World Occult User Guide

Chapter 278 King Leopold’s Ghost (Part 2)

It was almost evening, and Meyer walked back to the tribe along the forest path through the dappled light.

The ferns are nourished by the continuous rain, grow extremely tall, and bend inward from both sides, forming a curving canopy, similar to the dome of a tunnel.

Dwarf woodland elephants walked back and forth in groups, arching their pink trunks into the trees; a black-headed bird stopped not far away, dragging a mahogany-colored tail that was bent like a bow.

This bird is called the Paradise Flycatcher.

It is the guardian of another world of death. Whenever it appears, the world will usher in new changes.

"O Lord of Feathers, please save me today from the devouring jaws of wild beasts, and from having my breast torn from the wishbone."

Seeing this, Meyer put the bucket he was carrying on the ground, put his hands together on his chest, and said a weird prayer.

These buckets are not filled with water. Since the Kuba River was polluted by the factory sewage discharged by the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, the members of the Spotted Lion Tribe only drink water soaked in the Unicorn Horn [Cup of Purified Water].

Simbi and Karu mermaids are both prototypes who are good at underwater activities. Every time Meyer went to the Kuba River to listen to the teachings of his ancestors, Susumi was bored and fishing aside. He often returned with a full load, weighing seven or eight kilograms. Big fish filled the narrow barrel.

"What are you talking about?" Susumi, who was walking with her, asked doubtfully.

"This is what the ghost of the Kuba River told me. When you encounter this kind of bird, it is best to pray to it." Meyer explained to her.

"What about ghosts?"

"Yes, you should try it too. The sound of this rainforest will not deceive us."

"Now that Meyer said so." Susumi clasped her hands together and repeated the prayer, "Si Yu's Lord..."

As the words fell, the heavenly flycatcher fluttered its wings and disappeared into the pink sunset. The sound of "clatter" came with the wind, as if in response to Susumi's prayer.

"Did it hear my prayer?" Susumi pressed her hands on the flying black hair, "And, is the wind too strong?"


As mystics, the two women felt an unusual aura roaring towards them. Just as they were about to use their mysterious skills to defend themselves against this uninvited guest, they heard Lin An's voice.

"It doesn't matter, it's me."

"The ancestor spirit of the spotted lion?" Susumi was stunned, with a smile on her face, "Good evening, we were wondering if you would come back for dinner tonight."

"Good evening, Susumi." Lin An replied as concisely as possible, "Where is Mr. Zai?"

"He's in the tribe." Meyer said nervously, "Master Zuling, has your takeaway been delivered?"

"I took Mr. Zai to argue with that guy because of the malicious negative review." Lin An said casually, "By the way, Meyer, this person is the 'War Emperor' agent. Before I come back, you'd better Along with other mystics, stay alert at all times.”

"War Emperor..."

With the popular science of the World Tree system, Meyer was no longer unfamiliar with the twelve major divine mediums. She was already diligent and hardworking, and she suddenly understood what Lin An meant.

"Are your enemies above the legendary level?" she asked hesitantly.

"One level higher than that. I will hold back her body, and you only have to deal with some 'puppet' that may be sent by her."

"Okay, Master Zuling, I understand." Meyer responded seriously, "I will never let you down."

Lin An said hello to them, the air flow turned, and the figure disappeared into the shadowy jungle.

Like an unpredictable gust of wind, or a rabbit that takes people into a fairyland, Meyer still can't see through Lin An even after getting along for nearly a month.

But somehow, Meyer knew that Lin An was a trustworthy person.

Because she seemed to have seen it before...

After Lin An left, Susumi frowned and interrupted Meyer's contemplation.

"The spotted lion ancestral spirit is talking about 'she'. Mythical level, war emperor, and a woman..."

"What are you thinking of, Susumi?" Meyer quickly recovered, picked up the bucket again, and hurried towards the tribe.

"Is it my brother, the person that the chief of the Tiger Fish tribe has been in contact with? I saw her once a few years ago. She was wearing tall leather boots made of Fez and inserted a poppy flower into the chief's chest."

