Chapter 411 "The Tomb of My Best Friend Eve" (Happy Lantern Festival~)

In fact, in addition to Gu Chi, some players are also familiar with this ruins of the Kingdom of God.

Although they are not from Paradise, they have been to Paradise.

After all, before the opening of Baishi Pure Land, the paradise was a serious player's holy land. There were no restrictions and there was no need to hide one's identity. Everyone was of the same mind and could talk about whatever they wanted. There was no need to worry about triggering a confidentiality agreement and suddenly dying suddenly while chatting.

The environment of Paradise Island is also good, with beautiful sea and virgin forest. It is a very good place for tourism and relaxation.

Many players who like to run around have visited the park.

It's just that the city sank into the sea and became torn apart. The street buildings were beyond recognition. In addition, the memory was long and the pictures in their minds were blurred. They couldn't be sure whether this was a paradise or not.

Many people don't even think about it.

They have never paid attention to the apocalypse, nor do they understand that the game world is the future of the real world. They just think that they have played too much. This is like watching a TV show and listening to a song. The more you watch, the more you listen. Fresh scripts or tracks always have a sense of immediacy, which is normal.

Gu Chi was able to react so quickly simply because he had lived in Avreya's manor for a while not long ago. Old Li Tou mentioned the treasured wine again, and he realized that the so-called relics of the Kingdom of God might be the future. Paradise Island.

And as a guest of Paradise Island, he would be recognized, not to mention Avreya and the others.

Since the previous exploration was in the opposite direction, they were the last players to arrive at the ruins.

Seeing the ancient broken bridge from a distance, Avreya had a bad feeling in her heart.

This feeling is even stronger after stepping into the broken city.

The mood of Leila and others slowly fell to the bottom.

No one is more familiar with everything in Paradise, which is their home.

They would never mistake their home for anything.

Youyouzi initially informed them that they had found the ruins of the Kingdom of God. They were looking forward to it when they heard it, thinking that the harvest would be big. But who knew that the Kingdom of God sunk under the sea would actually be the paradise island where they had lived for many years...

The large army, thousands of park players, that should have been lively and lively, have been silent since entering the ruins, which is in sharp contrast to other teams who are searching for treasures and smiling happily.

A player was surprised to see them being so quiet: "You are here? Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and dig for treasures!"

"If you act slowly, you will suffer the consequences."

What a treasure!

The God of War Kimchi couldn't help but roared with grief and anger: "You are digging our ancestral graves on horseback!"

Players: "Huh?"

Ancestral graves? ?

Kimchi God of War has always had good emotional management skills. As long as Gu Chi and Avreya are not involved, he can hold back many things, but this time he can't hold it in anymore. No matter who it is, he will lose his temper when encountering such a situation. burst.

If this is really a future paradise, aren't the treasures buried in the ruins the legacy of the players in their paradise?

What's the difference between this and digging into their ancestral graves?

Even if it's not that serious, Gao Luo is still a sneak tribute.

Or eat it in person, who can bear it?

Avelia's mood at this time was also very complicated.

Although she had long known the fate of the real world from the "Eye", not only the paradise would be destroyed, but also other places, and everyone would not escape disaster, but seeing the wreckage of her home with her own eyes, Avreya I still feel very uncomfortable.

It is sadder to foresee one's own destruction than to experience it.

Just like death is not that scary, the scary thing is waiting for the last few seconds of death.

Avelia's eyes dimmed slightly, and without saying a word, she looked in the direction of her manor and walked alone.

"I'll accompany you." Layla said.

Avreya shook her head slightly: "No, you lead them to search for clues and resources. I will go over and take a look and will be back soon."

Emotions are of no use in a disaster, they must remain rational.

Even if this is one's own ancestral tomb, it should be dug up.

With every extra resource, they have a greater chance of surviving the coming apocalypse. Even if the paradise is destined to sink to the bottom of the sea, by giving these resources to others, human civilization can have a little more hope of overcoming the disaster.

As long as the race survives, Paradise can be sacrificed.

Avreya was already prepared.

Even though she was getting ready, her mood was still a little low.

Her eyes were slightly hollow, and she was walking on the dilapidated streets with wandering eyes, like a lost lamb.

