World Occult User Guide

Chapter 302 The Horn of Declaration of War

"Uh huh?!"

The "Chief" woke up from the bizarre dream. He put the back of his hand on the Lord's forehead, which was already dripping with sweat.

He held out a hand and intertwined their fingers.

The complete touch came, making Tshisekedi let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this is not the time fragment of the 'God of Truth'." He murmured to himself, "The 'Prophet' is still resisting. He is really a stubborn and unconvinced guy."

He carefully recalled the content of the "dream". Unfortunately, he could only remember some fragmented fragments and could not completely recall the entire context.

“My ‘Lamp Goddess’ power has been reduced.” Tshisekedi snorted from his nose. “Bantu has been too peaceful recently, and the people want to help each other and love each other. This is not acceptable...”

Putting on a military coat, the president walked out of the bedroom, where several of his cronies were waiting outside the door.

"It's time to create some common hatred for my people. Once they are free, they like to point their fingers at my regime." He waved his hand, "Send out the prepared press release, saying 'outsiders' 'We are violating Bantu sovereignty again."

"Okay, Mr. President."

"Beep Beep Beep——"

The president wanted to say something, but suddenly there was a strange noise behind him. He turned around quickly, closed the door and locked it in one go, leaving several close associates a little confused.

A bright ball of light floated on the bedside table in the bedroom. The light squirmed and condensed into a mechanical appearance.

It is a square "screening room" with electronic screens on three sides and only a concrete face on one side. The fat curly-haired boy showed a rebellious smile unique to teenagers.

"Good evening, my friends from the Nakal Brotherhood!" he said with a smile, "Happy Halloween! Candy or trick-or-treating?"

"You have to come to Bantu before I can treat you to Burger King, dear Mr. Metalonte." The president rubbed his hands, "You know, I can't leave my 'turf'."

"I understand, but I'm not here just for a living. No, someone is looking for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a smiling face appeared on the screen of snowflakes. As soon as he saw Tshisekedi, he spoke straight to the point.

"Mr. President, I would like to seek an explanation for the death of an employee of the Kinshasa office."


"The entry "Master of Hidden Knowledge II: The Great Red Dragon" has been included. You have obtained the media 'War Emperor' x3, 'Knowledge Seeker' x2, 'Farming God' x2, and 'Lord of the Earth' x1."

Lin An opened his eyes, and the scene returned to the familiar Lambridge Hotel. There was a heavy downpour, and a red frog took shelter on the window.

Listening to the system's calm beep, Lin An sank his consciousness into God's one eye.

Well, the Prophet had no reaction.

Pulling up the green data, he scanned the new entries.

[Name]: Big Red Dragon

[Rating]: Legend D level

[Radiation value]: 22.3%

[Pollution level]: 18.1%

[Media]: War Emperor

Guessed it.

The female white-collar worker is indeed one of the three legendary members of Kinshasa mentioned by Kevin, and the mysterious prototype comes from the modern copy of the "Grand Grimoire" - the magic book "The Big Red Dragon".

The "Grand Grimoire" consists of two volumes. The first volume was lost in the printed version. It involves signing contracts with various hell demons and giving orders to them with spells and techniques, but the second volume is preserved.

Popular versions call them "The Holy Sanctuary" and "Secrets of Magical Art" respectively. The former records the production and use of ritual props, and the latter writes some "little tricks" such as transformation, eavesdropping, and counter-stealing.

Previously, Lin An had included two mythical entries of the Countess, namely [Hand of Lucifer Girovkar] and [Repeat Nebiros's words], but because it involved demon summoning, there was no contract triangle formation. , he didn’t dare to use it rashly.

So this time I made a decisive move and included the entry for "The Big Red Dragon".

Apart from the eavesdropping spell that conflicts with [God's One Eye], the second item in "The Big Red Dragon" is clearly the "Making of Mortil's Stone".

The Ematille stone, also known as the chicken blood gemstone, is a semi-precious stone with magical or healing properties that often appears in wizards and witches' rituals.

It is an empowering stone that is said to grant the user's wishes.

The ancient Egyptians and Greeks believed that bloodstone fell from the sky and had the effect of protecting health, exorcising night demons or Lamian vampires, and treating internal diseases.