"Count Mariette van Hofwegen..."

Under the pink sunset, the cry of the Paradise Flycatcher resounded throughout the rainforest. Susumi was in a daze for a moment, and then she saw the outline of the spotted lion tribe emerging.

Different from the peace and orderliness of the past, thousands of people surrounded the entire tribe.

In addition, Meyer raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes, faintly seeing something in the sky. He stared down with viciousness and amusement, and the blurry shadow was looming.

What happened?

Before she could think about it, Susumi shouted: "Brother, clansmen! What are you doing!"

Are these menacing people from the Tiger Fish Tribe?

Meyer's heart trembled, and he pulled Susumi and made a "shh" gesture, instructing her to carefully observe the "people" holding guns, who looked like empty shells.

Everyone in the Tiger Fish tribe had empty eyes and stiff movements, which reminded her of hyena puppets controlled by hyena men.

"They are under some kind of control." Meyer pointed to the sky, and Susumi also saw the malicious shadow, but the radiation levels of the two of them were too low to see the devil clearly. "He did everything. The ghost."

"Then what should we do?" Susumi said eagerly, "I neither want my relatives to die, nor do I want you to be harmed!"

"Susumi, after joining the Spotted Lion for so many days, I haven't been willing to ask you." Meyer sighed, "But you can't delay it any longer. It's time for you to make a choice. Are you going to follow our ancestors?" , or return to your family?"

"I..." Susumi choked suddenly.

At this time, a truck passed in front of them. The person sitting in it looked out of the broken window, noticed the two women with dull eyes, and screamed urgently.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"elder brother?"

Susumi was stunned. The person sitting in the truck was her brother, the leader of the Tiger Fish Tribe. However, his face was haggard and disheveled. Only the poppy flower on his chest was still as beautiful as a nail piercing his heart. .

"Are you here to find me?"

When she said these words sadly, the shadows in the air trembled, and the interested laughter disappeared. Chief Tigerfish sitting in the truck seemed to be awakened by her, and his eyes lit up with energy.

"Oh, lovely little sister, I found you!" He pressed his chest with his hand, his expression distressed, "It's my fault, for the sake of a moment of peace and quiet, I forced you to accompany a nasty man. I hope you don't blame me for this. .”


Susumi was a little confused, but it was the first time she heard the chief express his emotions so frankly, and she smiled happily.

"It's okay, brother. I also want to apologize to you. I shouldn't have run away from home on's just that I need some...quiet time recently."

"Since we understand each other, why don't you follow me?" Chief Huyu stretched out a hand, "Get in my car, stop talking to this group of outsiders of unknown origin, and return to the embrace of the rainforest. You Destined to be Tiger Fish’s daughter.”


Just when Susumi was about to say something, Meyer kicked the banana tree. The falling dew turned into a curtain in Xinbi's energy weave, and rebounded the bullets fired from the truck.

"You want to kill me?!"

Seeing this scene, Susumi turned pale with shock.

"No matter how big the conflict is, relatives should not be at war with each other." Meyer said, "Susumi, you still have time to answer my question."

"Following the ancestral spirit of the spotted lion..." Susumi, who had always been slow, rarely reacted quickly. She suddenly threw Meyer away and grabbed the broken glass of the truck. "Brother, do you want me to die?"


The chief's originally agile eyes fell into dead silence and numbness again, and a glimmer of struggle flashed through.

He didn't speak.

"If you really think so and say, 'Susumi, die for me!', I will immediately put a knife through the heart, because you gave me my life. You raised me, you are the one who has given me my life." Have the right to end it!”

The two beams of light in the chief's eyes intertwined. He said nothing and remained motionless. Susumi's breathing gradually became rapid.

"Say it, say it! 'Die for me!' I will die in front of you right away! You don't have to do it yourself! If you really hate me, please let me die for you!"

The mute Tiger Fish Chief finally had some reaction. He stretched out his hand tremblingly and shook Susumi.

"Run away..."


