World Occult User Guide

Chapter 293 Mbambuka

Except for the ghostly appearance of Burger King, Lin An only felt that there was a lot of information after reading the email.

Leaving aside the "conservative" families [Brahma] and [New Eden] whose situation is unknown, the replies from the Fat Boy and the Leopard President revealed the current situation of [Black City] from the side.

As early as in outer space, Lin An asked the Duke for as much information as possible.

Unlike most aristocratic families, Heidu is not a "family" connected by blood. The composition of its members is similar to [Yggdrasil], and it is a round table-like alliance.

The backbone of [Black City] is called [Hall of the Abyss]. Adelia Hughes is the uncrowned queen who rules this hall. Under her, there are three organizations: [Prime Minister], [Minister], and [Palace Jester]. By.

Their responsibilities are different, and they are on the same level as Adelia. Of course, the latter holds most of the say.

The Hall of the Abyss is like the Ranger system of World Tree. Apart from these direct members, the real influence and terror of [Black City] lies in its "membership system".

Except for [Abyss Hall], anyone can join [Black City] while retaining their original identity, and enjoy their benefits - and at the same time serve them.

For example, the leader of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce can be both the head of a noble family and a member of the [Black City].

I heard from the Duke that not only the family of mystics, but also the black capital would not reject anyone from secular forces.

[Prime Minister] is responsible for hosting the mysterious person's family, [Minister] is responsible for managing political and business dignitaries, and [Palace Jester] is responsible for some non-profit organizations such as foundations and fraternities, social influential figures and other powerful people.

The membership review of [Black City] is quite strict, but Adelia's knowledge of "Comes" and ancient relics have attracted people, making this organization grow like a snowball.

The scary thing is that once a leader joins Heidu, it is equivalent to his entire organization becoming Heidu's subordinates.

Not only will they obey the instructions of the Abyss Hall, but in the rest of the struggle, the members of the Black City will also unite and choose to prioritize the party that has not joined the Black City no matter what, causing the latter's strength to become weaker and weaker.

This is information from more than ten years ago. The Duke believes that the main framework of the Black City has not changed, but some names or rules will change slightly.

The fat boy is probably the [Prime Minister] in charge of the Tongluo family, and the [New Demon King of Seven Sins] is the head of all the "elite" families who joined the [Black City].

They are all Source level or above, mystical beings who have fused with the "Lamp Goddess".

Seven people in total...

Lin An felt overwhelmed. A fledgling [World Tree] alone could not compete with these behemoths that had been laid out for thousands of years.

What are the conservative families doing?

The world is about to be destroyed, and you are still making me wait. Are you all possessed by the ruined Dawn Association?

Blaming couldn't solve the problem, so Lin An had to continue doing what he could.

The deciphering was still going on, and the file showed the ticked characters, which contained information about the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce. Kevin had already learned it when interrogating him, and he checked it out at will while organizing the World Tree Forum.

Until a line of titles came into view.

"Record of the Pursuit of the Plan to Retrieve the Vault".

Lin An slid the mouse and read on.

Who would have thought that the last remnant of that ancient dynasty would hide in the church he once disliked most and become an inconspicuous "Pentecostal" pastor.

By the time we found out, he had awakened the mystery through death, possessed passers-by and escaped.

When he was dying, he deliberately destroyed the clues that opened the secret of the [Four Living Gods]. From now on, he will be the only insider of the last secret.

The "Leopard Print President" offered a generous exchange to the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce to capture this man alive.

After receiving the mission from Lord Jacob, I launched an investigation on July 21, 2038.

According to the inferences of intelligence teams from various places, the remnants of the Pentecostal Sect went to Mbambuka. I arrived in the city on August 1 and was trying to find out the whereabouts of everyone one by one.

On August 2, with the cooperation of the local government and reports from the public, I arrested 51 Pentecostal believers.

On August 5, all believers were destroyed.

On August 11, based on the clues provided by the believers, I targeted a hidden market and captured 220 Pentecostal believers, including 15 clergy.

On August 20, all believers were destroyed.

On August 25, based on new clues, I successfully destroyed the last Pentecostal stronghold in Mbambuka and captured 550 believers, 35 clergy, and 2 pastors.

