World Occult User Guide

Chapter 326 Ivory Coast

The Atlantic Ocean is like a blue gem, with undulating waves, bright tropical fish and colorful coral bushes almost clearly visible.

The sun above the head burned people's skin. Edward lowered the brim of his hat and raised a black umbrella to shield himself and Lin Xile beside him from the terrible, murderous sunshine.

The sailor's bare feet thumped against the deck, and the muscles of his arms and shoulders were covered with glistening stains of sweat.

"The map we are looking at is still a legacy from the Triangular Trade Period." This smoking man was originally the captain of the Death Ship on the Kuba River. After Edward officially joined the World Tree, he stayed with some members of the so-called [Union] Lin An's side.

These people were originally a group of sailors or fishermen. Although it was their first time to go to sea, they had the experience of fighting with the Kuba River and they performed well.

The captain unfolded a piece of old yellow paper and touched the fresh red circles on it with the butt of his cigarette.

"According to its route, it still has three hours to dock."

"Very good, you stay on the high seas, Edward and I will go there." Lin An poked his head out from under the canopy transformed by the energy of "Comes". This is a mysterious technique recorded by the [Edit] function. After use, you can get Some banana leaves that cover the sky.

"And this lady." Edward tilted the umbrella towards Lin Xile, who was smiling, with empty eyes and silent.

"But the question is how do you land?" the captain asked doubtfully, "I didn't see the backup boat."

"This little brother will take us away." Lin An patted the Maori who was cooling off under a banana leaf. "Edward, are you parachuting?"

"Tried it once in Plymouth."

"Then you should be familiar with the feeling of having a coach strapped to your body." Lin An snapped his fingers, "Lin Xile, do it."

Edward had no time to resist, and the seemingly weak Lin Xile grabbed his wrist and tied the two together with lightning speed. When the rope was tightened, it turned into metal, making it completely difficult to untie.

She jumped into the sea and fell into the Atlantic Ocean with Edward.


The captain was shocked and leaned over the railing of the ship to check.

However, the scene that appeared in front of him made him stunned.

The two of them were seen riding on a shark with black and white spots on its back. Lin Xile grabbed its dorsal fin with both hands and put his weight between his legs in a horse stance, "riding" the shark steadily.

The shark didn't care that there were two people on its back and swam into the water like a submarine.


The reporter wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was filled with the salty sea breeze, and his cheeks bulged as if he had swallowed two eggs.


It didn't take long for the water to reach his head, and even the powerless hand was submerged by the ruthless waves.

"Māngōroa." Lin An smiled slightly, "It means shark in Maori."


"Wait for my good news, Captain."

After that, he jumped off, leaving only the stunned captain. When he turned around, even the Maori who was following Lin An was missing.

The captain stood alone in the scorching sun, feeling his hands and feet were cold.

When he dived into the Atlantic Ocean, Lin An was instantly surrounded by seawater heated by the sun. He activated his airflow technique, swam to the side of the black and white striped shark, and sat on top of his head.

The shark was a Maori who had just taken shelter under a banana leaf.

In Maori culture, the starry sky and the Milky Way are the birthplaces of great myths.

In the beginning, Rangi, the God of creation, and Papa, the mother of the earth, were tightly together. They held hands, head to head, feet to feet, the sky covered the earth, and the world was filled with darkness.

After the two gods had intercourse, they gave birth to many children.

With their parents hugging each other, these children are constantly worried about not being able to see.

The ferocious god of war believed that the parents should be killed to get back the light, while the god of the forest suggested finding a way to separate the parents.

During the debate, the wisdom of the forest god prevailed. Each descendant god tried hard to separate the heavenly father and the earth mother. In the end, a god named Tane Mahuta kicked his father hard. On the face, he and his mother were forcefully kicked away.

Ranji was heartbroken, and her tears turned into an ocean, from which the sea god Tangaroa was born. He was also the one who gave the [Pikea] whale to Lin An before.

In addition to whales, Maori’s mysterious archetypes are inseparable from the creatures of the sea.

In the native beliefs of the Kiwi country, the Milky Way is the ocean in the sky, the black patches are sea water, and the white patches are waves.

After being separated from Mother Earth, Heavenly Father built a ship called "The Long Shark", pulled by a shark that the demigod Maui put into the sky.

Whenever a meteor passes by, Maori people know that Heavenly Father Ranji is patrolling in the "Long Shark", and his loving eyes protect the souls of Maori people and all things in the world.

The Maori carrying the three people was the "Long Shark", the chariot of the gods.

Before departure [After hearing Lin An's purpose, Long Shark took the initiative to ask Ying to take them ashore.

Compared with David's magnificent ship or the high-profile air flow technique, it is obviously more hidden to sneak all the way from the deep sea and finally land near an inconspicuous reef.

They seem to be exposed to the water, but their entire bodies seem to be covered by a thin film of "Comoth" energy, allowing them to breathe freely.