"Controlled..." He turned the gun sharply and pointed it at his temple, "I hope you survive."


The gunfire rang out, and Chief Huyu closed his eyes. The moment the boundless darkness hit, the last thing he saw was his little sister trying to hold back her tears.

"Until this moment, I still love you deeply."


The explosion came from not far away. Meyer couldn't care less about the screaming Susumi, jumped into the creek next to the tribe, and swam along with the water.

The scene just now gave her a bad feeling.

The light pink sunset suddenly disappeared. Meyer raised his head. Many people in the spotted lion tribe also began to look up. Their heads and hands moved together. The scene was like a gust of wind blowing across a wheat field in the sun.

"You are never relatives, but different. You speak different languages, have different beliefs, you have different faces, you have different ancestors, you are in different classes, you are male and female, you should each other Massacre."

The terrifying sound like a mechanical monster directly invaded Meyer's mind, making it unbearable for her. The sound was fleeting, because it was followed by shots from pistols, machine guns, and shotguns, whizzing by.

The crowd roared with commotion, the weapons roared unconsciously, and they shouted meaningless words.

"Why did you take away my clothes a few days ago? Do you look down on me?"

"I have long thought that the spotted lion tribe is an outsider! You came from the Kuba River, and you never belonged to this rainforest!"

"Shit, I'll beat you to death today, you stuttering bastard!"

The noise of the crowd was mixed with wailing and beatings, some with weapons, some with fists.

The demon's shadow hovered close above their heads, and Meyer couldn't tell whether it was still whispering.

People were too close to each other, and as soon as the conflict broke out, an unknown number of dead or injured people fell down, and their blood flowed into the creek beside the tribe. The smell of rusty blood was so thick that Meyer had to jump out.

No one paid any attention to her, whether it was the familiar spotted lion tribe, or the intruders from the tiger fish tribe, or the guests who were studying in their tribe, which made Meyer's eyes red with anxiety.


Susumi's voice came from the other side, and she also came to Meyer through the stream.

"Are you alright?"

"Ah, I'm okay..." Susumi jumped out of the ditch and wiped her cheeks. The blood of Chief Tiger Fish splashed on it. Although it had long been washed away by the water, she still kept wiping her skin nervously.

"Fortunately, the black shadow cannot control the mysterious person..." Meyer murmured to himself, and then asked worriedly, "Are you really okay, Susumi?"

"There are still many things that I can't understand," Susumi said, "but at least I know one thing. I used to be willing to sacrifice my life for the tribe, but now I will live - because he wants me to live."

In the light of the hail of bullets, Meyer saw her gritting her teeth, and the edges of a teenager appeared on her round face.


Not only the spotted lion tribe and the tiger fish tribe, brutal killings of each other occurred in various places in the rain forest.

The demons who take pleasure in this are hovering in the sky without the instructions of the summoner. They inherently know how to torture humans and make them suffer.

The larger-scale war is getting more and more intense in the dark shadow of the demon that appears and disappears. Compared with it, what the hyena people did before seems like a harmless little fight.

"Dong dong dong!"

A lucky few of the chimpanzee tribe who were still conscious ran into the airtight house. They heard screams outside, first from women and men, then only the voices of children, and then silence.

Someone whispered in a trembling voice: "Knife, use a knife."

Another said: "They grabbed my daughter's feet and hands and slit her throat."

But they dare not go out, for fear that they will also fall into the abyss of madness and killing.

Time seemed to have stopped, and people were trembling with fear.

"We must pray now," said the chief elder of the chimpanzee tribe. "We are going to die." She began to cry, causing the other women to sob and cry.

What follows is a murmur of prayers throughout the room in Patois, French, Swahili and any other language imaginable.

After an unknown amount of time, when they thought this senseless killing was about to end, they heard a "squeak" and the closed door was pushed open.

The buzzing sound of flies came, accompanied by the bewitching urging of a demon.

"How can you go on strike in the middle of the performance? Come on, follow my summoner's orders. All the people living in this rainforest will die with blood on their hands." (End of Chapter)

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