World Occult User Guide

Chapter 309 The person following behind

Just as Lin An was about to take action, he suddenly heard a notification sound from the system, his eyes darkened, and he turned to speak.

"The so-called content may be related to these wounds."

"Forest ranger, I cannot fail at this juncture, so I beg for your understanding." The prophet rolled a few times, and most of the wound disappeared. The blood smeared in the clear water, giving off bursts of herbal aroma.

"I don't understand."

"If I die, I will drag you along with me and be trapped in the fragments of time forever, repeating endlessly until the orbit of 'Comoth' leaves Titan."

The next moment, Lin An's feet were in the air, the smooth and hard ground turned into real water, and he suddenly sank to the bottom.

Darkness surrounded him, and he could walk normally without the suffocation of the water.

It was like being in a dark sewer, with light filtering through, like a dirty bus window, and Lin An could still see the scene above through it.

The silence lasted for a second, and then a sudden change occurred.

The spiral pattern of the python's scales formed an inward-collapsed rhombus. First there was a bright white light, and then a green off-road vehicle rushed in.


Forms and sounds flew past, a woman emerged from the python's belly, and the space became increasingly distorted.

"See you again, old friend!"

She laughed heartily, her mouth full of fresh blood and minced meat, as if she had just finished a cannibal ritual.

"It turns out that the Bantu people don't buy your rule!"

"They are just not used to fairness and justice, and are not used to abundance and food and clothing." The python rolled up its body to hide its torn wounds. "What is a god who only makes demands? There is nothing but a tyrant with a different name."

"That's why I never claim to be a living god, but Bantu President Tshisekedi Kumasi! Don't block my path to godhood and immortality!"

The woman sneered, and the phantom of a palm tree appeared in her eyes. The dry leaves were burning on the surface, and the fan-shaped roots were like giant beasts.

Her body was armor, standing tall and motionless, shining all over, facing the place of battle.

The python buried its head into its body and raised its tail, like a siege crossbow, floating on the water that was divided into two.

"Wisdom makes people think, virtue makes people examine themselves, and your freedom is a game for the unsaved and the unsavable."

The crisp cracking sound tore through the sky, and the poisonous thoughts dragged a spreading shining tail, like a comet coming, shining and moving forward rapidly.


The music of animal skin drums and banjos sounded. The woman leaned back, turned her head towards her left shoulder, made a strange movement, and avoided the prophet's arrow. Then she stretched out her left hand toward him, and her front leg moved toward him. Lean back until you are standing on your hind legs.

"What nonsense! Today I will completely destroy this antique of yours! Let the [Four Living Gods] become a useless unofficial legend!"

Sonorous heavy metal music played suddenly, full of modern extravagance and emptiness. A pile of brand-name watches and handbags seemed to have fallen from the sky, disrupting the ancient and long music.

When the two collide, there is no distinction between Zhong Bo.

There was a mist on the empty water surface, the sky was sparse and indifferent, the stars were dancing on one side, and their reflections made the ripples in the pool water begin to spread outward.

The discordant metal music was intercepted by the soft and calm water vapor, turned into two dimensions, and sank to the bottom of the water with a crackling sound.

The woman turned three somersaults, and her clothes disappeared in the smoke and flames. There were only patterns covered by palm trees all over her body, and only the phantom in the yellow light spots and green jade-like eyes became clearer.

Their battle took place in a flash of lightning that was difficult to capture with the naked eye, only the wisps of breeze passing by.

【Name】: Makanga Mahongu

[Rating]: Source C grade

[Radiation value]: 28.5%

[Pollution level]: 41.1%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

The woman turned out to be Bantu President Tshisekedi.

This is his female body, the opposite of confident and calm, full of irritability, mania and negative emotions.

Her fighting style is also completely different from Tshisekedi's, which can be regarded as fierce and straightforward.

The medium is just as Lin An guessed, it is the most versatile, the most egoistic, and the most independent medium - the Lord of Dreams.

While observing the battle between the two, he used clues to figure out the ins and outs.