After being spread to Western Europe, especially the Mediterranean region, bloodstone was considered to have the effect of preventing the evil eye. It could prevent evil spirits from invading the spirit and soul of the possessed person.

In ritual magic, it is believed to have magical powers that can ward off unruly evil spirits.

Without hesitation, Lin An immediately used the entry.

The energy turned into a green jasper with red spots, slowly shaped into shape, and the Mortil Stone appeared.

When Lin An held it, he could feel that the stone was composed of pure "Comes" energy, and the cold surface was engraved with an inverted cross pattern.

This is the bloodstone used in "The Great Grimoire".

Next, he just needs to find two contract candles, which is not difficult for Lin An.

The prophet's time fragment was already a month ago in the real timeline. The Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce had just received news of the fall of Mbambuka and had not had time to mobilize the powerful mystic to the Kinshasa office.

Now the office is completely unprepared and is left to Lin An's disposal.

Next time you go to Kinshasa, go to the Chamber of Commerce office to collect some money, and then go to the President.

Thinking of Tshisekedi, Lin An's eyes darkened, and he picked up the paper and pen on the table to record the information about this time loop.

First of all, the president's medium is not the "Emperor of War" or the "Presiding Judge", but most likely the "Lord of Dreams" or the "Mother of Desire".

His mysterious technique is related to influencing, amplifying, and modifying emotions. It covers a wide range and affects many targets. Once affected by energy, those people will regard his target as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, but Tshisekedi himself will Hidden behind.

Is it necessary to kill all the ordinary people who are used by him before the president will reveal himself again?

Lin Anke couldn't do such a thing. Firstly, he didn't like to attack ordinary people. Secondly, by killing so many people, the degree of pollution in the mysterious encyclopedia would be off the charts.

Secondly, Tshisekedi is different from the prophet. The "thing" that spoke to Lin An was like a lifeless doll, and it didn't even have a soul that could be locked.

But according to the source of the mysterious emanation, the president Lin An met was indeed his true self.

The final doubt is the so-called president's wife. She can influence the villain in the bottle, and she is suspected to be at the source level.

Not only that, even people from the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce came to discuss with her, but ignored Tshisekedi.

Recalling all the doubts, Lin An turned on the computer and looked up the information on the president's wife.

As the mother of a country, the omnipotent network will always leave her traces.

The results of the search are shocking. The Internet said that Tshisekedi was 41 years old when he succeeded as president. He had married seven wives and gave birth to more than 20 children. From 2030 to 2036, he often took concubines and gave birth to children.

Even if the [Heidu] helps suppress him, international public opinion often criticizes his corruption and philandering.

Until July 2036, Tshisekedi suddenly announced that he had converted to the Savior and respected the teachings of monogamy. From then on, he divorced all his wives and married a new one, who is now the president's wife.

It happened to be the year when the orbits of "Kemmers" began to overlap...

The resume of the president's wife is even more miraculous. There are various rumors on the Internet. The mainstream says that she is a girl that the president met in a local church. She redeemed the confused president with her kind words and made him "return to evil". fall in love.

The girl is an orphan. She was adopted by the church and raised as a child. She has no parents or origin.

A more evil theory is that the president's wife is an "ancestral spirit" summoned by Tshisekedi through some kind of magic. He imprisoned her for his own use.

No matter which statement is correct, the president's wife rarely attends various Bantu activities, and most of the work of accompanying the president is done by the eldest daughters and sons of Tshisekedi's ex-wives.

The photos of the president's wife that Lin An found were all high-blurred mosaics, and he could only tell that she was a woman with long flowing hair, a restrained temperament, and a slightly cold look.

When she and the president stand together, they look like a pair of antonyms.

After sorting out the information, Lin An supported his head with his hands, and a bold hypothesis emerged in his heart.

As the "grapevine" claims, the president's wife may really be just some mysterious incarnation of the president, or even one of his mysterious items.

Therefore, the source-level fluctuations she emits may only originate from the president himself.

After all, the source level is not a cabbage that can be seen everywhere.

In any case, just go to Kinshasa and verify it. Lin An secretly said that the only thing to pay attention to is the "Goddess with the Lamp".

