You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 118 The Dragon King joins forces, the widow sister appears, shining in the water city (1, gu

Cheng Long recalled, "I heard a little bit about it, I think I saw it when reading a newspaper, but I didn't understand it in depth."

Wang Quan also understood that the issue of the twelve zodiac animal heads was not too big at this time. He also saw this subject when he was browsing Cheng Long's future movies, and only after learning more about it from the comment section did he know that this incident later became a big deal. How big.

Later, those foreign speculators dared to sell an animal head for more than 100 million, because they understood that that period of history was a pain point for the Chinese people.

Wang Quan said, "The first time Chinese people had an idea of ​​the zodiac animal heads in the Old Summer Palace was probably in 2000. At the auctions of Christie's and Sotheby's in Hong Kong, bronze statues of ox heads, monkey heads and tiger heads appeared. They were originally used by the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Those stolen from the Old Summer Palace were now taken back by foreigners and auctioned to us, which aroused public resentment. Later, the state-owned Poly Group bought the three animal heads for more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars."

"The average price is 10 million per head. Do these animal heads have a high artistic content? Or are the materials scarce?"

"In fact, animal heads do not have high artistic value, and the materials are not precious, but they are symbols of China's century-old history of humiliation. Foreigners use this to exploit the patriotic sentiments of the Chinese people to speculate on the price of animal heads, stimulate the self-esteem of the Chinese people, and let You have to buy it, you have to buy it at a high price, and that’s too much.”

Cheng Long nodded. This is a kind of kidnapping. Kidnapping a country to pay for the humiliation a hundred years ago. I robbed your things and asked you to buy them back at a high price. Who can not be angry!

Wang Quan continued, "In 2003, Mr. He from Austria donated 6 million to China's special fund for rescuing lost overseas cultural relics and bought a bronze pig head statue from an American collector. This is the fourth one that has appeared so far. Beast head.”

Cheng Long patted his thigh, "Oh, I think about it, I saw this news about Mr. He back then! Mr. He is really interesting!"

Moreover, Wang Quan also knew in the movie comment section that Mr. He later bought back the horse head for nearly HK$70 million. The price had already gone up by then.

After Cheng Long's "Twelve Zodiac Signs" was released, the French PPR Group bought and donated the rat and rabbit heads the next year. Cheng Long also spent a lot of effort here.

So Wang Quan proposed this script idea to him. Cheng Long, who was originally not that interested in Chinese-language themes, immediately said, "Do it. This story must be filmed. I think it is very meaningful."

Wang Quan smiled and said, "I haven't written the script yet. This big brother may have to wait."

Cheng Long said, "Then write it quickly, uh, but don't be too anxious. I still have a few projects to be busy with. There is a director who wants me to collaborate with Li Lianjie on a movie. In addition, Director Xiaobao and I have already We have a ten-year agreement, and if we want to make a more literary film, it’s time to make it.”

The director Xiaobao he is talking about is director Er Dongsheng. It seems that Cheng Long is not willing to just be a star. He has won the Golden Horse Best Actor in Wanwan and the Golden Rooster Best Actor in Mainland China, but it has always been his regret that he did not win the Golden Horse Best Actor in Xiangjiang. .

Seeing that Wang Quan seemed to have something else to say, his eldest brother Long waved his hand and said, "Just tell me if you have anything to say. Is it about the cost of the script?"

Wang Quan hurriedly waved his hand, "Oh no, no, no, big brother, just give it to me. I also wanted to write about this subject out of dissatisfaction with foreign cultural relic speculators. That's right. I hope I can decide the heroine."

It is a bit excessive for a screenwriter to make such a request. If the movie is funded by the Emperor, they will definitely use their own people, such as twins. If there are other financial backers, they will definitely have their own selection considerations.

But Cheng Long thought for a moment and understood, "You kid, I understand!"

Ah, you understand now?

Cheng Long thought about Wang Quan's romantic reputation in Hollywood, and also thought about his good relationship with Zhang Jingchu, and even brought a little girl to visit the class. He didn't know how many romantic debts he had around him.

Seeing him, Cheng Long thought of his former self, and couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy.

The two of them had reached a preliminary consensus on the "Twelve Zodiac Signs" project. Now that the royal power was in full swing, Cheng Long immediately asked his assistant to reveal the news. Let's not talk about the subject matter for now. Foreigners in the province are using Dongfeng to hype cultural relics. .

"By the way, do you have another movie to promote?" Cheng Long asked proactively.

Wang Quan, "Well, there is also a literary film that will premiere tomorrow."

Cheng Long asked his assistant, "When is our flight back to Xiangjiang?"

"Brother, it's tonight."

Cheng Long said, "Change it and leave after watching the movie tomorrow."

