World Occult User Guide

Chapter 317 The absurd ending


As soon as Lin An put down the phone, dozens of people broke into the door. They were members of the [Four Living Gods] who had taken refuge with the chief.

"Who are you? How is President Tshisekedi doing?"

Faced with the stern questioning, Lin An pointed to the palm tree that reached the ceiling.

"He has exceeded the limits of human lifespan."

In a sense, Lin An was right. Even if "Comes" no longer radiates from Titan, it is not a problem for Tshisekedi to live another hundred years.

The mysterious man's eyes moved from the palm trees to Lin An. There was no doubt that the expressionless young man in front of him was the culprit who killed their leader.

However, Tshisekedi's tragic end made them keep silent. Even if they had other plans in their hearts, they did not dare to say them in front of Lin An.

Let the source-level mystic die in just a few hours, one can imagine Lin An's strength.

Although he didn't know the existence of the "Mother of Desire", Lin An could indeed make them all become entries, although it would definitely take a lot of time to deal with one of them at the myth level.

The remnants of the [Four Living Gods] chose to lie dormant for the time being. What they never expected was that when they first united to plan a counterattack, they were shocked to find that they were stuffed into a piece of time.

The ranger was very patient and kept this group of people for more than a month before receiving them again. They lived a meaningless day over and over again, causing many people to go crazy and die.

The remaining people did not dare to resist, they all obeyed the arrangements and signed an employee agreement with [World Tree].

While working here, they reunited with their former companions after a long absence.

When the two met, they looked at each other without words, and eventually turned into tears.

They are leaderless and unable to turn the tide. Most of the remnants of the [Four Living Gods] feel that there is nothing wrong with the work of the [World Tree], and they are even more comfortable and stable than before, without the need to be frightened or displaced.

As for those stubborn old people, they can only chat with each other in private, reliving the glories of the [Four Living Gods] that have been beautified in their minds.

Except for the mysterious men under Tshisekedi, ordinary people in the presidential palace, from officials and generals to handymen, were all affected by Tshisekedi's brainwashing technique, and no one was spared.

Only one man hiding on the roof escaped unscathed.

Lin An found this person through the vent mode. He was holding a pillow and hiding in the corner of the utility room, shivering.

"Don't kill me! Long live the President! Long live the President!"

Hearing the footsteps, he screamed in panic until Lin An explained the whole story. The survivor put down the pillow in his hand and passed out with relief.

Lin An immediately woke him up. This survivor had a bunch of glowing medals pinned to his chest and was wearing a custom-made suit. He looked like he had an extraordinary status and should know something about it.

The survivor tremblingly took out half a piece of melted chocolate from his arms and sighed while eating it.

"My name is Fouquet, Bartissa Fouquet, and I am the Minister of Finance in the Presidential Palace."

From the conversation, Lin An learned that the survivor’s father was Flemish and his mother was Bantu. He grew up in the Kingdom of Flanders and had never identified with Bantu. Tshisekedi’s “territory "It had no effect on him.

When the president was performing "Kingdom", he stood at the highest point of the presidential palace, and the energy spread downwards. He did not expect that there was a person hidden on the ceiling, and Fouquet escaped.

"Then why do you want to work in Bantu?" Lin An helped him up and asked casually.

"Well, to make money." Fouquet, who was frightened to death, answered honestly, "The annual salary of the job I found in Flanders after graduation was not as good as my monthly salary here."

"Very good, then I'll rehire you."

"Thank you for your approval, sir. Is it also 100,000 Youle per month?"

"According to World Tree standards."

Fouquet had never heard of the standard of World Tree, and he thought he was extremely lucky. His old boss had just died and he had a new owner, so he was not purged. Unexpectedly, the truth made him want to cry.

World Tree's monthly salary is zero yuan, and only 50 ash leaves are given.

Of course, in order to survive in an environment where mystery is respected, the greedy Fouquet hugged Lin An's thigh tightly and worked conscientiously, fearing that one day he would be torn alive by his colleagues at work.

At this moment, he dusted himself off and introduced the country's economic situation to Lin An.

"How should I put it? It's not optimistic."

"How pessimistic?"

"The inflation rate is as high as 750%, only 5% of people in the country have found paid jobs, 70% of workers are paid as low as five dollars a month, and we have 120,000 soldiers and 600,000 civil servants to support. The most terrible thing What’s wrong is that the government is bankrupt.”


"By the way, sir, do you want to run for the next president?"

"This honor should be given to someone else."

Lin An briefly understood the situation and planned a route forward. He first dealt with the more than 10,000 people who were crazy in the square.

Without taking action personally, Lin An ordered the [Four Living Gods] to put them in cages at Tshisekedi's private zoo. The latter wanted to lower Lin An's wariness and agreed immediately.

The mystics spend a lot of effort to deal with the fanatical people, which is also the main reason why they lose control in the time fragment. It is equivalent to being locked up with more than 10,000 madmen, and repeating this day continuously, anyone will go crazy.

