World Occult User Guide

Chapter 329 The Secret of the Vaccine

Abishan is a rare tourist city in central South Africa. Hotels can be found everywhere with complete facilities. All kinds of people are walking around on the clean carpets, speaking Latin and Germanic languages.

"It's our turn to get vaccinated."

"I don't dare to wander around until I'm vaccinated. Who knows how many unknown infectious diseases there are in this charming tropical continent."

"As an official agency designated by the government, your hands and feet are too inept." A bald man pressed the wound with a cotton ball. "I bet that if you hire a few people from southern Central-Earth, you can finish the job in less than a day." It solves the problem.”

The nurses at Adamek Hospital laughed and apologized.

There are three shots of the vaccine, one shot every 18 to 24 hours. It took them nearly five days to vaccinate all the guests.

Tomorrow the reporter will finish his work and leave by boat.

Out of pathological fear of this unknown continent, everyone only dared to stay in their rooms during this period and could not go anywhere.

"Even after you've been vaccinated, you'd better not leave the hotel."

Mrs. Adamek patted the bald man's arm, and the latter took a greedy breath, as if savoring the fragrance of her body.

"Dear Madam, why is this?"

"It takes 1 to 2 days for antibodies to develop, and the vaccine is considered a weak virus. If you feel a little uncomfortable afterwards, such as dizziness, diarrhea or vomiting, it is normal."

"No wonder the Internet speed is so slow." The bald man wanted to squeeze his wife's hand, but the latter avoided her, "It turns out that everyone is staying indoors, and all of a sudden, your little thing that hasn't been used for a long time is like a cake... It’s packed.”

"I'm really sorry." Mrs. Adamek said, neither humble nor condescending, "Next."

"Don't be so cold, beautiful lady. I've told you that your efficiency is slow and it's really boring to keep people in the room. As a government-designated institution, aren't there any remedies?"

Mrs. Adamek, who was behind the table, took a step back in disgust. Just as the man stretched out his hand to grab her, someone leaned half of his body in front of the two of them and separated him.


A young man with black hair picked up the empty syringes and medicine bottles and placed them on the tray in an orderly manner. He raised his head and met a pair of eyes that failed to wipe off oil and concealed anger.

"Barbaric, stupid and rude." The bald man looked at the expressionless face and snorted, "I guess being a temporary medical assistant is your greatest achievement in life."

Unexpectedly, the other party ignored him at all. He picked up the small medicine bottle and read the instructions on it.

"Is it the third injection?"

"Can't you understand French? Country bumpkin, I'm going to complain! Let you lose this job! I'm going to write a report about this experience! How dare you be rude to foreign guests. No wonder you are not recognized internationally. A The degree of civilization of a country comes from..."

Before he finished speaking, the bald man felt an extreme fear coming from the depths of his soul.

That kind of emotion is difficult to describe in words, as if the young man in front of him can see through, dismember, and cannibalize him completely with just a wave of his hand.

It was clearly a scorching summer day at the equator, but he felt a bone-chilling chill, and his whole body trembled violently involuntarily.


His lips trembled, and when he was about to say something, the chill suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

"Is there anything else?" The young man put the medicine bottle back on the tray and glanced at him indifferently.

"It's nothing... I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll go home and quarantine and see you soon..." The bald man finished speaking in one breath, opened the curtain without looking back, and fled.

This medical assistant is Lin An.

After sending away the dingy bald man, he cleaned up the mess and maintained an indifferent attitude throughout.

Because he doesn't care what an ordinary person thinks or says, he just wants data.

Holding a metal tray filled with medical waste, Lin An followed the prescribed route and placed it on the processing rack, while sorting out the information obtained in the past few days in his mind.

First, these vaccines are predictably problematic.

Although it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, and even the person who is injected does not know the effect, after many experiments and comparisons, Lin An found that once an individual is injected with a so-called "vaccine", their will will become weaker.

As an example of a hundred-point system, a normal person's will score is about 60 points, while a soldier or someone with special training can get about 70 to 80 points.

However, after each vaccination, their willpower will drop by 10 to 15 points.

After three injections of the vaccine, almost everyone's willpower dropped to about 30 points.

When the number of people vaccinated initially increased, Edward discovered that the consumption of wine, cigars, and some addictive substances in the room service increased. As a cleaner, Lin Xile encountered more "bad" situations in the guest rooms.

Originally, this group of reporters, journalists and celebrities at least maintained their appearance of being well-dressed and polite. After three injections of the vaccine, some ugly and unrestrained habits were exposed.

For further verification, Lin An used the entry in "Encyclopedia of Magic IV: The Wind of Darkness - Black Witch, White Witch, Scarlet Witch and Their Allies" for each guest who received the injection - [Eternal Representative of Corruption and Vermin] .