In short, the prophet's somewhat inconsistent words were a sign of weakness, because Tshisekedi left Kinshasha directly and traveled thousands of miles to assassinate him as if he were riding alone.

The prophet did not know what Tshisekedi's female body looked like and was caught off guard and suffered some injuries.

The shape-shifting wizard possessed by the prophet is likely to die on the spot, so it is in a purely "in the air" mental state and cannot interfere in any way with the world of the living.

In order to fight back, it had to pull her into the circle intersection before it could hurt her.

But Lin An is also among them. As a source-level mystic, although he has not found a breakthrough for the "God of Truth", he is more than enough to fish in troubled waters when the two fight.

Therefore, the prophet warned him in advance that both would prosper and the other would suffer, and asked him not to interfere with it.

During the observation, Lin An discovered that Tshisekedi's female body looked fierce and fierce, and attacked constantly, but in fact she was no match for the prophet, and she was already at a disadvantage in less than a minute.

She only has half the power of the Chief.

Since the battle was bound to be lost, why did Tshisekedi send a woman to die?

Wait, "send death"...

At this moment, the woman coldly wiped her cheeks covered with palm tree patterns.

"Want to kill me? Come on! Stop being timid, restrained, hesitant, and cut my throat with your real blade!"

The python swallowed the scarlet core, looked down at Lin An at the bottom of the water meaningfully, then plunged its head into its coiled body and sank into the energy place with him.

Its adult-sized eyes were like bright lights in the dark night, illuminating Lin An. The light made his whole body hurt unbearably and his soul became restless.

Lin An immediately used the [Unaffected Ship], applied the cold pain-relieving ointment on the hot skin, and scanned the situation with [God's One Eye].

The supposedly dark underwater world is full of light, with creatures jumping joyfully. The turbid river water is lonely, and the bright moon hangs high, as if it has been reborn.

The boa constrictor was swimming in the viscous water, and its forehead touched a lantern. The wonderful light like the moon filled the underwater world, as if it had been blessed by light, and the scales of the prophet's body shone brightly.

Magnificent, strange, and extraordinary.

From the center of the brow touching the wick, the python's spiral pattern reverses direction, changing all the way from the skull to the tail. At the same time, its body shrinks endlessly, and its huge scales keep falling down like a snake shedding.

Lin An picked up a few of them and raised his head. The snake's body, which once covered the sky and had no end in sight, was only three or four meters long. It was no different from a normal rainforest python. Its fresh and clear breath carried a blazing temperature. .

The soul can expand infinitely, but the boundaries of the body are difficult to increase.

The finger inherited by the prophet and the chief represents the completely opposite world of life and death. If it remains "in the air", it will not be able to cross the barrier of the Karenga Line and kill the invading woman.

So it had to return to the earthly world, the spiral pattern was completely reversed, the illusory snake skin took on a physical form, and the cold heart gradually began to beat.

Lin An narrowed his eyes, and the beep from the system told him that the prophet was locked by the entry.

Before he could take action, the python burst out of the water as if aware of it.


"Pay the price for your wanton behavior in Kinshasa!"

Oh haha.

The thunder I laid can be considered an explosion. Lin An thought jokingly.

Not surprisingly, the chief blamed the prophet for the death of the members of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce and the loss of the wizard's finger.

The woman's feet swept the water, holding two sharp-edged palm leaves with both hands, and slashed towards the python's soft belly.


The normal-sized python was still agile and nimbly dodged the attack. It bit the woman on the wrist, causing her to grunt, turn somersaults backwards and run away in embarrassment.

The two faced each other, and there was a moment of dead silence.

Lin An saw from the confrontation that it was the prophet's victory. The strange thing was that the woman allowed the blood to spurt out from the aorta, her face was radiant, as delicate as a blooming flower.

Her hair changed from poisonous green back to soft jet black, and the palm leaves on her face faded, revealing a healthy glow.

"This is the skill of the 'witch'." The prophet croaked.

"It has been improved by my new colleagues." Tshisekedi chuckled. "If she was still conscious, she would be so angry that she would go crazy! She really deserves it. You shady bastards should rot in the mud of death." !”

