Year of Herbs

Chapter 536: Mole between eyebrows

Ever since she met Hua Rongyue on the street that day, Tang Liurui realized that this person may have a deeper understanding of lunatics than others.

Because when he said that, his emotions were very complicated. Tang Liurui couldn't tell the specific emotions in his words, but felt that Hua Rongyue should remind her very sincerely.

Although it is indeed a bit strange to be reminded of such an inexplicable sentence, Tang Liurui is not a person who does not know what to do.

She thanked Hua Rongyue, and then pressed Hua Rongyue's words deeply in her heart.

The time has gradually passed, and the time Hua Rongyue has spent with the people under her has gradually become longer. At first, some of these people under Hua Rongyue might criticize her and feel that her ability was insufficient, but after a month or two passed, they found that Hua Rongyue had not made any major mistakes, so gradually It was so stable.

They also saw that Hua Rongyue did have two brushes. After all, they are all young masters and young ladies with backgrounds, and they can hold them down, and they have never been out. Anything is enough to prove Hua Rongyue's extraordinary ability.

Hua Rongyue has always been kind to people at Six Doors, and gradually she has gained a good reputation among the six door catchers. She is not the kind of person who is particularly flamboyant, but now newcomers can gradually hear her name from others.

their descriptions of Hua Rongyue are generally, "This is the best-tempered head of the six doors. If you have anything you don't understand, just ask him, if he I'll tell you when I have time."

In contrast to Hua Rongyue's better and better reputation in Six Doors, Hua Mian's reputation has been getting worse and worse, which also aroused suspicion in Six Doors.

There was no sign of madness either.

Hua Rongyue has been observing the situation of Big Brother Yi recently. She found that it was exactly as she imagined. If Big Brother Yi did not come out casually, then she should not have any feeling.

Since Hua Rongyue started her plan, Mr. Yi has also been in a good mood and never came out to **** control of her body, which made Hua Rongyue inexplicably have an illusion, as if she saw A cat who has been naughty all the time and likes to scratch people suddenly understands something...

Six Doors also came to ask Hua Rongyue what happened to Hua Mian. When Hua Rongyue communicated with Hua Mian, she avoided everyone around her, leaving only Lin Seven Ya's.

When she heard people from Six Doors come to ask questions, she just lowered her head and said in a gentle and somewhat sad voice: "This... I don't know much either."

Hua Rongyue's expression looked quite self-blame, and the people at Six Doors didn't dare to ask her any more, but instead came over to comfort her, "It's okay, maybe this is just fancy noodles. Whatever you want to do, after all, you are only the one in charge of contact, and you can't control anything."

Hua Rongyue lowered her head and continued to look sad, despising her acting skills very much, this strong green tea smell can kill all actors.

At present, among these people, the only one who understands why the flower face suddenly expands, I am afraid it is only that man. Even Jiang Lianhuan was guessing, "Why did Hua Mian do this all of a sudden?"

"Guess what?" Wu Ming glanced at Jiang Lianhuan.

"How can I guess?" Jiang Lianhuan said angrily.

Since the two met once on the flower street, their relationship has inexplicably improved. In the past life, the relationship between the two of them was not necessarily so good, maybe it was just a simple business relationship, but in this life, the two of them seemed to be able to say some more secret things occasionally.

Jiang Lianhuan hadn't seen Hua Rongyue recently, and she didn't know where she went. Wu Ming suddenly asked, "That friend of yours...what is she doing recently?"

"Hua Rongyue? Who knows what he's doing." Jiang Lianhuan said, "He seems to be mysterious recently, and I don't know where he went."

When Jiang Lianhuan said this, there was an inexplicable irritability in his tone, Wu Ming heard it, he lay lazily on the chair and said, "What happened to him? Why do you feel uneasy when you mention him?"


Jiang Lianhuan was silent for a while and then said, "It's nothing, it's just that I wanted to find him last time, but found that there are many people hiding in the dark beside him."

"Isn't he already a high-ranking official?" Wu Ming said lazily, "Generally speaking, it is not surprising that a high-ranking official is surrounded by several people."

"It's not that simple." Jiang Lianhuan shook his head, "The number of people around him is beyond imagination..."

He said lightly, then shook his head, "I hope I'm over-hearted."

