You didn't follow the routine at all, did you?

Chapter 400 Ballast Water Tank (Thanks to [TristL] for the Alliance Leader Award! Happy New Year)

Chapter 400 Ballast Water Tank (Thanks to [TristL] for the Alliance Leader Award! Happy New Year~)

Bellcat wasn't the only one to notice the changes in the ghost ship.

Yemao Hanhe scored twice, and some players on the deck also saw this scene.

The existence of the ghost ship itself made everyone feel very strange, and they suddenly blinked. It was like a corpse that you thought was dead suddenly sat up from the coffin board. Many people were so scared that their backs went cold. , I felt a cold air rushing straight to my skull.

"Did I see it wrong?"

"It, it, it just blinked??"

"What the hell...this ship is actually alive?"

"It's over, we're really going to be in big trouble now..."

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Yimao Han broke into a cold sweat, but he remained calm and reassured everyone: "Don't panic, this hole is not necessarily an eye, it could be something else."

This is not nonsense. Logically speaking, there are unknown dangers hidden on the ship. This may be the enemy they have been looking for.

"Blinking" may be a sign that the enemy is about to take action.

Lingmao recovered from the fright, quickly picked up the intercom and urgently ordered: "The whole ship is on alert. Everyone, please stand at your posts. If you have any situation, please report to me immediately!"

She didn't know what this "blink" meant. If she wanted to launch an attack, would she attack the people on the ship or the Tiandi?

Lingmao didn't dare to neglect, Gu Chi handed over the Emperor of Heaven to her, and she would not forgive herself if anything happened.

"I'll go to the cockpit to manually operate the detector." Mei Kai said twice.

This kind of work was done by robots before, but this time he wanted to see for himself what this ship was.

"Okay." Lingmao agreed and took out the sound transmission stone and communicator, trying to inform Gu Chi of this important news in two ways at the same time.

But blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. Such times are usually accompanied by more emergencies.

The communicator that had always been open lost its signal at this moment.

There was electronic noise in the receiver, and the band they used to communicate could no longer be found.

The sound transmission stone was on, but after the voice was recorded, there was no response for a long time.

In this kind of exploratory action, as long as a message is received, no matter what the content is, it will be answered immediately, so that the party sending the message knows that the message has been delivered in time, and at the same time, it also tells the other party that he is currently safe. This is the best way to keep in touch. One of the important meanings.

But Gu Chi never replied.

Lingmao didn't know whether Gu Chi had heard her message, and was a little anxious for a moment.

If that hole is really the eye of the "Ghost Ship", then their situation will be extremely dangerous.

Worst of all, the danger came too quickly.

Gu Chi and others had just boarded the ghost ship, and something unexpected happened within ten minutes. This meant that for at least a few hours, even if Gu Chi and others did not receive news from the Tiandi, they would not realize what went wrong. Because they don't keep in touch all the time.

"You continue to try to contact them, and I will check the weapons." Ye Maohan said.

Regardless of whether the news could finally be sent to Gu Chi, they had to be ready to fire at any time.

Unlike the panic and commotion on the Emperor of Heaven, the ghost ship was much quieter.

As soon as the portal was set up, everyone quickly gathered in the cabin.

The appearance of the boat is similar to what Xia Ling described.

Very old and decayed, yet familiar.

The light was very dim, and the cabin with all the lights broken was like a dark night buried under water, quiet and deep.

As soon as Gu Chi entered the cabin, he saw the facilities that were extremely familiar to him.

This is the reception hall, with bar counters, tables and chairs, sofas, wine cabinets, chandeliers, carpets, etc. These are all made by Gu Chi himself. You can tell at a glance that they are the same as those on the Tiandi. The only The only difference is age.

A few flashlights shined on the ancient environment.

The marble of the bar had lost its luster, the floor was covered with dirt and water stains, the cracked wine cabinet and the walls were covered with mistletoe-like water plants, and there was a damp, rancid smell in the air that made people very uncomfortable.

"Water was drained from the cabin?"

The cabin was not flooded, but there were very clear signs of immersion. If you step a little more gently, you can hear the sound of "tick-tick" water coming from many places. It feels like the hull of the boat was damaged and the cabin was filled with seawater. It was full, and then the water was pumped away through the drainage device, but it was not pumped out completely, and it ended up like this.

