World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 184 Tribal Inequality: Sending a mission does not mean that I want to express friendship wit

ps: To explain in advance, Stormwind City was called the Kingdom of Azeroth in the early years of the novel, but this name was obviously no longer reasonable in the middle and later stages, so the chronicles called it the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Where does the conquest of Azeroth begin? There is no doubt that it is the Kingdom of Stormwind that is closest to them. Only the fertile land here can barely provide shelter for a whole world of tribes.

A mere black swamp is too small and too rotten.

But as the protagonist of Azeroth for decades to come and even more, Stormwind City now has Medivh, the astral mage who is both good and evil, as well as the talented and strategic King Llane, and the outstanding knight Lothar...

It was clear that a forceful attack, while desirable, would inevitably involve casualties and would likely offend moderate tribesmen.

"I don't understand." Garrosh saw the poverty around him and clenched his fists. "I went to see those two natives. They looked like hard laborers. They lacked muscles and were too heavy." emaciated……"

Garrosh wanted to say something more derogatory about the two humans, but he swallowed it after seeing Nelgo's eyes and expressed his own point of view instead.

"If they are all like this, then I only need the cavalry of the Warsong clan to seize their land, and we don't need to stay here."

He looked at the swamp with disgust. There was nothing here but mud.

"Patience, Garrosh." Nergo knew that there were many orcs who had the same idea as Garrosh. After seeing humans, they all scorned them, thinking that they only needed to use artillery to blast one round, and then the tribe would If the warriors charge, they will scatter like frightened beasts.

But Nergo doesn’t think he should be so arrogant.

"Do you think those two indigenous people can represent their country or race?" Nergo asked Garrosh, "Do you think the strength of a clan can be determined by an ordinary individual? It's like I randomly selected a clan from an ordinary individual. The clan selects a warrior and then determines whether the clan is strong or not based on his physical qualities.”

Garrosh was speechless. He understood what Nelgo meant. Those two natives may not represent the races of this world.

"Know yourself and your enemy, Garrosh." Nergo sighed and said a truth that is widely spread in any world.

"Understand your enemy first, then recognize your own strength, and finally launch an attack. This will save your warriors a lot of sacrifices."

Nergo is not sure whether there will be any changes in the Kingdom of Storms in this world. He cannot regard a plot from a previous life as the truth, because one of his wrong decisions may result in thousands of lives being wasted.

"But Garona couldn't ask them anything at all." Garrosh hesitated. He knew that what Nelgo said was reasonable, but he still retorted: "She tried her best to learn their language, but she only had a few words. Just a small talk."

"This is still valuable. It's not just military secrets that deserve attention." Nergo prepared to take Garrosh to meet the two captured human mages.

"They said that there was a great mage in their kingdom who single-handedly destroyed the invading troll army." Nergo explained: "You see, this reveals that there is a great wizard in their country. As long as we ensure the accuracy of this news and what the troll is, we can judge the strength of this strong man and the strategy to deal with him."

Of course he knew who the mage was. Medivh, the astral mage, was also his helper when he opened the Dark Portal. If it weren't for him, it would still take a lot of effort to get Gul'dan's head and the Apexis Crystal.

However, the mage's arrogance still helped him. He believed that the Horde's army would forcibly change the status quo of the nations of Azeroth and unite them, so he assisted him in opening the Dark Portal.

Nergo didn't know whether this was Sargeras' distortion of his will or an idea he came up with on his own, but he could only say that the last guy who wanted to control the tribe was dead and still charging the portal with his head. .

Garrosh was silent. He thought carefully about Nergo's words. As a military genius in the future, Nergo was not stingy. He said to Garrosh: "Don't overdo it when we see the mage." Be enthusiastic, but don't be too indifferent. You don't need to speak, just listen to me slowly, okay?"

"I already have an idea for their country," Nergo said.

Then modify it as appropriate based on the intelligence, which is an attack plan.

The human mage's house was not far away, and the two captives were treated fairly well. The Draenei built a hut for them, giving them plenty of food and water. Except from time to time, tribe members looked at them outside the hut like Other than seeing the animals, it's not bad here.

As usual, Lal and Hazen were still communicating with Garona in the house. According to her, they were orcs, refugees from a destroyed world who had fled to this world.

I have to say that the name orcs really makes sense. Hassen looked out the window at the big men who were almost as strong as two humans. They were like beasts.

Garona has a strong learning ability, and he can always quickly understand what these two humans say.

"Our great chief will come to see you today." Garona said with some stumbling, but her words did not convey the wrong meaning.

Hassen and Lal looked at each other. They had briefly learned about this tribe in the past few days. The chief was like their king, so a foreign king wanted to see them?

