You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 127 Laying out neon, looking to Asia, the prototype of the film empire appears (1, guarantee

Yui Aragaki, a little giant from Okinawa, is also 18 years old this year and is a model and actor by profession.

Originally, she didn't want to come to this dispatch from the agency, but now it sounds like it's not a serious escort!

Especially when she heard that he was a big Hollywood director, although she might get some opportunities, she felt disgusted when she thought about how hairy foreigners looked. I heard that they all have chest hair.

Later, her agent watched the opening ceremony of the East Film Festival with her, pointed to the most handsome man on TV and said, "This is the person you want to accompany you on the trip, a great Hollywood director from China, who was nominated for an Oscar when he was only 21." A future star, his movie has recently exceeded 12 billion yen in North America, and the scandals he has been rumored are all about Hollywood's top actresses, so you can make up your own mind."

Then Yui Aragaki agreed, not because he was handsome, but because she had watched King Quan's "10 Cloverfield Lane" and felt that the director was a very thoughtful person.

With an anxious mood, Aragaki Yui rang the hotel doorbell. He was indeed handsome. It would be great if he could put on a shirt. Yui-chan was blushing a little at this moment.

Wang Quan thought that the two chief editors helped him find Nozomi Sasaki. She was also a model discovered by "Weekly YOUNG JUMP". Unexpectedly, they found one from each. Is this the way Tokyoites treat guests? It's so open!

Wang Quan brought the people in and closed the door. Then Yui Aragaki saw Nozomi Sasaki wrapped in a bath towel. They had sweated from exercising in the morning. Seeing this scene, Yui Aragaki panicked at the time. Ah, this, I Didn't it come at the right time?

Wang Quan, "You're welcome, sit down wherever you want. This Miss Sasaki Nozomi is my guide just like you."

Where could Yui Aragaki sit down, "Director Wang, you misunderstood, I am not that kind of guide."

Nozomi Sasaki looked at Yui Aragaki with some vigilance, what's the situation, a competitor? Director Wang Quan is so popular! He is indeed a strong contender for the title of the strongest director in the empire!

Wang Quan smiled and said, "You misunderstood. She is not that kind of guide."

Seeing that Yui Aragaki's English was more fluent, Wang Quan planned to keep her here so that communication would be smoother.

Although he and Sasaki Nozomi have had the most in-depth communication, in fact, their understanding is not deep. After all, a grocery store clerk's English level is really limited, and Wang Quan's Japanese vocabulary is also very scarce. Only those few are used. Sliding away, so rats often talk to ducks, each saying his own thing.

Nozomi Sasaki, who had been staring at Aragaki Yui, suddenly reacted, "Is it you, Kasaka Yoshino?"

Wang Quan, "What, you still have a pseudonym?"

Then she said that she couldn't explain clearly for a long time, and Yui Aragaki explained herself. Kasaka Yoshino was a character she played last year.

Last year's TV series "Ryuuzakura" still has some influence. The male lead Abe Hiroshi, the female lead Masami Nagasawa, Yui Aragaki became famous because of this, and she can be regarded as a small star.

"So you are still an actor~" No wonder Hiki-chan is more reserved.

Wang Quan searched for Yui Aragaki's name in the film and television library, and it turned out that she was indeed an actor, and her acting achievements later surpassed Nozomi Sasaki's. It can be said that she is a big hit, a popular little girl, but she doesn't know who she can be like in China.

Wang Quan said to Nozomi Sasaki, "You should change your clothes first. Today you two will make a schedule for me during the day. I will attend a movie premiere in the evening."

Sasaki Nozomi immediately changed clothes in front of the two of them, which made Aragaki Yui a little uncomfortable, and Wang Quan regarded this as a declaration of war against Aragaki Yui, a new entrant.

When Nozomi Sasaki was changing clothes, Yui Aragaki suggested, "How about going to Sensoji Temple? It is one of the favorite attractions for foreign tourists. It can better represent the characteristics of neon architecture and is very Edo-era style."

Wang Quan himself has no interest in tourist attractions such as temples and churches. After all, he has no religious beliefs, but he just does what he wants. "Nozomi-chan, how about going to Sensoji Temple."

Sasaki Nozomi, "What fun is there in a ruined temple? Why don't we go to the hot springs?"

This proposal is more attractive to the royal power, but does it require taking off clothes to soak in a hot spring? Or wearing very little? Yui Aragaki looked unhappy.

So Wang Quan said, "Let's go to Sensoji Temple first, and then soak in the hot springs when we have the chance."

