You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 19 Divorce lawsuit, prosecution with fraud?

Only professional lawyers can have a more detailed understanding of marital property issues and pre-marital property issues.

Ordinary people simply don’t know the correct way to protect their pre-marital property.

It's easy to get exploited.

This is why it is said that when marrying a wife, do not marry someone who understands the law, especially marriage law.

Otherwise, you may fall into a pit at any time and lose all your money.

She left home naked and worked hard for many years to make a wedding dress for others.

Su Bai has not answered Zhang Tongwei's question.

Wang Li on the side was anxious: "Lawyer Su is a professional marriage lawyer. Can't you guess it just by asking?"

"When you say this, aren't you questioning Lawyer Su's professionalism?"

"Think about it, if it weren't for Lawyer Su, I would still be in the detention center!"


"No, Lawyer Su is not only a professional criminal lawyer, but also a professional marriage counseling lawyer."

When Zhang Tongwei heard what he had said to Xiao Wang Li, he had a new understanding of Su Bai's legal capabilities.

Criminal and Marriage.

This is equivalent to being proficient in everything, equivalent to being a lawyer in all aspects!

Zhang Tongwei felt a lot more at ease.

"Lawyer Su, can this situation be solved? I would like to ask how likely it is to win the case?"

"How much property can I get back if I win the lawsuit?"

There was a trace of nervousness in Zhang Tongwei's eyes.

After all, this is the hard work of his parents all their lives. A house in Nandu costs millions.

He was not willing to accept a woman who had been married for three years and brought him no good memories for such a cheap price!

Every time he thought of this, he wanted to slap himself twice. What did he want?

Does she have a bad temper? Picture of her poor figure?

The only thing to blame is that I was too young at the time and couldn’t judge people accurately!

Su Bai took a sip of tea and made a simple analysis:

"Your case is a bit complicated. Generally speaking, in matrimonial litigation, you have a high probability of getting 60% of the current property, but you still have to divide about 40% of the other party's property, including the other party's Debt.”

"Because the other party's liabilities are indeed household expenses."

"But if you entrust our law firm, you should be able to keep at least two properties from being divided. The other properties cannot be guaranteed for the time being. Do you think you should entrust our law firm?"

Zhang Tongwei was a little excited when he heard Su Bai's words.

He also went to other law firms for consultation, and the answer given to him by the other party's lawyer was similar to Su Bai's.

If you divide 40% of the two properties, that's just a few million!

If you give it to a woman like that, you won't be heartbroken to death.

Now Su Bai directly stated that at least two houses can be saved, which can be said to be an unexpected surprise for Zhang Tongwei.

"Entrust. Entrust"

"Lawyer Su, I entrust Bai Jun Law Firm with my divorce case!"

"Since it's entrusted, then you should prepare to sue your wife for fraud."

Zhang Tongwei:? ? ? ?

Wang Li:? ? ? ?

Li Xuezhen:? ? ? ?

Isn't this a divorce lawsuit?

Why sue his wife for fraud?

Zhang Tongwei was a little confused: "Lawyer Su, I am filing a divorce lawsuit."

Su Bai raised his hands and rubbed his temples, looking at Zhang Tongwei:

"Is your purpose in filing a divorce lawsuit because you want to get divorced?"

"Yes..I want a divorce."

"Then don't you want the other party to divide your house property?"

"Lawyer Su, that woman has been spending my money and cheating on me. After only three years of marriage, she wants to take away 40% of my house property. I don't want to."

"Then this is right. If you are sued for fraud, I guarantee that you can meet the above two demands. As long as you can meet the above two demands, do you still care about whether it is a divorce lawsuit?"

After asking three questions in a row, Zhang Tongwei shook his head: "I don't care."

"Isn't that great? It doesn't matter whether it's a divorce lawsuit or not."

Zhang Tongwei went through this idea in his mind, and seemed to have just come to his senses, looking at Su Bai in shock.

"Lawyer Su, do you mean you can still send that woman in?"

Su Bai shook his head: "I can't be sure about this. I can only be sure to protect your demands."

"Okay, now that the entrustment content and entrustment matters have been determined, if you don't have any questions, then sign the entrustment contract."

"The lawyer's fee is calculated as 10% of the 40% of your two properties combined. If you are sure, you can sign the entrustment contract,"

Zhang Tongwei was still hesitating whether the legal fees were too high. Wang Li slapped Zhang Tongwei on the body: "What are you still hesitating about?"

"If you can get a divorce, you can get 40% of the real estate back. There may be a chance of sending that vampire in your family, but it's only 10%! If it were me, there would be a 100% chance of sending that thing in. I won’t hesitate for twenty, why are you still hesitating!”

"Love? I love you so much!"

"I'm not."

Zhang Tongwei opened his mouth, but no sound came out in the second half of the sentence.

Su Bai took a sip of tea and waited quietly.

The two demolished properties in Nandu are probably worth a few million, or a few hundred thousand.

It is normal for most people to be reluctant to pay the legal fees.

This price is already very reasonable. Generally, the attorney fees charged for marriage lawsuits are between 10% and 30%.

He has taken the lowest standard.

Two minutes later.

Zhang Tongwei seemed to have made up his mind: "Lawyer Su, I agree, we can sign the contract."

Get hundreds of thousands!

Su Bai was secretly happy and asked Li Xuezhen to print out the relevant commission contract.

After signing the contract, Zhang Tongwei was asked to pay 5,000 yuan in prosecution-related fees.

If you give back more and make up less, you will never be deceived.

Wait until Zhang Tongwei and Wang Li leave.

Li Xuezhen walked into the office with the materials she had sorted out.

"Lawyer Su, do we really want to prosecute Zhang Tongwei's wife for fraud?"

"Otherwise? The commission contract has been signed. Do you think I'm joking?"

"After Zhang Tongwei hands over some of the collected evidence to the law firm, he can submit written materials for prosecution."

Li Xuezhen was surprised, but also a little excited in her heart.

I originally thought this was a civil case, but unexpectedly, it turned into a criminal proceeding.

"Okay, don't be happy, I'll give you a particularly difficult task."

Su Bai interrupted Li Xuezhen's secret joy.

"What is Lawyer Su's mission?"

"As Zhang Tongwei mentioned, his wife said that she pretends to be a resentful woman and makes comments every day under the short video that specializes in beating up marriage lawyers."

"Striving for the chance to get even wheat."


"This is key evidence!"

Key evidence?

"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand!"

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