"I felt this was very strange when I came here the day before yesterday." Strength 39 looked at the tattered ceiling and said: "It obviously looks like it has been wrecked for many years, but it also looks like it has just been drained."

"I went to the sewage well in the back yesterday to check. The pipes and valves were all rusty and couldn't be screwed in with normal force, so I tried to use some strength."

"Then what?" Youyouzi asked.

Power 39 said expressionlessly: "Then I unscrewed the control panel."

Everyone: "..."

As expected of you.

Gu Chi: "Is there any movement in the drainage device afterwards?"

Power 39: "No."

That's why it seems strange.

The entire ship had been soaked in the sea for who knows how long. These equipment should have been broken long ago, but the seawater dripping from the ceiling and the wet stains on the floor showed that the drainage system was functioning normally. Otherwise, the water dripping in would not have been able to survive for so many years. If the cabin can be flooded, it won't just be damp.

When you look at the sewage well, you will find that the drainage device is indeed broken. It goes around and around, and you don't know whether it is broken or not.

There are many contradictory places like this in the entire ghost ship. Coupled with the eerie environment that is almost identical to that of the Tiandi, these incomprehensible places have become a sense of weirdness that follows them.

But fortunately, they did not separate this time.

There are 1,200 people all in one place. When there are more people, they become bolder.

"Ignore this, let's find someone first." Gu Chi said.

According to Kimchi War God's senses, he did not seem to have left the ghost ship, and Dr. Chen and others may still be on the ship.

Old Li Tou took out the Tiandi's tourist map, which marked the areas searched by each team last time.

The most crowded area is in the living area.

The living area is also the largest area of ​​the entire ship, taking up almost half of the area.

"Start from the cockpit and look all the way there." Old Li Tou suggested.

"Okay, please pay attention to the people around you and don't get replaced." Gu Chi warned.

The ones pretending to be players were eyeballs, but he didn't find any eyeballs anywhere, at least not in the reception hall. The enemy was still unknown to them, so they could only be careful, staring at the people around them while looking for the missing ones. teammate,

This is a very long process.

The ghost ship was too big and they walked slowly. It took a full hour to reach the living area.

It took the better part of a day to re-search the places where each team searched last time.

But no one was found.

The cockpit is empty.

The restaurant is empty.

The hotel is empty.

There is no one in the cold storage either.

Apart from themselves, half of the other figures were invisible.

On the contrary, as they went deeper into the ghost ship, the nauseating rancid smell in the air became stronger and stronger, and that uneasy feeling reappeared again.

Layla resisted the discomfort and said: "That shouldn't be the case. Even if there is no one, you should leave something behind."

Wherever there are people, there will be traces.

For example, the simplest footprints.

There are water stains on the floor in many places, and people will definitely leave shoe marks if they step on it.

There was only a little more than a day between their two visits to the ghost ship, so the footprints would not disappear naturally so quickly.

But the fact is that this ghost ship seems to be welcoming guests for the first time since the crash. Everything is "new" and there are no traces of being searched in the recent past.

Xia Ling frowned: "Could we have entered an illusion from the beginning?"

When everyone heard this, their hearts tightened.

There are various signs that today’s ghost ship can be said to be brand new compared to the ghost ship the day before yesterday. It seems that nothing has changed, it is still old and still decayed, but in fact, as Layla said, there are many less things they have come to. details.

There are only two possibilities, either the unknown thing deliberately erased these traces, or the ghost ship in front of us is not the last ghost ship.

Xia Leng closed his eyes and felt it, but still didn't notice where the enemy was hidden.

"Keep looking." Gu Chi said, "Whether it's an illusion or not, keep looking."

It's not the illusion that they need to find teammates and enemies, it's the illusion that they also need to find the "exit".

Gu Chi didn't believe that the thing's ability to hide itself was so perfect that it left no trace. Regardless of whether the ghost ship was the Emperor of Heaven or not, since it appeared on the bottom of the sea, there must be clues about the BOSS or the mission. It's just that they didn't find it.

"But we have searched everywhere we can." Layla said.

"Are Dr. Chen and the others no longer on the ship?" Lao Li asked, holding his chin, "Were they unknowingly involved in a secret realm?"

"That's not right." Avreya said, "We still haven't found a place yet."

Old Li Tou: "Where?"

"Ballast water tank." Avreya said.