If given a choice, who would be willing to accept such a result?

But she didn't know what to do.

No matter how clear-headed a person is, he will sometimes feel confused.

They will think about whether what they have been pursuing is correct and whether their efforts are meaningful.

But this kind of self-doubt usually doesn't last long, and will be replaced by stronger beliefs. Whether a person's heart is strong or not depends precisely on whether his persistence will gradually collapse with waverings, or whether he will be shaken again and again. Slowly growing while wavering, becoming more unshakable.

Avreya is the latter.

She can always adjust her mentality in time.

To her, the occasional daze is more like a break in the journey of life. When she gets tired, she stops to rest for a while, and then continues walking forward.

In the past, Avreya used to distance herself from negative emotions, but this time it was slightly different.

This time she was sad for a shorter time than before.

Because it seemed like someone was more sad than her.

Avelia came to the gate of Eaton Manor and saw a familiar figure at a glance.

On the dirt-covered muddy ground, there was a man crouching down, his expression extremely lonely, his eyes full of melancholy.

There was a stone tablet standing in front of him. Under the stone tablet was a bouquet of exquisite white roses, which was incompatible with the surrounding dirty and dilapidated environment. It was desolate and beautiful.

So much so that for a moment, Avreya had the illusion that this guy was paying homage to his beloved deceased wife.

It's not an illusion.

But it's not entirely right either.

As soon as Avelia walked over, she heard Gu Chi sigh softly: "Fu Aiqing, you can go in peace, I will come to see you every year from now on."

Looking at the stone tablet again, there are several words written from top to bottom using the same gilding style used on the house number of Eaton Manor -

The grave of my dear friend Eve.

There is even half an old photo showing her voice and smile in the past.

Avreya: "???"

Gu Chi seemed to have just noticed her coming: "Hey, Miss Avreya? When did you arrive?"

"You've come just in time. Come and join me in wishing you a happy life in another world and a healthy family."

Only then can your family be healthy!

Avreya's fist became hard again, and all the fragmentary emotions of sadness and tears turned into a kind of lust at this moment - she wanted to rush up and bite this man to death!

"Gu Chi, is there something wrong with you?"

Originally, the ruins of the Kingdom of God were suspected of being a paradise, which was a very bad sign, but this guy actually cursed her to death?

"Why is it called a curse?" Gu Chi said, "You see, the paradise has become like this. Isn't it true?"

"You are the one who tells the truth!" Avreya said angrily, "You are the one who found my body?"

She has resurrection tools, so even if the paradise is completely destroyed, she may not die.

But Gu Chi sighed again: "It's true that no body was found. It's a pity that our Miss Avreya has been strong all her life, but in the end she ended up dead without a whole body. Not even a hair can be found... Sigh."

Avreya: "???"

"Believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Seeing the girl raise her small fist, Gu Chi hurriedly said: "Elegance, Miss Avreya, elegance."

People are dead and you still want me to be graceful?

Avelia gritted her teeth: "Now I just want to drag you to be buried with me!"

Unexpectedly, when Gu Chi heard this, he thought for a moment, nodded and said, "It's not impossible."

As he spoke, he pasted the photo of his significant other on the monument to form a new group photo.

Avreya: "?"

"Where did you get this photo?"

If it was just her, it would be easier to explain. There are many photos of Avreya. Since this is her manor, it would not be surprising to find one or two, but why is there Gu Chi?

When did she take a photo with Gu Chi?

"It was found in the captain's cabin of the sunken ship." Gu Chi said, "After preliminary judgment, the ship is the real Emperor of Heaven, and it should be the Emperor of Heaven that I will send to you in the future."

"Wait a minute." Avreya was not surprised by the identity of the sunken ship. She had always believed that the game world was the future of the real world, but why was it her Heavenly Emperor?

"You mean, I put a photo of you and me in the captain's cabin, and I can look at it every day when I have something to do?"

"Who knows."


Avelia resolutely refused to admit that she would act like a little woman, "That's your Heavenly Emperor's name, it has nothing to do with me."

"Really?" Gu Chi looked at the necklace around her neck and smiled without saying a word.

Many things have something in common. Even the necklace is never willing to be taken away. What’s the big deal in taking a group photo?