Assistant: "Ah, this..."

"Change it."


Wang Quan stood up and held Cheng Long's hand, "Thank you, brother."

"Oh, what a joke."

Oh, this martial arts practitioner has really strong hands.

So the next day, a piece of news appeared in the domestic media.

"Cheng Long and Director Wang Quan confirmed their cooperation project in Venice!" The Light of China joins forces! There are pictures and the truth! 》

There is indeed a picture, the assistant took a photo of the two shaking hands.

Previously, Wang Quan brought his girl to the premiere of "Baby Project". The focus of the mainland media was on Cheng Long. Some people who mentioned Wang Quan were also concerned about the relationship between the beautiful foreign girl around him and him. If she is an adult, can she be punished? .

Now there is a group photo of the two Dragon Kings, and they are obviously indoors. Is this really a collaboration? Did Director Wang take over so quickly?

Even though Wang Quan had been nominated for an Oscar for original screenwriting before, and the director's first work grossed over 100 million US dollars worldwide, no one regarded him as a director on par with Cheng Long. After all, there were too few works, so there might be accidents. Who knows? Not for long.

Now that the news of the two people's cooperation has come out, Wang Quan's status has been invisibly raised, giving people the feeling that even Cheng Long is rushing to cooperate with him. This young man is going to defy the heavens!

Nortel girls dormitory.

Yuan Shanshan was the first to see this news, and then Yang Mi also found out.

She cut her fingernails and said nonchalantly, "I had expected it a long time ago. If Cheng Long didn't want to cooperate with Brother Quan, could he have invited him to visit the class? He would have been targeting my brother Quan for a long time."

Zhang Xiaofei, "Senior Brother Wang Quan is so awesome. By the way, is his third movie even shortlisted for Venice?"

Yang Mi, "No, that film was shot too late and didn't make it to Venice. However, it was shortlisted for the Tokyo International Film Festival. The chairman of the Tokyo International Film Festival specially went to Los Angeles to meet Brother Quan. There should be news in a few days. ”

Zhang Xuan sighed, "It's amazing. He can make both literary and commercial films. He's an all-round director!"

After Yang Mi cut her fingernails, she immediately walked out of the dormitory and called Wang Quan. Damn, I didn't know that cooperating with Cheng Long was such a big deal!

At about the same time, Liu Xiaoli also learned about the incident and told Liu Yifei immediately.

"Go and ask Xiao Wang if this is true?"

Liu Yifei was reading the script, barefoot, with a licking dog under her feet, "So what if it's true, so what if it's fake."

"To be honest, just ask if there is a role suitable for you!" Liu Xiaoli said eagerly. Although "Rush Hour 3" failed to catch Cheng Long's express train last time, it was because they had nothing to do with each other. This time it was different. Xiao Wang is here!

If Liu Yifei is determined not to do it, then what will happen to her in Wang Quan's heart? It would be too low of status to take the initiative to take the role.

"You, you, you, if you don't hit me, I will!" Liu Xiaoli also has Wang Quan's contact information.

She went to call, but Liu Yifei didn't stop her and quietly pricked up her ears. However, the line turned out to be busy.


Wang Quan was chatting with Yang Mi happily, "There is such a thing, but I haven't written the script yet, and I'm thinking about the heroine."

Yang Mi chuckled, "Then when you were imagining the heroine, did my voice, appearance, and smile flash through your mind."

Wang Quan smiled, "If you don't know how to use the words, don't use them."

Yang Mi, "It's just like that anyway. I don't dare to expect the heroine to have more roles than a guest role."

"It's hard to say this now, you don't have any effort~"

"Who says I don't have any skills? I learned grappling from my dad. Usually when I'm under ten years old, I'll take it as soon as I'm told."

Wang Quan, "That's all you can do, okay, I'll think about it when I write the script."

After hanging up Yang Mi's call, Liu Xiaoli called again.

"Hey, aunt~"

"Xiao Wang," Liu Xiaoli said with a smile in her voice, "Auntie heard that you are planning to collaborate with Cheng Long on a new movie. Is it a Chinese film?"

Wang Quan, "That's right. Although the main actors are all Chinese, we plan to travel to many countries around the world during the filming and will use an international team."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoli's heartbeat accelerated a bit. Xiao Wang is still very capable!

"Xiao Wang, has the heroine of the movie been selected?"

Wang Quan smiled and said, "Auntie, we don't even have a script. It's just that my eldest brother and I have determined a story outline and ideas. It's too early to talk about the heroine now."

"That would be even better. When you write the script, write the heroine to look like Sissi. Then..."

Liu Yifei finally couldn't stand listening anymore, "Mom, how dare you say that!"

She grabbed her mother's phone directly and said, "Brother, don't listen to my mother. I was really embarrassed just now. Don't let her affect your creation."

