After successfully persuading Frostwolf and Thunder God, Nelgo rushed to the territory of another clan - White Claw. There is nothing to say about the process. This custom and philosophy are all imitated by Frostwolf, which can be said to be the foundation of Little Frostwolf's clan. It didn't take much effort for Nel Gordo to pack his things and prepare to go to Nagrand to celebrate the birth of the warchief.

Next, Nelgo returned to Talador, where he had to make a choice, whether to go north into Gorgrond to explore the ancient homeland of the orcs, or to go southeast to join an alliance in the territory of the dead, or to go to Nan continued his journey and came to the Arak Peaks, the seat of the ancient Crow People civilization.

Without much thought, Nergo explored Auchindoun and found no trace of Gul'dan's lackeys, then continued south, preparing to enter the Arak Peaks.

Aranka Peaks, strictly speaking, this place should be called Aranka. The reason why Nergo and others added the word "Fenglin" after it was precisely because of the unique geographical environment there.

Huge peaks are towering majestically, and the highest point on the top of the mountains here is known as Tongtian Peak.

"Fortunately, that Draenei woman was smart enough." Nergo still remembers what he saw in Auchindoun. After all, the priestess Niyami did a "great deed" in the 6th edition by joining Gul'dan to lead the army.


"Huh? What is it?" Nergo was startled. While he was thinking, he didn't notice that a... birdman appeared in front of him?

Still a wandering birdman.

"Wait, don't attack." This weird birdman who looked a little bloated quickly explained: "I am a businessman, and I sell some magical talismans to my tribe, which can effectively relieve the fatigue they encounter during the journey. "


Nergo was not interested in this thing. At this moment, he had realized what these creatures were, arakkoa, or arakkoa exiles, a group of poor people who could not protect themselves.

"Sorry, I don't need this." Nergo refused the businessman's promotion. There were many arakkoa exiles passing by Nergo one after another. They were in tatters and some were in tatters. Their eyes were full of despair, some were mumbling words hoping that the gods would show favor, and others were like walking zombies who couldn't see where the future was.

"Hmm..." This was the first time Nergo had seen such a fleeing scene, "Are they fleeing?"

"Fleeing?" The Crow Man shook his head, "How can a believer of the Sun Goddess fall into hunger?"

"The goddess is so kind. She benefits all things and allows us to control the power of light freely..."

"But the light can't reach us." A passerby interrupted him. He didn't say why, he just shook his head and left.

"I hate riddles." Nergo muttered. He had almost forgotten the plot of the arakkoa. He only vaguely remembered that the soul elements scattered after the giant ancestors of the orcs fought with plants gave birth to some extraordinary creatures, including The three gods of the arakkoa - Rukhmar the firebird, Setai the wind serpent and Anzu the raven god.

And this is the beginning of the myth and legend about the birth of the arakkoa.

In this legend, Setai, the wind snake, plays a role like an evil god. He is cruel and jealous, and he also controls the shadow power of the void. However, as a wind snake, he cannot fly to the highest level like Rukhmar, so he is jealous. Rukhma wants to join forces with Anzu to defeat her and seize her authority in the Arak Peaks.

But he never expected that Ansu was a licking dog... licking crow. Ansu, who had been secretly in love with Rukhma for a long time, seemed to be good friends with Setai, but in fact, he almost told Lu about what Setai was eating tonight. Kema.

The result is naturally not difficult to guess. On the day when Setai thought that the time had come to launch an army, Rukma directly burned Setai's wings, and even his eyes were gouged out by Ansu.

Before he died, Setai finally discovered a truth about the world. He cursed Ansu, "Licking a dog will lead to a good death." He cursed the entire earth with his body and blood.

The curse failed because his body was swallowed by Anzu, causing the curse to only affect an area.

The curse was very successful, because licking a dog does not lead to a good death, and Ansu became deformed and could not even fly.

Not to mention confessing his love, so Ansu silently hid in the darkness, hiding where Rukhma could not see him.

What was so touching was that Rukhma transformed the birds that followed her into arakkoa, called the sons of Arak, as a tribute to Anzu.

Although Nergo did not understand that this was a tribute to a hammer, the legend said so.

"The goddess has not appeared for a long time." When mentioning Rukhmar, the Crow merchant looked a little nostalgic, "We are now following the Crow God."

"Back to the topic." The merchant said: "Whether you want to get the answer to why we are in exile, or just want to simply replenish some supplies, go to Skettis. Although that great city has turned into a deserted slum, you can still replenish supplies." Supplies are still available.”

The Crow Man sighed, and then fiddled with the amulet in front of him, "But if you want to do something for your people, then go to Skettis to find Reshad. He is an old scroll hider. After you find him, Remember to tell him about the shadow and that you are the helper Azik found."

Really, why is it that I have such a strong sense of déjà vu when an NPC comes and gives me a side quest in the middle of the main quest line, and I just get talked to and become a helper?

"Wait, why did I become a helper?" Nergo narrowed his eyes, "And no matter what you want to do, if you just invite someone to join your plan on the street, I doubt your success rate. How many."

"About 50%..." Azik wanted to say something about success or failure, but looking at Nergo's face, he wisely skipped this sentence.

"You're an orc, right?"

Nergo nodded, and finally there was no need for him to explain that he was just an Ascendant. Although he was covered in wind elements, and although he had almost no body, he was indeed an orc.

"That's right." Azik breathed out, "If you want to do something for your people, then join us. We believe in you. This will be an action that at least saves the world and your clan."

It's funny, he doesn't even know which clan I am from, Nergo thought to himself, you believe me but I don't believe you!

And do the arakkoa have a lot of roles in the original plot? How can it still be related to saving the world?

There can't be anyone among them who wants to create an empire to conquer or destroy the world, right?

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