"What are you looking at? You didn't ask me to wear it?" Avreya said with her eyes slightly reddened.

Her royal family has a lot of money, much more than this beautiful necklace. If it weren't for the sake of her friends, she wouldn't have been wearing this necklace!

Gu Chi: "Then should I still thank Miss Avreya for giving me face?"

Avreya: "You're welcome!"

Gu Chi wanted to laugh a little when he saw the girl's duplicity, but he didn't expose it.

Avelia has always been deliberately maintaining her mature and elegant image, and rarely quarrels with him like this. If he points it out, it will be a big loss if Avelia becomes angry and stops calling him.

After arguing with the girl for a while, Gu Chi took the initiative to change the subject and asked, "Are you feeling better?"

It was only then that Avelia realized that Gu Chi had specially brought out a tombstone and a bouquet of roses, both to help her regulate her emotions.

I have to say that this unique method is very effective and is much better than simply saying some comforting words.

The stronger the person, the less he needs comfort from others. On the contrary, it is more useful to divert attention and change emotions.

Avreya is not depressed at all now, she just wants to hit someone.

Avelia admitted that this man was very good and coquettish, which made her feel that she was being taken care of carefully, but she would not say it out loud to prevent this guy from becoming inflated.

At most, give it a little reward.

"You are worthy of being beaten for your way of comforting people." Avreya said, changing to her original voice, and hummed softly: "Miscellaneous fish."

Gu Chi: "..."

Who on earth likes to be scolded as a bastard in a lolita tone, and is the one who started this unhealthy trend?

Do you really think he is this kind of person?

Never again!

"Okay, let's get down to business."

When Gu Chi saw that Avreya's mood had recovered, he mentioned another meaning behind the tombstone he specially created.

"If the future paradise is destined to be destroyed and sink to the bottom of the sea, you may also die. But now that you know this in advance, won't you think about changing this outcome?"

"Of course I do." Seeing that Gu Chi's tone became serious, Avreya also replied seriously, "But some things can't be changed just by changing them."

Every "result" has a corresponding "cause". Theoretically, as long as you change the "cause", you can change the "result". This is the simplest causal logic, but the problem is that you cannot determine what you have changed. This is the real cause of this result.

Such as the destruction of paradise.

It would take a very powerful force to make Paradise Island fall apart and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Assuming that peaceful weapons can do this, then officials in several countries have such weapons. Who will press the launch button at some point in the future?

have no idea.

You can't destroy all the weapons of peace. If you do, the paradise will be destroyed even more.

In addition to peaceful weapons, Huang Xiu and "Yan" also have such abilities in terms of individual strength, but you can't eliminate them, and you can't guarantee what they will think or do in the future.

Regardless of what the park can currently deal with or what it cannot deal with, there are too many uncertain factors. Trying to find the real cause of destruction among so many possibilities is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and the probability is so small that it is almost negligible.

The same goes for Doomsday.

And harder to find.

Paradise can be destroyed by peaceful weapons, it can be destroyed by Huang Xiu or "Eye", or it can be destroyed by Doomsday. These are all forces within their understanding or known, but they can create this disaster that tears the entire planet apart. But it is unknown and difficult to even imagine.

Even if officials from various countries and regions break out an unprecedented world war for various reasons and throw out all their weapons, it is impossible for the planet to explode.

The only ones that explode are humans.

Regardless of how powerful peaceful weapons are, they are only for humans. For the planet, nuclear explosions are just an itch.

A human being can be considered powerful if he can get even a little injured.

So, if we can’t even find the source of the disaster, how can we change the future?

"Let's not go so far." Gu Chi said, "We can start with small things."

Avreya: "For example?"

Gu Chi: "For example, the Emperor of Heaven I gave you."

Avreya: "?"

"Again, man, that's your own Heavenly Emperor's name."

Gu Chi added: "Hypothesis, hypothesis is yours."

Avelia said without changing her expression: "Oh, hypothetical, that's fine, just assume it."

Gu Chi continued: "I have marked the location of the Tiandi. If I change my mind and don't give it to you, or change the model, and you make it clear that you don't want it, or agree to change the model, then, which ship do you think Is the Emperor of Heaven still where it is?"

"Or, is it still the Emperor of Heaven that I just visited?"

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