World Occult User Guide

Chapter 306 The second finger

Lin An opened his eyes and looked around at the scene repeated for the seventh time.


The frog croaked, its slimy flippers clinging to the window.

"Lucifer Girovkar?" He said tentatively, but there was no response. The greedy demon was returned to an unused state along with the time fragments.

But in his mind, a ball of light that is almost the same as the finger inherited from the "Prophet" floats, energy flows, and all-encompassing knowledge diverges. It is subtly different from the former.

After a brief study, Lin An discovered that the knowledge contained in it was closely related to spells, medicines, and soul witchcraft. It was basically certain that it belonged to the finger of a "witcher".

Lucifer didn't show up, so Lin An didn't have to share the treasure with him.

It seems that the mysticism of the "God of Truth" can free some paid entries. He thought that others would not get any results from it, but it would be suitable for me to take advantage of it from time to time.

However, Lin An only needs the part of this finger that activates the "Hand of Fatima". Even if the rest is not given to the devil as reward, he will find an opportunity to destroy it.

According to the reaction of the prophet last time, the laws contained in the fingers are related to the knowledge and power Tshisekedi possesses.

Losing the "Wizard" finger will drastically reduce his combat power.

Lin An stretched and sat at the computer desk, preparing to write down the schedule for the week.

This is a part of maintaining rationality and planning over time.

While waiting for the computer to boot up, Lin An recalled every detail of the second battle with Tshisekedi.

He witnessed this person's "real body", an olive tree with a hanging head, blocking the sky and the sun, which made him couldn't help but think of a mysterious prototype.

Makanga Mahungu, like the python Mumumma Mbatilanda, is a source of the next level of the creation god. It is said that his image is both male and female.

Makanga looks like a palm tree with two heads, a woman with long hair on one side and a bearded man on the other, and marriage is the bridge that reunites them both.

Separately, the two have their own characteristics and methods, but together they are a perfect existence.

Like Mbatilanda, Makanga also manages the concept of duality.

But before seeing the panel printed by the system with his own eyes, Lin An was not sure whether his guess was correct, so he had to suspend this idea for the time being.

After reviewing the information he got last time, Lin An clicked on the keyboard and wrote down this week's schedule.

1. Obtain the original energy from the fingers of the "wizard" and perfect the hand of Fatima.

Second, if this finger represents smell, touch, and taste, wait for David's ship, go to Kinshasa again, and find the second finger in the same way; if this finger represents vision...


Just as Lin An was typing this line, the system's beep interrupted his thoughts.

"You received a message from Ranger_10. Do you want to check the user's situation immediately?"

It's Mezo.

"Good morning, it's rare for you to wake up so early." Lin An wrote a reply.

Although the dates of the time fragments are repeated, the hours, minutes and seconds echo each other. It is early morning here, and it is also early morning over there in Mezo.

"Lin, I have good news and bad news."

Mezuo, who loves to sleep, replied clearly that Lin An has not been around recently, and her brother and sister have been tricked by disguised shape-shifting wizards. The girl has to learn to be strong and patient.

She has grown too. Lin An asked while thinking.

"What's the good news?"

"I want to start with the bad news."

Well, Mezzo is still himself as always.

"Nearly two weeks have passed since Kinshasa declared war on us. They are crossing the rainforest closest to Mbambuka and will meet us soon. Misulu sent outposts, and this time the president sent about 2 Thousands of people.”

"Not only that, the local resistance is getting more and more intense. As you reminded us, no matter how hard we try, we can't change the people's minds. They are stubborn and refuse to cooperate in everything. They even blew up our cars privately."

"The most frightening thing is that the president just broadcast to the whole country through Bantu Central Radio, launching a national-scale crusade against us..."

In just over a month, the situation outside has become so serious.

In fact, Mezo's problem can be solved in a simple and crude way, which is to rush into Kinshasa, assassinate Tshisekedi, and remove the large-scale emotional brainwashing technique.

