"Brothers, friends, loyal and brave warriors of the Horde, please listen to me. After the miraculous union of various clans and races, the Horde was established here. Since Gul'dan attacked the Throne of the Elements, one piece of land after another has been destroyed. Burned to scorched earth by demons, our world is in danger. However, now that the Horde has been established, a new and brighter era has dawned for the entire world. From now on, under the rule of Warchief Hellscream, a new The great war is about to begin.”

"I call him the Crusade." Nergo stood at the top of the city and announced the news to everyone.

On the flag fluttering behind him, there was an orc hand holding a Draenei cross symbolizing the Holy Light.

"As everyone knows, the homeland of the Blood Ring Clan, which once shared the same blood as ours, has been invaded by demons.

On the land of Ichi, demons are destroying every inch of the land under their feet, and their presence appears on the earth like dirty stains.

But what about us? As orcs with the same rebellious spirit, we can only watch their pollution spread day by day, but we are like sluggish turtles, hiding in our respective territories?

Folks, think about it! As the demons expand, their ambition will one day cover all known lands, and by then we will just become their new slaves.

If you are still indifferent and stay here doing nothing, then by that time, our descendants will have sacrificed more in their invasion. So I want to encourage you and implore you, all warriors, to be willing to fight for your descendants. People who leave legends to future generations, people who long for glory, whether you are a man, a woman, an old man or a child.

Whether it is orcs, arakkoa, ogres, saber-toothed tigers or draenei, we all have a common name, that is the tribe. As members of the tribe, we are born with the ability to expel demons and restore order to the world. of destiny.

We all need to step out of our respective dark and small territories, seize the land that belongs to us under the sun, let the demons and plants that encroach on our domination of the world die in our hands, and take back everything we should have.

Let us wage a holy war, a war for all families and races! Let us stop all disputes and conflicts between various tribes, let us release all our anger and power in the east, and let all tribal enemies see real warriors!

Brothers, listen to me, there is a lot of wealth outside our territory. As the stories left by our ancestors say, it is the wealth given to us by God and this world. There, there are prey and treasures everywhere. Easy to pick up. Its land is more fertile and richer than most of the lands in your clan. It is a place that everyone dreams of. Demons and plants are polluting such a paradise.

And what about us? Some of the clans we have here are full of poverty, hunger and sorrow, and there are miserable scenes everywhere. The elderly cannot be supported, the children cannot live to adulthood, and everyone has to fight for survival. So why do we still sit here and wait to die? Woolen cloth?

Let’s set off towards the east! Don't hesitate, don't hesitate, fight for glory, go! Let our weapons be stained with blood as proof of our glory. Under the banner of the tribe, our ancestors will bless you and me invincible!

From today until the end of the world, we will be remembered by future generations forever. As a member of my tribe whose blood flows the same way, we are comrades who live and die together. Anyone who fights bloody battles with me is my brother. No matter who they are, everyone who participates in the war will become a true warrior! And in the future, those others who did not participate in this war will regret that they were not here, and when anyone tells them that we fought for the entire tribe and the world, they will be ashamed of not being there! "

"Delanor, Degor, Raksha, no matter how you describe them, they are our world." Nergo ended his speech with the last sentence, "This is our country, not theirs, Delano It’s Draenor from Draenor!”

In the cheers of countless people, Nergo Thunder ended his speech. As an orc, he was determined to start a war that he had been planning since before he founded the tribe.

This speech was obviously very effective, and all the orcs present were as enthusiastic as if they had drunk the blood of demons.

This campaign, called the Crusade, with the goal of destroying demons and plants, officially began.



In the early morning, the streets of Grommashr should have been silent, but amid the noise, the wargs opened their eyes one after another from their pens.

That was the orcs going crazy. They had long realized that the orcs would get together and go crazy these days. It roared a few words in a low voice, and then found a comfortable position to sleep again.

"Father, I'm back!" A little orc wearing an iron mask ran in from outside.

This made his father feel relieved. His family was not rich. Although he was a hunter and could get meat by hunting in his spare time, he had five orcs in his family, all of whom were big eaters. Ordering meat is of no use at all.

This has also made his family become poorer and poorer, but he still has the motivation to persist in working hard, and that is the son who has just entered the family. This is his eldest son, who is brave and can endure hardships. He participated in Highmaul with him before. During the siege of the city, he received gold from King Nergo for his military exploits, which made their family feel much better.

"Father, I saw King Nergo today." The son took out a crumpled piece of paper from his arms, with an almost indecipherable emblem drawn on it.

"When the king read out the order from the great chief, he said that in this war against the East, a new clan will be established based on military achievements." He said: "This is the emblem of that clan. The king said that this is called the Crusader clan."

The Crusader Clan, although the name seemed a bit crude after Nergo came up with it, it is just right in this context.

After all, it’s not like there is no crusade in Warcraft.

"So?" The old father touched the younger son who ran over. They gathered together to listen to the conversation between the elder brother and his father.

The son said: "I want to join the Crusades and leave the family business to my brothers. I want to earn my own wealth."

He uttered astonishing words.

His family is too poor, and his brothers are getting older and older. The family cannot afford to support them.

"What did you say?"

"The king said that there is wealth and glory in the east. The shamans said that they would follow the chief to conquer the east. The territory they conquered would belong to us. Ordinary people could become farmers, and farmers could even become chiefs," the son said excitedly.

"I want to be the Crusader King." The son gently stroked the iron mask, which was put on by King Nergo himself.

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