Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 920: rescue!

The volcano world.

Solidified black and gray stones covered the earth.

The melt flows across.

From time to time, the smog of the sky shrouded large tracts of land with volcanic eruptions.

This is a world full of volcanoes. All the volcanoes are in a state of eruption at any time, and the world is named after it.

In a world where the environment is so bad, there should be no one who is willing to come.

But now, every few seconds, the sky of this world will split, and then a strong breath will come down.

There are more and more people coming to this world, and they are all powerful professionals.

The Seven Great Temples once lowered the gods and announced that they would seize the blasphemy Gu Qingshan and will be able to directly seal the gods.

In addition to this, there is another

A friend of the sorcerer, a killer named Zhang Yinghao, is also within the scope of the seven temples.

Killing him will give you the praise of the Seven Great Temples and gain the power and wealth to transcend the world.

Throughout the 900 million-layer world, everyone is looking for Gu Qingshan insanely, but Gu Qingshan has never appeared.

This person can escape the sanction of the gods, naturally has its own unique skills, is not so easy to find, otherwise, the rewards in the gods will not mention the gods.

After a while, people still have nothing to gain.

So everyone turned their eyes to Zhang Yinghao.

Compared to Gu Qingshan, this person’s whereabouts are heard, not completely impossible to find.

More and more people are chasing Zhang Yinghao.

Now Zhang Yinghao’s whereabouts are finally exposed.

He is in the volcano world!

Everyone is crazy.

As long as you kill him, you can get the unprecedented rewards of the Seven Great Temples!

All the strong have rushed to the world and launched a carpet search.

At this moment, in a shadow canyon in this world.

A temple has just been built.

The clergy from the seven temples squatted at the feet of the gods and began to report to the gods.

"The **** is on, we report to you."

“After releasing the news, more and more people came to the world and reached their peak nine hours ago.”

"There are more and more strong people."

“With the passage of time, the number of professionals who have descended into the volcano world has decreased rapidly in the last half hour.”

"I am afraid that everyone who can come has already come."

After they reported it, they waited quietly for further instructions from the gods.

After a few interest.

On the image of the god, there suddenly appeared a faint glory.

This is a miracle, and the representative of the gods has responded to the report just now.

The clergy are lower.

They didn't even dare to carry it.

Because in the teachings of the Seven Devils, looking directly at the gods is a serious sin.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound rang in the temple:

"That is, people who are closer are already coming?"

A cleric said: "Yes, the supreme god, as you said, so far, only sporadic personnel are still coming to the world."

The voice hasn’t sounded for a long time.

But the glory of the gloom has been there, which shows that the gods have not left.

The clergy were motionless and crouched on the ground until the voice rang again:

"This time I spent a lot of effort to block the whole world, I don't think I will be escaped by that guy."

It said to himself.


What does the Protoss of the gods mean?

Those priests from various shrines wondered in their hearts.

The next moment, the rumble sounded again:

"You have done a good job, I am very satisfied."

The clergymen quickly put down the thoughts in their hearts and screamed together: "For the sake of God, we are willing to offer our lives and everything."

This is used to express loyalty.

However, the gods have said a word, let everyone stay:

"The people who have come have come to this world, and the time is almost the same, then you are useless. Now, offer your life."

The voice sighed and said: "You are really good at doing things, but whoever asks that guy always likes to be someone else's appearance, and scheming, I am not at ease with anyone in this world."

The clergymen had no time to think too much. They only felt a sharp pain, and the whole world turned into an eternal darkness.

In the temple, a dead silence.

Everyone died at the same time.

Only the fire from the canyon churned through the temple.

for a long time.

Three figures appeared in the temple.

Abyssal Dragon.

On both sides of his side, there are two people whose eyebrows are burning with flames.


After the death of the Creator of the Earth, the Abyssal Dragons found the Protoss artifacts made by Gu Qingshan, and after they awakened their self-consciousness, they conquered these ancient Protoss.

Gu Qingshan must be unaware that the weapons he used to fight against the dragon and the soul screamer have become the hands of the abyss.

