Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 207: meeting the public ecology

  What does it mean that the public security departments go directly to arrest people without asking the reasons, and ultimately lead to the intensification of conflicts? The person was arranged by me on the phone, aren't you calling me and saying that I did something wrong?

Thinking of this, he raised his head angrily: "Luo Shuji, even if the nurse who took the blood is arrested, what does the doctor in charge do? If handled properly, it won't cause one corpse and two lives? I think, is there something wrong with the attending doctor?"

   As soon as Li Fenjin spoke, the eyes of Shao Limin and Chen Aizhong immediately shot at them.

  People Luo Zhongqian is only reporting the situation of the investigation. He hasn't said whether it is your fault or not. Are you going to investigate your fault? You can't wait to interrupt people's report at this time, and you retort in a furious manner. What do you mean?

   Seeing Boss Chen's brow wrinkled, Li Fenjin also felt that he was in a hurry. He did this, but he didn't take the leader seriously.

   He opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but Shao Limin had already said, "It's not the time to discuss, let Comrade Luo Zhongqian finish his speech..."

  Luo Zhongqian felt a little happy in his heart, looked at Li Fenjin, and thought you were panicking? You are panicked, I have to say. Why don't you say a few more words? I'm not afraid of your rebuttal.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Luo Zhongqian then continued: "We visited the procuratorate about the arrest of nurse Gong Yi, and Yang Qichong, the chief of the investigation and supervision department, said that it was true, because it was the deputy chief prosecutor of the procuratorate, Liu Tao, in person. In the case of deployment, we need to negotiate with Deputy Procurator Liu for any matter. Because of the short time, we came to the meeting again today, and we have not had time to check with Deputy Procurator Liu... However, according to what I heard, it seems that Deputy Procurator Liu Several female doctors and nurses have been arrested, some have been released, and some have been detained..."

   When he said this, Li Nanjiang, the chief prosecutor of the procuratorate, had a gloomy face.

   "Prosecutor Li, do you know what case Comrade Liu Tao handled?" Chen Aizhong glanced at him and asked. Li Nanjiang shook his head: "I don't know, he never told me."

  What is the Deputy Prosecutor-General doing that the Prosecutor-General doesn't know? Although this is a bit embarrassing, it is cruel enough.

** Director Liu Qingxi's face moved slightly, and he said, "I seem to have heard Comrade Liu Tao say that these female doctors and nurses are suspected of bribing Liu Changhong. Comrade Liu Tao is also a member of Liu Changhong's task force. He asked someone to come. Is it normal to ask about the situation, and I didn’t tell Prosecutor Li, maybe I think it’s the task force?”

  Although you are the chief prosecutor, but you are not a member of the task force, why didn't Liu Tao report to you?

  Yang Xiaonian kept listening, seeing Liu Qingxi defending Liu Tao so much, he couldn't help but smiled secretly, thinking that if Liu Tao had something to report to the procuratorate, it might be your ** director's favor. Both of them are surnamed Liu. Are they related?

** The director is the direct superior of the procuratorate, and Liu Qingxi is so protective of Liu Tao, Li Nanjiang has a lot of opinions, but before he dares to completely offend the old man, he smiled and said: "Director Liu said it makes sense, Zhang Shu Remember that he is the leader of the task force, Comrade Liu Tao may have reported it to you?"

  Your grandma's, I'm not a member of the task force, but Zhang Xiaochuan? He is not only a member, but also the leader of the group, Zhang Shuji, does he know about this?

   He kicked the ball to Zhang Xiaochuan. Zhang Xiaochuan knew very well about the filth between him and Liu Qingxi, but although Liu Qingxi was not a member of the Standing Committee, he was a cadre at the division level.

   But think again, who knows what tricks Liu Tao is playing? If I know something I don't know, and if I find out that this guy is fooling around, will I take responsibility for it?

  No one's face can compare to his own future. Zhang Xiaochuan pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I haven't heard Comrade Liu Tao tell me."

   As soon as he said these words, Li Nanjiang glanced at Liu Qingxi, and sure enough he saw Old Man Liu's brows wrinkle, then his eyelids drooped, and his mouth was tightly closed and he didn't say anything.

   "What are you doing? The procuratorate is handling the case, the chief prosecutor doesn't know the situation, the team leader doesn't know the situation, and the secretary in charge of me doesn't know the situation? Why didn't you report it to the district committee?" Liu Laicun actually lost his temper at this time.

The preamble of my country's constitution states: "...the people of all ethnic groups will continue to be under the leadership of the Party,...to build our country into a prosperous, strong, civilized and civilized socialist country." The procuratorial power is exercised under the leadership of the Party, so that the party's principles, policies and lines are fully reflected in the procuratorial business. At the same time, procuratorial organs at all levels should properly handle the relationship between accepting the leadership of party committees at all levels and independently exercising procuratorial powers in accordance with the law. Although the Constitution also clearly stipulates: "The people's procuratorates exercise their procuratorial power independently in accordance with the law and are not subject to interference from administrative organs, social groups and individuals."

