You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 157 Number one of the year! 22-year-old film master! (1, guaranteed)

For movies, the United States has its own rating system. Under this system, Martin and his "The Departed" are well-deserved No. 1 of the year and were selected by more than 6,000 Oscar judges.

Europe also has its own evaluation system, which is regarded as a golden rule by literary film lovers. Under this system, when it comes to film festivals, there are Cannes, Venice, and Berlin.

When it comes to professional film magazines, the British "Sight and Sound" and the French "Cahiers du Cinéma" are the most authoritative. Among them, "Sight and Sound" was founded in 1932 and can be said to be the most authoritative.

The two magazines often organize the selection of the 100 greatest films and the 100 greatest directors in film history, which are the basis for many professional film lists. The international status of Wong Kar-wai and Jia Zhangke largely depends on these two magazines. , and the magazine’s selection is also selected by directors and senior film critics from all over the world.

According to regulations, it needs to be released in the country where the magazine is located to be eligible for selection. It happened that "Juno" was released in the UK at the end of last year, which met the selection criteria of "Sight and Sound" and had a strong response in the UK, with a box office of over 20 million U.S. dollars. However, it will have to be released three times this year. It will be released in France and other European countries only in the next month, and it does not currently meet the inclusion criteria of "Cahiers du Cinema".

Wang Quan asked where it ranked, because the top ten are still ranked.

Last year's "Sight and Sound" ranked first in the top ten of the year, Li Yi's "Brokeback Mountain", fourth place was Wong Kar-wai's "2046", and tenth place was Hayao Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle". These are all It is a movie familiar to Chinese people, and the rest are basically unpopular European and American literary films, with a slightly narrower audience.

Dorothy, "I'm just so excited. "Juno" is number one! "Sight and Sound" is the number one film of the year!"

"What!?" Is this to save face? Wang Quan knows that Dorothy still has some energy and connections in North America, but it is not easy to use in Europe, so this should be the decision of the editorial department of "Sight and Sound", and this also means , King Power already has a group of fans of high-quality literary films in Europe.

And "Juno" in the original time and space failed to do it, but I did it. It seems that Europe still loves "Dark and Deep" most.

Dorothy added, "Of course, "Juno" is not the only number one, it is "Juno", Michael Haneke's "Hidden Camera", and Pedro Almodovar's "The Return" "Tie for first place."

Wang Quan is no stranger to these two European film masters. Michael Haneke is an Austrian director. His collaboration with Huppert in "The Piano Teacher" is extremely famous. Last year, "Hidden Camera" won him the Best Director at Cannes. prize.

Pedro Almodovar's movies are usually very large in scale. "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Up" is also considered to be number one in film history, as well as "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Up" starring Naomi Watts' boyfriend Javier Bardem. "Trembling Desire" is also very bold in its exploration of human nature and desire.

Last year, his film "Return" not only won the Best Screenplay Award at the Cannes Film Festival, but also allowed six actresses in the film, including Penelope Cruz, to share the Best Actress Award at Cannes.

In the same session, five actors from the movie "Glory Days" shared the Best Actor Award.

The chairman of this year's jury is Wong Kar-wai. This is also the result of his persistence, which caused the collective devaluation of Cannes best actors and actresses. Since then, major film festivals have not dared to invite him. The master is too willful.

Being able to tie for first place with these two Cannes regulars shows that the artistry of King Power is very recognized.

The European film industry is actually relatively closed. Many excellent films have no connections and no one recommends them, so it is difficult to enter this circle. But now it can be said that as long as Wang Quan wants it and the quality of the film is good, the three major European film producers will You can enter at will.

Dorothy then talked about the next few movies.

Tied for fourth place are "The Departed", "The Queen", "Red Road" and "The Three Funerals of Escada"

Tied for eighth place are "Breakup Season", "Flight 93" and "Pan's Labyrinth".

It seems that "Sight and Sound" has also begun to have its share of success. Five of the films are familiar faces from this year's Oscars, and five are European and American niche literary films. Asian films are absent this year.

Suddenly Dorothy smiled.

"Are you laughing?" Wang Quan had just put on his pants.

Dorothy, "I'm laughing. Now Europe should regard you as a future film master with unlimited potential."

Wang Quan proudly said, "I already have such potential." Although Wang Quan watches a lot of commercial films, they have the biggest impact on him. His favorite films can basically be classified into the literary and art film camp. He himself also has this kind of potential. The creative impulse for self-expression.

Dorothy laughed so hard that she hit the bed, "I just don't know how they would feel if they saw you filming "Twilight"."

Hearing this, Wang Quan hissed. Although the incident hadn't happened yet, Wang Quan already felt like he was dead in society. How shameful!

Wang Quan, "Is it too late for me to change the director's signature right now?"

Dorothy shook her head, "Don't even think about it. Without your name, the box office of this movie would be half as low."

This may be a bit exaggerated, but King Power's box office appeal at this time is real. Now "Juno" has already grossed 140 million in North American box office. King Power is completely out of the circle, and will be released in several major markets around the world. Almost It can be concluded that it will create a new box office high in the career of director Wang Quan.

Wang Quan rubbed his head and asked where Gadot was.

"She had a wild night yesterday and was picked up by Miss Zong. She still has classes today."

Wang Quan said, "I'm going back to China tomorrow. Let's go see her tonight."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm anxious to go back to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and the post-production of "Twilight" has been completed, so it's your job next."

Dorothy sighed, "In the next three, four, five and six months, we will have movies released every month, but you are leaving me. Alas, you are such a cruel man."

Wang Quan coaxed her, "It's not like I won't come back. When "Twilight" is released, that will be the day I return."