As someone whose family owns several cruise ships, she understands the structure of a ship better than anyone present except Gu Chi.

The ballast water tank is a compartment used to adjust the ship's draft and heel and trim. It is usually located above the keel and below the cargo hold. If a cruise ship is regarded as a villa, the ballast water tank is the basement of the villa.

The team that boarded the ship last time had not been to the ballast water tank, but it did not mean that they would not go there on their own or be caught because they were confused by the illusion.

"Let's go take a look." Gu Chi walked directly in front and led the way.

He is most familiar with the structural distribution of the "Tiandi".

Anyway, there are only such places, and seven hundred people cannot be hidden anywhere.

From the living area to the ballast water tank, you have to pass through a circular corridor. This is a very technological passage in itself. The wall is embedded with a holographic starry sky projection. The design is inspired by the corridors of the Horizon Hotel. Walking up it feels like traveling through the universe. Among them, very high-end.

It's just that the holographic projection on the ghost ship has been down, and it is pitch black, like a cement pipe that has been enlarged dozens of times.

There is still water coming up from the soles of my feet.

The further we walked, the more water accumulated, and in the end it was almost up to our ankles.

A group of people walked through the passage, and their ears were filled with the sound of water splashing due to stepping on them.

"It stinks... why it's getting worse and worse." Xia Ling complained in a low voice. She covered her nose the whole time, still frowning from the fumes.

She was quite smart and didn't use a flashlight to shine on the water under her feet.

Gu Chi also deliberately reminded everyone to pay attention to the front, stay vigilant, and not to be distracted.

But Chengcheng, who was at the back of the team, couldn't help but take a look, and found that the water had turned into a dirty green color at some point, with fluffy mold floating on it. When he thought of soaking his feet in it, In such water, Chengcheng almost couldn't catch his breath and fainted from nausea.

Old Li Toule said: "I told you not to look. Out of sight, out of mind."

Chengcheng went crazy: "Ah ah ah, fake goddess, hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to die!"

Everyone: "..."

Gu Chi: "If you keep patiently, you'll be fine soon."

There was a faint light ahead.

Another twenty or thirty meters will lead to the ballast water tank.


"Why is there light?" Power 39 feels something is wrong.

This is a passage on a ruined ship, not a tunnel in a cave.

There is no light source on the ghost ship, and all the lights are broken, but the lights in the ballast water tank are good?

"There are living things ahead." Xia Leng suddenly said.

She is a sword cultivator, with Wu Quxing's mental skills as a talent, and her sensitivity is no worse than those of top assassins, or even better.

"It seems to be quite a lot." Youyouzi added.

Everyone behind him didn't need to be reminded. They immediately entered a fighting state and stared eagerly in front of them.

Gu Chi was also more cautious, but instead of stopping, he accelerated and walked forward.

He is not afraid of many enemies, but he is afraid that they will not be able to come out.

Lao Litou and others followed closely behind, holding a shot of sorghum sword technique in their hands.

But before he could fight out, he was shocked by the next scene that appeared in front of him.

Not only him, Kimchi War God and others were also stunned.

A second ago, everything on the ghost ship was very similar to the Tiandi. Everyone had already agreed that this was another Tiandi. But when they came to the ballast water tank, it was a completely different scene from what they imagined. .

This is not a ballast water tank at all, but a large pond filled with scarlet blood water!

The blood looked as viscous as a swamp, with thick and strong tentacles extending from it. Each tentacle was covered with palm-sized eyes, which were embedded in the flesh like abscesses and glowed with excitement.

At a glance, there were at least a thousand tentacles, wriggling like giant upright earthworms. Most of the tentacles had a person attached to them - it was Dr. Chen and others who they had been looking for for a long time but could not find.

"I'll fuck you...yue!" Thousands of tentacles and thousands of densely packed eyeballs made the players in the park feel physically uncomfortable and almost vomited.

Damn you little poyou, do all these damn things from the underworld!

But if it is just the underworld, it is not enough to frighten top players such as Lao Li, who has seen strong winds and waves.

What really surprised them was not the tentacles or the eyes, but the people on the tentacles.

They all looked comfortable with their eyes closed and slept peacefully.

Dr. Chen is here.

The yellow buds are there.

Some missing part-time players, players from the paradise, and players from the Sunset Red Guild are also there.

None of this is a problem.

The problem is that someone who shouldn't be there is there——


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