Wang Quan took out his long gun and short cannon, matched it with his camera and put it in his bag, "It's just right for taking pictures of some local scenery and beauties."

Nozomi Sasaki packed up and wore high heels, while Yui Aragaki wore flat shoes. Wang Quan looked at the two people who were almost the same height walking together and asked, "How tall are you, Yui-chan?"

"One, one meter sixty-nine meters tall."

Wang Quan looked at Nozomi Sasaki again, "Did you tell me how tall you were last night?"

"One meter sixty-eight."

Wang Quan, "Come on, come on, take off your shoes."

Wang Quan asked Nozomi Sasaki to take off her shoes and stand next to Yui Aragaki. She was obviously smaller, half a head shorter.

Nozomi Sasaki cried out that she was wronged and questioned Aragaki Yui, "I didn't lie. I'm really 1.68 meters tall. Did you wear underwear to increase your height?"

Aragaki Yui agreed, "Yes, I wear underwear to increase my height. In fact, I am only this tall."

She gestured to the top of Nozomi Sasaki's head, which was slightly higher than one centimeter.

Wang Quan smiled, "The height-increasing effect here is really good. Okay, Xijiang, do you want to change to a pair of flat shoes? I didn't walk much yesterday. I'm afraid I'll have to walk a lot today. High heels will be very tiring."

"But I didn't."

"Isn't there a shopping mall downstairs? Change your shoes first."

The three of them then took a taxi to Sensoji Temple in Taito District.

In the car, Nozomi Sasaki kept holding Wang Quan's arm, but because of language problems, Wang Quan was more chatting with Yui Aragaki.

"What's your favorite romance novel right now, neon girls?"

Aragaki Yui thought about it and felt a little embarrassed. Recently, she rarely reads books and watches more Hollywood movies.

Wang Quan asked again, "Have you ever heard of a novel called "Love in the Sky"?"

Aragaki Yui still shook her head, and Sasaki Nozomi who wanted to interrupt didn't listen, so she could only continue to hold Director Wang's arm and act coquettishly.

The 80-year-old man driving in front said disdainfully, "Don't young people nowadays read? Isn't "Love in the Sky" the most popular romance novel this year?"

Wang Quan was happy, "Master, have you read it?"

"My girlfriend liked it, so I watched it twice, once on my phone and once in person."

The reason why Wang Quan asked this is mainly because the movie of the same name adapted from this mobile phone novel is an important node in the take-off of Yui Aragaki's career.

Of course, that's not the point. The point is that this movie made money!

Because they were all new actors, the cost was very low, but the box office revenue was nearly 4 billion yen, ranking eighth in Neon's annual local movie box office, more than 200 million RMB, which is a lot.

This was considered a big box office miracle that year, and this fresh and painful wind spread throughout Asia, giving Yui Aragaki, a new actor, countless husbands in Asia.

Of course, making money from a youth movie is not Wang Quan’s main purpose. He is interested in the entire neon movie market, which is now the second largest movie market in the world. This is a big piece of meat!

Warner, Disney, and Fox have all completed their layouts in Neon, so only Toho, the super giant, can suppress them.

If Long Toutou wants to become a world-class film company, it must consider the big box office countries such as Japan, Britain, and South Korea.

As for India and China, the former prefers local films, and Hollywood blockbusters are not easy to use. The latter has no distribution rights for foreign companies at all, but there is Lao Wang, so as long as the top three big-ticket movies from Japan, Britain and South Korea are Once the warehouse is completed, the global layout will be half of it.

As a Chinese, Wang Quan has Japan and South Korea around him, and their cultures are relatively similar. As for girls, the game he played with Nozomi Sasaki yesterday left him unsatisfied. He ate too much Western food, and he hasn't touched an Asian girl in almost two years. , really moist!

So he must give priority here. As for the European and American markets, leave it to Dorothy to develop.

When we arrived at Sensoji Temple, we could still see human-pulled carts on the roadside, and alleyways in China had replaced them with three-wheeled carts.

Led by the two girls, Wang Quan bought a ticket to enter the temple and took out his camera to capture the scenery.

Yui Aragaki has been here more than once and speaks very clearly about the scenery here. Nozomi Sasaki is relatively new to it. She is also a "country girl" who has just come to Tokyo to develop.

Wang Quan asked where they were from, one from Okinawa and the other from Akita.

Okinawa used to be our land of kings, and the surname Aragaki is a Chinese surname. As for Akita, "Akita dogs are yours, right?"

Nozomi Sasaki was very proud, "Yes, yes, the most famous Akita dog is Hachiko. I heard that Hollywood is also interested in this story and wants to remake it. Is this possible?"