Although the scene of being chased by half of Kinshasa was terrifying, for Lin An, it would not actually cause any real harm, so just ignore it.

The point is that these hatreds seem to inspire a certain "goddess with the lamp" vocabulary that Tshisekedi has mastered.


Lin An pressed the save button of the document and fell into deep thought.

In the first confrontation, Tshisekedi and I did not use our full strength and used simple mystical techniques to test each other. All the real trump cards were in our hands.

Since Tshisekedi was not invited by the Prophet, he had no memory of what happened in the time loop, so I was able to provoke him over and over again to get information until I formulated a perfect plan to get him to hand over his finger.

I can fail countless times, he can only fail once.

As for the deal the president mentioned... Lin An didn't trust a young man with a history of betrayal.

During the four days of waiting for David, he wandered around Mbambuka as always. [The One Eye of God] revealed the approaching footsteps of a prophet. He did not disturb Lin An, watched from a distance for a moment, and then returned to the real timeline.

The measured value is still rising steadily, but because the deviation value has exceeded 90%, the degree of integration is difficult to increase.

If it could be considered as "hanging up to collect measured values" in the past, now staying in the loop time would basically only do harm to Lin An, but no benefit.

Finally on the fourth day of seven days, Lin An left the hotel early.

The river in Kuba flows fiercely, David's private steamer makes a dull "woo" sound, blending into the hustle and bustle of the morning, and a huge shadow slowly approaches the bank of Mbambuka.

Not long after, David, neatly dressed and shaking his head, walked to the restaurant. He was about to start a debate about property with the owner.

Lin An leaned against the shadow of a half-broken wall, waiting for the opportunity to speak.

Suddenly, the system suddenly prompted.

"You received a message from Ranger_10. Do you want to check the user's situation immediately?"

After Lin An thought of agreeing, a line of text appeared.

"Lin, we have been declared war by Kinshasa!"

"Is this the news this morning?" Lin An looked serious.

"Yes, although it should be at least three or four days before those people attack from the capital, but since learning the news, those warlords, gangs and people who originally supported us suddenly refused to cooperate with Yggdrasil. Even the city hall has become uncharacteristically tough. stand up."

"Are they saying something like 'you don't belong to the Bantu, you are a group of invaders'?"

"Yes, the president declared that we are traitors and should be deported..." Mezo reported uneasily, "The shape-shifting wizard pretending to be you asked us to appease the people, soothe their anger, and defend ourselves, but I only care about you. idea.”

"Save your energy and bide your time." Lin An ordered. "This abnormal mood probably comes from Tshisekedi's mysterious skills. No matter what I do, I can't satisfy those people."

“Are we going to be enemies with the whole of Mbambuka?”

“After hearing the president’s announcement, did the entire Mbambuka start to oppose [World Tree]?”

"Not necessarily. At least the tribesmen who came with us were not affected." Mezzo pondered.

“What are the specific characteristics of people who resist?”

Mezo paused for a while and replied: "If we have to say something in common, it is probably that they love the country of Bantu? Because many of them have been our loyal supporters, because they feel that we are the hope of Bantu."


Lin An thoughtfully said, "I understand. What else did the shape-shifting wizard say?"

"He made us ready to fight President Tshisekedi to the end, no matter the sacrifice."

Lin An's heart was stabbed, half angry, half incomprehensible emotions.

First he stole my [World Tree] management system, then replaced my [Forester] letter name, and now the prophet actually ordered my companions to die for his ideals and responsibilities?

If they really died in the family war, wouldn't it be a repeat of what happened on April 1st...

Lin An narrowed his eyes.

Prophet, you have crossed a line.

After comforting Mezzo with a few words, Lin An touched the corners of his tense mouth, and then pretended to be indifferent as he passed by the restaurant. David was arguing unconvincingly with the boss about the use of "money."

After resolving the dispute, Lin An took advantage of the situation and offered to be David's ship, and the latter readily agreed.

"Brother, what are you doing in Kinshasa?" the young man from the Kiwi Bird Country asked curiously.

Different from last time, Lin An twitched the corners of his lips and said lightly: "Just let the [Four Living Gods] become the [Four Dead Ghosts]." (End of Chapter)

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