"Shut up, Chief! You're talking to someone who controls your destiny."

"And you're talking to someone who controls your future!"

Tshisekedi shouted a series of strange buzzing sounds from his throat, as if he was enacting a law, or reciting a song or a spell, and he kept talking.

[God's One Eye] The rose petals opened and closed, and Lin An listened with interest through the middle finger raised by Fatima's hand, but what reached her ears were only some meaningless gossip.

It seems that speaking is an auxiliary, and the most important thing is the exchange between the two through blood.

The powder glows on the woman's fingertips, the calm water rises, the waves ripple in the calm water, it rises to the surface, separates, and breaks into heaps on the sides.

At the same time, the python's arms tore apart its body with wonderful movements. Its sternum opened up and became a complete palm. Each cyan finger was filled with dark flames, projecting a gloomy light.

His fingers wrapped around Tshisekedi's neck and slowly tightened.

The woman's face turned blue and she looked like she was about to suffocate, but her eyes suddenly changed from rage to indifference, not caring about the threat of death.

"Prophet, you failed." She said, using Lin An's familiar masculine accent. "Your passivity, forbearance and indecisiveness are destined to fail me."

"And if you are selfish, arrogant and have low self-esteem, you will only dig your own grave in the end."

"I don't want to be a member of the [Four Living Gods] anymore. I don't want to work hard for Bantu anymore. This place is rotten and civilization is over! Why should the responsibilities of my ancestors become everything in my life? Just because I am The chief’s successor?”

"The ghosts of your ancestors protect you."

"You're cursing me!"

The python used force and broke Tshisekedi's neck with a "click". The body fell to the ground, still maintaining its infuriating smile.

An inconspicuous bulge suddenly appeared on the back of the python, like a small pimple, but it looked particularly abrupt among the neat spiral patterns.

It was the mysterious technique Tshisekedi used on Lin An last time.

Once you fall into the trap, as long as you use a high-rated item or manipulate your own energy, the bulge will be given nutrients to grow until it becomes the "other half" of the individual.

During this period, the individual will endure physical tearing and mental confusion.

Tshisekedi also had a price when he used it. At that time, he vomited blood and quickly fled the scene, releasing his men to pursue Lin An.

If he hadn't been in the time fragment, he probably would never have used this mysterious technique easily.

Rather than treating Lin Anshi lightly and taking him by surprise, she specifically allowed the prophet to return to her physical body and bite herself before reciting the incantation.

The process was a lot more complicated, but the sequelae seemed to be lessened.

The prophet said this was the way "witches" cast spells.

Nanzhou Voodoo...

Suppressing his thoughts, Lin An came to a conclusion.

Tshisekedi had no intention of letting the woman come back alive. After her assassination was successful, her aura and appearance were exposed, and there was no value in keeping it secret.

Secondly, she severely wounded the prophet with death, weakening the price borne by the ontology.

As the orbit of "Comuth" gets closer and closer, the battle between the mysterious people becomes more and more out of the ordinary.

After the fierce battle, the prophet collapsed on the spot, his eyes full of mist, looking around aimlessly, even weaker and more dejected than when his body was stained with blood.

Lin Anping put down the snake scales he collected, and the [Philosopher's Stone] metal was converted. They turned into a golden boat, blocking the viscosity of the bottom of the water, and the air flow pushed him straight up.


Water is the intersection of life and death, past and future in Bantu mythology. The moment Lin An rushed out, he felt refreshed.

The weak python raised its eyelids tiredly, wanting to repeat what it reminded Lin An.

If the God of Truth dies, you will be trapped in a fragment of time.

"System, use the "Encyclopedia of Magic, Volume 1" - [The Ritual of Ishtar in Nineveh]."

The prophet's pupils reflected the expressionless Lin An, and the ethereal and dark energy piled up into an ancient stone temple, covering it overwhelmingly.

But the corner of its mouth turned into a faint smile.

"I knew you would do this, ranger..."

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