World Occult User Guide

Chapter 322 Visitor David

Before Tshisekedi died, David and his Pentecostal companions fled to a private yacht to escape the chaos in Kinshasa for more than ten days.

After receiving the email, David insisted on meeting the legendary leader of the World Tree, despite the objections of his Maori bodyguards and Pentecostal colleagues.

"Mr. O'Connor, this is too dangerous!"

"Rebuilding civilization from the rubble is not easy. We'd better wait until the Bantu situation stabilizes."

"There is no doubt that the future of this new ruler is bleak. The treasury has been moved to a penny. It is estimated that there are not enough cars, computers, phones, and even stationery and paper clips. He has returned to the primitive times and is not worthy of cooperating with us. .”

"You made a mistake!" David's expression was serious. "We are an international organization and pure altruists. How can we describe a government in need of help as unworthy?"

No one could refute, and in the end, he said calmly: "It's just that we don't believe in the Lord of the World Tree. We have funded many leaders in South Asia in the past, but they all ended up being corrupt, dictatorial, or running away."

"At least I don't think the ranger will be worse than Tshisekedi Kumasi." David shook his head stubbornly, "That's it."

Everyone tried to stop him to no avail, so they had no choice but to let him leave.

Walking on the streets of Kinshasa, David looked around and saw ruins everywhere. The walls of the once-splendid wealthy district buildings were riddled with bullet holes. Although the statue of Tshisekedi in the center had not collapsed, it had been painted over. Full of profanity and insulting graffiti.


A jeep stopped and a tall, thin man stuck his head out of the window.

"Hello, is this Mr. David O'Connor?"

"Yes Yes."

His fluent French and respectful attitude gave David a good first impression, and he responded with a smile on his face.

"[Black Cat], World Tree number Silviculturists-00524, nice to meet you, the representative of the World Holy Grace Pentecostal Organization." The man took off his hat, "Please get in the car, I will take you there."

David climbed into the spacious jeep with three Maoris. The bodyguards were sitting in the back seat, and he reluctantly climbed into the front seat.

"Hey old man, is your name really Black Cat?"

"That's not the case. It's just that in the World Tree system, the rangers stipulate that employees should be addressed by the code on their ID, or use numbers instead of real names." Black Cat explained while driving, "If you can't get used to calling me, at least call me sir." .”

David noticed that there was a special metal pin on his hat. Different from the traditional gold, red or blue medals, it was a darker yellow-green color, as if it was specially made to match the military coat.

Is this the military rank of World Tree?

He suppressed his doubts and continued his research.

"Sir, what about your old Bantu ID?"

"I would rather throw away this kind of thing." Black Cat spat, "In addition to Bantu, my ID card also has a big red seal printed on it - Tutsi."

"You are a Tutsi."

"I hate this sentence the most. It reminds me of the ridicule I received when I joined the army. At that time, others always called me 'Bor'."


"Local slang means 'penis'." Black Cat clicked his tongue, "Hutu people think we are weak, a low-class group who have not been circumcised."

"That sounds scary!"

"This red seal divides Bantu into two types of people. As a result, I have to wait half a month longer than others to get an ID card. What's even more frightening is that when the president first took office, the confrontation became more serious. I walked in People were throwing stones at me on the street.”

"No wonder." David thought thoughtfully. To confirm his suspicion, he asked bluntly, "So you think Yggdrasil's ID card is a good invention?"

"This identification without distinction of class, ethnicity, or even gender allows everyone to maintain their dignity. This is why I am willing to be loyal to the rangers."

Black Cat held the steering wheel with one hand and turned halfway to face David.

"Dignity is really key. It is a prisoner of war camp, refugees queuing up for food, and rationing. People who live there are beaten and killed just because of their identity, and they think in their hearts: Why do I have to live like this? Why? Is this how people have to live?”

"Pentecostals believe that God loves all people, regardless of their customs or tongues."

"Nothing makes me feel more respected than the World Tree ID card." Black Cat retracted his hand and turned around. "I am also a devout witness of God. Now I have found His shadow walking in the world."

"Is it……"

The topic came to an end and the two looked at each other in silence. Black Cat took the opportunity to turn on the radio.

A female voice reported the situation in Kinshasa. After the war, the land was in chaos. Hundreds of thousands of houses were destroyed. The power supply and running water were cut off in most parts of the city. Even the hospital was only open for a few hours every day during operations. of generator.

The broadcast also said that a working group composed of World Tree employees and civil servants from the old government began to clean up the ruins, bury the bodies, and quickly rebuild important facilities under the leadership of the [Architect].

There is neither division nor overt oppression.

It even deliberately weakens the tense atmosphere left by the former president in order to achieve a just society.

If I were asked to make a donation at this time, I would be willing to make a small donation of 100,000 Youle. After all, we cannot regard this general’s testimony as the truth.

Perhaps the rangers were cultivating cronies, playing "good president, bad general."

While looking at the scenery, David's attention was attracted by a passing girl.