The reporter's face was pale, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably; Lin Xile and Lin An were expressionless as if they were copying and pasting, with the latter looking left and right from time to time, admiring the underwater wonders.

You've come here, it would be a pity not to see more.

The Atlantic Ocean is exceptionally warm, like soaking in a hot spring at around 30 degrees, which is extremely comfortable.

Subtropical marine life passed by, brightly colored fish swam in the dark crevices of the reef, and large fish swayed leisurely, looking for food unhurriedly.

The colorful shellfish create artistic protrusions and densely pointed outlines, and the small ecological circle is full of vitality.

The colorless light falling from the sky once showed a colorful sheen near the equator, leaving only blue in the water. The deeper you go, the less light is transmitted, and you can only see the silhouettes of some rocks and large fish in the dim.


The long shark gently tapped Lin An with its tail, and before he knew it, his destination was right in front of him.


Lin An poked half of his head out of the water. In the distance was the almost snow-white beach, blending with the calm, sparkling water.

The shore seemed deserted, and it was obvious that they were not landing at a port.

After entering the venting mode and confirming it again, Lin An made an "OK" gesture to the long shark, jumped out of the sea, and landed on a porous reef.

Looking up, the trees led the rich wave of the plateau towards him along the top of the mountain.

In front of you is a large plateau that gradually rises from sea level to nearly 500 meters above sea level. The vegetation changes from light green to dark green savanna and shrubs. The mountains extend along the western border, with several peaks dotted in the northeast corner. Four major river systems Flows southward.

This is the lagoon area of ​​Ivory Coast, a narrow coastal strip of low-lying sand islands and bars formed by a combination of violent waves and ocean currents.

The lagoons run parallel to the coastline and are connected to each other by small waterways or canals. The sandy soil formed by thousands of years of erosion is conducive to the growth of coconut trees and salt-tolerant coastal shrubs, and their fruits attract many screaming children.


The water splashed, and the long shark jumped up from near the reef, and changed back to a human appearance when it landed.

"Lord of the Earth", a medium usually closely related to transformation.


After rolling a few times on the soft sand, Edward just stood up and felt dizzy, and then he lay on the ground and vomited.

"Poor child, he comes from a dry place." The Maori cast a pity look.

"He is from the Lion Country."

"He comes from a place that arrogantly wants to conquer the sea, but is never willing to coexist with the sea." The Maori took off a leaf from the grass skirt around his waist and helped Edward Shanfeng, "Sir, do you need me to wait, or follow you?"

"You take care of Edward here while I walk around the area." Lin An ordered.

After landing, he saw some light spots representing human beings sparsely heading to the northeast corner in the vent mode. There seemed to be some people there.

"If someone attacks, I will take him and escape into the sea." The Maori patted his chest, "Tangaroa will not hurt me!"

After bidding farewell to the groggy Edward, Lin An took Lin Xile and walked towards the area where the light spots were moving.

Ivory Coast, a name full of desire.

The first group of Xizhou people to arrive here were the Portuguese in 1471. After they arrived, they first discovered a group of kingdoms of different tribes, and then discovered a large amount of gold mines in the soil. So ten years later, the first Xizhou colony was established. .

At that time, this place was called the "Golden Coast", just like the legendary Golden Kingdom in the Lower East Continent, which was unique to the madness of the Great Navigation Age.

The Gold Coast soon attracted a large number of Western merchants, but rather than gold, they were more involved in the slave trade, which had a huge market and considerable profits.

It was not until the end of the 20th century that Lacon Oga gained independence.

To celebrate their independence from Western interference, they renamed the "Gold Coast" to "Ivory Coast".

After walking on the legendary "gold-covered" beach for a while, Lin An raised his head and saw a small trading market similar to Mazouz Market.

The fishy smell of the ocean hit us. The fishermen were busy under the colorful greenhouse. The smoky smell spread into the nose, getting closer and closer.

"Would you like to buy some of this?" A young voice asked him.

Lin An turned his head. A child less than ten years old was holding some sauce in a mineral water bottle, and his mother was holding a pile of grilled fish on wooden sticks.

"Attieke, Attieke." They introduced their hometown dish in dialect, "50 francs."

Lin An took a few bites. The bottle contained a side dish made from cassava. The mother motioned to Lin An to spread it on the grilled fish and top it with spicy tomato sauce.

It tastes sour and spicy, refreshing, and has a slight aftertaste. It is a rare delicacy.

Lin An took out the money sponsored by David and bought all the cassava side dishes at the stall in one go, preparing to take them back to the people at World Tree to try.

The mother and son thanked Lin An profusely, speaking in local dialect mixed with French, and thanked Lin An for Kuozhuo.

Taking advantage of his familiarity with the locals, he was just about to get some information when suddenly a discordant crash sounded.


Immediately afterwards, a rough roar sounded.

"Recruiting hourly workers! Mrs. Adamek is recruiting hourly workers!" (End of Chapter)

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