Hua Rongyue didn't know that Jiang Lianhuan was still worried about her, but she was actually quite happy recently.

Some of the things that I didn't understand before, are now almost all solved, including the cause of death of Big Brother Yi in the previous life, and the roles of various people in it.

She has now completely replaced Jiang Lianhuan's role beside Yi Linglong in her previous life, and Hua Rongyue is more aware of why that man set up a role like Jiang Lianhuan.

What this person needs to do is to mislead Yi Linglong and do some unthinkable things under his guidance or even coercion, these things are to prove to the six doors that he is not a "sane" people".

So in the previous life, when Yi Linglong was not too crazy in the early stage, Jiang Lianhuan would directly attack her and force her to go crazy. That's why Jiang Lianhuan left such a tragic impression in Yi Linglong's heart.

Speaking of which, Jiang Lianhuan's situation may not be much better than that of Yi Linglong, because that man must also be persecuting him.

Hua Rongyue is someone who has the memory of Big Brother Yi anyway. She still needs to be careful all the time under that man's hands, not to mention the one who has always lived under that man's eyelids. Jiang Lianhuan is gone.

At that time, Jiang Lianhuan probably didn't have much sense, so when he finally killed Yi Linglong, he was crazy.

And another person who occupies an important position in Big Brother Yi's heart also has a person to replace him in this life.

—Lin Qiya.

Recently, people in the flower boat know that the flower face has a beloved woman. That woman likes to wear red clothes and has a beautiful face.

Hua Rongyue would call Lin Qiya over occasionally when she came to the flower boat with people from Six Doors. She still didn't dare to let the handsome young man do this kind of work for her, not because she was afraid of being put on some kind of green hat that didn't exist, but because she was afraid of what Lin Qiya would see.

Lin Qiya is a woman who is terrifyingly sharp, and she can spot a little mistake.

Sometimes when Hua Rongyue hugs Lin Qiya, she thinks this life is really amazing. You said that in the last life, the big boss Yi Qianjin smiled, but Wu Ruanyan is also a serious child. The handsome guy looks good on the eyes.

Hours, have to come back to work overtime for her or something.

Loss, loss.

Lin Qiya didn't notice anything. These days were like a dream to her. Sometimes she couldn't figure out how things happened.

Sometimes she stood on the high attic in the middle of the night, and every scene was so beautiful. If the surrounding lights were darker, it would really be like a dream.

The most powerful Gu King in the world actually likes her.

Although he never said it himself, everyone with eyes can see it. He bought her the most beautiful gems in the world, made the most beautiful clothes, and everything she had was the best.

Lin Qiya knows that Hua Mian is a very powerful and attractive man. It seems that there will never be a lack of women around such a man, but she is indeed different, because Hua Mian has never touched past her.

This makes her distinct from the other women in the flower boat.

Lin Qiya never thought that people's desires would continue to expand. Before this, she could hardly imagine such a life, but now, she is inexplicable of want more.

But people always wake up from a dream, so sometimes, Lin Qiya will suddenly wake up from this dream, and at this time, it is often "that man" When he came down to find her.

"Do you like it?" Flower asked in her ear.

Today, there were many fireworks on the flower boat, and the whole flower street was covered with red roses.

In such days, roses are very difficult to cultivate, but the flower boat is rich and rich, so many roses bloom on the flower street.

"These flowers are very similar to you." The flower said to Lin Qiya.

Lin Qiya looked at a flower in his hand. When he said this, the thorn of the rose suddenly pierced his finger and blood flowed out.

Flower Mian didn't seem to think that the rose would pierce his hand, so he lowered his head and quietly watched the blood flowing out for a long while.

Lin Qiya lowered her head suddenly, hiding the panic in her eyes.

Flower is a man who can almost see the heart.

Lin Qiya has been by his side countless times, and she has seen him casually say what the other person is thinking.

It stands to reason that such a man will not know that she is not a good girl, but he has fallen in love with her.

"Don't move." When Lin Qiya lowered her head, she was suddenly lifted up by Hua Mian's chin, and she looked at the other person in astonishment.

Flower Mian stretched out her hand and gently placed her blood-stained finger on the center of Lin Qiya's forehead, leaving a small, brightly colored mole between her eyebrows on her stunned face .

"It looks so much better." Hua Mian suddenly laughed.

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