World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 130 First Arrival at Frostfire Ridge

Convincing all the orcs and then uniting them to establish a tribe has been Nergo's long-standing goal and what he is currently doing.

But were they really so easily persuaded by Nergo to go to Nagrand to serve the Warsong clan as their master?

Nergo didn't know.

The success in the Warsong clan has given Nergo a lot of confidence, but this does not mean that other clans can be convinced so easily.

For example, Blackhand is greedy for power. If Grommash cannot gain the support of other chiefs with an absolute advantage, he will inevitably compete with the war chief.

For example, Kargath is a murderous person. He is a natural killing machine. If the tribe cannot satisfy his thirst for blood, his loyalty will not last.

For example, Kilrogg, he only believes in fate. If the fate Kilrogg sees in this world is that he becomes a servant of the Burning Legion, then it is useless no matter what he says.

Therefore, this trip is indeed full of uncertainties for Nergo. He cannot guarantee that he can win over every clan, but he will try his best.

Since leaving Nagrand, Nelgo has not spent much time in the adjacent Talador region (where most draenei live).

Although there are also orc clans like Blade Wind here, their attitude towards the draenei determines that they cannot join a tribe with draenei.

After simply replenishing some supplies in Shattrath, Nergo put on a thick coat, took the black wolf with him, and got on a Draenei boat, silently watching the scenery passing by. .

The scenery here was beautiful, and the fallen leaves and tree shades on both sides of the bank made him even want to rest here for a while.

After declining the enthusiastic boatman, Nergo mounted a warg and set foot on a mountain road after passing the coast of Oruna.

The air is getting colder.

Nergo tightly covered his animal skin jacket, which he had prepared just for this.

According to the description on the map, as long as he keeps walking along this mountain road, he will reach his first goal, Frostfire Ridge.

Although he hasn't arrived at Frostfire Ridge yet, Nergo can imagine just by looking at this harsh mountain road that the scenery in Frostfire Ridge is probably not much better than in the game.

Sure enough, after arriving at Frostfire Ridge, Nergo was completely convinced of his idea.

The weather here is very strange, cold and hot, glaciers and volcanoes, these things that should conflict have created the extreme environment of Frostfire Ridge.

Ever since he stepped into this land, Nergo only felt that he might have brought a little little food.

Are there no wild beasts here? Of course there is.

Vultures on the edge of the cliff, flying dragons nesting next to the volcano.


"These things are simply not edible for humans." Nergo complained after stripping off a vulture.

There was nothing in the game yet, but in reality, Nergo doubted what orc clan would choose to settle in this place.


Nergo looked back and found that the warg who accompanied him looked pitifully at the hairless vulture in his hand.

It was obvious that he was hungry.

Nergo had experienced a volcanic eruption and a snowstorm in the past few days. I don't know whether to blame bad luck or bad weather. In short, this man and the wolf have been starving for many days.

"Tsk, here you go."

Nergo looked at the eager eyes of the warg, neatly tore off half of the vulture's meat and threw it to the warg to replenish some strength.

Cold and hungry.

Nergo couldn't bear it anymore at this moment. He couldn't accept that he was going to be buried in the environment of Frostfire Ridge.

In a quiet and dark cave, Nergo originally planned to sleep here for a while, but the hunger in his body prevented Nergo from falling asleep.

At this moment, the warg began to bite his trouser leg gently, trying to drag him outward.

"Did you find something?" Nergo looked at the strange behavior of the warg and realized that it might have discovered something.

He picked up his weapon, prepared himself, and walked out of the cave.


Almost at the same time, in the sky not far away, a strange beast spit out a mouthful of blazing flames towards the cave where Nergo was.

This beast has two heads, a long neck, red skin, two heads with spikes and goat-like horns respectively, yellow eyes, and two sharp fangs at the corners of its mouth. The long tail like a fork on the wings made Nergo instantly aware.

Meat...the two-headed flying dragon is here.

The two-headed flying dragon, this beast has the same position as the wolf for the Dragonmaw Clan of Gorgrond and the Thundergod Clan of Frostfire Ridge. They hunt, tame this beast, and raise it as a mount.

The name Nergo comes from this beast.

Normally, Nergo might have thought about taming a flying dragon as a pet, but now he only saw the skinny muscles of the flying dragon.

"Good baby." Nergo's eyes were fixed on the flying dragon. He did not take its flame breath seriously. While caressing the warg who was facing an enemy, he opened his mouth and took a deep breath.


Nergo's bulging mouth opened and he breathed out. A warm wind turned into a strong wind the moment it left his mouth.

Howling wind.

With this breath, a gust of wind blew up from the sky, scattering the flames, and the two-headed flying dragon spun around in the air like a top.

"Get down here!"

Nergo's palm was aimed at the flying dragon, and the strong wind became more fierce. In this ice volcano, stones and ice blocks were rolled up together, and they hit the two-headed flying dragon in the air.

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At this moment, against the background of the flying snowflakes in the sky, Nergo was like a spellcaster releasing ice spells, driving the ice cubes to smash the two-headed flying dragon dizzy.

"Quick, we're going to catch him!"

"Try harder, Burning Throat can't run very far."

Rough voices belonging to orcs came from not far away.

Judging from their attire, they were a hunting team from the Thunder God Clan. They rode a smaller flying dragon than the two-headed flying dragon that Nergo faced, and flew over with spears and lassoes.

But when they approached nervously, what they saw was indeed an elemental creature dressed as an orc. Amid the roar of a two-headed flying dragon named Burning Maw, he released a wildly dancing whirlwind and threw out flashing thunder.

Under the angry roar of Ranhou, it tried to rush in front of Nergo many times, but was blown away by the strong wind many times, and then it dodged awkwardly from the attacks of rocks and ice without exception.

He even gets struck by lightning from time to time.

It was as if what the Thunder God Beastmen were chasing was not the two-headed flying dragon with a notorious reputation that Chief Iron Wolf had ordered to capture, but a silly bird with two heads.

It wasn't until the flying dragon fell weakly on the snow with a roar and became a delicious meal in his and the black wolf's mouths that they stared at each other numbly.

"This...are you sure it's Burning Roar?" Some orcs asked in disbelief, wondering how the ferocious beast that they had only injured after several hunting teams worked together was captured like a joke in front of this creature.

"You can't be wrong." Another person said: "Look at his wings and the wounds left by our spears."

Amidst the discussions, some people even murmured whether this guy would kill them all together.

They looked at Nergo warily. There were many elemental creatures in Frostfire Ridge, but wind elemental creatures were indeed rare.

Until Nergo came towards them, they raised their weapons one by one, and the leader's expression changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, when this creature approached, he spoke fluent orc language, "I am the adjutant of Hellscream, the chief of the Warsong clan. Take me to meet your chief, Iron Wolf."

At this moment, there was still Ranhou's blood on his mouth.

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