Inside Highmaul.

Ever since Warego led his army to meet the enemy, Margok felt that he had always had an ominous premonition.

He was afraid, what if Varrego lost? Will the rule of Highmaul be ended at his hands?

He was afraid, what if Varrego won? Will victory breed his ambition and lead him to propose a coup to depose Margok?

You must know that Warego has always had the ambition to replace him as the new King of Witchcraft.

It’s not okay to lose, and it’s uncomfortable to win.

"No, he won't win." Margok smiled mockingly. It was useless to invite "Emperor Taizu" Gao Ge out of this situation.

They all thought that the ogres had an advantage and there was no need to fear those slaves.


The greatness of Highmaul is in the past, and every wizard king from now on should learn to endure humiliation and accumulate strength just like their ancestors.

If they rashly fight the orcs, they will definitely lose, especially since the orcs also received help from the draenei. Who knows how many weapons the draenei provided them.

Maybe those weapons could accelerate their weapons development by more than two centuries.

Idiots like Varregor only saw the former slaves showing off their power and valued the support of reckless warriors. He saw much more. What he saw was the rule of the ogres and the longevity of Highmaul.

If Grommash hadn't been too cruel, he might have actually sent envoys to negotiate peace with them.


Is Highmaul's greatness about to end?

After Vareg's army was defeated, even the most optimistic ogre did not dare to say loudly like before: The empire is still fine!

The orcs were so terrifying that the ogre survivors who survived the battlefield spoke loudly in the city about what they had experienced.

Even the repeated orders of Lord Mal'gok to forbid the spread of these rumors in the city could not stop this unrest until the prison of Highmaul was filled with ogres convicted of this.

At this time, the optimistic ogres have begun to learn the orc language, and the pessimistic ogres are ready to try to communicate with the vegetative people in Zangarhai.

On the terrace of the palace, Margok's four eyes were observing everything in the city through the mirror. He had been standing here for several hours.

From the very beginning, I observed the orcs outside the city cleaning up the scattered limbs of the ogres, and then I watched the orcs laughing wildly in the canyon created by the magical aftermath of this war.

The laughter spread all the way to the Temple of Capthenon.

He didn't want the orcs to devour his city, so he held a meeting again to discuss how to face the orcs' front.

Councilors all know that this is not the first meeting nor the last. This kind of meeting has been held countless times before the orcs launched a massive attack, but each time it did not provide any substantial help to the crisis in Highmaul.

Several councilors paced back and forth around the Führer in the Temple of Capthenaum.

At this time, they can probably be divided into two factions. The main peace faction believes that they should free the orc slaves in the slave pens in exchange for peace with the orcs, at least to delay it for a while.

And what about the main militant faction? The main war faction believes that the war should start with the main peace faction.

Margok rubbed his forehead. He couldn't bear it anymore. Although these MPs were very much in line with his expectations of the Parliament - a group of fools in high positions holding each other back, and he used the struggle between them to achieve his own ends. , but they are a little too stupid. Stupidity is no longer just right, but better than their predecessors, far surpassing their parents.

Margok crushed the stone he was playing with in his palm. The sound of the broken stones falling to the ground did not cause any big noise in the temple, but every ogre who heard the sound closed their eyes. Mouth.

The Führer was angry.

Margok's face was expressionless, and his voice rose, "Bring Krago in."

After a while, a neatly dressed ogre wearing silk clothes that did not suit his temperament came into the sight of the congressmen.

Feeling that their eyes were looking back and forth on him, Krago could not help but feel a little cautious. Before, he had been serving as a guard on the outside of the hall. Now he was not only summoned by the King of Witchcraft, but was also rewarded with a silk coat.

Although he was a little uncomfortable wearing it.

Wait, the head of state seems to have nodded to him! ?

Mal'gok withdrew his gaze from both heads, no longer lingering on Krago. He said in a low voice: "He is Krago, a spellbreaker in Highmaul."

"In the previous battle, as a warrior of Highmaul, he chose to join the battle and fight the orcs, but for some reasons, the orcs chose to spare him and released him to Highmaul."

Margok finished speaking.

A member of parliament asked cautiously: "Does this mean the orcs don't want to completely eliminate us?"

These words attracted the glares of many ogres. Which family is this idiot? Didn't his father teach him not to speak so straightforwardly?

"At least that's my judgment." Margok continued: "Normally, the orcs will not let go of every ogre, but they have not launched an attack for a long time, and they have also released the spellbreakers. This may be a Signal."

"A sign that the orcs might make peace with us," he said.

The rule of Highmaul will never end in his hands.


The ogres in the city were restless, while the orcs outside the city were happy.

After the victory of the battle, the orcs, as usual, left some soldiers on guard. They tensed up to prevent the ogres from rushing out of the city and fought hard, but most of the soldiers celebrated their victory in the camp. .

Nergo picked up the wine and sat on the grass, closing his eyes and feeling Hexi's breeze blowing on his face. This was the moment of leisure that he enjoyed after finally leaving the crowd. As the great contributor this time, There was never a shortage of compliments around him and Lantrexo.

"I heard Lantrexo say that you let go of a spellbreaker." A deep voice sounded, and Grommash came to sit next to him with a large piece of roasted meat and two bags of wine.

"That's right, Chief." Nergo did not deny it at all, and he was not worried that his arbitrary decision would cause Grommash's dissatisfaction.

In the world of Warcraft, or in the orc society, there are rarely political conflicts. Under normal circumstances, as long as you speak clearly, there will be no crisis.

"I'm not here to ask questions." Grommash drank the strong drink, "I just want to ask you what's so special about that ogre."

It’s not been a day or two since I met Nergo. This guy has always been unfavorable. Everything he does has meaning, but at least he has his own reasons.

"Of course it's special." Nergo said: "He is a spellbreaker, and if nothing else happens, he can also be immune to various magic factions."

What an enviable talent.

"I plan to bring the inheritance of the Spellbreaker to the clan." Nergo raised his head and looked at the sky and even beyond. "This inheritance is crucial to my plan."

"Another plan," Grommash muttered.

He always has many plans.

"In the subsequent siege battles, I will tell the soldiers to be careful not to destroy the inheritance of the Spellbreaker."

"Siege the city? No, no, no." Nergo smiled subconsciously. Isn't it a bit redundant to use force for something that can be taken away with words?

Of course, if you can't take it with your mouth, you can only take it with your fists. This is called courtesy first and then fighting.

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