost its effect, the wind roared, and the sky collapsed. .”

"Agnia was as bright as the sun. Pillars of smoke rolled into the sky. The terrible heat burned animals to death and deformed them. The river boiled and fish and shrimps were scalded to death. The bodies of the soldiers were burned beyond recognition, and the hair and nails of the survivors fell off. , rushed to the river to clean up."

"These poems are not groundless. When Soviet scholars in the last century studied ancient remains in the Ganges River Basin, they found radioactive residues in their bodies; archaeologists in this century also excavated in the upper reaches of the Ganges River, which required a minimum of 1,000 degrees Celsius. 'Glass stone' can only be formed at a temperature of 800 degrees."

"Nuclear war..." Lin An took a breath, "This is a text written at least a thousand years ago."

"Yes, and the war in "Mahabharata" took place in an 'earlier era'." The countess nodded, "Like the Mayans, the author of "Mahabharata" is the successor of the Naga tribe. "

Now, Lin An understands what the so-called "Agnia" technology is.

It is the general name for the technology of "Mu Continent" and belongs to the native knowledge of Titan. It is suspected to be able to compete with the advanced civilization from "Comes".

Did humans use "Agnia" technology to kill and seal Anhuis?

No wonder my head felt bloated and I couldn't read any more when I saw the clues of pre-civilization... The corner of Lin An's mouth twitched.

Also, the continent of Mu sank in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and my father was on a ship heading to the Pacific Ocean, and there was no news at all.

Another point.

Lin An couldn't help but ask: "Since one of the Kara tribe and the Naka tribe is in the Lower East Continent and the other is in the Lotus Kingdom, what are you doing in the South Continent? There are also ruins here?"

As he finished speaking, he had an idea.

Nuclear war...radioactive elements...uranium?

Bantu is indeed the country with the largest uranium reserves in the world.

Not long ago, the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] discharged a large amount of uranium water into the Kuba River. Could it be that they were testing some kind of Agonia technology?

The Countess' expression was unpredictable: "Why do you know that we are excavating 'relics'? Who are you? What ancient family do you come from - could it be -"

Lin An seemed calm on the surface and wanted to lure her into talking, but unfortunately the other party's words stopped abruptly.

"Forget it, it's not important. I told you what you want to know, and it's your turn to fulfill the deal."

The eager Nebiros flapped his bird feathers and stared at Lin An with his three heads, like a silent threat.


Lin An released Kevin, and the spiritual portrait floated towards his mother, who was beaming with joy and welcomed her son's arrival with open arms.

Kevin's almost transparent face was expressionless, only a hint of fear and sadness flashed deep in his pupils.

But Mariette, who loved her son so much, didn't notice anything unusual and excitedly stretched out her arms to hug him.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Lin An snapped his fingers, and the mental portrait's arms suddenly exerted force. Black spots of voodoo spread from his fingertips, and with the close contact between the two, they suddenly climbed up the countess's body.


She let out a heart-rending scream and raised the impact staff almost subconsciously.

The next moment, the circular formation that always protected her passively contracted, and the red dragon hovering in the air let out a happy laugh and swooped down.

"No, wait-!"

Before the Countess could stop him, the red dragon opened its sharp claws and shattered Kevin's soul with just one blow.

From the blurry, sometimes appearing shadow side, Lin An sensed His unabashed joy and malice, showing him the final chapter of the "Faustian" deal.

Those who breed demons will eventually have everything they love taken away from them. (End of chapter)

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