You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 34 Law Commentator Luo Daxiang

Faced with Su Bai's rejection, some law firms expressed regret that everyone had their own ambitions, but they didn't say much.

Inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

Su Bai looked at the system panel.

【Legal consultation: 7/20】

[Complete case 1/2 (win rating/S)]

After winning the lawsuit this time, the system evaluation was given to S.


I just don’t know what reward the system will give after completing the task this time.

Forget it, it's better than nothing, the current case is all on his own.

I hope that after completing the task this time, the system can give me a surprise.

at the same time.


Legal commentator Luo Daxiang has good connections in the lawyer circle. Not only law firms, but also some corporate legal affairs have good relationships with him.

There are several first-class law firms in Nandu, and some of the first-class lawyers in these big law firms are still brothers with him.

"How is Senior Brother Luo doing lately? I have a very explosive case for you. Do you want it?"

Luo Daxiang looked at the chat interface.

The person who sent the message was a junior student who was studying in graduate school, named Xiao Haibo. He was a partner at a top law firm in Nandu and was mainly proficient in civil cases.

As a legal commentator, Luo Daxiang usually asks some friends in the circle of friends if there are any new and good cases that he can learn from the legal commentary.

So usually his senior brothers and friends will contact him if they have any good cases.

"What? What big case happened in Nandu again? I remember that the last case of Nandu Bank just got over not long ago, right?"

"It just happened not long ago, and this time it was not a big case. It was a marriage fraud case, with marriage litigation as the main body. The plaintiff sued his wife for fraud and also sent the defendant's lawyer to the court. The things involved in the case are not too complicated, but sending the other party’s lawyer in is an explosive operation!”

"It involves many conflicting issues and marital relationship issues, which has a strong legal significance."

“The most important thing is, guess which law firm this is?”

"Which one?" Luo Daxiang was really curious.

"Bai Jun Law Firm is the case that everyone was not optimistic about the last time you reviewed Nandu Bank. That lawsuit was also undertaken by Bai Jun Law Firm."

"This law firm is a personal law firm. There is only one official lawyer and one trainee lawyer. It is small and awesome."

I saw the words Bai Jun Law Firm.

Luo Daxiang felt that the name of this law firm was very familiar!


It seems that the one who posts small advertisements under his videos all day long is this law firm?

Luo Daxiang was a little unsure.

I specifically looked through the comments on the video account.

five minutes ago.

"Bai Jun Law Firm, since its opening this year, has a 100% success rate in lawsuits. Lawyer Su Bai is proficient in civil and criminal matters. When it comes to litigating, look for Nandu Bai Jun Law Firm."

Ten minutes ago.

"Bai Jun Law Firm, newly opened, feedback from new and old customers, legal fees for litigation start at 9.20% off."

Twenty-one minutes ago.

"When you marry, marry Big Big Wolf. When filing a lawsuit, choose Nandu Baijun Law Firm. You can't go wrong!"

twenty-eight minutes ago

thirty-three minutes ago

Almost every ten minutes, there will be such an advertisement.

I have an impression of Luo Daxiang of Baijun Law Firm.

Generally, some lawyers or law firms will leave comments under their law review videos or explain some daily legal knowledge.

Use it to attract traffic to your firm or increase your visibility.


This was the first time he had seen such perseverance in publishing small advertisements.

Luo Daxiang suddenly remembered a public prosecution case in Beidu

Ordinary lawyers can't win, and some top lawyers are unwilling to take over.

This firm is a good choice.

I just don’t know if the other party is willing to take over.

Female dormitory of Nandu Law University.

Li Xuezhen was lying on the lower table, her body slightly suspended, staring at her phone with a sad look on her face.

She has been doing some small advertising today.

But no one came for consultation, which made her feel extremely frustrated.

Is it the wrong way to advertise?

But her advertising copywriting is already very good!

Each copy is different, and one is posted every few minutes.

In order to have lawsuits to fight and increase the number of lawsuits during her internship, it was easy for her.


Li Xuezhen was lying on the table, her face almost invisible.

The dormitory door creaked open.

The sweet roommate walked into the dormitory and saw Li Xuezhen lying on the table and approached her.

"Xuezhen. What's wrong with you? Are you wronged during your internship?"

The sweet roommate, who was about 1.58 meters tall and had a round head, leaned down and asked in a low voice.

Li Xuezhen raised her head: "Ah?"

"No, it's because the law firm has been unable to receive cases recently."

“Don’t the big law firms have any cases?”

The sweet roommate spoke curiously.

Li Xuezhen didn't want others to know that she was interning at a small law firm for the time being, so she shook her head:

"It's not that there are no cases. The lawyer who led me is very good at litigating cases, but he is not well-known. No one approached him to litigate."

"This is easy to handle!"

The sweet roommate squinted his eyes and smiled sweetly: "I heard that some lawyers are now in trouble. They will recruit some beautiful trainee lawyers to conduct live broadcasts to educate them on the law for free, increase their exposure, and thus increase their popularity."

"You can try it from this angle. As long as the lawyer is good at litigating cases, there will usually be no problem!"

"Once the reputation increases, people will come to us in a steady stream to file lawsuits."

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up!

That being said, it seems possible!

If the law firm's reputation has increased, won't it be able to take on more cases?

And in this way, it is far more convenient than advertising under other people’s videos!

Li Xuezhen stood up and sent a message to Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, I think commenting under short videos is not efficient. It's too difficult to advertise, so I thought of a good way."

Su Bai: "?"

"That's right, we can use live broadcast to promote law enforcement to increase the visibility of our law firm, which is more effective than commenting under the video."

“I heard from my roommate that there is a law firm that recruits young female trainee lawyers to popularize the law through short videos to increase the law firm’s visibility.”

“Our law firm can definitely borrow this method!”

Su Bai: "???"

Li Xuezhen was a little confused: "Lawyer Su, what do these three question marks mean? I don't understand."

"Am I not a beautiful trainee lawyer?"

On the other side, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

What is this?

"Do you think that if you are asked to popularize the law and improve the reputation of our law firm, will they listen to you to popularize the law, or will they look to you?"

PS: Please vote and read~

Thank you everyone for your rewards.

I don’t know how to copy the name, so I’ll go ahead and code it.

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