Nine years before the Dark Portal, Nelgo's alliance with the draenei on behalf of the Warsong Clan paid off.

A large number of craftsmen from Shattrath were sent to Grommashr and Grobler Keep to teach their exquisite skills. At the same time, a large number of orcs from the Warsong clan chose to go to the Draenei territory to learn their knowledge.

Messengers, caravans, scholars... you can see them coming and going between the three cities every now and then on the grasslands of Nagrand.

The closer and closer contact brings neither fear nor awe. With the politeness and frankness of the draenei, few war songs and burning blade orcs are hostile to them, and there are even orcs who are understanding them. The Holy Light?

In short, under the constraints of the oath, Grommash and all the orcs who witnessed the covenant have ignored the differences between them and regarded these aliens as relatively reliable compatriots.

Grommash was very satisfied with this situation. His ancestors were famous for hunting Gronn, and although he was already known as the "Disaster of Nagrand" at a young age, this It's not enough. What he wants is to achieve great things like his ancestors and become a legendary hero for future generations.

Looking up at the moment, it seems that Highmaul is already crumbling. If he can gain the reputation of the conqueror of Highmaul, then he will be able to tell his story without shame even when he meets his ancestors after death, right?

He, Grommash, will not bring shame to the clan, he will add to the glory of House Hellscream.

He wanted Gorka, who was looking at him in the sky, to know what a real wolf would do.

The same goes for Nergo. His ambitions don't just exist in the small Nagrand. He has a simple view that he will die if he disobeys "little monsters" like ogres that get in the way.

He also wanted to let Ruzo after his death know the information about the ogre's surrender, so that the ogre could be completely reduced to a servant.

The two hit it off immediately. Grobler Keep, a fortress built to limit the expansion of the ogres, had long been replaced by its strategic role. Grommash wanted to build a camp closer to Highmaul. What used to be the front line is now even the rear area.

Peons wield miners' hoes, harvesting materials from the earth as the shaman communicates with the earth element.

Blacksmiths wielded hammers and, under the guidance of draenei technicians, crafted spears, bows, and axes that were far more powerful than they already had.

Warriors train day and night, hunters return from the wild with full rewards every day, and everyone is working hard to conquer Highmaul.

Shamans travel to various settlements and coordinate the elements to bless the orcs with good weather and good weather, making farmers' fields abundant and herdsmen's pastures lush with water and grass.

Now, it seems that time is almost up.

On the training ground, as one of the commanders of the upcoming battle, Nergo watched the recruits who were about to go to the battlefield with mixed emotions.

Unlike those young orcs in the past who looked strong at first glance, these orcs not only had a large number of children, but some of them had not even touched weapons a few times, and they were considered new recruits.

"What a surprise." Even Sylvanas said so. "I thought the orcs were all like your soldiers."

"They are all children, this is inevitable." Nergo retorted, although he also felt that they were very young, some were even some time away from adulthood, and it was too early to go to the battlefield at this age.

No matter what, the worst case scenario is that they won’t be allowed to go to the battlefield. My soldiers won’t count after I said so. It would also be good to give them some training.

"At least their armor is complete." Nergo said with some sigh: "Look at these bright and shiny plate armors. They are much stronger than the armors patched together from the Draenei armor pieces we used at the time. "

"How long has it been since?"

Not only them, with the advanced technology of the draenei, the orcs now almost have one set of armor, and some people even have three or four sets, which is almost full in terms of defensive capabilities.

"lok-tar!" (Victory!)

"lok-tar!" (Victory!)

Amidst the victorious battle cries of these new recruits, Nergo lowered his head and thought.

"What are you thinking?" Sylvanas noticed her partner, and she whispered in his ear: "These little orcs will not go to the battlefield. Grommash and the clan are precious to the people now. tight."

Yes, even those clan babies who are thin and shapeless after birth will not choose to drown them. On the one hand, the clan's current food reserves are sufficient to support them.

On the other hand, after contacting the draenei, the orcs suddenly discovered that these skinny orcs also had their own uses. What a waste to drown! If you can't fight, you can drive screws! If you can't enter the battlefield, you can enter the factory.

It's a pity that these newly born orcs have their future destiny arranged by the clan before they even realize what they are called.

"No." Nelgo was not thinking about the orcs, but about time, the time when the Dark Portal opened. The longer the time passed, the greater the threat from Gul'dan. He had already asked Grommash to pass it on to Ner'zhul and other chiefs. I received a letter, but will they listen?

Was he deceived by the combination of Kil'jaeden and Gul'dan like in the original plot?

Forget it, there's no point in thinking about it. What's the point in thinking about it if you don't take down Highmaul? Just asking for trouble.

Thinking of this, Nergo smiled and said, "Speaking of Highmaul, I think of a treasure."

"Treasure?" Sylvanas looked at him. Was it her imagination? Why does Nergo smile so sinisterly?

"Yes, a treasure that is enough for me to twist off Gul'dan's head with my own hands."

How could an ordinary ogre head be worthy of him? His war drum needs an update, but Gul'dan's head seems to be fine, as is Highmaul's Lord of Sorcery.

Nergo thought arrogantly, even if the war hadn't started yet, he had already figured out how to distribute the spoils.

if not? No one thinks they will fail, right?

"I must remind you." Sylvanas said: "The power of Gul'dan's evil spells is extraordinary. We are getting stronger, and he will not be idle."

Sylvanas had seen Warlock, and the Burning Legion had also attacked Azeroth in her world, but it was just a little different from what Nelgo remembered.

She was deeply impressed by the rapidly improving spellcasters like warlocks. The savage troll witch doctors of Zul'Aman could easily suppress the wizards of Quel'Thalas just by learning fel spells and becoming warlocks. In the face of their evil magic Silveryue City almost fell.

"No matter which world they are in, warlocks are equally annoying." Sylvanas said with a frown.

If the Amani Trolls who were hanging out with the Legion hadn't weakened Silvermoon City's defenses, how could the Scourge Legion and that damn Arthas have broken through her defenses?

How could she become like this?

"No, no, no, the treasures I'm talking about are treasures that can resist warlocks." Nergo sighed: "Titan creations."

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