World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 126 There is a reason why he is the king

Looking at the thin treaty in front of him, Margok's heart seemed to be pressed down by a huge mountain. In the tent, he paced back and forth quickly, almost roaring angrily.

"This is impossible!" No matter how patient Margok is, he still can't accept these conditions. Except for the third one, it's easy to talk about, and the rest are almost like cutting him off.

It can even be said that he went to dig up their roots. This is no longer a humiliation for him. If he agrees to this, when he returns to Highmaul, a psychotic arcanist suddenly comes and shouts that the Thief of Heavenly Punishment will give him a homemade staff. He would even believe a fireball.

"This is too harsh." Malgok said with a sullen face: "Highmaul has not yet completely fallen. We have the right to demand a more reasonable and equal treaty."

"Is there any difference? If you think these conditions are fair after a complete defeat, then you can stay here for a few days. By then, maybe your city will completely belong to us, and then this treaty will appear much more merciful."

But by then, it’s not certain whether you are still qualified to sit here and negotiate.

Nergo knows that this treaty is very harsh. Compared with this one, the one I signed is almost an equal treaty. But as Chekhov said, if a gun appears in the first act of the story, then in the third act, It must be launched.

So since his story showed ogres signing a treaty, they had to be skinned.

"You have no choice, Head of State." Nergo said the cruel truth calmly, "You can leave Mogol at any time, and no orc will stop you. If you want to refuse negotiations and are confident that you can resist us If you attack."

"The gate is over there."

Margok snorted: "Very good, then our negotiations have broken down."

He Mal'gok is not a fool. Just wait, arrogant orcs. Soon they will know why the Forge gave them the rule of the world instead of other races.

Ogres rule the land by more than compromise.

At this time, even a weak man like Margok was aroused with the ambition in his blood.

He is a descendant of King Gogo and a descendant of Goron Killer.

He wanted to show the orcs that the ogre's back was not broken yet.

But at this moment, an orc ran to Grommash's side and reported something quietly.

Malgok noticed that Grommash, who had been sitting aside and seemed uninterested in everything, began to smile.

A smile that is confident and sure of victory.

"Come, tell Nergo, and the respected head of state, what news you have brought." He said the words "respected head of state" very strongly, and it was not difficult to hear the sarcasm in his words.

"At the defense line at the entrance to the city of Highmaul, our catapults and the weapons prepared by the Draenei are attacking their hillside. Soon we will clear all obstacles in front of the market area of ​​Highmaul." The soldier said proudly He puffed up his chest and said, "They call that a gift from the Führer."

Gift of the Head of State... This street name that was supposed to symbolize the glory of Highmaul now seemed so ironic.

Maybe Margok also knew that something like this would happen sooner or later, but he must not have expected it to be so soon.

It was so fast that he wondered if these orcs were all Gronns wearing orc skins?

Why do the sufferings of the ogres happen to happen to their generation?

Obviously before Grommash became the chief, their clan was still a small tribe, and Nagrand was still ruled by ogres.

But why have so many bad things happened in recent years?

But if you say this to Nergo, then he will probably only say: Because this version is called Rise of the Horde.

Can you still counter-kill the orcs in the orc version and let the orcs serve as foils for you in this era?

over thinking.

"You heard it, head of state, while you are still pretending, our troops have begun to penetrate into your city." Nergo leaned forward, "If some time passes, maybe this treaty will also be a treaty for you. Such extravagant hope.”

"Losers deserve nothing," he said. "We will take it ourselves."

Margok wanted to say something: Can't we talk about it again and change the treaty? Even if you give in a little bit.

But he also knew that the orcs would not be merciful at the moment, or if they wanted to completely annihilate the ogres, there was nothing wrong with them.

It's nothing more than a waste of time.

That's how a winner should be.

Margok walked out of the tent in despair. Neither of his heads looked very optimistic, and the smile that always appeared on them was gone.

The orcs didn't push him too hard, they gave him some time to think.

Although this time was bought with the blood of the defenders in the city.

At this moment, Mal'gok and his Anywhere were placed in another tent, and Grommash fulfilled his request. Here, he and his Anywhere could think and argue at will.


"This is impossible!"