  You do not accept government interference, but you must not forget that although you exercise independent procuratorial powers in business and are supervised by the government in administration, you must also accept the leadership of the party committee.

  I have been in office for so long, no matter whether it is Li Nanjiang or Liu Tao, they have never come to my office to report to me, do you really think I am a soft persimmon?

   I didn’t speak when I first arrived, I was observing the situation, now is the time for me to make a sound, otherwise, you all think I don’t exist.

   The most important point is that this matter neither involves Chen Aizhong nor Shao Limin's interests, but is it just a wrestling with Liu Qingxi, the director of the police force? Although you are at the division level, I am the deputy secretary, secretary, and standing committee member. I can't bully the big one. It's just right to ask you to practice your style. If the official is too small, I still can't do it.

   This is a change, not unexpected.

  Chen Aizhong rubbed his back and did not speak, while Shao Limin watched the situation indifferently. The third-in-command suddenly became furious, and the rest of the people, such as Yao Zhenjun and Niu Zhankui, were even less able to talk to each other. Ding Weiwei, who was closer to him, was so angry that he wanted to pull out two more backs. He hoped that his evil fire would burn more and more vigorously. Naturally, he wouldn't say anything.

  Li Tie has never spoken much, this has become a habit. Huang Bo went the wrong way in the Tian Feng incident last time, so he hurriedly asked Chen Aizhong to admit his mistake. He cried with tears, and was scolded by Chen Aizhong, and it was Chen Aizhong who moved Tian in one breath. After Feng and Wang Guiyou became two members of the Standing Committee, because they didn't want the city leaders to feel that they couldn't tolerate others, he finally kept his title of Standing Committee temporarily. Before Chen Shuji didn't speak, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

  Mao Hongmin just became a member of the Standing Committee, so everything naturally follows the lead of Chen Aizhong. Li Fenjin was stunned by Chen Aizhong as soon as he spoke, and even stopped by Shao Limin. He himself didn't clean his ass, and he watched jokes with the same thoughts as Ding Weiyi.

Therefore, Liu Laicun's choice of the timing of the outburst is very precise, and it is also very smooth and dripping: "Prosecutor Li, you should clarify the matter immediately, and report to Chen Shuji, Shao District Chief and me in writing after the meeting. Nothing can get out of control, and without the leadership of the party, there will inevitably be major problems..."

   Aren't you Li Nanjiang and Liu Tao on equal footing? He has Liu Qingxi's protection. You were a little powerless at first. You can't control the second in command, and you're useless, aren't you? This time I'll give you a knife, go back and chop him!

   No matter who you have pinched who, the front to launch an attack on Liu Qingxi can only be launched with you, and I will not fight him naked. If you can continue to endure, then you just do nothing. I think as long as you are a man, you will not fail to grab this olive branch I handed you?

   Well done, I may not refuse to come over in the future!

The   knife had already been revealed, and Chen Aizhong and Shao Limin naturally understood his thoughts. I thought to myself that this was the reason why Lao Liu was so angry?

  Haha, the old **cai was very slick, asking Li Nanjiang to figure out the matter and report it in writing to Chen Shuji, Shao District Chief, and him. This cannot be said that Liu Laicun disrespects the leadership.

  Chen Aizhong put down his hand smoothing his hair and tapped on the table: "Just follow what Liu Shuji said, this matter needs to be clarified. Luo Zhongqian, you continue to say..."

  Luo Zhongqian said in his heart that I have finished, what else should I say? The investigation team has been established for two days. In fact, I have only been investigating for a day. You called me over for a meeting. That's all I know, and I don't have much to say.

   However, since the leader lets himself speak, he can’t help but speak?

   So, Luo Zhongqian looked at Li Fenjin, and then said: "From what I know, things are basically like this. I personally think that the public security bureau should be mainly responsible for this matter..."

Li Fenjin's face turned black and gray, and he lowered his head and cursed in his heart: "You **** talk nonsense, even if that's the case, what can you do to me? If you want to kill me, you should be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee." Are you still a little tender?"

  Since the investigation has not been completed, there is no need to collect everyone's consent.

Therefore, Chen Aizhong coughed and glanced around, then said: "Okay, since this matter has not been finalized, let's talk about it. Now, let's start the official agenda of this meeting. Comrades, save The main leaders of the city and the city are very concerned about the Longquan Fengshan Green Garden Scenic Area that we have developed. They are very satisfied with the achievements of the preparatory office. The leaders affirmed our previous work. This is a good thing, but at the same time for our district It's not too good news. The golden baby that hasn't gained weight is about to fly, comrades, the work of the scenic area is still inseparable from the support of the mountain district. I plan to jointly request, the scenic area is still It still has to be handed over to Shancheng District for hosting, even if the black gauze cap is slapped on because of this, we have to fight for it..."

   His words were a bit out of mind. Except for a limited number of people such as Shao Limin, Liu Laicun, and Mao Hongmin, everyone else was at a loss.

  Yang Xiaonian said what's going on, listening to this, is the city planning to take the scenic area out of the mountain area?

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