Xiling Empire

Chapter 770: Watching you, watching you do n’t know

Whenever there is military action in the empire, the minions will work in tandem with the main force of the empire. Initially they were directly ordered by the Supreme Command and commanded by various world leaders. Now they are moved by the Unified Department. The command efficiency and the allocation of arms for each task have been optimized a lot.

The composition of the subordinates is very complicated. After the integration of the unit, they still have nearly three-digit arms. This is caused by the different combat responsibilities of various races. Therefore, the problem of arms coordination has arisen. Azeroth The Dragons are suitable for air combat in the atmosphere, but they refuse to take off with the Robbie fighters of the civilized community because they cannot stand the strange engine smell of the latter. The tauren machine gunmen and the Dark Templar complement each other, but they are compatible with the Red Guards of the Cross. Regrettably, the latter's red cape increased fighting in the barracks by at least 50 percent. Therefore, after each war mobilization order, which race to mobilize, which world to be on the front line, and which world is responsible for logistics also need to be planned.

This time we decided to put the mixed fleet of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community and a small number of Atlantis artificial gods into a state of readiness (whether they need to enter the battlefield depends on the specific situation), mainly to see these two new How well forces work in the huge war machine of the Schilling Empire, especially the Atlantis artificial gods: For these old empires,

A class of humans who can fight boxing with the regular Imperial Army, both Sandora and I have high hopes.

Current location, Admiral Empire, Bridge.

In a blink of an eye, this huge Star Warship has been with him for several years and experienced the baptism of several wars. From the beginning, the Admiral of the Empire was simply designed by the Empire ’s war scientists for the reason that “Yuan must have a command flagship that can lead the soldiers to crush the enemy to gain glory”, as a symbolic ship Giant battleships (At that time, our main fleet was incomparable with today. The mass production of eternal-class battleships has just been completed. The generation of the empire generals is not only a supplement to the large-scale warships that the empire lacks, it is also a symbol of the new emperor. The sign of the re-emergence of power) is active on the battlefield. Until now, after several trials of wars and countless transformations and adjustments by technicians, it has not only become the leading commander ship of the emperor in xìng, but also some In this sense, it has become a symbol on the battlefield. The appearance of the brilliant Doji ship in space means that the empire's war machine has been roaring. When it comes down, soldiers from all over the world will even It is regarded as a kind of totem: this totem has brought 〖Zhongyouyouhesheng 」to their world, and will lead them to fight for their own victory and glory.

Of course, in terms of scale, the Empire is just a large battleship. It cannot be compared with a giant battleship like the Star Fortress and a class "battleship" like the Death Star Fortress. But then again, when the pestle is in front of you, it does n’t matter. Vertically, they are infinitely large. When personal senses can no longer analyze such a big concept, body shape can only be a mathematical problem. For example, ordinary people do n’t care much about Earth and Mars, whoever is older or younger. ”Ding Dang does n’t care who is smarter than Conan or Einstein ...

In short, the Admiral of the Empire should be a very important and respectable thing, and one of the manifestations of the power of Emperor Affairs should be taken seriously! You should never suddenly come up with the phrase "Jesus has worked so hard for such a big cross" just like Shallow!

Looking at sitting on the officer's seat, waiting for the channel to open, I was very bored and started to discuss with the bubble whether the world had the onion hua egg or the leek egg first. I was in a tangled heart. What is this girl thinking? How can it be normal?

"The ring adjustment has been completed. The resonance will begin in ten minutes. The first batch of teleportation fleets will be ready for world teleportation." The bridge ’s soft broadcast sound from the host ’s mainframe interrupted my imagination on the day of Asakusa. Ability to vomit.

The huge holographic projection presents the current scene in space: a huge ring-shaped mechanical structure that is gradually brightening.

This is the Kuiper Belt. The solar empire empire base is located within a horizon barrier. It is said that the scope of this place is far beyond the definition of these two words. We use the horizon barrier and space blocker to define this area. The vast space is packed up to form a semi-open spherical area. Inside the spherical space is enough to put down a Jupiter. There are countless military facilities floating in such a huge space, including various star ports and war factories, because the space is sufficient It is also located in the most heavily defended Empire State area. Naturally, it has become our most important warship assembly base at present. Most of the eternal class warships are produced at the Kuiper Belt base. At the same time, it is also a testing ground for dangerous projects that are not suitable for direct shadow city, such as the reorganization of the ring of stars.