The president's private zoo, once a model zoo in South Asia, now has a pile of dirty and rusty cages. Unpaid keepers collect leftover food in high-end hotels and take care of the hungry and dying animals.

Two lions starved to death, so Lin An had people relocate the remaining monkeys, chimpanzees, antelopes and snakes, and opened up another ecological park for them, and planted Tshisekedi in the center of the park.

The animals' excrement made the soil fertile and rich, and the palm trees quickly came back to life and flourished.

Lin An specially built a leopard-print guardrail around Tshisekedi, which looked quite majestic. Later, tourists often took photos with them. Although they didn’t know what was special about this tree, it became an internet celebrity in Bantu. one.

After dealing with the immediate crisis, Fouquet took Lin An to the Central Bank and opened the vault with a creak. The huge concrete room was empty, with only a lonely fifty-franc note left in one drawer.

Documents from various departments of the bank were either burned or stolen, along with telephones, fax machines, air conditioners, paper clips and door handles.

"Obviously, some people took advantage of the chaos and ran away." Fouquet said with all his treasures. This profit-seeking man betrayed his former boss without hesitation, "including the children of the former president and several foreign consultants. I have their information." List.”

"Our next stop is the airport."


With Tshisekedi's death, the army fell apart.

Later, Lin An learned from Fouquet that except for the presidential guard and senior officers who had relatively superior conditions in terms of equipment, treatment and food, most of the country's soldiers received very few or even no salaries at all.

Tshisekedi famously said in his speech to the army: You have guns, you don’t need a salary.

He told his men, "Débrouillez Vous! (According to circumstances)", which became the rule of survival for all classes of Bantu officials, especially the armed forces.

After the warlords recruited by Tshisekedi across the country received news of Tshisekedi's death, they disbanded on the spot and began to set up temporary roadblocks to extort passing villagers or travelers.

These soldiers were called "katanyama", which means "meat cleaver" in Lingala, referring to the fact that they would go to the market and steal the best meat from the butchers.

It was not until mid-May of 2039 that [World Tree] was completely cleared of the sequelae of the president's declaration of war.

As for Mbambuka’s presidential army…

The commander-in-chief heard the news of Tshisekedi's death on the radio and immediately surrendered to Yggdrasil, even though they had an overwhelming advantage in numbers and equipment.

After the defeat, the president's army was like a bankrupt enterprise, and the officers couldn't wait to dismantle all valuable items and sell them.

Not only personal belongings, but also the country’s weapons, vehicles, aircraft, generators and anything else that can fetch a good price on the arms market and the black market.

Before Yggdrasil could stop him, the commander-in-chief sold the remaining fighter jets to Kigani arms dealers, and the air force commander sold a large number of transport aircraft to cross-border merchants.

Both men moved away after the incident.

In the end, [World Tree] arrived at Kinshasha on an almost unobstructed road and successfully met up with Lin An.

They cleared away the loot.

The entire presidential palace square is filled with modern heavy machinery, many of which have never been used before, as well as very modern amphibious tanks. The hangar is filled with hundreds of thousands of rifles of various types, and three buildings are filled with ammunition.

But upon closer inspection, everyone was dumbfounded.

Many spare parts of these weapons have been dismantled and sold, so that only 70% of the tanks in the main armored brigade can be used normally. The data of the Air Force is even more terrible.

Loyalty was more important than integrity in Tshisekedi's eyes, so eight full years of nepotism and mismanagement left most commanders loyal only to their own pocketbooks.

There are not many hardened roads in Bantu, so they can only use airplanes to transport goods to places spanning a thousand kilometers.

Sadly, after the locust-like behavior of the fleeing officials, the remaining [World Tree] had to use commercial aircraft to complete air transportation.

The problem comes again. Bantu’s international transportation relies entirely on the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce], and after the massacre at the Kinshasa office, they moved out of the capital without a word and shut down all routes.

Companies from other countries in Nanzhou approached Lin An, and their initial quotation was more than 80 million Yule, or 1.27 tons of gold to complete the transportation work.

Lin An didn’t have that much money, and the government Tshisekedi left behind was heavily in debt.

That day, he caught some officials at the airport who had not had time to escape by plane, and ransacked their hometowns on various charges, but it did not help the Bantu government's finances.

The economic system here has long since collapsed, and in fact the political system is almost there too.

It's all a mess and a confusion.

It sounds strange, but when Lin An thinks that this is Nanzhou, it feels normal.

Even if international charity organizations are willing to raise more than 5 billion yuan, it will be difficult to restore Bantu to a normal modern country.

Fouquet analyzed that the existing money can settle the messy debts in the past and temporarily ensure the normal operation of the country, but if you want to continue to develop, you must find a new way to make money.

So in January 2039, Lin An established a national conference composed of citizen leaders. The conference appointed a new prime minister, drafted a new constitution, and promoted the ecological community of the World Tree System to the entire Kinshasa. continues to spread outside. (End of chapter)

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