The Abyssal Dragons quietly felt the various fighting volatility in the world and took a deep breath:

"I smell the smell of death. Today, here, death will bloom with my will."

The two Protoss squatted on one knee and respectfully said: "God Lord, please let me know."

Demon Dragon said: "Go, take your men, block the whole world, only allow, do not allow."

A Protoss said: "If you meet that person"

Demon Dragon said: "Kill him, now he is not your opponent."


The two protoss were ordered to go.

The Abyssal Dragon stands alone in the temple.

He waited for a while.

It was not until the entire sky almost no longer appeared any adventurous or spacecraft that he began to act.

His entire body began to grow bigger and turned into a solid gray dragon skin.

His physique, his body shape exploded the temple.

In two breaths, the body of the dragon has already reached the height of a volcano.

At the same time, the dragon has a gray flame, and the huge body has already surpassed the entire river.

It appears on the surface of the world and occupies hundreds of kilometers.

The Abyssal Dragons moved down and slammed into the sky.

It looks at the vast expanse of the earth below, as well as those who are full of fear.



The abyss of the dragon reveals a sly smile.

"Gu Qingshan, no matter if you become anyone, and you are hiding anywhere, as long as you get the news to rescue the person, you don't want to run again."

"I will kill all the lives of this world, and there must be you."

"I have to look at it, how can you hide?"

The dragon roared, and the mouth spit out a flame of gray gas.

boom! ! ! ! !

The gray flame penetrated the earth and rolled up a layer of molten slurry deep in the ground.

The world began to tremble and collapse.


Let the time go backwards.

Two hours ago.

The night bar of the Coast World.

The bar is in the secret room. Gu Qingshan collected the colorful rooster statue.

This thing has been given the message of the God of War interface, and every day it reveals a piece of information related to itself.

However, Gu Qingshan did not immediately check the relevant news.

Anyway, I have already got this thing, and I am not in a hurry.

He began to read Zhang Yinghao's file.

After all, I am going to save Zhang Yinghao soon, and must plan in detail.

On the file, Zhang Yinghao’s fighting characteristics, previous pursuits and anti-huntings, the course of action along the way, the night of the gods, all the conditions of the volcanic world, and the details written in the file.

Gu Qingshan looked at it for a while and closed the file.

"Go?" Lin asked.

"Go." Gu Qingshan nodded.

The two went out of the secret room, left the bar and returned to the street.

Lin followed Gu Qingshan for a while and suddenly found out that it was wrong.

"Gu Qingshan, how do you go to the hotel?" she asked.

"Reservation room." Gu Qingshan Shi Shiran.

"I said I want to go with you to save people." Lin calmly said.

"Don't go, let's go back to the hotel."

"Well? Because the rescue is too difficult, have you given up on him?"


Gu Qingshan confessed to her: "I looked at the maps of the various circles. That place is not too far from Gemini. It is also close to us, so we will not go."

Lynn groaned and couldn’t help but say: “Do you suspect a trap? For this reason?”

Gu Qingshan said: "Of course there are other reasons, for example, we have just been separated from the magic dragon, and this is a shocking thing."

There was a playful smile on his face: "Do you not feel good?"

"There are a lot of coincidences in the world," Lin said.

Gu Qingshan said: "In the case of murder, any coincidence is a poor arrangement, which only makes the veteran laugh."

Lin did not understand: "Because it is too close and too smart, so you will not go?"

"There are many reasons, such as... the bar owner just said that the world is only allowed to enter, not allowed."

"This is a very natural thing, or who can catch him?" Lin said again.

"But there is not much power to block the world and prohibit everyone from being out." Gu Qingshan said.

Lynn stunned.

Yes, the ability to block the space, forcing everyone to stay is only a giant like a temple.

Other powerful organizations... basically do not make such anger, because there is no such horrible presence behind the abyss of the Devil.

The Seven Great Temples now belong to the Dragon.

Lin Momo silently couldn't help but said: "Then you are not planning to rescue Zhang Yinghao?"

Gu Qingshan said slowly: "In addition to self-investment, I still have many ways to find him."

He strode towards the direction of the hotel.

Lynn looked complicated and looked at his back.


She muttered and chased it up.

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