This entry belongs to the "black witch" witchcraft, which originated in modern Western Europe.

A striking coincidence emerges when people study "witch hunts." Each persecution was associated with outbreaks of plague and rats, and they usually occurred during periods of long-term climate instability.

For example, during the Little Ice Age around 1350 and 1850, theologians often associated famines, epidemics, and bread riots with paganism, while a surge in accusations of witchcraft in the Land of the Lion and the Dove occurred in 1587 and 1588. Bad weather years.

In it, witches served as scapegoats for harvest threats and disease outbreaks.

In this fluid and turbulent intellectual environment, analysis of plagues often proceeds through imagery and association, with theological perspectives suggesting that plagues mark the corruption of a fallen, post-LS era.

William Austin mentioned in his poem "Epiloimia Epe's Anatomy of a Plague" that plagues are phenomena in which God visits the fallen world and is angry because of human sin. He believes that witches are the main cause of His anger and disappointment.

If wizards and witches were not the cause of the plague, their alliance with the devil made them its first victims and, directly or indirectly, the source of subsequent contamination.

When "Comoth" arrives, the legend becomes reality. This entry is closely related to fear, disease and corruption.

The embodiment of [the eternal representative of corruption and vermin] is a breath of mixed toads, rats, and cockroaches. When inhaled by an individual, he will suffer from an ongoing chronic disease that will accompany him throughout his life without mysterious intervention. .

The effect of this entry lasts until Lin An dies or the radiation from "Comoth" disappears.

Interestingly, the "chronic diseases" created by [the eternal representative of corruption and pests] will change according to the strength of the individual's will.

For people with a strong will, it will turn into mild chronic diseases such as pharyngitis and rhinitis; on the contrary, it will turn into serious diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, and even Alzheimer's disease.

However, Lin An did not use mystical magic on the bald man.

The person targeted by this item will feel unconscious fear. The weaker the will, the stronger the fear effect.

He only needs to aim with [the eternal representative of corruption and vermin] and observe the performance of these injected people to confirm his guess.

Adamek Hospital's vaccine weakens one's will.

Why do they do this?

really weird.

By the way, is this the effect of medical drugs, or is there a mysterious person behind it?

After all, that lady is not a mystic...

"Mr. Tulver Rigel, you are here."

A melancholy voice came faintly, interrupting Lin An's contemplation.

Mrs. Adamek stood upright in the doorway, covering her chest with her black-gloved hands. In the shadow of the brim of her hat, a pair of deep eyes blinked gently, like a mysterious butterfly.

In order to deceive others, Lin An once again used the pseudonym "Tulver Rigel".

Anyway, there are quite a few native residents of Lacon O Country named "Ophelia", "Hans", "Philip" and other Western names.

"Madam, please borrow it for a moment."

Lin An didn't want to affect ordinary people, so he picked up a clean tray and prepared to return to his post.

"Don't go, Mr. Rigel." Mrs. Adamek held the handle behind her back, leaving only the two of them in the room filled with clutter. "I haven't thanked you for helping me out today."

"It's just a little effort."

"Since my husband died, no one has been willing to stand up for me for a long time." Mrs. Adamek's fingers crossed her pale lips, holding her slightly thin cheek, "I want to repay you, Mr. Rigel, you have What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to step aside, thank you." Lin An made a "get out of the way" gesture, "You are blocking the door, and I have to go back to work."


The lady's elegant movements froze for a moment, then she cleared her throat heavily and reorganized her emotions.

"Mr. Rigel, let me get right to the point - you just used voodoo on that guy, didn't you?"

Lin An raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you see that?"

"You put him in a 'trance' for no reason."


"Oh, stop being so pretentious!"

Mrs. Adamek covered her mouth and smiled softly.

“Whereas in most religions the gods are given the concept of divine, ethereal, immaterial beings, the ultimate ideal of perfection to which followers should strive, in Voodoo the opposite is true, and those gods often aspire to become human.

"They want to live, feel, suffer or be happy like ordinary people, and they also have human desires, habits and tastes. When they possess a believer, these characteristics will show up, so the gods and believers are mutually beneficial. relation."

"Believers can contribute their bodies through supernatural means to attract gods in exchange for benefits, such as foreseeing the future, punishing others, curing diseases, etc. This handover process is through dreaming... and allowing themselves or others to 'fall into a trance.'"

"Uh, but-"

Mrs. Adamek suddenly stepped forward and grabbed his arm with her cold hands.

The metal tray fell to the ground with a clang.

"Please, I want to see my husband again! I want to know who killed him!" she said. "Use voodoo to bring him back to the world, no matter the cost!" (End of Chapter)

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