Otherwise, regardless of winning or losing, [World Tree] will become Bantu’s enemy.

Lin An wanted to say, just hold on, I'll find an opportunity to kill Tshisekedi, but the words were stuck in his throat and he suddenly couldn't say them out.

In the past, Lin An would not take the initiative to provoke a war, but he also did not care about the tragic consequences of the war on the city or the people. For him, studying mysticism and pursuing "Comes" came first.

As soon as this indifferent thought flashed across his mind, everyone in the Ranger system flashed into Lin An's mind, causing his calm mood to be suddenly disturbed.

What if this war would take away his companions?

What happened in Detli must not be allowed to happen again.

It seems I have to find another way.

After saying a few words to appease Mezuo, Lin An tried his best to continue in a relaxed tone.

"So, what's the good news?"

“Because the shape-shifting wizard has been urging us recently to prepare for a bloody battle and fight to the end, Misuru and my sister have become suspicious.” Mezo said, “They told me that they will contact you through the World Tree in the near future. "


What Lin An didn't know was that a meeting of the [New Seven Sins Demon Lord] also happened, and because of his action, a series of chain reactions occurred.

Tshisekedi is not as "lucky" as the time fragments.

The head of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, Jacob van Hoofwegen, questioned him about the death of his own employee, but the president hesitated and could not answer.

It was enough that only one person died. Jacob asked Tshisekedi to protect his office and prevent any more casualties among his employees. The president agreed wholeheartedly.

Unexpectedly, a week later, even though Tshisekedi had set up a protective shield in the office, the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce still suffered heavy casualties, killing two legendaries and one disaster class at once.

For the family, this loss would not be traumatic, but Jacob determined that Tshisekedi had not abided by the spirit of the contract in the [Black Capital], and might even cooperate with the enemy inside and outside, destroying his Bantu country. The layout can be punished.

Therefore, the leader of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce proposed that "the leopard president's loyalty is questionable", and Metalonte approved his application and called an expulsion vote.

After the two spoke, the vote to agree to the investigation and temporarily leave Tshisekedi was three to two, making him look ashen.

This means that before the investigation is completed, he will not be able to enjoy the privileges and advantages from [Black City]. Not only that, his previous contributions will also be completely wiped out.

For Tshisekedi, at least three years have been in vain.

"Snake waist, mop head, bounty hunter, we are clearly from the same continent, why are you following Alfonso III against me!" the president asked angrily.

"Don't be so excited. We only need to re-evaluate your ability, status and loyalty for assessment." Metaronte tried to smooth things over, "Don't worry, [Black City] will give you a clean slate."

The president opened his mouth. Just as he was about to switch his character traits and say something special, some familiar memory fragments came to him.

"This... happened..." His pupils narrowed, "Mr. Metalonte, I may know who the murderer is!"


"The 'prophet' of the [Four Living Gods]!" Tshisekedi said through gritted teeth, "This guy used the time fragments of the 'God of Truth' to repeatedly simulate a perfect route, and then sent a killer to attack Kinshasa office!"

"The God of truth is a tricky medium indeed."

"Yes, the second thing that cannot be guarded against is 'space', and the first thing is 'time'."

Listening to Tshisekedi's strong defense, Jacob, "Alfonso III", his eyes darkened and he interrupted coldly.

"No matter what, the voting results cannot be changed. President Leopard, you have to take responsibility for your dereliction of duty before I see the murderer with my own eyes."

"Then can you be responsible for the unfinished project? After the investigation, you will find that the main reason for the death of the employees is that your men did not catch the 'prophet' and wasted time."

"I have reservations."

Alfonso III picked up the caramel biscuits and stirred them in the coffee. No matter how much the president retorted, he stopped talking to him.

"Mr. Metalonte..."

The president looked at the front screen as if asking for help. When the young man in fashionable clothes saw this, he held his cheek and sighed.

"The rules of the 'Round Table Conference' in [Heidu] are the rules."