On August 28, the whereabouts of the "Four Living Gods" were obtained from the Pentecostal pastor. He is currently hiding in the body of Zay Stanislas Wabracombe. The most conspicuous feature of this person is his blindness. ;Further tracking has been launched.

On August 29, all believers were destroyed.

On September 7, intelligence was received that Zay Stanislas Wabracombe was in the equatorial rainforest on the other side of the Kuba River.

On September 11, the liquidation of all "Pentecostal" believers in Mbambuka and surrounding villages was launched, and it is expected to last for 7 days; I have sent Kevin van Hoofwegen as an outpost, and he made a decision to the Chamber of Commerce. made an indelible contribution.

On September 14, we received urgent contact and the progress of the plan is yet to be determined.

On September 18, all believers were destroyed.

On September 19th, according to the request, I will enter the rainforest tomorrow morning to hold a secret meeting with the mysterious person codename [Forest Ranger], strive to obtain cooperation with him, and track Zay Stanislas Wabu through his influence Lacombe.

The text records the ins and outs of the Countess's mission over the past two months. An understatement of "all believers have been destroyed" hides thousands of human lives between the lines.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An asked.

"[Four Living Gods]?"

"According to your understanding, this is the name of the Bantu family." Zai said, "My followers...may God bless those poor children."

Lin An gave him some time to digest, and then asked: "You know the whereabouts of the 'Secret', and you know what I want to say."

Zai was silent for a while, then sighed heavily: "Of course."

"Dong dong dong!"

While the two were talking, the door was pushed open and Mezzo walked in with a pile of food.

Seeing her swaying steps, Lin An took the plate and placed it on a rectangular coffee table.

The chef at the Lambridge Hotel, unaware of the new owner's tastes, cooked as closely as possible to the customs of the jungle.

The plate contained generous portions of venison, ugali (corn dough), and simple vegetables cooked in palm oil.

The food looked greasy and it was hard for Lin An to swallow.

"Don't you want to eat?"

The girl who was taking a bite from the left and right saw the other person stop eating, holding half a piece of venison in her mouth, and tilted her head.

"I thought I could have dinner with you when we got to the city."

"The thing I miss most about the city is coffee." Lin An glanced at the dusty coffee machine. "It's a pity that there is only a machine here and no beans. Forget it, I'll just keep an eye on you."

"Coffee..." Mezuo frowned slightly, blinking his big dark eyes, thoughtfully.


That night, the first rain of the rainy season came with thunder.

Rain swept across Mbambuka all night long, and misty water vapor rolled along the dark night.

When Lin An got up, he accidentally found a small red frog with huge webbed feet lying in the window, looking like a cartoon.


When he opened the window, the red frog jumped onto the wall in fright. Lin An stretched out his hand to feel the sparse raindrops, picked up a waterproof hat, and climbed down from the fifth floor window.

No one noticed his departure, and Lin An came to the foot of the mountain like a gust of wind.

A full five hours of torrential rain exposed the world, soaking it all and leaving puddles everywhere.

Lin An changed into clothes similar to those of the locals, carried an umbrella with several broken bones, and sneaked into Mbambuka in the early morning.

As we progressed, the muddy clearing transitioned to a long grassy slope, and then to a wide, well-trodden dirt road, lined with countless avocado trees, palm trees, and towering bushes of wild sugar cane, dotted with dense House of.

The structures of the houses are simple, but various bright and colorful "decorations" such as towels, buckets, plastic stools, etc. make them look full of life.

The first thing that reached Lin An's ears was the chatter of voices. A group of old people who got up early gathered in an open space not far away.

This is a place similar to a city square, built around a big tree. Old men and women hide under the shade of the tree, chatting and flexing their gums.

They wore clothes that were the same color as their skin. They had been washed and washed and worn again and again, but there were still many stains that could not be washed away. From a distance, it looked like they were not wearing anything, just a hazy patch of snow-white hair. Hazy shadow.

As old and poor as the city itself is.

"I heard that the big hotel on the top of the mountain has changed its staff."

"Anyway, he is a powerful person in Kinshasa. I don't know when he changed the urban graffiti."