In the holographic projection, the giant ring structure with a radius of nearly two thousand kilometers has already appeared as assembled. Although fragmented shadows can still be seen in the details, the armor plates in many places have not been repaired and the internal mechanical structure has been exposed. , But overall we can already feel the splendor and magnificence of this huge device. Because it has not been polished and waxed and repainted, the star ring assembled by the emergency appears a little gray-headed. Under the armor layer of gray and black, the energy flow of blue is gradually lighting up, like a capillary that gradually flows through the body. Like blood vessels, let the ring of stars wake up from their deep sleep. The "disappearance" that was originally caused by incomplete armor was illuminated by the glorious light of the blue energy, and this space monument showed another kind of beauty. As the energy gradually refreshed, we saw that the space inside the planet had been slightly twisted, and what should have been empty dark universe space, but now there was a light cluster from somewhere: it should be Mobra. Is there more sky in the world?

The twin induction between the two star rings of Visca can open the way to the two worlds for us, but at first I thought it was just giving us a coordinate, and then I still need to pass by the gate of the world by myself However, the result did not expect that a star ring itself can serve as this channel.

The design of her baby sister is truly extraordinary. She designed the entire star ring as a gate of a huge world. Yes, this ring structure is itself a gate. When they start, the interior will be Connected to each other.

I can't understand what this nonsense design is for: if it wasn't later that someone would destroy the two starrings in one place? For a distance of 100 kilometers, do you have to use such a large space door to teleport? Later, the "designer" of the two star rings explained it, and I realized that this feature has a long-term vision.

According to Huesca, the original purpose of this design was to provide fire support while enabling star rings to enhance the defense of the glory starship. When the gate of the world is activated, the two star rings will form a double space when they are superimposed. The visca barrier star is located inside the two star rings, which is equal to two space coordinates at the same time. In this way, when an attack falls on the barrier star itself, the attacker will fall into the quantum theory under the macro conditions. In the trap: Is the barrier star at the a coordinate or the coordinate at this moment? Only when the attack is implemented can it be determined, then the hit or miss? this is a problem.

"Ideally, a barrier star will get a full 50% chance of being immune to any attack, and half of his attacks will be wiped out by paradox. The barrier star itself is extremely strong, plus this percentage Fifty immune attack, it is indestructible! "

When the little girl first told me about this design, the glittering blood red cat eyes were full of pride.

Then Sandora asked a realistic question next to him: "But the ring itself can still be hit?"

Huesca was stunned.

"Then the ring itself's defense is weaker than that of the barrier star. It's not a little bit weaker," Huesca said.

"More importantly, the two star rings are concentric, their spatial coordinates in the center are the same ........." This is the true reason why Veska only ate half a bowl of rice last night. And now the little girl is still awkward.

"Don't be depressed" I patted Viska's little head next to him without saying a word. "It was all wrongs that I didn't know when I was a kid ..."

My original intention was to say that you were mentally unhealthy at that time, and you were making various plans with enthusiasm, but did not expect that Huesca looked down at the ground nearby, and suddenly raised his head with tears: "But ... but I haven't grown up yet !!! "

Me: "... I was wrong."

"The energy is filled, resonance has begun to shape the gate of the world, and it is expected to enter a stable state in three minutes." With this broadcast, it is expected that the first batch of warships entering the world of Mobrador will be in place inside the ring of stars, Then they gradually disappeared into our sight: they entered a space invisibility to ensure that they could not be surprised after entering the Mobrador world because the exit of the gate of the world established by the star ring was in another star ring. The Aboriginals of Mobrador stared at their sanctuary all day again. At this time, an overwhelming battleship was to emerge from the middle of the ring of stars. I was afraid that the war that Lin Xue said had not yet appeared, and Mobrador ’s people Light yourself first.

"Is Mi 1ya still in the room, isn't it?" I turned my head and asked my elder sister during the first batch of teleportation.

"Sleeping in the room is really a heartless guy." The older sister had a helpless expression on her face. "It was so easy to be fooled."

For various reasons, I did not let Mi 1ya know about the situation when we assembled our army and went to Mobrador. No matter how bad the other party is, he will panic when he sees a space fleet rushing towards his homeland. The purpose of our trip is to confirm the status of the empire's heritage. To put it plainly, it is to recycle those facilities. It is too dangerous to let those things that are high-end weapons in the Spirit Empire fall into the hands of ordinary civilization. But these are simple to say. In most cases, it will lead to strong reactions from the indigenous people of Mobrador. Although Sandora and I have already considered how to respond to those indigenous people, and also tried to minimize the damage to their civilization (to a dependent imperial heritage As far as civilizations are concerned, the impact of the sudden loss of these "sacred relics" is horrible. If we recover all the sacred relics so hard, they may even fall back to the primitive society in one step. This is equivalent to the sudden loss of electricity for humans on the earth now.), But before that, Pandora and Huesca still had enough artillery fire for the Aboriginal Mobrador.

The Apostles of the Spirit believe in war negotiations. Regardless of whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, letting one's bullets load is the first element of the opening. I did n’t interfere too much with the arrangement of the two little ones. Let's try to let things go in the direction of peaceful settlement, not to mention that the true enemy of the world is still lurking in the dark place in Lin Xue's prediction. There is no need to consume energy because of an ordinary civilization.

