Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 398: Professor Cui's theory

   Walking on the street in the early morning, there are not many vehicles and pedestrians passing by. Some elderly people are exercising in the flowerbed lawn by the roadside. The rising sun is at the end of the city, radiating a warm light from the cracks of high-rise buildings. Bathed in this pure and beautiful light, Yang Xiaonian felt as if he had been baptized once. The mind is no longer anxious and troubled, and becomes calm and calm.

  Perhaps, people living in the city should really get up a little earlier, bathe in some pure sunshine, and not let their body and mind hide too much in the steel jungle that sees no light. As a result, life is much darker.

   When someone heard that Yang Xiaonian was going to study in the provincial capital for three months, the small mouth could not help but crack to the back of his head. Yesterday afternoon, I not only went to the pick-up station in person, but also arranged a place for Yang Xiaonian to live off-campus in advance.

  According to Xia Qihan's words, when you arrive in the provincial capital, you are like home. How can you live in the school? It is not easy to eat and drink in the school, how can it be better to live outside?

   The Provincial Party School is located a little southeast of the provincial city center. The residence that Xia Hanhan arranged for Yang Xiaonian is just a few steps west of the school. From the balcony, you can clearly see the playground inside the school. [

Because Yang Xiaonian was a transfer student, after receiving the study materials when he went to report, the comrade who received him gave him a class schedule, which marked the daily classes and class hours, and explained that he only needed to come to class on time according to the time on the form. .

After    came out of the campus, Xia Qihan led him directly to the place where he lived. Before Yang Xiaonian finished visiting the three-bedroom apartment, Xia Hanhan hugged Yang Xiaonian's waist from behind, and said leisurely, "You bastard, how long have you not seen me? You are not afraid of me going out to steal food? I …I'm hungry…"

   Today's Xia Qihan specially dressed up, a lilac small lapel short-sleeved top, a beautiful face, wearing a black loose hakama and high purple high-heeled shoes, showing off her proud figure.

  Especially now, the bright little face that came over from the shoulder was shy, she was so charming and charming. It made Yang Xiaonian feel comfortable and warm, and the hand that was holding her pulled her over from behind, raising her lower jaw with one hand, and lowered her head to kiss her sweet and warm mouth.

  Xia Qihan gave a little symbolic effort, then stopped refusing, hooked Yang Xiaonian's neck, and felt Yang Xiaonian's warm kiss wholeheartedly. The smooth and fragrant tongue played with Yang Xiaonian's tongue in the warm mouth like a cheerful fish.

   kissed for a while, both of them felt that it was a bit inappropriate to use this position. Under the hint of Xia Quhan, Yang Xiaonian stretched out his arms to put his arms around her back, raised her legs with the other hand, and carried her into the bedroom.

  Yang Xiaonian sat on the edge of the bed and put Xia Hanhan on his lap, so that the two bodies could stick closer together and feel each other's heartbeats more clearly.

  Xia Qihan sat on Yang Xiaonian obediently, letting him **** her little mouth warmly, the faint fragrance exuded from her body made Yang Xiaonian happy and almost didn't know where she was. As Yang Xiaonian moved more and more deeply, her body trembled like duckweed in the wind.

Yang Xiaonian slowly unbuttoned her shirt, her hot big hands caressed her smooth and delicate skin, the small cups could not cover her plump and sturdy mountains, Yang Xiaonian's palms rubbed gently on the top of her peak. A finger gently teased her through the thin cloth, and at the same time sucked her tongue harder.

  Xia Qihan's small mouth was blocked by Yang Xiaonian's lips, and there was a pitying snort from her nose, and her whole body twisted uneasy like a snake on Yang Xiaonian's body.

During the    kiss, the two of them were **** each other, and when they were completely disarmed, they changed their postures again without noticing. Yang Xiaonian pressed Xia Quhan's body on the soft big bed, rubbed her delicate and beautiful body with her strong body, and pressed her body upright on her lower abdomen, making her feel the intensity and heat of the man.

   Soon, Xia Hanhan was out of breath under Yang Xiaonian's fierce caress, struggling to avoid Yang Xiaonian's hot kiss, panting rapidly, her small hand tremblingly stretched out, guiding Yang Xiaonian into her body.

  When the battle finally started, she seemed to be unable to support her limbs any longer, her whole body fell limply on the bed, and the sound of violent gasping filled every inch of the room.

   However, when the battle was over, Xia Qihan's physical strength recovered amazingly. With a shy smile, he hugged Yang Xiaonian and kissed him **** the face, and said in a greasy voice: "You are so nice... I love you to death!"