"No, no, no, I saw blood this time! I heard from my aunt's cousin's nephew's wife that they were a group of tribesmen from the rain forest... They called themselves [World Tree], and their leader was called [World Tree]. Forest ranger]..."

The people chatting were talking about the latest news, but little did they know that the center of their discussion was not far away.

Lin An looked away. A tailor had set up a pedal sewing machine under a tree. Several women were chatting with him to see if they could negotiate the price of the order.

On the other side, a hairdresser is soliciting customers. In addition to cutting people's hair, she is also in the palm oil business. A little boy, who may be her son, is using a homemade juicer to squeeze out the oil from red oil palm fruits. Then pour it into a plastic bottle.

"Auntie, do you know how to get to the Herbal Medicine Bureau?"

The barber glanced up at him and pointed to an alley.


Turning left from the square into the alley, Lin An almost ran into several barefoot children. They were like piglets running out of the Ark, screaming and chasing each other.

Seeing Lin An, the children were stunned for a moment, then followed him on tiptoe, their eyes widening.

Glancing at these children, there was no fear in their eyes, only curiosity.

It seems that I have been tanned enough by the sun. Lin An twitched his lips. When the children at Mazouz Market saw me, they thought I was from Flanders.

The children were whispering, and suddenly a bold one took a few steps forward, shouted "cadeau! (Gift)" and then gave Lin An a pink sugarcane stalk, giggling and running away.

So Lin An's road has a touch of sweetness.

"How can I get to 'Pharmacie de Mbanbuka'?" he asked a few fashionably dressed teenagers in the alley.

"Mbambuka's pharmacy? I'll take you there!"

This group of idle teenagers were rummaging through the uncollected garbage, and some were sitting in the stairwell smoking. When they heard Lin An's words, they jumped three feet high and volunteered to lead the way.

About twenty minutes later, Lin An stood in a relatively wide green area.

There is a herd of elephants grazing in the clearing.

They are woodland elephants. Unlike other large relatives that trample the grass, woodland elephants are smaller and have more delicate features. They are stroking the leaf-covered mud with their rose-pink trunks and stuffing them into their soft mouths. .

Behind the elephant, a neo-Romanesque building with a red roof and white walls rises from the ground.

Lin An threw away the bagasse and said, "Zay, is this where it is?"

“Who are you talking to?” The teenagers looked around in confusion, “There is no one named ‘Zai’ here.”

"Because he's a ghost."

"It turns out that you have been possessed by the devil." The teenagers suddenly realized it and came up with ideas. "No wonder you want to go to the drugstore! The evil eye is very scary! You have to be careful not to be stared at by it."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and make an amulet!"

"Do you have that much money?"

The chattering teenagers suddenly stopped talking and looked at a certain place. It turned out that someone had climbed up a palm tree in the distance.

High in the tree, the pale pink sunlight fell on the trunk and his thin limbs, and palm leaves dangled around his head like ostrich feathers.

"Is he harvesting oil palm fruits?" Lin An felt that he knew Nanzhou very well and put forward a reasonable hypothesis.

"Shh, don't disturb me." The teenagers shook their heads repeatedly.

At this time, the man took out a large pile of honeycomb dripping with honey with his bare hands. The bees were still buzzing and flying, but he was indifferent. He took a deep breath from the smoking leaves beside his mouth, and blew out a breath to smoke them. Flying all over the sky.

"Wow, everyone who sees it has a share!"

The teenagers left Lin An behind and gathered around him, their hearts filled with honey and eager to taste its sweetness.

"Don't worry, I'll cut it off and share it with you later."

The wrinkles at the corners of the man's eyes spread like chrysanthemums, but when he saw Lin An standing with his hands behind his back, his smile disappeared instantly, as if he suddenly changed into a different person.

"I haven't seen a tourist in a long time," he said warily.

"Can't tourists come to Mbambuka's pharmacy to get medicine?" Lin An said casually.

In the shorting mode, he saw that this person was clearly a mysterious person. His prototype was not yet known, but judging from the fluctuation of the light spots, the herbalist's rating was not high.

"So, what disease do you have?" the man asked with narrowed eyes.

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