"It's okay, Auntie, she's just looking forward to her daughter becoming a success. But don't worry, you speak English well and you're an American. There will definitely be no shortage of big international productions in the future. As long as you improve your acting skills..."

"King! Rich! Noble!" Liu Yifei also learned this trick from Yang Mi, but her tone was too soft and her coquettish tone was more obvious.

Wang Quan laughed, "Don't mention it anymore, my "Juno" is about to premiere, so let's not talk about it for now. I'm looking forward to your performance in "The Stewardess"."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Quan handed the phone to Ma Ling and began to serve as the host to greet the friends and fans who came to attend the premiere today.

Cheng Long came, and to Wang Quan's surprise, Jiang Wen also came with him.

Wang Quan and Jiang Wen looked at each other, smiled at each other, and shook hands. Jiang Wen said to Cheng Long, "He even showed me the way."

Cheng Long took it for granted that he meant "pointing out the puzzle". Young people's brains are very flexible. Even Jiang Wen can give a few pointers. The future is promising.

Jiang Wen came here to promote his work-in-progress "When the Sun Also Rises". He just arrived today. Because the heroine gave birth, the filming will be stopped for a while.

Tsk, tsk, the heroine was pregnant during the filming of a movie, but now she has given birth and the filming has not been completed. There is nothing the Eagle Emperor can do when faced with such a willful director.

Oh, by the way, one of the starring roles in this film is Cheng Long's Prince Long, so Long and Wen are on good terms now. When Old Long calls, Jiang Wen comes.

It just so happens that Jiang Wen is also very curious about King Power. I have watched his "10 Cloverfield Lane" before, and the review was that it was pretty good, but not as good as "Sunny Day", so for the debut film, I win.

But he was already 30 years old when he filmed "Sunshine Days", and Wang Quan was only 21, so young people should be given some room to grow. He is looking forward to Wang Quan making a film as awesome as "Sunshine" before he turns 30.

The two of them are the main friends from China. The three crews and related personnel who were shortlisted for the main competition unit did not come, but these two celebrities are big enough.

The lineup of foreign filmmakers is much more luxurious. First of all, Satoshi Kon is definitely here. He regards Wang Quan as his confidant in life and a foreign brother.

In addition, Ben Affleck, the star of the main competition shortlisted work "Hollywood Estates", also came. He missed the premiere of "Escape Room" starring his younger brother due to time issues. He felt very sorry for his younger brother, so Doro He came as soon as Si invited him to make up for it. In addition, he also hooked up another starring member of the same cast, the youngest Oscar winner Adrien Brody.

The two leading ladies of "The Black Dahlia" Scarlett Johansson and Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank also came together.

This movie will be the main competitor of "Escape Room" in North America.

But that was the film's business. The two leading actors knew Dorothy, so they naturally had to give it some respect. Seeing the 22-year-old Scarlett, Wang Quan sighed with emotion. It's great to be young. He has watched several movies in which she was in her thirties. Movies can now be said to be the peak of her appearance.

In addition, the director of "Children of Men" Alfonso Cuaron was also invited by Dorothy. With this connection, Wang Quan just wanted to say, Taozi, how can I live without you!

In just a short time, the main creators of the four crews of the main competition unit came, which made the Chinese media at the scene excited. It was so topical.

What do you mean, ah, what do you mean!

Our Chinese director’s work premiered, and his foreign colleagues actively supported it. How about you guys, Jia Zhangke, Du Qifeng? You are all in Venice, but you didn’t even show your voice. Are you not united?

Finally, even the Paramount representative responsible for the overseas distribution of "Escape Room" came to support "Juno". Why, do you want to win the overseas distribution of "Juno"?

Dorothy whispered a few words next to Wang Quan, and it turned out that Paramount and Tom Cruise had officially broken up.

The main income of "Mission: Impossible 3" has basically been realized. In the final calculation, although Paramount did not lose money, it did not make much money. However, Tom made a lot of money due to the special nature of the contract, and he was angry. Redstone slapped the table.

On the other hand, "Cloverfield Lane" has a profit level that beats "Disc 3" in no time. Let's not talk about the final calculation. As of September, "Cloverfield Lane" turned out to be Paramount's most profitable project this year. !

It is conceivable that Wang Quan's weight in the eyes of Paramount management has once again increased to a higher level, and he is now a director that Paramount is eager to win over.

The time has come and the movie has begun to be screened. Although Wang Quan has said in advance that the film has not been completely completed in the later stages, today's version can only be regarded as a semi-finished product, but it still satisfied most of the audience present. After the screening, the audience applauded for a long time. interest.

Especially in the corner where no one is paying attention, an old man with white hair and bald head said that he liked this story very much~

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