You didn't follow the routine at all, did you?

Chapter 252 Ah, God of Destiny! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 252 Ah, God of Destiny! (Please subscribe~)

Idealistic rules are indeed more difficult to deal with than ordinary rules. They basically eliminate the possibility of players becoming moles.

No matter how similar you act, as long as you don't really believe in the old gods in your heart, you will still be punished by the bell.

This is almost unsolvable - and does not need to be solved. The second-hand dealer is right. This is not a clue at all, just a simple setting.

This setting is not to guide players to avoid the bell. On the contrary, it is to tell players not to think about things and just follow the mechanism honestly.

"Faith", like "emotion", is a very abstract concept. The dungeon only lasts for 24 days. It is impossible to cultivate the so-called faith. The correct way to conquer the game is to resist the bell.

This link is also part of the difficulty of Dust Knell SS.

But in Gu Chi's eyes, it was just a free question.

It belongs to Sister Ling to get on the computer desk, and it belongs to her to be a professional counterpart.

Idealism is nothing more than turning deceiving others into deceiving yourself.

Hypnosis can even change people's cognition, and can even cause the hypnotized person to misunderstand themselves and regard themselves as a stone, an animal, a plant, a jar of pickled vegetables, etc. In contrast, , it’s just a matter of forming a belief, it’s easy.

Soon, there was a burst of sounds in the basement.

This was the first time that Gu Chi controlled so many people at once.

The last big event was an exchange meeting, and the number of people was less than one-tenth of the current number.

Gu Chi originally thought that this hypnosis would be a big challenge for his mental load, but the actual operation process was far easier than he imagined.

Everyone is very relaxed. Not only do they completely lower their guard, they also take the initiative to cooperate, imagining that they are believers in the God of Destiny.

This allowed Gu Chi to get twice the result with half the effort. With 15+2 dream control skills and spiritual speech skills, he could complete a large group hypnosis with more than 500 people without any pressure.

All the players stood in a neat square formation in the basement.

Gu Chi was in front of the square formation, ready to check the effect.

He held a small wooden stick in his hand to assist hypnosis, and he clicked it rhythmically like a conductor - he did not set lines for everyone, because everyone expressed their beliefs differently and it had to come from the heart. Only through the expression of faith can faith become more natural and sincere.

So, Lao Litou and others followed Gu Chi's beat, closed their eyes, and looked intoxicated, like a professional poetry recital group, shouting loudly and eloquently:

"Ah, praise the gods of destiny!"

"Ah, praise the God of destiny!"

"Ah, follow the gods of destiny!"

"Ah, are you calling the dust knell to the God of Destiny?"

"Ah, would you like to have tea on the third floor, God of Destiny?"

"Ah, I'll sell it to you at 20% off, God of Destiny."

"Ah, the God of Destiny, hum hum hum…"

Amidst the emotional and ups and downs of "The God of Destiny", the night sets and the sun quietly appears.

Gu Chi was stuck for time and hypnotized himself for a few seconds.

next moment.


The bell of the God of Order rang loudly.

The death knell appeared over the city, and the sound was so penetrating that Gu Chi and others in the basement could hear their eardrums vibrating.


[Divine experience +10]

Then there was no more.

Everyone is still praising the God of Destiny in their own way.

Gu Chi nodded with satisfaction and removed his mental power.

Out-of-control hypnosis is like a chaotic dream, and the lingering sound of the bell is enough to wake everyone up.

Old Li Tou: "Destiny...huh?!"

He opened his eyes suddenly and was startled when he saw Gu Chi. Then he realized that the bell had passed and quickly raised his arms to take a look.

In mint condition.

Look at the legs again.

Also safe and sound.

"Good guy, is it really possible?" Old Li was surprised.

Strength 39 and others also woke up one after another, and their first reaction was the same as that of Old Li Tou, first to confirm whether their limbs were sound.

In fact, many people don't have high hopes for this method.

With the fat jailer as a living example, they did not doubt that Gu Chi had the ability to hypnotize them and shape their beliefs. It was hard to say that he might not be able to deceive the death knell.

After all, the bell is the core rule of this book, and the entire dungeon is even named after it. How can it be said that it can be broken if it is broken?

But for the time being, there is no other way to deal with the bell. Why not give it a try and fully cooperate with Gu Chi. What if it works?

Unexpectedly, the last chance turned out to be a last resort.

All night long, Nan Huan still counted the number of people. Including himself, there were 516 people, not one missing.

They all passed through the seemingly most difficult bell of the God of Order without any injuries!

This not only means that they can live one more day - they can avoid every bell in the future in this way, which is equivalent to being directly immune to a core mechanism. If nothing else, at least the probability of survival has skyrocketed.