She has a pair of azure eyes, a delicate appearance, and a fan-shaped "fish fin" like a swallow on her waist, which looks like a natural skirt when she walks.

Although very young, she was accompanied by five younger children.

"[Karu Mermaid]."

The black cat stopped to say hello to her, and the girl came over with a smile.

"This is Mr. O'Connor, the Pentecostal representative who came to visit today?"

David saw that there was also a metal pin in her thick black hair. The pattern was different from the black cat's, and it was also green.

Could this be Yggdrasil's ID card?

Isn’t such a thin metal leaf afraid of being faked?

Even though the concept is pretty good, without sufficient basic strength and vision, it still won't work.

"Just call me David." David glanced at the child who was hiding behind her, racking his brains to think of formulaic words, "Madam, you are such an amazing heroic mother!"

The blue water in the eyes of the Karu mermaid was rippling, and she immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "You misunderstood, sir! I am not their mother, and I am not married yet!"

"Sorry, sorry." David apologized repeatedly, "Who are these children?"

"After the war, hundreds of thousands of children were orphaned and in need of care. I adopted five children. Other colleagues from the rainforest also got busy, providing them with food and shelter, and teaching them some useful skills."

The Karu mermaid twitched her fingers, and a trace of calmness and gentleness that was inconsistent with her age flashed in her eyes.

"The first is literacy, but also identifying animals and plants, singing, fishing, hunting, and even talking to orangutans. I hope this will become a tool for them to make a living in the future... As long as you live, there is always new hope, right?"

"Then you are an amazing hero teacher."


After listening to David's analysis, the Karu mermaid chuckled, squatted down and patted the child's face.

"Call me Teacher Susumi from now on!"

David observed her expression that didn't seem to be fake, and gave a thumbs up in his heart.

When I saw the forest ranger, I told him that I was willing to sponsor 500,000 Yule and three missionary schools.

He was happy to finance his children’s education.

"Ms. Mermaid, our Pentecostal Sect also has a lot of teaching materials, so we can communicate when we have time." Afraid that she might not know what an email address is, David held a paper business card between his fingers, "This is my contact information."

"No need to go to such trouble."

The Karu mermaid made a strange gesture, and green data suddenly rose into the sky, like circles of pulsing rings, with Arabic numerals and Latin letters flashing and beating, forming five floating interfaces.

She skillfully operated the snake-like cursor, and an ID card pattern and contact information port appeared.

David's hands froze in place and his mouth opened wide enough to fit an egg in. He was stunned by the supernatural sight before him.

"Sir, after the ranger sets up an ID card for you, we can communicate directly through internal communication." The Karu mermaid said with a smile, "My number is Firewatch-0015."


"Mr. Representative?"

David shuddered and came to his senses, and the Karu Mermaid had to repeat her words.

"Okay, okay... when I see Elon Musk - bah! When I see the ranger, I will definitely ask him for an ID card."

Until the girl's back disappeared, David's hands were still trembling slightly and his mind was greatly shaken.

He originally thought that the other party couldn't even use the most basic mechanical equipment, but he didn't expect that the Karu Mermaid directly demonstrated 3D projection imaging, which was so many technological iterations ahead of the mail.

Now David no longer thinks about "sponsorship". His mind is filled with wild fantasies and he wishes the car could go faster.

20 million Yule, can the forest ranger share this technology with me?


David's daydream was interrupted by the noise coming from the radio.

After the connection was disconnected and reconnected, an untimely voice sounded gloomily. It claimed that it was the legitimate government of this country, and that Yggdrasil was an intruder, butcher and terrorist who had occupied the magpie's nest.

Black Cat immediately turned off the radio, and the car fell silent.

"Are they from Kapunde Kumasi?" David asked.

"Yes." Black Cat nodded gloomily, "They still have many supporters."

The desolate scenery passed by the window, and the empty houses and abandoned villages reminded David that the aftermath of the war was far from over.

As the Jeep turned onto an avenue, the Capitol Building came into view, its exterior walls riddled with bullet holes but generally well preserved.

Entering the building, there is a unique world inside. Employees passing by David are wearing neat and clean clothes, using standardized language, and green data is flying at their fingertips.

The scene was completely different from the dilapidated, backward and barbaric scene David had imagined.

Everyone wears the same green metal pins, with different shades and subtle differences in patterns.

What exactly is this?

How could so much be mass-produced overnight?

And, its symbolic meaning is...

"[Leo], the representative of the Pentecostal Sect is entrusted to you."

The person who answered David was a young girl, tall, standing upright, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a slim-fitting white shirt and jeans, and spoke very logically.

"What's your impression of World Tree so far?" The girl called [Leo] asked politely. She was wearing an emerald brooch.

"I saw a lot of great staff who were clearly trying to bring a new spirit of hope and achievement to this suffering country - a determination to be self-reliant and create your own destiny."

"Thank you for your encouragement and affirmation. I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate in depth."

"Of course we can cooperate! In fact, my desire to donate money has never been higher." David rubbed his hands, "Hurry up and take me to see the ranger!"

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