But Su Han knew that this was not a dream, this was definitely what had happened, the two figures were suddenly approaching in the distance, but above the city wall the finch food disappeared, and the sunset gradually fell, with some different colors in Su Han’s eyes.
It can be said that no matter what realm you are in, as long as you are stronger than the other side.
And above most of the starry sky, a purple-green treasure light appeared, and looming, a young monk broke through.
Su Han smiled slightly, he knew that this was just like his own back then, breaking through the Ten Thousand Realms together, and even developing in a higher direction.
This is a different kind of power, and in such a cold weather, they are a supreme being.
Su Han slowly healed, 56 caves above his body, but he knew that this was different from the strength he had faced at the beginning.
In one’s own divine consciousness, there is indeed the existence of one side, but the existence of such a party at this moment, when here, the finch food becomes useless.
Even if it is useless, they must fight out such a force, otherwise what will happen next is not for them alone, but for two people to live for three generations.
Everyone is yearning for their own strength in this, how to get stronger and go one step further, but now I don’t know what the reason is.
Su Han looked at the problems that had happened in front of him recently, and then smiled slightly.
“Rush into my dreams, cut off my soul!?”
Through a man’s dream and the breaking of his dragon’s soul, it is an extremely noble construction.
And on the one hand of this kind of cultivation, the most important thing is that his strength will be much stronger than other forces.
Su Han, who was much stronger than this kind of cultivation, would have to force him out, otherwise they wouldn’t know how to get it right for other reasons.
Su Han was slightly stunned, and at this time, Su Han didn’t know what kind of thing he was using, in this supreme power, he had already broken the container and cut off his dragon vein.
Finally, in the midst of this powerful aura, Su Han was actually able to summon it, and everyone was very surprised.
In such a surprising way, they also want to cut off their own things, but there are not many princes and emperors who guarantee that they will continue to prolong their lives for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of years.
Otherwise, this time standing in the middle of his own sea of fame, waiting as if there was a party coming from the people, that is, the human cultivation immortal.
As long as this Fang Ren Cultivation Immortal is turned into a demon, then these so-called things will have their own greedy patterns, more and more greedy, and then the net map will live forever.
Sure enough, as Su Han expected, such a party of men and horses came.
They came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the way through here said that they were taking something, but what they believed in was the Buddha’s teachings.
There is also a supreme body in the Buddha’s teachings, but if you think deeply, if you want to follow the Buddha’s life, it is directly speaking, it is the immortal body.
The immortal body can create a person, and if you eat it, you can summon your own life heaven and earth yellow body in the countryside plus your own nine-five supreme being, maybe you can become some heavenly beings or cultivate to become saints.
Su Han just happened to have such a true body, plus his soul was also incomparably powerful, so he could have incomparably powerful power, and he also followed this form.
If you can really cultivate an emperor of the Ancient Dynasty here, it is…
The best thing to do!
The main thing is that they must have their own qi luck creation skills, and not only their own exercises, but also the world’s exercises, and they must also adjust their own qi luck while conditioning their own exercises.
It is very difficult to cultivate from the inside out, from the inside to the outside, to cultivate from the human body to the immortal, and the body to cultivate to break the gods.
Su Han yacht quartet, it can be said that there is no tour of Beijing and the four seas. Find this person.

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