"You want us to bow our heads? Just dream! My family will not free any orc slaves!"

"Four gold coins per Gorian? These little yellow treasures are to be handed over to rude orcs? I disagree!"

"What's the use of not agreeing? Are you willing to fight in the streets?"

"No matter what, the glory given to us by the Forger cannot be shared with the orcs! The power of magic belongs to Goria!"

At this time, everyone (at least most of them) turned into the ogres who loved Highmaul the most. They were filled with righteous indignation and denounced the orcs' greed and whims.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

But what's the use? It was of no use. They even secretly watched outside the tent, fearing that some orcs who heard it would break in and kill them.

Even if the sound is a little louder, it will gradually decrease with the orc's "accidental" cough.

While these people were still having a meaningless quarrel, Margok said: "You also think the conditions of the orcs are too harsh, right?"

He glanced at the saliva on the ground with his four eyes, which was very close to his toes: "Then I think we should reject him."

A small stone covered the pool of liquid, and Margok looked at the ogre who was the most angry before and spat out saliva comparable to "the blood in an orc's body."

Normally, this would have seemed enough for Malgok's disrespect in ordering his execution, but now it seemed quite reasonable.

Just like what many ministers did in Nergo's previous life to establish a persona, he was setting up a persona, setting up a persona that he was a loyal minister, so that the firepower of the Gorians could be on him after the negotiation. A little less or even none.

"I am going to lead you to fight the orcs until the last moment. You and your family members will serve as my personal bodyguards and charge on the battlefield with me. What do you think?"

Malgok had already remembered him. He felt that he was a loyal minister and that the king was a traitor for allowing Highmaul to be humiliated. So he chose to disrespect the head of state? Good thing, the ogres are lacking such patriots.

Of course, for this kind of "patriot" who is just seeking fame and reputation, he just wants to use this to establish himself as a person and strive for benefits. It is too difficult for him to actually take action.

So, as expected, his expression immediately changed, so much so that Margok had a hint of joy on his face.

But he will never forget a true patriot.

For example, Krago was trying hard to understand Margok's thoughts. He could see that Margok was not inclined to accept the conditions of the orcs because the orcs' conditions were too harsh.

"I swore before the Council that I would bring peace back to Highmaul."

Margok quickly glanced around. He could see clearly which of these people were ambitious fools and which ones were weaklings who wanted to accept the conditions of the orcs.

"But the conditions of the orcs are too..." Margok did not finish his sentence.

An ogre couldn't wait to stand up and said: "But you swore an oath, this is the responsibility of the head of state."

What will we do if you don't surrender? Is it possible that I really want to charge into battle with you?

Do you really think this was two centuries ago? The ogres often duel with each other, and each of them has a lot of martial virtue.

It is not certain whether the current congressmen can still wear armor and mount mounts.

"No matter what his conditions are, you must accept the price of peace. Highmaul is no longer worth so many people dying for it." This is another ogre. He revealed in Mal'gok that he wanted to bring a noble As the members of Parliament charged into battle, they classified themselves as "pacifists" without looking back.

Well, both the ambitious fools and the wimps who want to accept the orcs' terms have come forward.

Margok was very satisfied. If he accepted these terms on his own initiative, his prestige among the army and most of his subjects would fall to the bottom, and careerists would take the opportunity to jump on the stage and try to seize his crown.

Even though there are many people and he actually has the same idea.

But if he, the head of state, is forced to agree to the terms requested by the members,

Then he is not a traitor, but a poor king who was forced into the palace.

At that time, it won't be his turn to scold him. There are still these idiots in front of him to share the firepower for him.

"Shut up!" Krago, who had been silent for a long time, said, "The orcs are advancing step by step, but you are here forcing the head of state to surrender?"

He looked at Mal'gok with a sincere face, "How can Highmaul's danger be controlled by a few corpses and in the hands of a nobleman with no merit at all?"

The fire in his eyes burned brightly, "As long as you give the order, I will sacrifice everything and I will not let you suffer the humiliation of surrender."

Loyal and loyal, but what is the use of your sacrifice? Can you still kill ten thousand orcs?

Margok murmured in his heart, if you were really capable of killing ten thousand per person, then the orcs would really not be a problem, you would be the real trouble.