Thinking of Lin Xue's prediction, I lost my pocket and took out a stack of playing cards.

"A crystallization of power ..."

Draw a card from the card to yourself, depicting a very common big cake face, and the note below says "You are too ordinary, and it is pointless to draw a card."

In some ways, Lin Xue's ability is really easy to use, especially when it is used to ridicule his boyfriend.

This card is the crystallization of Lin Xue's ability, but I do n’t understand the specific principle, maybe even Tavel does n’t understand it. In simple terms, this thing is Lou's circles and cursing crystals like his sister. It is attached to it. It is Lin Xue ’s prophet power, but its manufacturing difficulty is obviously several orders of magnitude higher than that of the older sister's circle. After all, letting an item have the power to curse a contact person and letting an item have the power to reveal the future are two completely different concepts. Lin Xue has been tossing for a long time. It is said that she was tossing about this matter a few months ago, and now she has finally succeeded.

So this card was created.

"Because you don't always let me go to the battlefield," the former lady said to me with deep grudges. "I know, the prophet is behind, he won't fight directly, and he doesn't understand the command of the battlefield. It is not as good as 1ì1ìna who will add blood, so I made this thing, and when I ’m not around, I use it to divinate the future! The accuracy rate is very high ... Hey!

Don't be silly. Miss Ben is just too boring. Who cares about you? You are used to throwing me aside as soon as you fight, this time I see how you throw it! "

I was very touched by Lin Xue's caring heart like my little wife before leaving, and the hand-painted card she gave me did not miss her guarantee. The accuracy rate was really terrible. I can draw Yangzhou fried rice every time, and now I have almost memorized how many small squares there are on the back of this big cake face card.

The first batch of fleets disappeared quickly in the Central Zone of the Starring Circle. After a while, the general flagship received cross-world communications from another world. The advance team had safely reached their destination without any attention.

Immediately following were the Empire's main fleet and the Empire Admiral. We activated the space stealth device, and after the large troops entered the gate of the world to transmit the vertigo, the fleet has entered a brand new world.

"Oh, a weird world coordinate" Bubble sat in a large seat enough to wrap her whole person, although it was not located in the mainframe slot, but by the way, the natural flagship link analyzed the total flagship shipboard The host ’s data "If there is no guidance from the ring of stars, we will know when we can reach such a remote place by sweeping the sky. There will be a mess everywhere. This world is almost like a building in a garbage dump, and its vicinity is the worst-hit area what."

The words of the bubble seemed to be incomprehensible to others, but only Gedola 1ù came out thoughtfully: "Indeed, I always feel that this world is a bit weird. Are those Schilling Apostles leaving the remains here old friends? "

I turned my attention to the holographic projection in front of me, and decided not to let those high intelligence quotients fight against people's self-confidence, and let the carrier-based host transmit the outside scene.

Abstract spatial analysis data was washed away from the rain like a holographic projection, and a beautiful blue halo floating quietly against a dark background in deep space appeared in front of it.

No accident, it should be the planet Mobrador.

The Empire Fleet is now in the high orbit of this planet, the ring of stars is behind us, and it has been thrown away by the spaceship. From another picture of the holographic projection, I saw its panorama and was a bit surprised.

Unexpectedly bleak and dilapidated, much less so riddled with those fragments we collected ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cannot find even a complete armor plate, this quietly hung on an alien planet The ring of stars above is scattered with a faint halo of silver gray, and it looks like a beautiful angel halo against the icy dead black space background. It is not difficult to imagine that under the dark night sky, such a huge glow body will be in the dark How magnificent it is: The Aboriginals of Mobrador seem to make sense as their most sacred place of worship, this magnificent creation must have helped to solve many night lighting in the méng period of their civilization Question  ...

The follow-up fleet of the empire has arrived at the position 66 successively. On the distribution map transmitted through the confidential channel, the mass spaceships over Mobrador have densely arranged almost spherical shells that can surround their entire planet, and more The warship is still transmitting through the ring of stars, filling the spherical shell more tightly. The silver ring starring in the middle of the center 〖central〗 is constantly glowing with a slight halo. The old antiques of thousands of years ago are still working well, but and The sight of the fleet that has covered the entire space in our eyes is different. The aboriginal Mobrador on the ground did not even realize what was happening above their planet. These ordinary civilizations that did not even wash out the solar system could not observe the space. The imperial fleet in stealth and a larger number of servants, perhaps the strong onlookers from outer space will make the sixth-sense guy sleepless for a night, but they will not show the sky-like spacecraft in any of their radars. .

It feels like a bunker to lead a peek at a planet! a.

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