World of Immortality

Chapter 105 Unknown Bird

Mingzhu City, Tongjia.

Tong Fuhai and his wife were sitting on the sofa with serious expressions, looking at the five strange men sitting opposite them with alert eyes.

Among the five men, one claimed to be Li Wen, and said he was a business consultant for Sun Never Sets in Selva.

Just now, after they entered the door, they brought news of Tong Zhan, claiming that he had committed a serious crime in Selva City and was currently at large.

Li Wen, on behalf of the company whose interests have been damaged, invited Tong Fuhai and his family to Selva City, and cooperated with the local police department to persuade Tong Zhan to surrender.

This statement made Tong Fuhai full of doubts. Although he knew that Tong Zhan had been looking for his sister, he didn't quite believe what the other party said.

As a company representative, you neither have the status of a police officer in Selva City, nor have you brought local police officers to your door. Who can believe that Tong Zhan committed a crime just by talking about it?

Tong Zhan is Tong Fuhai's cousin. The latter's financial situation was not bad a few years ago, so out of family relationship and sympathy, he also secretly funded Tong Zhan several times, and gave him about ten dollars. Tens of thousands.

For a small boss, this money is actually not too little. My wife even quarreled with him a few times because of this, but because my husband could earn money at that time, I finally endured it.

After Tong Zhan left the work unit, he didn't have any stable income. He took on some private jobs to maintain his expenses, so the three times he went to the barren area, it was basically money from his uncle.

Although Tong Fuhai is down and out now, when he is good, he is more righteous in dealing with others, and he does not seldom help his relatives.

It's just that now... relatives are also avoiding him far away.


In the living room.

Tong Fuhai took a deep breath of his cigarette, frowned and said to Li Wen, "I haven't been in touch with Tong Zhan for a long time, and I haven't moved much. I really can't help you with what you're talking about."

"Mr. Tong, if Tong Zhan continues to escape and commit crimes, then he...!" Li Wen still wanted to persuade.

Tong Fuhai waved his hand directly: "He's just a wild boy, he doesn't care about anything for this little sister, and I can't persuade him at all. Besides, I have a job myself, so I really don't have time to take care of it, you guys still...!"

The meaning of these words is already obvious, that is, they are talking about seeing off guests.

Li Wen looked at him: "Sir, if it's an economic problem, we can solve it for you..."

"It's not about the money." Tong Fuhai saw that the other party was not very sensible, so he said directly: "You have no official status, and second, you don't have local police officers to lead the way. You just want me to cooperate when you open your mouth and shut up. Why should I cooperate? ? I don’t even know who you are, how could I go to Selva City with you?!”

"In this way, if you think it is necessary, we can go through the official and arrange for local police officers to intervene immediately."

"I don't have time to do this with you." Tong Fuhai stood up directly: "Let's go, I can't find him."

Li Wen raised money and people, but Tong Fuhai still had no intention of helping, which made his face gradually turn cold: "Hehe, Mr. Tong, are you trying to cover up Tong Zhan?"

"Are you sick?" Tong Fuhai is not an idiot either. He knew something must have happened to Tong Zhan, and he was also very upset: "I don't know anything about riding a horse, so what can I do to protect him? Go quickly, or I will call the police!"

Li Wen was silent for a few seconds, stood up with a smile and said, "I have to remind you. According to the information we have, you have funded Tong Zhan to enter the barren area several times. From a legal point of view, you are suspected of funding..."

"Don't step on the horse and tell me this! When I took advantage of the loopholes, you were still in elementary school." Tong Fuhai frowned and replied: "He is my cousin. I have money, so I like to give him one million a day. Is this against the law? ? Crazy you, get out!"

Li Wen was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded slowly: "Okay, I understand what you mean."

"Send them away!"

Tong Fuhai greeted his wife, and walked towards the kitchen.

The five tidied up their clothes and walked towards the door.

The wife opened the door and made a gesture of please.

Li Wen glanced at her and led the people out of the room, while Tong Fuhai's wife reached out to close the door.


At this moment, another group of strangers came over, and the leading man reached out and grabbed the door panel: "Don't close it, we haven't finished yet!"

"What are you going to do?" the wife asked irritably.

A group of men forcefully opened the door and walked into the room without explanation. The leader raised his head and shouted: "Tong Fuhai!"

In the kitchen, Tong Fuhai came out and saw the other party forcefully shut the door, and some four of them pulled out the kinetic energy guns from their waists.


Inside the Dragon Cave.

Zhang Yunxi never imagined that he really saw the dragon on a horse!

Beside the meandering Nilong River, stands a skeleton skeleton. The bright light shines on it, and the outline of its huge skeleton can be seen clearly.

It is in a semi-upright state, judging from the length of the skeleton extension, it is at least ten meters long. However, due to the erosion of the years, many supporting bones of the skeleton frame have broken, fallen off, and are incomplete.

