Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 274: Li Xia's idea

  If it wasn't for the feeling that her whole body was falling apart and she didn't want to move a finger, Chen Bingjing would now want to escape from this sad place that embarrassed her.

   The lower part of his body was swollen like a steamed bun. Even if he kicked him out of breath, he still had a burning sensation, and it hurt his heart to move. Didn't he fight him for so long a protracted battle so that he could throw other women away?

  He thought that not only did he not give up others, but he put himself and others on the same bed. Thinking that his thing was sent into her body with other people's body fluids without washing it, Chen Bingjing felt aggrieved for a while.

   It’s all like this now, what should I do? I can't do it if I don't forgive him. I'm really unwilling to forgive him. I can't help thinking about it with my eyes closed. I can't help but hold back my strength. you……"

"You dare? He's not yours alone? Do you dare to try to move his finger? I'll remember it for you when you kicked him just now, wait, and I'll settle the account for you when I have the strength... At this moment, Meng Qiuli, who was lying beside her, spoke quietly.

   Her mouth instantly relieved Chen Bingjing's anger a lot. This woman's voice was like a broken gong, not as good as her own voice.

   "What did you say? What are you doing? You are in charge of the affairs between me and him?" Chen Bingjing roared in disapproval.

"Then what are you doing? We were poisoned together. I know what it feels like. Don't say that you don't remember anything. You know that he is trying to save you. Kicked to the ground, what kind of behavior are you doing?" Meng Qiuli didn't let her say a word, she turned her body sideways, looked at Chen Bingjing and asked.

Just as Chen Bingjing regained consciousness, she was dazed by Meng Qiuli's words, and yelled at her: "Okay, you can say yes? What am I doing? I'm Yang Xiaonian's wife, at most you You can only be regarded as a little lover, you dare to shout in front of me, you..."

  Speaking of this, Chen Bingjing suddenly realized that she had lost her tongue, and immediately stopped, not knowing what to say.

"Hee hee, husband, have you heard what Sister Jingjing said?...Sister Jingjing, this is what you said with your own mouth, you can't go back on it. If someone offends you, it's a big deal... It's a big deal, lie on the bed and don't move and let you beat it. Is it okay to hit the **** twice?" Meng Qiuli really turned her body around as she spoke, and shook her round and snow-white **** towards Chen Bingjing: "Give you, give you, give you...you can hit as many times as you want. It's been a few times...hehe, I know that Sister Jingjing is not willing to..."

As soon as she said this, she felt a pain in her buttocks, and with a crisp snap, Chen Bingjing slapped her down: "What do I have to give up? Woohoo...Yang Xiaonian, I hate you so much... …”

   At this time, Yang Xiaonian was almost at rest. Seeing Chen Bingjing like this, she knew that she could no longer sit down on the ground. So he quickly stood up, lay on top of her and said softly, "I know it's my fault, otherwise, how many times will you beat me to let out your anger?"

   "You think I don't dare?" Chen Bingjing stretched out her small fist while crying, and smashed Yang Xiaonian's chest a dozen times without any lethality. Yang Xiaonian held her smooth, satin-like icy skin with a big hand, and smiled, "I'll be a meat pie if you beat me again, are you still in a hurry?"

"No, I wish I could kill you with my own hands... You bastard, you actually bully people so much, and no one is allowed to talk about this today, otherwise I will kill him..." It's already like this, and it's absurd. In addition to acting like a spoiled child, Chen Bingjing really couldn't think of a good way to solve the problems between herself, him, and his other women.

   Once a woman has changed her mind, she is much easier to let go than a man. This is what Chen Bingjing looks like now. As she spoke, she struggled to wrap her thighs around Yang Xiaonian's waist and wrapped her jade arms around him. She wished she could rub herself into his body. This bastard, he finally won. ... However, after letting go of one of my worries, I actually felt a burst of relief. The big deal, people stop thinking about these unhappy things.

  This man is, after all, the man he loves deeply.

   "Okay, Xiaoli, you are not allowed to say what happened today. Is this the head office?" Yang Xiaonian reached out and patted her snow-white belly.

   "No...it's the first time for me today. You've made my whole body fall apart. You want to hold me and take good care of me, okay?" Chen Bingjing said reluctantly.

"Hee hee, who hasn't had the first time yet? Sister Jingjing, you'll get used to it..." As Meng Qiuli spoke, she sat up halfway and started looking for clothes: "It's broken, just now my clothes were all gone. You are torn apart, what are you wearing now?"

"You...damn girl, your clothes haven't been torn by you? You are naked without clothes. At this moment, my whole body hurts, even if I have clothes, I can't put them on. Yang Xiaonian, you are necrotic, why is this? What to do?" Chen Bingjing asked Yang Xiaonian.