After    finished speaking, Xia Yanhan snuggled into Yang Xiaonian's arms intimately, feeling the long-lost warmth. Yang Xiaonian also slowly put his arm on her shoulder and gently hugged her. But in my heart, a sense of guilt suddenly rose. But he didn't know that this feeling of guilt was towards the delicate Xia Quehan in front of him? Or to Li Xia and Meng Qiuli? Or to Ruan Fengling, or to Chen Bingjing, Shen Qianqian or Li Yuanyuan?

  I am lucky, every girl I meet treats me with sincerity. I really don't know how many lifetimes Qi Tian Hongfu, who has been a monk, has been able to meet them in this life? !

   This night, it was inevitable that the war would start again. In the end, Xia Qihan finally couldn't hold back and fell into a deep sleep. Listening to her even and light breathing, Yang Xiaonian's heart slowly calmed down. Since I met them in heaven and fell in love with each other, I should not let down this fate. Love well, love everyone you love!

  In the morning, when Yang Xiaonian got up, Xia Qihan was still curled up, like a kitten asleep. Breathing the fresh air, Yang Xiaonian walked into the school gate.

   I thought I came earlier, but who knew that the classroom was already full of people. Most of the people who can enter this training class are the first and second leaders of various counties and districts. After stepping out of this small door, they will be on a higher stage. Everyone cherishes this opportunity to learn. [

   Yang Xiaonian glanced at it, and the classmates in his class were basically between forty-two or three years old, and a few younger ones were between thirty-seven and eighteen years old, and there was no one at his age.

   Little did he know that while he was observing others, those people were also observing him. Maybe he found an empty seat in the last row with the documents in his hand, and a few people had lost their glasses.

   This guy is here to study too?

  This morning's class is about "Market Economy and my country's Reform and Opening Up" by Professor Cui from the Party School. The old professor was very punctual, and walked into the classroom with the lecture notes at the time.

  Professor Cui doesn't even look at his gray hair, but he is not old-fashioned, and his lectures are easy to understand and full of wit.

He didn't read the house's handout on the podium at all, but talked casually: "When talking about the market economy, then we must first understand what a market economy is. The market economy is completely dependent on the free and independent competition between businesses, and what businesses think make money. It is an economic system that is completely free from any constraints. Of course, you have to be legal. You say that the market needs it, and I will grow poppies and make opium. Will that work? It definitely won’t work, because the state prohibits you. There is no market. So what is the planned economy that our country originally implemented? The planned economy is controlled by the state. The state decides what commodities to produce and how much to produce. Restrictions. Special attention is that under the planned economy, the state sometimes prohibits the production of certain commodities in certain areas according to specific circumstances. For example: pork was expensive in the past few years, and many people raised pigs. As a result, the supply exceeded demand, The price of pork fell quickly. Many people lost their money. This is the planned market economy. Later, in order to stabilize the market, the state carried out macro control on the production of live pigs across the country. . It stipulates how many heads are produced and where no more production is allowed. This is the planned economy. Am I straightforward enough? I think everyone can understand it.”

"Most people who have come here will remember the drawbacks of the planned economy. Logically speaking, the planned economy always emphasizes overall planning and comprehensive balance. All affairs, big or small, have careful planning and arrangements. The explanation is that the government's planning methods are not advanced enough, the information feedback is slow, and the plans cannot keep up with the changes. It is not wrong to say this, but it seems too superficial. If the information feedback is faster, can the planned economy be brought back to life? It is absolutely not. , the former Soviet Union was the first country in the world to implement a planned economic system, and it was also the first country to have a computer. When I was studying at a university, I studied their national economic planning, what input-output table, what economic operation method, what' Shadow prices' and so on are unfathomable and magical. Their planning methods are neither clever nor advanced, but what is the result? What? After all, economic activities are human activities. The reason for the failure of the planned economy has to be found from the 'people' of the government. The traditional view is that the government is all righteous for the public. But economist Buchan Nan said that the government is only an abstract concept, and it is ultimately composed of people. Therefore, if we want to analyze the behavior of the government, we must start from human nature. He also said that the people in the government are actually no different from ordinary people, and they cannot be extraordinary. , is not impossible…”

Speaking of this, Professor Cui laughed: "You are all government officials, isn't it a bit harsh for me to say this? Haha, in fact, everyone understands that if you can come here for training, it means that you are all The good part of the government. You are all otherworldly, but there are not just a few of you in the government, there are a lot of people who are not otherworldly. Buchanan pioneered the introduction of 'economic man' into political science This initiative not only opens up the channel between economics and political science, but also broadens the horizon of economics, making economics useful for studying government issues. For example, using the 'maximization principle' of economics It is not difficult for us to understand why the planned economy fails when the government’s actions are cut off? At the same time, we can also understand why our country chooses the market economy…”

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