Poria Dragon, Huang Daoji, Xiao Ran, Hibiscus, Wu Yue, Ancient Night

The six of them, standing in line in turn on the void, froze.

Exactly five hours.

The six people were petrified and fixed in the original place.

The body is trembling, uncontrollably trembling…

Poria Dragon, Hibiscus Wood Spirit, Wu Yue’s eyes are red, and the mist fills the eyeballs….

Xiao Ran held the sword’s hand and trembled slightly.

Emperor Daoji’s expression was shocked beyond belief, and he suddenly became sad, and he didn’t know why he suddenly gushed out a sense of loss.

In short, this feeling made it very difficult for him.

Master Zun is the only one who is recognized by his Imperial Daoji and is a strong man who compromises.

In his opinion, Master Zun was the one worthy of his pursuit.

Even if he had to die, he could only die at the hands of his imperial pole!

Except for his Imperial Daoji, there can’t be anyone in the world who can hurt his Master!!

Unconsciously, Huang Daoji’s state of mind changed even though he could not predict.

Gu Ye just stared dead into the depths of the Forbidden Land and clenched the black gun in his hand, and a wisp of green tendon burst out of his hand.

His unfazed pupils throbbed dramatically.

Master is his only relative.

In Gu Ye’s mind, it was very simple, Jian 163 only had one thought left, that is, to avenge the master!

Immediately, Gu Ye clenched the gun in his hand.

Without a word, he turned and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Coco Linglong hurriedly pulled the ancient night

“Sixth Master, don’t be impulsive first…”

Coco’s voice trembled, suppressing the endless sadness in her heart.

Then he turned to everyone and said, “Zun, you were sealed by Taiyi’s boss and fell into the depths of the Forbidden Land…”

As the second sister, Coco Linglong’s state of mind was the most stable of the six disciples, and her mind was also the most delicate.

She knew that in order to avenge Master, he himself must not be in a mess first.

Xiao Ran looked into the depths of the Forbidden Land, the sword intent that lingered.

He laughed bitterly, “Master, before you die, you will fight the Demon King to the death.”

“Master’s sword intent and killing intent, I can’t be wrong!”

“It’s really ridiculous, Master Zun is fighting for the life and death of the world, in exchange for misunderstanding and betrayal!”

Xiao Ran turned around and said coldly to the five people.

Of the six, he was the one who admired Master Zun the most, and every word that Master Zun taught him about kendo was deeply remembered in his mind.

Wu Yue on the side said in a trembling tone, “Master, it is for the mainland to fight.”

“Why…. The world treated him like this! ”

Wu Yue is one of the three daughters, and the character is a strong person.

When she knew that Master Zun had been sealed as a demon, if she had not been stopped in time by Coco Linglong, she would have almost led the temple to kill the Taiyi Holy Land.

Hibiscus didn’t say a word, his head bowed, his eyes were red, and his hands were tightly clasped.

His face was miserable and his eyes were empty.

Master had taught her

Heaven and earth are not kind, and all things are dogs.

Teach. What a correct view of life.

She thought that Master was a cold

And now, that cold-blooded master was alone in the world, facing the disaster alone.

… But it is the back of the heavens…

Master, this is life

The ant that was trampled to death is not wrong, it is only wrong, it is too weak and small….

Master, Ling Er seems to understand…

A seed sprouts in the heart of Hibiscus Spirit…

This change of mood of Hibiscus Spirit… come, affect a certain situation in the eons.

As the master brother, Huang Daoji stood up and said, “Master Zun is now, life and death are unknown!” ”

“I have never had a long enemy in my life, because the enemies are already dead.”

“But at this moment, Taiyi is the object of the Emperor’s revenge.”

The idea of the Emperor is simple.

When Taiyi killed his master, he killed Taiyi Zhangmen.

His anti-bone has never disappeared.

But his respect for Master has never disappeared.

The Emperor Daoji, who was extremely proud, thought that Master Zun could only be killed by himself, and no one else deserved it!

Anyway, the Emperor Daoji persuaded himself like this.

“Taiyi is in charge, is the Immortal King”

“If we want revenge, we must lie dormant”

Soon, Coco began to analyze.

“We are all disciples of the Master”

“Master’s disciples, there are only six of us”

Speaking of this, Coco’s tone carried a hint of imperceptible crying.

“Our enemy is the Immortal King.”

“Our revenge may last for years, many years…”

“One day as a teacher, one life as a father”

“No matter how many years, how many years, the vendetta of honor, the six of us must not forget!”

Coco’s words, in the minds of all people, constantly echoed…

No matter how many years have passed, Master’s vendetta can be forgotten.

Five hundred years after that, a thousand years, two thousand….

This sentence echoes in their minds all the time…


The six of them faced each other face each other and formed a circle

“Six of us, don’t go over here”

“One Gathering in Five Hundred Years”

“Until we, have revenge for the Master…. That last five hundred years! ”

Words fall.

Six people turned into six streamers of light and rushed to the big six directions….


In the hundred years since then, countless deceased people have come….

There was a sword cultivator woman with a cold face…

There is one, tall and beautiful, charming and thousands of peach dressing women…

There is a woman with dark pupils and wearing an elder’s ornament…


There was also a woman in purple with a beautiful face, who left a sentence in front of the forbidden land

“Our marriage contract, I will always keep.”


Five hundred years, quietly passed.

Deep in the Forbidden Land.

There was a man in a black robe who tunneled through a tall ancient tree.

In the pupils of the magic qi that filled his body, there was a black and white god demon millstone flowing, and the five spaces around him were distorted….

This is a spatial distortion illuminated by the threat that the body unconsciously emits.

He meditated in place on a huge, pitch-black tree trunk.

Behind him, there was a shadow of a magic tree that was half white and half white…

Unconsciously, the black-robed man meditated for a whole month.

The black and white god demon tree behind him condensed the points.

When he opened his eyes, the Demon Tree behind him was lost, flashing through the pupils of the abyss.

“The system, my current state, what is the definition”

The black-robed man spoke up, and his voice was very hoarse

For for five hundred years, he spoke only ten words.

“System: The Host’s Fate, Has Been Reversed”

“Today’s you are not a pure broken class, nor a pure broken demon”

“Your state is undefinable.”

“In the whole ancient world, you are the only half immortal and half demon”

“In the future, it may be the only demigod and demi-demon”

“The fate of the host has undergone a great turn, and it needs to be grasped by the host itself.”

Hearing the words, Su Han’s expression did not move at all.

Five hundred years of solitary cultivation had greatly changed his heart.



ps:Customized, fully booked. Start stabilizing the word count_

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