Ding Peng was used to Jiang Chen's awkwardness. The two of them just sat side by side on the ground, looking at the troll burning in the fire.

"It should be over now, I don’t know what the next level will be."

Ding Peng looked at the breathless troll that was burned by the fire and spoke his thoughts lightly. Jiang Chen felt the same way. It didn't take long, but it felt like many years had passed.

"I don’t know when this trial will end. It’s really tiring. Do we really want to be the last one left in the end?"

Jiang Chen asked in confusion. After all, no one among them had ever seen with their own eyes the people who walked out of the trial alive. All the information was told by others, so they didn't know what to do.

"This earth dragon is really disgusting. I don’t know where they gave us so many difficult levels to solve. It’s really disgusting."

The rest of the testers also sat on the ground and complained. In fact, they had not passed a few levels, but because the difficulty given by Earth Dragon was too high, all the testers felt that a long time had passed.

"You said after this level is over, when will the earth dragon appear again? Do you think it will be the same as the previous levels?"

Ding Peng looked at Jiang Chen beside him with excitement. Jiang Chen glanced at Ding Peng and said nothing. He stood up and went to find Zhou Yan'er and the others. By the way, he checked whether Zhou Yan'er and the others were injured.

"It's so boring."

Ding Peng said a few words to Jiang Chen who left, and left directly. After all, Jiang Chen's personality destined them not to be very good friends.

"Okay, congratulations to all the surviving trialists, you have successfully passed all the levels."

This time the earth dragon not only appeared with a voice, but its entire dragon was floating in the air, looking down at the trialists resting on the ground.

"Was it really successful this time? Are you going to arrange other levels for us? Since when have you been so kind?"

Due to Earth Dragon's repeated bad behavior, the survivors of the trial were half-confident and half-doubtful of what Earth Dragon said, and no one dared to take it all seriously.

"Of course it is true, are you questioning me?"

After Dilong said this, everyone felt a powerful pressure coming towards them.

"Okay, Earth Dragon, we know you didn't lie this time. Let's talk about what else we have to do next. If there is nothing left, let us go."

Jiang Chen supported himself and interrupted the earth dragon's bad taste. After all, this earth dragon is so bad.

"Next, there is nothing more needed from you, it’s time to distribute rewards to you."

When it came to rewarding the originally listless trialists, everyone became excited. After all, for someone who can perform such a trial, the rewards given are definitely not ordinary. All the trialists began to whisper.

"However, there are too many trialists who survived this time, so the rewards that could have been taken away by one trialist can now only be taken by everyone who survived."

After Earth Dragon said this, he quietly waited for the reactions of the other trialists. If he could fight again, he would be able to draw less blood. Although those things are nothing to the master, But Dilong still couldn't bear it.

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