"Wait a minute, why did my divine experience increase by 10 points?" a player asked.

Gu Chi: "Look at your status bar."

Chengcheng also opened the panel and took a look, and found that he had a BUFF with a small colored pill on his body. He was surprised and said: "You fed us pills?"

Gu Chi was old-fashioned and said with experience: "We are filming, how can we not take medicine?"

After staying in the city for a whole morning and an evening, everyone's divine experience is above 10 points, so they won't be missed, but it's always good to have more divine experience.

If the beliefs he molds don't work, the colorful pills he feeds everyone before the bell rings can provide some buffering effect.

The higher the divinity, the less impact the bell has.

Gu Chi is used to being prepared.

Chengcheng said "Wow" slightly excitedly: "Fake goddess, you are so thin!"

Gu Chi frowned deliberately: "Why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

Or Youyouzi will praise others: "Mr. Prophet is so great!"

Strength 39 said nothing and gave Gu Chi a thumbs up.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the man who has passed the Ω dungeon for the first time. He understands the rules of the game of Xiaopoyou.

The other players looked at Gu Chi with more or less admiration.

This man led them to completely bypass the core mechanism of the SS book, and they couldn't accept it.

Xia Lingze and Xia Leng looked on with smiles, as if they were watching their father ascend the throne.

"Come, come, eat, eat."

After everyone expressed their kindness to Gu Chi, the chef captain organized the logistics players to heat up the food and ordered everyone to have breakfast.

This was the most relaxing meal they had eaten since entering Japan.

Now that the death knell weighing on my head is gone, I can now relax and get started.

Originally, they had to take time to liberate the tower prison, because conflicts with the jailers were unavoidable. They had to avoid the early morning period. Otherwise, if the death knell was sounded above their heads, who could withstand it?

This problem no longer exists.

Gu Chi directly packaged and programmed the entire process of "faith hypnosis", and hung a BUFF on each person - DEBUFF to be precise. It was similar to putting a powerful sleeping pill in everyone's mouth. When he shouted "God of Destiny" ", the "sleeping pill" will take effect immediately, allowing everyone to enter the hypnotic state again.

To put it simply, with just one word from him, everyone can transform into the most devout believer of the God of Destiny anytime, anywhere, without fear of losing their head.

"By the way, the God of Destiny seems to be very strong?" Strength 39 asked while holding a bowl, "The leaders of the several divine kingdoms I inquired about were all killed by the God of Destiny, and they took action in a matter of seconds."

Yemao Han rolled his eyes: "Which old god is not strong?"

Through most of yesterday's investigation, they have basically understood the situation in the Land of Divine Relics.

This is the story of an old god slaying a new god.

Although these captives come from different divine kingdoms, their experiences are similar.

The twelve old gods have a great reputation in this vast universe - or rather a terrible reputation.

They waged wars everywhere, invading the new Kingdom of God. It is no exaggeration to describe them as burning, killing, and plundering.

Even if the New God protects himself wisely, surrenders, or hides, he cannot escape the fate of ruining his family and his country.

Countless divine kingdoms have been torn apart and broken by the old gods. Worlds that are relatively intact, like the Land of Divine Relics, will be occupied by them and turned into prisons, using the sound of bells to obliterate the divinity of the captives.

If you have stayed in the tower prison for a long time, you will know that the war criminal behavior of the old gods has never stopped, and a new batch of prisoners will be sent in every once in a while.

And when their divinity is damaged by the bell to a controllable level, they will be sent to the prison camp, where the sinful priest will cleanse their desires, and then they will be thrown to the other side of the world to fend for themselves, and enjoy themselves. It’s called: “Give them some time to enjoy their old age.”

When the divinity of the captives is completely wiped out, the bells will turn them into sand. This is the origin of the Wailing Desert.

It can be said that everyone in the tower cage hates the old god.

Those who do not hate have become jailers. This is the greatest irony.

"If I were them, I would be the first to kill the jailer." The paper said, "Betraitors are more hateful than enemies."

As he spoke, he glanced at Power 39.

Power 39: "?"

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Someone punched me last time we were eating."

Power 39: "..."

How long ago did this happen? Do you still remember?

Danbing on the paper hummed and said, "I don't usually hold grudges. If I do, I will hold them for the rest of my life."

"Okay, okay." Strength 39 was really convinced, "I'll give you a punch next time we meet. Good things will come in pairs, okay?"

Bounce on paper: "?"

"Pfft...cough." Chengcheng suppressed a laugh and brought the topic back, saying, "So as long as we liberate the tower, they can help us fight with the jailers?"

"I took the time yesterday to count, and there were exactly one hundred towers." Cheye Nanhuan said, "Each tower counts three hundred people, making a total of thirty thousand."

