You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 24 Good guy, you have depression, right? !

Su Bai sat on the plaintiff's table, straightened his suit, looked calm, and placed the litigation facts and reasons prepared in advance, as well as the litigation request materials on the table in front of him, with a slight smile on his face.

The second case has begun!

In response to the presiding judge's question, Su Bai slowly stated:

"President, our appeal is very simple. We only hope that the court can protect our rights and interests in accordance with the law."

"The following is our lawsuit application."

"First, we apply for the defendant, Xie Jing, to be sentenced for fraud, because the defendant has committed fraud against us, and the amount of fraud is as high as millions. We apply for a harsher sentence."

"Second, in response to Yu Xie Jing's fraud against us, we request the dissolution of the marriage and apply for the defendant to return our years of labor and property losses!"

"Third, because the defendant committed fraud against us and caused huge mental losses to us, we require the other party to compensate us for mental losses of 20,000 yuan per year and mental losses for three years, totaling 60,000 yuan."

“Fourth, the defendant used marriage with us as a means to commit fraud against us, which seriously affected our image and reputation, etc., and required the other party to compensate us for our losses, 10,000 yuan per year, A total of 30,000 yuan.”

"Five: We require the other party to bear its corresponding legal fees."

Su Bai's voice sounded at the court hearing.

Xie Jing sat in the dock and looked at Ye Fei nervously.

what to do? !

He fucking really sued me for fraud!

Ye Fei listened to Su Bai's lawsuit application and frowned more and more. Isn't this lawsuit request nonsense?


Marriage fraud is considered fraud, but you have been married for three years, why are you still committing fraud?

After listening to Su Bai's lawsuit application, Ye Fei felt confident.

She can now roughly conclude that the other party is talking nonsense, and the purpose is to guide her to argue elsewhere.

Ye Fei looked at the nervous Xie Jing, her eyes fell on Xie Jing, and told her not to worry.

On the judgment stand.

Yang Yu looked at the materials and listened to Su Bai's appeal request.

After Su Bai finished speaking, he banged the gavel.

Boom, boom, boom!

"The plaintiff has finished his statement, and the defendant will now begin to file the lawsuit."

Ye Fei glanced in Su Bai's direction coldly, her eyes full of disdain.

After Li Xuezhen noticed it, she pulled the corner of Su Bai's clothes and spoke in a low voice.

"Lawyer Su, this woman is looking at you."

"Leave her alone."

Su Bai shook his head, now he was disdainful, and he would know who the boss was when he defended him later!

In court, lawyers often use bad words or actions to influence the other party's lawyer.

To guide the opponent's lawyer's emotions and let him fall into his own debate circle.

In this regard, Ye Fei was just a rookie lawyer to him.

Seeing that Su Bai had no reaction, Ye Fei withdrew his gaze and began to state the lawsuit application.

"Presiding judge, as the defendant, our lawsuit application is as follows:"

"First, reject all the lawsuit applications of the plaintiff. The plaintiff has proposed that we have engaged in marriage fraud. We do not agree. We have the fact of marriage and it does not constitute a condition for fraud. The application is dismissed."

"Second, the plaintiff's accusation against us shows that the plaintiff has lost the basic feelings of marriage towards us, and the relationship between husband and wife has broken down. We hereby propose to dissolve the marriage."

"Third, we request the division of the joint property of the husband and wife and the assumption of the joint debts of the husband and wife.

The common property is divided as follows: a 128-square-meter property in Nantian Court, a 136-square-meter property in Beixi Court, and other properties...

Publicly borne debts are as follows:

We borrowed 200,000 yuan for our family, and we asked the other party to jointly bear this debt.

Moreover, based on the emotional loss caused by the other party to us, the relationship between husband and wife broke down and caused depression in us.

We require certain compensation for us in terms of property division. "

"Fourth, we require the other party to bear attorney fees and related litigation costs."

Good guy!

No wonder you, Lawyer Ye, have such a high winning rate in divorce lawsuits.

It turns out there is a special move!


This is the trump card for women in divorce lawsuits!

When depression occurs, shouldn't the judge take into account the other party's special situation and make certain decisions?

Li Xuezhen on the side said in a low voice: "Lawyer Su, the other party has depression. This should play a certain role in affecting the judgment in the divorce lawsuit, right?"

The corners of Su Bai's mouth raised slightly: "Do you think she has depression?"


Li Xuezhen shook her head: "I can eat, sleep and spend money. It doesn't look like it."

"As long as it doesn't look like her, don't worry about her."

"It's time for us to submit the evidence. Prepare the materials I asked you to prepare in advance."

"Oh...Okay Lawyer Su."

Ye Fei looked at Su Bai with a proud look on her face. She was sure that the opponent would definitely lose this time!

Depression, once this trump card comes out, ordinary lawyers can't handle it at all.

The client suffers from depression. What if I lose the lawsuit and the client loses his mind and jumps off the building?

In other words, since the other party has caused so much harm to our client, the judge also needs to consider a certain tendency, right?

Anyway, no matter what, with depression, there are usually prerequisites for at least not losing the lawsuit.

Thinking of the youth loss compensation that Su Bai proposed during the out-of-court mediation, what about now?


Damn compensation!

After Su Bai noticed Ye Fei's expression, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and ignored the other party, instead focusing on the court hearing platform.

On the court stage.

After Yang Yu heard Ye Fei's lawsuit application, he glanced at the materials in his hand and frowned slightly, feeling depressed...?


The gavel struck.

"Both parties' litigation claims have now been submitted in court. The following is the stage for the plaintiff and defendant parties to submit factual or legal basis for their own litigation applications."

"First, the plaintiff, Zhang Tongwei, entrusts a lawyer or the parties to make a statement."

"Plaintiff's lawyer, do you have any factual basis for your suggestion that the defendant committed marriage fraud?"

Yang Yu looked at the plaintiff's lawyer's seat.

The reason why he asked this was based on the fact that this trial was related to marriage.

Zhang Tongwei and Xie Jing have been married for three years, and it is almost impossible to settle the marriage through fraud.

If Su Bai can't answer.

Then this court proceeding is equivalent to over.

Su Bai took the corresponding litigation materials from Li Xuezhen and looked up at Yang Yu:

"Presiding judge, before submitting the evidence, I would like to ask the defendant a few questions."

"Are these questions related to this case?"

"It's related to this case, presiding judge."


"Related to this case, according to legal court hearing regulations, if the application is approved, the plaintiff's lawyer can question the defendant."

Hearing the sound of the gavel falling, Ye Fei suddenly felt a bad premonition for some reason.

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