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It has to be said that after returning from this trip, they have a lot to brag about. Lal even wants to write a story book about the story of the alien king's visit to him.

A moment later, he arrived. Lal and Hazen looked at Nergo who was incompatible with ordinary orcs. Although they were confused, they did not say anything. After all, in their eyes, orcs were diverse.

For example, there are "orcs" with blue skin and hooves, and "orcs" with horns that are as tall as a hill, etc.

"Hello, friend, I am the chief of the tribe."

Garona translated Nergo's words in real time.

"Hello, we are...mages from the Kingdom of Stormwind."

"The Kingdom of Stormwind." Nergo muttered a few words, and then he asked seemingly puzzled, "Can you tell me what a kingdom is?"

Garona looked at Nergo in confusion, no, what are you pretending to do?

When Lal and Hasen heard this, they were not surprised. After all, in their eyes, they called themselves tribes, a primitive social system, and it was normal for them not to understand the concept of a kingdom.

But asking them to explain why they are a kingdom and what a kingdom is is obviously too long-winded.

"The kingdom is the country under the rule of the Wrynn family, similar to your tribe." Hazen said, and then added: "The territory includes Elwynn Forest, Redridge Mountain, Stranglethorn Vale and Dusk Forest."

Lal added: "Including the Black Swamp, this is also the territory of the Kingdom of Stormwind."

"You mean we are in your country now?"

"That's right." Lal nodded.

Nergo began to inquire for information without leaving any trace again, "So, does this world belong to you?"

"How is that possible?" Hassen shook his head quickly, "Not to mention the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Kingdom of Gilneas, and the Dwarf Kingdom in the north, but there are a lot of gnolls, murlocs, trolls, and the like in the south."

"They come to invade the kingdom from time to time, especially the trolls. There are so many of them. If the archmage Medivh hadn't used magic to destroy their army a few years ago, then the Kingdom of Stormwind might have..."

Nergo nodded and asked in confusion, "Troll... what is that?"

"Man-eating monsters, bloodthirsty beasts, brainless bastards, a litter of locusts in a lifetime." Hassen continued to insult, and finally got to the point: "But their physical fitness is very good, especially their recovery ability. These heights Monsters that are more than two meters long can grow back even their broken arms, and it is almost difficult to kill them without magical fire or special poison."

"So your Medivh mage is very strong?"

"Of course he is strong." Hassen said proudly: "He is still the master of Karazhan."

"It is said that even the court mage around the king is not as good as him. He is the son of the previous court mage."

They chatted a lot. Nelgo didn't specifically ask about the kingdom's military power or the important secrets of the Kingdom of Stormwind. He only asked about trivial matters or things that everyone knew. But just like that, he also had an understanding of the kingdom. Simple impression.

Although he almost never played an alliance role in his previous life and didn't know much about Stormwind City, the information he had today seemed to be no different from what he remembered.

"Then can I ask you a favor?" Nergo said to the two of them: "I want to send an envoy to see King Wrynn and sign a treaty of friendship with your kingdom. If possible, we hope to purchase this swamp. As a place to stay.”

Hassen looked at Lal and saw that he was silent. He wanted to ask him for an idea, but Lal ignored him at all and seemed dissatisfied with him for revealing so much information about the kingdom.

"Okay." Larson did not hesitate. When Nergo took out a few rough gold nuggets, he was already fascinated by the wealth. He immediately agreed, "I will take the envoy you sent to meet the king. .”

Maybe by inducing another race to establish diplomatic relations with the kingdom, he could become famous and earn some rewards from the kingdom.

Seeing that he agreed, Nergo turned around and went out with Garrosh.

"Why do we send an envoy to establish diplomatic relations with them?" Garrosh was confused. "Aren't we going to conquer them?"

In order to prevent these words from being heard by humans, they also deliberately used the dialect of the Warsong clan.

"Did I say not to attack them?" Nergo asked him.

"Remember, just because I send a mission doesn't mean I want to express friendship with them."

Nergo said softly: "It's still the same principle. Know yourself and your enemy. The purpose of sending the mission is to obtain more information about them. The purpose of saying that you want to buy the black swamp is to make them let down their guard."

"We are not in a hurry. We can even hide ourselves and make ourselves appear weak and harmless."

Nergo said slowly: "The orcs do not have the strong body and sharp teeth and claws of Gronn, but why are we the ones who rule the world in the end? Because everyone will know it is too late after discovering our threat."

If you can make a sneak attack by surprise, then why bother to use human lives to attack by force? After all, the Kingdom of Stormwind is not a soft persimmon.

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