You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 74 Su Bai: I don’t like to eat soft rice!

at the same time.


Inside Nanyou Studio.

Nanyou Studio is a game studio founded by Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan.

Meng Xiaofan looked at Lin Quan, who was lying on the office chair, and stated his preference for choosing a law firm:

"We have seen all the large and small law firms in Nandu. Some top law firms charge more than one million in legal fees, but they may not be able to win."

"That Bai Jun Law Firm only costs 800,000 in legal fees. How about we choose that Bai Jun Law Firm?"

Lin Quan rubbed his eyebrows and took a long breath:

"The eight hundred thousand legal fees are one thing. Although our studio doesn't have much money, we can still afford the eight hundred thousand legal fees."

"The eight hundred thousand legal fees have been spent reluctantly. If we can win the case, of course it will be a good thing."

"But, there are only three people in Baijun Law Firm including one trainee lawyer. Can they really outperform Penguin?"

"The two little wings of Penguin Legal are very powerful. Even though the wings are small, it really hurts when they flap people. We lost the first trial. If we still lose the second trial, it will be a big deal for our studio." Blow..."

"Penguin Legal is known as Nanshan Undefeated and has basically never lost in infringement cases. We must be more cautious and cannot lose. If we choose the wrong law firm, losing the case will be a big blow to us."

"That's what worries me."

Lin Quan took a deep breath and expressed his inner worries.

What he is worried about is not the hundreds of thousands in legal fees, but whether he can win the lawsuit.

If you can win the case, it doesn't matter how much the attorney's fees are.


If you can't win the case...then you'll spend your attorney fees in vain.

And for their studio, not only did they lose legal fees, they also lost the lawsuit, which was a huge loss.

Meng Xiaofan frowned slightly, and after being silent for more than ten seconds, he slowly spoke:

"Although this law firm is a bit small, it was introduced by other top law firms after all, so it must have a certain degree of hard power."


"I always feel that this lawyer Su can win this lawsuit."

"If we win this lawsuit, our studio will be able to make a name for itself in the industry in the future. As long as we don't follow Penguin's platform, we will be able to grow in the future."

"This Baijun Law Firm, the previous several lawsuits this year were very explosive. Although the lawsuits before this year were a bit ugly, they were all in the past. Isn't it enough that the lawsuits fought this year are awesome?"

"Moreover, Bai Jun Law Firm has a good reputation and is well-known on the Internet."

"I think we can entrust Bai Jun Law Firm to give this lawsuit a try."


Lin Quan took a deep breath and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.



Inside Nandu Baijun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Su Bai was lying on the office chair and drinking tea, when Li Xuezhen opened the door and walked in.

Helplessness is written on his face:

"Lawyer Su, we've been waiting for two days for the game studio's Penguin lawsuit. The other party hasn't come to us or given us a response yet. Maybe they didn't choose our law firm. Do you want to try another case?"

"My friend's law firm has quite a lot of cases."

"Maybe there are other cases, do you want me to ask again...?"


It is indeed possible for Li Xuezhen to find Feng Lijian to find the source of the case.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Judging from Feng Lijian's level of concern for Li Xuezhen, not to mention one case, even ten or eight cases, he would not blink at all.

But this penguin case...

If he didn't keep the case and asked for it again, wouldn't he be a freeloader?

Although this soft rice can be eaten hard.


The development of a law firm still requires its own accumulation, and Li Xuezhen cannot be allowed to rush over every two days to introduce cases.

This is inappropriate….

That's not how you eat soft rice...

Su Bai rubbed his temples: "Don't worry, it's only two days. Besides, your friend's law firm has a lot of cases but it's not good if you always go there."


Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

“Good lawyer Su”

Just as Li Xuezhen and Su Bai were talking.

Outside the law firm, Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan walked into the law firm.

After two days of discussion, the two people finally decided to entrust Bai Jun Law Firm to fight this penguin case.

They compared it with other law firms in Nandu.

During the first trial, they hired Nandu's first-class law firm for infringement cases, but unfortunately they did not win.

This second review is very critical for their studio.

After much deliberation, I chose Baijun Law Firm, a small and awesome law firm.

I hope this law firm can bring them unexpected surprises.

After Xu Xiang saw Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan, he knew that they were major clients of the law firm, so he brought them into Su Bai's office.



Inside the office.

Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan were sitting on the sofa opposite Su Bai. Su Bai, Xu Xiang, Li Xuezhen, and everyone from Bai Jun Law Firm were in the office.

Lin Quan opened his mouth and directly stated his intention:

"Lawyer Su, after we returned, we discussed and discussed the entrustment of our lawsuit. The final result of the discussion was that we decided to entrust your Baijun Law Firm to fight this lawsuit."

After Su Bai heard Lin Quan's words, he showed two small white teeth.

"Thank you for your trust in our Baijun Law Firm. In this lawsuit, our Baijun Law Firm will definitely try our best to achieve your demands."

"Don't worry, we will do our best to prevent your lawyers from going to waste."

Lin Quan’s words can be regarded as the beginning of the lawsuit between Baijun Law Firm and Penguin!

This lawsuit is a purely civil lawsuit, and it is impossible to turn it into a criminal case even if you want to.

If they win, it will be their law firm’s first purely civil case!

have to say

It’s also faster to make money in civil cases.

Eight hundred thousand for one case!

The Nandu Bank case, the marriage fraud case, the labor bill case, and the Qi Feng case, the combined legal fees for these cases amounted to less than 800,000!

The Penguin case directly cost 800,000 in legal fees.

One top and four tops belong to yes.

Su Bai looked at Lin Quan, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, this is the God of Wealth.

Speaking of the God of Wealth, Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen again, remembering that Li Xuezhen asked him if the law firm was short of money, and he offered two million.

All right.

In fact, the real rich man is the little rich woman!

There are millions of pocket money, and there are 2 million in the small coffers.

If he hadn't been so determined, if it had been anyone else, this law firm would have been bought by a little rich woman!

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