The most important thing is that there are obviously wing bones on both sides of the skeleton. Judging by the naked eye, if it is filled with flesh and blood, it is really similar to the sculpture at the entrance of the cave!

Although the wing bones had completely fallen off and fell to the ground, like fossils, embedded in the soil, it could still be seen that when it half-spread its wings, it was more than ten meters long.

Zhang Yunxi had never seen this kind of bird creature before, and a vocabulary that he had only read in textbooks popped up in his mind.

Pterodactyl! ! !

But that is a creature that has been extinct for an unknown number of years? ! In the current biological world, although there are some DNA genes extracted from fossils, they are just some data to be discussed!

But the skeleton in front of him appeared alive in front of Zhang Yunxi, and it is not difficult to see that its death time will definitely not be too long, about twenty or thirty years.

and also.

What kind of skeleton can maintain an upright state without collapsing after death? How hard it is!

Zhang Yunxi looked at the behemoth not far away in disbelief, was shocked in his heart, and walked over almost instinctively.

At the entrance, Aria's small face was pale, and she looked at the skeleton in horror. After a while, she murmured in a daze: "The dragon...the dragon is dead!"

Zhang Yunxi illuminated the bird skeleton with the light of the communicator, and his brain became active almost uncontrollably.

No, definitely not a pterosaur!

That thing has long been extinct, and the current ecological environment on the blue star is impossible for it to survive.

This must be some kind of mutated creature infected with a virus!

Zhang Yunxi could only explain this in his heart. He was full of curiosity and walked towards the skeleton cautiously.


Stepping into the cold river with both feet, Zhang Yunxi immediately lowered the communicator to illuminate the depth of the water.


At this moment, Zhang Yunxi suddenly felt that he had stepped on a lump of soft meat, which looked like rotten meat.

He looked down at the water, and swept the beam straight up and down to his feet.

A washbasin-sized, pink, jelly-like object was just under his right foot. The amazing thing is that it is very elastic, and with Zhang Yunxi's body weight, it didn't break under his feet.

Zhang Yunxi was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to observe the surroundings carefully. He found that beside the bird skeleton, there were a large number of pink objects of different sizes.

"This... what is this...?" Zhang Yunxi tentatively withdrew his foot, not daring to touch it directly with his body, trying to bypass it and cross the river.


At this moment, a lot of bubbles suddenly appeared in the river water.


The pink objects growing in the river actually moved by themselves. They shuttled under the water and quickly approached Zhang Yunxi.


Zhang Yunxi stepped sideways to dodge, turned around and was about to go ashore.


The river was suddenly washed away, and a lump of pink object flew into the air with a swish, as if attracted by the magnetism of a magnet.


Zhang Yunxi reacted extremely quickly, turned his head to the side, and dodged four flying pink objects in a row.


He hid quickly, but there were too many of them. When Zhang Yunxi was about to go ashore, a piece of pink "jelly" directly stuck to his face.

A burning pain appeared on the whole cheek, Zhang Yunxi immediately wiped it with both hands, but it didn't help at all.

The pink jelly, like the water sucked up by the surface of the sea, pervasively penetrated quickly from the pores of Zhang Yunxi's cheeks.


Zhang Yunxi's body entered a mutated state by itself, and his whole person instantly became tall and strong.

The burning pain became more intense and spread all over his body. This was because the gathered pink jelly had been applied all over his body.


Painful roars resounded through the valley. Before Zhang Yunxi lost consciousness, he found that his communicator had completely lost signal. He could only turn around and shout: "Go, go and call... the people outside... hurry up!"

Aria was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly ran towards the direction she came from.


After a long time, outside the cave entrance.

Aria ran out in panic, shouting urgently: "The dragon is dead...and alive again!"

"What did you say?!"

"In...inside...!" Aria was a little incoherent.


Jiang Xin, who was the fastest, rushed into the dragon cave without hesitation, running with all her strength, not daring to stop for a moment.


A black shadow quickly shuttled through the tunnel.

Soon, Jiang Xin rushed into the Dragon's Nest. She stared dumbfounded at Zhang Yunxi next to the pool, and took half a step back in fright.

In Mud Dragon Hanoi, Zhang Yunxi is covered with long and narrow silver-white hair, and his body has become stronger, just like a beautified version of Wukong!

Two wing bones protruded from his back, as if he had drunk too much, and he walked staggeringly.

Zhang Yunxi is like a drunken gorilla, his steps are flimsy and swaying, and he growled incoherently: "NM! God? Where's the witch god?! Where's the flying dragon?! Who have I conquered all these years...!" ?


Monday, the two chapters are over, please, tickets! ! Bros!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's note: Monday, the two chapters are over, please, tickets! ! Bros!

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