Wang Quan snorted, "I've never heard of it."

"Xi-chan, stand here, Yui, stand over there." Wang Quan began to take photos of the two girls, and the beauty needed to be matched with beauty.

The two of them didn't like each other at first, and didn't want to be in the same frame as each other, so Wang Quan bought two ice cream sticks, one for himself, and let the two of them eat one.

Nozomi Sasaki was quite obedient. She licked it first and then handed it to Yui Aragaki. Yui Aragaki looked at Wang Quan and said, "Can I buy it myself?"

Wang Quan smiled and said, "Or you can eat my ice cream."

Aragaki Yui always had a bad association when hearing this, so she accepted Sasaki Nozomi.

Then the two of them took a bite of each other, with Wang Quan lagging far behind and casually snapping pictures. In this process, they began to communicate for the first time.

Yui Aragaki, "You just met him, right?"


"We just met and slept together?"

Nozomi Sasaki, "I like it."

"what do you like?"

Nozomi Sasaki, "What a talent, you don't know how powerful he is in Hollywood!"

"Mu Qiang~"

"If you don't admire it, then why are you here?" Nozomi Sasaki took the last bite of ice cream and licked his lips.

"I, the company arranged it." Aragaki Yui said harshly.

Nozomi Sasaki patted her on the shoulder, "Wang is not the kind of person who likes to force others, so you can rest assured, what about me?"

The two of them were busy talking, but when they looked back, Wang Quan was gone.

They looked back and saw Wang Quan at the pavilion where he was drawing lots. He waved to the two women, "Do you have any change?"

It costs one hundred yen to draw lots.

Aragaki Yui dug into her pockets, but before she could count them clearly, she was swept away by Wang Quan.

In fact, Director Wang didn't believe this, but he saw that the lottery signatures were all in traditional Chinese characters, so he gave it a try out of curiosity.

After getting the signature, the two little heads came over. Wang Quan smiled and asked, "Do you understand?"

Aragaki Yui, "Isn't there a Japanese annotation?"

Nozomi Sasaki said in surprise, "Director, you are so awesome, you were the first to be signed!"

Aragaki Yui also said, "The lottery from Sensoji Temple is very accurate."

Wang Quan read the signature, "The Seven Treasures Pagoda is installed on the top of the peak. Everyone is looking up at it. Don't wait and see."

Wang Quan laughed and said, "It's a good sign. Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you to it!"

After eating in the scenic area and shopping for a while, the three of them returned. After returning, Wang Quan found a photo studio to develop the photos and selected a few to give to Yui Aragaki and Nozomi Sasaki.

The two women were very surprised, "The photo was so good?"

They are all models and have been exposed to many photographers and have taken a lot of outdoor photos. However, this is the first time that Wang Quan can take such good photos without using other props.

"Your surprise makes me very hurt. I am a director after all. This is my basic skill."

"Then director, is your premiere coming tonight?" Nozomi Sasaki reminded.

Wang Quan looked at the time and said, "Yeah, I'll leave first. I'll leave this room for you to stay in. I'll open another room when I come back."

Nozomi Sasaki pouted, "Aren't you going to take us there?"

Wang Quan asked, "Can you still walk?"

Nozomi Sasaki sighed, her legs were useless and she had walked too much. At this time, Yui Aragaki said, "I can still walk."

Wang Quan patted her shoulder, "So you can take care of Xi-chan. Thank you for your hard work. You can order whatever you want from the hotel and charge it to me."


Lily and Ma Ling were both interested in "Dog Eat Dog", so Wang Quan took them both to the film's premiere.

Zheng Baorui was very polite to Wang Quan, but when he introduced Wang Quan to the male protagonist Chen Guanxi, the male protagonist still acted like a fool, obviously not taking the so-called Hollywood director seriously.

But when he saw a blond, a brown-haired person, a royal sister, and a loli next to Wang Quan, he couldn't hide the admiration in his eyes.

The movie officially begins, telling the story of two extreme people, a policeman and a killer, neither of whom are good people. They chase each other in the dirty streets of Xiangjiang, just like dog bites dog.

Wang Quan felt that the movie was well shot and had quite a style. This is Chen Guanxi. He should be trying to transform, but with this face, playing a role like a killer is still a bit awkward. I have to admit that he has a bit of good looks. .

Wang Quan looked at his future works in the film and television library, "Hey, why is this work with Zhang Bozhi so short? There is also A Jiao in the twins. Who are these actresses? I know you, is it a series of experimental short films?"

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