The sound and the broken memory overlapped, and a flash of inspiration occurred. The president remembered a few small things in the dream, and combined with the current scene, he suddenly understood the whole story.

"Whether these people are dead or not, you will hold a meeting! Mr. Metalonte, you want to expel me from the seat of the [New Lord of the Seven Sins], right?"

"No, no, no, I never target my brothers and sisters for personal grudges."


"The stars told me that your upper limit stops here." Jacob said sadly, "You can never get back the last finger, so your potential will always be incomplete."

"Impossible!" Tshisekedi said angrily, "You are talking nonsense!"

"Forget it, forget it, it's good to save your life. Taking a step back, isn't it right that the Burger King downstairs in my house won't be open during the New Year?"

Metaronte shook his two generous hands, and the unfolded luminous screen formed a perfect cube, and the light gradually dissipated.

"President Leopard Print, just wait patiently for the investigators from [Black City]."

The presidential palace fell into darkness, and Tshisekedi kept his mouth wide open. The words were stuck in his throat, but he could not speak out.

A violent, epileptic-like convulsion flashed through his muscles, starting from the corners of his eyes and slowly spreading all the way down, until he could no longer maintain any grace. He did not shy away from the surveillance camera footage and hit the ground with his head, kicking and insulting him crazily. .


Rolling around like a three-year-old child, Tshisekedi spouted a lot of insults and swear words, which scared the people in the control room to stand up and just about to rush out of the door, invisible energy fell from the sky, and his A pain in the abdomen and death.

Tshisekedi did not want others to record his ugly appearance.

The reason why he couldn't hold back his frenzied attitude was because just at that moment, he sensed that someone had taken away the "Wizard's" finger.


It must have been him!

It turns out that he killed the employees of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce and forced me to commit self-evidence, just to attack Dong and take advantage of the chaos to destroy my path to becoming a god!

And my privilege as a high-ranking official in [Black City]!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I was actually plotted!

I actually let my stupid and boring paranoia get the better of me!

I actually——

The thoughts of annoyance and fear came to an abrupt end. Tshisekedi jumped up from the carpet, sat back in his chair, confidently and enthusiastically clasped his hands and showed an infectious smile to the empty office.

"I actually forgot to praise him - it was such a watertight and resolute plan. As the impartial 'God of Truth', it must be uncomfortable to interfere with the development of so much time at once."

Picking up the phone skillfully, Tshisekedi gave orders to his cronies and subordinates in a calm and kind manner. His tone was refreshing, and anyone would think that the president was in a good mood at the moment.

However, his orders became more firm and cruel than the last. Many people's scalps went numb and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

The president is serious this time. They thought in unison.


Tshisekedi put down the phone, turned his computer chair, and took in the entire Kinshasa as if through the clean window behind him.

"You are still obsessed with the past of the [Four Living Gods], 'Prophet', and hope to reach out and pull up every Bantu people who have fallen into the abyss... This is good, but stepping on their bones can not only get out of the abyss, but also Let me walk step by step towards the eternal sky."

Under the moonlight, the door of the female family's room filled with flowers was opened wide, and a graceful and flexible figure got out without disturbing a mosquito, and disappeared into the night in a short time.

"A tribe cannot have two chiefs, a country cannot accept two leaders, and a game cannot have two winners." Tshisekedi compiled his speech, "You should go meet other old friends ”

The next day, the telegram resounded throughout Kinshasa and quickly spread to surrounding towns.

Almost all Bantu people know that the president officially announced: The [World Tree] organization is a traitor to the Bantu, and the [Forest Ranger] is the leader of the rebels.

The president listed the other party's crimes in detail, asked local governments and warlords to support his actions and join the central army that arrived on the battlefield in less than a week. He also called on the residents of Mbambuka to unite to resist the foreign invaders.

Most people don't understand the grudges between the president and the [Forester], they only know a little bit.

The war started again in the Bantu. (End of chapter)

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