Malgok looked at Krago and then at the other ogres, as if hesitating about who to listen to.

After hesitating for a moment, he made a determined look and said: "This world belongs to us. It is the fertile soil given to us by the Forger. If any ogre chooses to share power with slaves and let them rule the earth together, then he is not worthy of being a Ogre.”

Familiar opening lines, even children in Highmaul will be taught that Dregol is a world given by the Forge to ogres to rule.

ps: Degor is the ogre's name for Draenor, which means the known land.

"He, tui~" The head of state's speech, which is usually regarded as the truth by all ogres, did not receive applause. Although everyone knew that they could not interrupt the head of state, this did not prevent the pacifists from spitting out louder words. A mouthful of spit.

In a sense, the talent of being the first to spit as a member of parliament has surpassed 99% of ogres.

"Our glory has passed! Goria perished centuries ago. Does this dilapidated city still have the so-called glory and the right to rule the earth? Is it really worth the blood of your people? Keep it? When you sit on that tattered throne, can you see the blood flowing underneath?"

"After the failure of Führer Hokron's plan to revive the empire, every Gorian should understand that we are Highmaul, not Goria! That is their heritage, not ours."

"Open your eyes and take a look at this Nagrand! This is no longer the great empire of King Gogo."

These people all started their speeches righteously, with the momentum that if you don't click on Margok, I will kill you and then click on you again.

The person who originally wanted to pretend to be a loyal minister could no longer pretend to be a loyal minister. After all, he was afraid that he would actually go to the battlefield.

"So." Margok subconsciously crossed his arms, making himself look like a statue.

"You think that the glory of Highmaul can be given up. The inheritance of Goria is not worth mentioning to you. The inheritance of your ancestors has become a cheap transaction, right?"

"Humph." They said, "Everything comes first, the lives of the people."

Especially ours.

"Bah, incompetent fools, cowardly losers, how dare you guys force His Majesty to surrender?"

Margok looked over and found that the speaker was still Krago.

Margok said helplessly: "In their words, Highmaul is in danger. For the sake of the royal family and its subjects, they all think it is time to surrender, but why do you refuse?"

"Hmph, I think he wants the people in the city to bleed in exchange for his reputation as someone who would rather die than surrender." A sinister voice came from the ranks of the congressmen.

Krago ignored him. He knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, the orcs are few and they are not enough to exterminate Goria. As long as we return to the city, push them out of the city gate, repair the magic defenses, and hold on to the city, we will wait until Gorgrond and Frost Huoling sent troops to rescue, attacked from inside and outside, and the dilemma was solved naturally. How can we surrender the glory of our ancestors just because of the coercion of these national thieves?"

"What a good idea." Another person stood up and angrily scolded him, "The Gorgrond Governor-General was defeated in the attack on the Blackstone Clan. Now almost all of them have been driven out of Gorgrond. Only a few outposts still exist."

"The Blade Tower Fortress in Frostfire Ridge was breached by orcs a few years ago, and its governor, Kilgorok, was strangled to death in the fortress."

He sneered a few times: "The few outposts and strongholds in these two areas are not enough to protect ourselves. How can we have the troops to rescue Highmaul?"

Crago was speechless. Even if he didn't want to surrender, he still had to face the fact that the ogre really had no soldiers left.

"Perhaps, the only way to save Highmaul is..." Krago made up his mind. He stood up and retreated to the crowd.

"Okay then." The expression on Margok's face was as if his soul had been taken away. He slumped weakly on the animal skin blanket and closed his four eyes, "As you wish, I hope With our power in hand, the ogres will not be surpassed by the orcs."

"Once you are a slave, you will always be a slave. Why should they surpass our former glory?"

Some ogres were still arrogant and beat their chests with their hands to show respect to the Führer who had made a difficult choice.

Immediately, although these old actors were happy that their wealth, status and life had been saved, their faces were still serious, as if they had no choice but to do so, and they walked resolutely towards the tent where Grommash was. go.

But no one saw that after they left, Margok, who was still in a daze just now, showed a smile.

He looked at the tent where Nergo was and thought: Do you know why I am the king this time?

Because there are always idiots.

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