This led to a fight with the jailer.

The sexy uncle had a sore nose: "You are really good at counting people. I cry to death."

It’s hard to rejoice all night long: “…”

Everyone: "..."

Needless to say, it seems that I really like someone after staying up all night.

Old Li Tou continued: "The shackles are not that easy to break."

When he struck it with his sword, there wasn't even a trace. He didn't know what kind of high-end material it was.

"Either the Emperor of Heaven does it himself, or we steal the key." Old Li said seriously, "I personally prefer the former."

The risk of stealing the key is too great. After all, the body of the jailer is there. Once discovered, they will not be able to sneak unparalleled and will definitely alert the snake.

Youyouzi was not happy, and said with round eyes: "Thirty thousand people, do you want Mr. Prophet to be exhausted to death?"

Even if there is teleportation, you can open the locks one by one and you don't know how long it has been. The old man is very bad!

Xia Leng glanced at the girl and said nothing.

Chengcheng: "Then steal?"

"Stealing is actually the best, it's very efficient." Che Ye Nan said happily.

Their logistics team includes ten players who are proficient in forging... There are currently seven left, who are mainly responsible for repairing equipment and making ammunition. If the key does not require high materials, they can make a replica or even try to make a master key. But the problem is...

"Who's going to steal?" Nan Huan asked all night long.

The key is hung on the waist of the warden and the prison chief, and they might even hold it in their arms when they sleep at night. This is usually the case in plots.

Especially since they made such a fuss on the plateau before, the enemy will definitely be on guard. There is a high probability that this news will reach the city today.

Trying to steal something from a live person who is full of vigilance is a real skill.

The most important thing is that there is no fault tolerance.

You can only succeed and send it if you fail.

Chengcheng couldn't help but look at Youyouzi.

Youyouzi looked at the killer and felt uncomfortable.

The killer was not too cool and looked at Yu Liuxiang again.

Chu Liuxiang looked at Ye Maohan again.

Ye Maohan: "?"

What's the meaning?

"If you guys, a bunch of assassins, don't go, do you expect me to be the only sniper?"

Chu Liuxiang: "Aren't snipers also good at sneaking around?"

Ye Maohan: "..."

He couldn't refute it for a moment.

Old Li Toule said: "You don't want to break up, right?"

Stealing keys is an obvious score point.

In the past, everyone was rushing to complete tasks to get points, but today it was better, everyone was scared.

Is this the old thing they used to show off?

After listening for a long time, Gu Chi suddenly said: "Wait a minute, do you want to share?"

Old Li Tou: "Of course."

Gu Chi slapped the table: "You should have told me earlier."

After all, ginger is still hotter than old, and he is always thinking about points, so he has forgotten about this.

"Since you don't want to go, I'll do it."

Gu Chi spoke directly: "Give me a key that can unlock the shackles on the feet of the captives in the tower prison."


It's quite cheap, only 40 rhymes without the divine bonus.


A large bronze ring key appeared on the table.

Everyone: "?"

Big change key?

Gu Chi: "Another key that has the same function but is different from this key."

There are so many prisoners, and it is impossible for one key to take them all.


Here comes the second key.

Everyone: "??"

Gu Chi: "Come again."

The third key.

This was repeated a hundred and one times - the last time there was no response, that was all.

So, a hundred keys were arranged in a circle and neatly placed on the table.

"Try it for yourselves. It should be a tall tower." Gu Chi said.

Everyone: "???"

Can the game still be played like this? ?

It was the first time that Lao Litou and others saw Gu Chi brushing props with their own eyes, and their eyes nearly popped out.

What kind of magical power does this girl have?

"Really?" The sexy uncle picked up a key and looked at it, "Can it really open the shackles?"

Gu Chi: "You'll know if you try it?"

Everyone: "..."

Strength 39 looked at the reaction of Lao Litou and others, and felt secretly happy.

This is the thrill of being a pioneer!

What's the point of swiping keys?

His Heavenly Emperor brother can also use skill locks and skill inheritance!

A bunch of old guys can no longer keep up with the version.

Only he, a man with a tiger at heart and a nose for roses, found the answer in advance!

"No, I'm going to try!" Chu Liuxiang didn't believe in evil, so she picked up a key and left.

After not taking two steps, he fell back and stretched his head in front of Gu Chi: "Get a BUFF!"

Gu Chi: "TP."

These two letters represent "Return to City Scroll", which is the one-click programming language for the set of Return to City BUFF.

In addition, there is the newly compiled "One-click Faith" as well as the previous "One-click House Building" and "One-click Taoist Rhythm".

There are four sets in total.

Once he understands the "industrialized semi-automatic speech spirit", he can enter the next era - information speech spirit!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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