World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 138 Help Ansu win the resurrection match

"Mortals, I know why you summoned me." Ansu's voice was sharp and thin. It's no wonder, after all, he is a crow.

What else could you expect from this feathered creature?

But at this time, many exiles were already kneeling on the ground, offering their most devout faith to Ansu.

Ever since they were sentenced at Tongtian Peak, Ansu's faith has been supporting them. Whether it is the strength to survive or the determination to take revenge, these all come from Ansu.

Presumably now, when the cultists want to resurrect the fallen Wind Snake God, Ansu can save everyone.

"But I can't help you defeat Setai now." Ansu's words poured cold water on the Crow People, "A long time ago, I retreated to the Shadow Realm. In other words, my physical body is dead. "



Nergo felt a chill in his heart. He believed that it was not just him, but also the Crow People. Who were they going to face first? Maybe the ancient evil god who can corrupt the world with his blood is not a bit stronger than the ancient god of Draenor who was summoned by the arakkoa in the future but was killed by the adventurers.

But now, people are starting to play in the playoffs, why are you still pretending to be a dreamer?

Nelgo sighed. He knew that the arakkoa were unreliable. Do you think it's still too late to run to the Shattered Hand clan and bring them to Nagrand, and then ask the Wrath of the Four Elements to come and wash the ground?

"But." Ansu looked at the disappointed believers and then said, "I am not unable to return. The believers of Setai are holding a ceremony to resurrect me, and intend to use the power of Setai to make me succumb to His will. By then the darkness of Seth will cover the sky and soak the world in a sea of ​​blood."

Is it a side effect of co-authorship?

Not only was he unable to help, but he quickly became the opponent's support.

Nergo cursed in his heart, I am not Rastakhan, can you please stop being Lazan?

"No, then can't we resurrect you and allow you to resist Seth's control?" Nergo couldn't help but speak.

Ansu looked at him. This elemental creature stood at the forefront of the team. It was obvious that he was an important figure among the believers, so Ansu was also quietly sizing him up.

The strength is estimated to be very strong. The soul element present in his body surprised Ansu. It has rarely felt such abundant energy among other creatures.

"Who are you……"

"Oh, please allow me to introduce, this warrior is..." Eskar hesitated.

He quickly asked Reshad, "What is the name of this orc warrior?"

Wait, what's his name?

Reshad suddenly realized that he seemed to have never asked his name.

"This...I don't know, I forgot to ask..." Reshad was a little embarrassed.

In the end, the two of them looked at Nergo at the same time. He was a little helpless because he also forgot to introduce his name.

During this period of time, I have been busy saving the world, and I never thought that they didn't even know who they were.

"I am Nelgo, a Warsong Orc. Don't ask me why I look like an elemental creature. If you ask me, I won't tell you."

"Okay, Nergo, the problem you mentioned can indeed be realized." Ansu brought the topic back on track, "The rituals of the cultists are very useful. If I rely on their summons, I can return from the Shadow Realm soon. But their magic circle will also control me, so as long as you destroy their magic circle, then we will kill Setai together."

this one? No problem, I can’t beat Setai, and I can’t beat you little greens?

Nergo was ready to go. He couldn't wait to kill the Setek Valley and make the cultists bleed like rivers.


Finally, after the arakkoa preparations were completed, several elite teams quietly sneaked into Sethekk Valley.

"It looks quite eerie here." Nergo couldn't help but sigh as he broke a dry branch with his foot.

"After all, this is the place where Tongtian Peak is used for executions. How can the scenery be so good?" The speaker was a Crow Man named Kurek. Unlike Reshad, a scholar who was erudite but with low combat effectiveness, Kurek was... Known as the Talon Guard, the arakkoa can go to the battlefield to fight with cultists, so he was assigned to Nergo's team to carry out sabotage operations.

"That makes sense. No wonder most of us orcs think this is a cursed land." Nergo added: "Setai has done a lot of harm to people."

There were dry trees, weeds everywhere, the ground stained with blood, and the presence or absence of dark energy in the air.

If this place was placed in the Qing Dynasty, even Ning Guta would have to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his place.

"But even this can't stop the orcs from entering Arak." Kurek replied.

I don't know why, but when he thinks of the orcs in his team, Kurek feels that this operation will go smoothly. Is it because they are the descendants of giants?

Nergo suddenly made a "shh" gesture to signal several people to be silent.

He saw something. In a place not too far away from Nergo, there was a wind serpent following an arakkoa.

The cultists of Setai!

As early as when they arrived, Reshad had told them that the cultists would use the blood left by Setai to breed wind snakes. Under the influence of Setai's blood, these wind snakes would become stronger and more evil.

"Do you want to kill them? If so, just nod. If not, just shake your head and don't make a sound." Nergo sent a message to Kurek, and the Crow Man nodded.

A few people sneaked in quietly.

Generally speaking, this Sethai cultist should be considered a little "beast king" with the help of the wind snake pet, but he couldn't bear to face the spell caster.

As soon as Nergo waved his hand, a gust of wind appeared out of thin air and swept him and the wind snake away without causing any movement.

This operation was like the monster catching Tang Monk in Journey to the West, which shocked the Yaren.

The cultist was even ready to scream loudly, but unexpectedly, the surrounding air was controlled by Nergo. He wanted to speak? It’s so funny that no one else can hear it.

"Honestly, where is the ritual circle for resurrecting Anzu?" Nergo grabbed his neck and asked fiercely.

One thing to say, magic is really convenient. With the help of arakkoa spellcasters, Nergo can also speak some of the arakkoa language simply.

"I won't tell you!"

Then the arakkoa saw that his wind snake had its neck broken.

"My loyalty to Setai will not yield to this!"

Nergo then controlled the air to suffocate him.

"The Claw King will avenge me."

Nergo took out a dagger and marked how many cuts he needed to make on his body.

"Damn Ezio put the magic circle there!"

He couldn't bear it any longer.

"Tsk, I'm not honest, I have to scare you." Nergo looked at him with contempt, and then gave him a happy death.

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