   "Isn't it easy to do? Just let someone bring the clothes. I'll call Li Xia..." Yang Xiaonian said, giving Osun to get out of bed and find her mobile phone.

   "No... You can't let her bring clothes over, or he won't laugh at me to death?" Chen Bingjing put her arms around him and wouldn't let Yang Xiaonian go.

  Yang Xiaonian: "Then what should I do? You can't sleep in this place all night? You're sweating all over your body, and the quilt on the bed is wet.

   "Damn, by the way, what are you going to do about Liu Bo? I can't wait to kill him now." Chen Bingjing gritted her teeth in hatred as she spoke.

   Yang Xiaonian Xin said that you have already "killed" several people by now. I really don't know why you love to kill so much. "This matter is really difficult to handle. After all, it is not appropriate to publicize the fact that you were drugged. Don't try him on this charge, that guy is not guilty..."

  Chen Bingjing snorted angrily: "I don't care, you can find a way, in short, let him stay in prison for the rest of his life and not come out, or I will kill him with my own hands, it's a big deal for him to die together."

   "What did you say? You actually want to die with him? Do you like him in your heart?" Yang Xiaonian teased her deliberately.

   "Go to hell, bastard, people are like this now and you still say things like this..." She scolded, but Chen Bingjing was actually very happy. It's not today's incident. I don't know how to face Yang Xiaonian. I'm always reluctant to take advantage of him, but I can't let him go. It's pretty good now, that is, to save my face and relieve the pain in my heart. Speaking of which, I have to thank that guy Liu Bo. If he hadn't made such a move, he wouldn't even know how long he would have to hold on.

   Yang Xiaonian laughed, lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips, then stood up, and went to the ground to pick up his clothes, took out his mobile phone and called Li Xia.

   Looking at his ugly appearance, Chen Bingjing couldn't help sighing in her heart. However, if you think about it, this is the helplessness of life. In this lifetime, very few people can choose the path of life according to their own wishes.

   Actually, even if you can follow the path you choose, who can know if it is right or wrong?

  As a human being, the greatest sadness is that the right and standard to judge whether one is right or wrong is never in one's own hands.

   That night, Chen Bingjing just wanted to understand some "reasons". But then, she was almost fainted by the shamelessness that Yang Xiaonian showed in front of her eyes.

   After Li Xia delivered the clothes, she followed to Yang Xiaonian's secret nest. Looking at the big custom-made bed in Li Xia's room, she realized that it was this man who was singing every night, in front of the small building that she was afraid of lurking in, less than 300 meters away. Have a happy* nest.

   But by now, even if she regretted it, it was too late.

When    followed Meng Qiuli to wash her body, Li Xia looked at Yang Xiaonian with a smile and asked, "You got it? Look how proud you are..."

   "Oh? Why am I a little sour when I hear this?" Yang Xiaonian smiled and asked, putting his arms around Li Xia's shoulders.

   "Who's jealous?" Li Xia took a few breaths, frowned and said, "Stay away from me and see how your body smells?"

   "Hehe... You said you were right to drink vinegar? Look at your expression now?" Yang Xiaonian said with a sigh, "I'm really tired today..."

   Hearing what happened today, Li Xia couldn't help but widen her almond eyes, her smile turned pale for a while, and her face flushed with anger, she slapped the armrest of the sofa hard, and said hatefully, "Damn..."

"So what? I don't want to publicize what happened today, but according to the crime of theft, I can't do anything to these guys. It's really a headache." Yang Xiaonian raised his body on the backrest a little tiredly, shook his head and said. .

   "Husband, I do have an idea, but I don't know if you dare to touch Li Fenjin?" Looking at Yang Xiaonian's tired face, Li Xia said slowly.

   "What do you mean? Why is this kind of thing related to Li Fenjin again?" Yang Xiaonian looked at him puzzled and asked.

"Giggle... Do you think these tricks of intrigue and intrigue are only used by you officials? Let me tell you, in business, these tricks are no less than those in officialdom." Li Xia said while watching Yang Xiaonian smiled.

   Yang Xiaonian didn't interrupt, just watched her wait for him to present the treasure.

   "You are the most boring person like this..." Li Xia was very dissatisfied with Yang Xiaonian's attitude. This is the same as the storyteller talking about the wonderful things and not hearing the audience's response, which is generally frustrating.

Li Xia snorted and continued: "Let me tell you, you know that there is something tricky in the Golden Dragon Hotel? I don't need to mention that my colleagues are enemies? Li Xin has someone I arranged for you. Undercover, as long as you do this, you will definitely be able to... But this matter depends on your ability and courage. If you do this, you will definitely offend Li Fenjin. If you can't beat him this time, then you But I completely tore my face with him..."

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