However, Dorothy's burden is indeed very heavy, and Wang Quan gave her two new scripts during this period.

One movie is called "Human Purge" with a budget of $3 million. It tells the story of the year 2023. Due to the overpopulation of the earth, the US government launched a plan to allow all criminal activities within 12 hours to reduce the number of humans to a certain extent.

The film will start shooting at the end of next month and is expected to be released within the year.

There is also the solo show movie "Shark Tank" prepared for Gadot. Because it requires a lot of special effects about sharks, the budget is 15 million U.S. dollars.

This movie will start shooting before "007". Gadot will have to shoot two movies in a row. Not only will her vacation be gone, but she may have to travel around the world with the 007 crew in the second half of the year. They may be together less and farther away.

In addition, there is the comedy blockbuster "The Hangover" with a cost budget of over 30 million. The schedule of director Todd Phillips has been finalized. At this time, several main actors are being confirmed, especially Wang Quan who wants Tyson to appear in real life. This is actually not Calculation is difficult.

Tyson retired two years ago. In order to pay off his huge debts, he wanted to take on any job.

Before Wang Quan left, Dorothy calculated the overseas copyright income of "Juno" with him. Some were directly bought out, and some were box office sharing cooperation.

Among them, the total profit from the bought-out copyright fee is 12.5 million. Because several important markets such as China, Japan, Britain and Australia are missing, the price of 12.5 million is much better than "Escape Room".

The exact amount of money it will earn will not be known until after the global release, including the North American market, and there is still more than a month of release period. Taking into account the popularity of the Oscars, it is estimated that it will still have a box office of about 20 million.

As soon as Dorothy left, Wang Quan received a call from her, "Did you leave something at my house?"

Dorothy, "No, I just received news that the Oscar organizing committee apologized for getting the nationality wrong in "Infernal Affairs" last night!"

After putting down the phone, Wang Quan breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it, he logged into the Sina blog and prepared to post an article reviewing last night's Oscars.

Half a month ago, King Power published an article predicting Oscars as usual. At this time, thousands of new comments appeared on that article, all saying that King Power was not as accurate as last time.

This time, Throne made several wrong predictions. He predicted that Phil Collins would win Best Score and lose Best Original Song, but the results were reversed.

He predicted that the Best Original Screenplay winner would be "Little Miss Sunshine," and it turned out to be him.

He predicted that the best edit would be "The Departed," and it turned out to be him.

However, among the comments criticizing him for not being accurate, Wang Quan felt the love from his fans.

Although many netizens are bragging because Wang Quan has won two statuettes, there are also many people who feel dissatisfied with themselves and feel that he should win the best picture and best director. Old Martin uses his age and qualifications to suppress others.

These fans are so cute. I guess it won’t be difficult to become a fan now, hahaha.

In this new article, Kingship mainly explains and illustrates several issues.

1. Basic principles of Oscar selection.

Many people think that Oscar was chosen by a few old men who got together and muttered. Because the old men had a good relationship with Martin, they let him win the award.

How innocent are netizens? Last year, Zhang Ziyi promoted her status as an Oscar judge, but "Brokeback Mountain" did not win the best picture. Some people said that Zhang Ziyi was seeking revenge and voted for her opponent.

King Quan needs to rectify the selection rules and express that it fully recognizes and accepts the results. As for the public relations lobbying, there is no need to mention it here.

Second, why I won the award as an editor, I talked about Mark’s experience.

To be honest, this award is a bit too much. Mark has worked in the editing industry for more than 20 years and has countless classic works. It is estimated that the Editors Guild has long wanted him to receive the honor. It just happened that he was injured, which aroused the excitement of his peers. His sympathy eventually led to Wang Quan sharing the honor with him.

Third, he was kissed by a beautiful star on the podium.

There was no special reason, it was just that he was too handsome. They couldn't hold it back and already criticized them after he stepped down.

Fourth, "Juno" was rated as the first among the top ten of the year by "Sight and Sound" magazine in 2006. I am deeply honored and terrified. I will definitely make more and better movies in the future to give back to the audience.

Afraid that the domestic audience would not know about this, he mentioned it specifically. It is estimated that someone in the comment area would help him explain what "Sight and Sound"'s annual top ten means.

Fifth, "Juno" will not be released in the Mainland. Movie fans close to Hong Kong and Macao can go there to watch it. If it is inconvenient, they can wait until pirated copies are released in the future. In addition, he does not advocate the behavior of not reporting his age, because he is too young to be responsible for it. Be responsible in the future, and if you really can’t help it, you must take safety measures.

The popularity of "Juno" is much higher than that of the original film. He is afraid that some young girls in China will have a copycat mentality, because not everyone can understand his good intentions in the last scene.

Cherish every life, starting from cherishing yourself.

Sixth, the Oscar organizing committee has issued an announcement to apologize.

Finally, Wang Quan said that he will return to China for a period of time. On the one hand, he will shoot his graduation film and complete the last step of his college career. On the other hand, Wangdao Pictures will also be opening, and he will support new directors to try out mainland films. market.

After the article was posted, Wang Quan swiped it, and immediately there were three people grabbing the sofa, one of whom was "I am not Liu Yifei."

Wang Quan immediately replied to her: This time was good. I must have been practicing hand speed recently.

Afterwards, Wang Quan checked the news and saw that Obama of the Democratic Party announced his participation in the 2008 US presidential election. At this time, Obama, as a federal senator, was still an unknown person and had not even passed the test within the party.

Wang Quan thought about it and called Aunt Wendy, saying that this person could invest.

Recently, Wang Quan has made a lot of investments. A lot of Google's stocks have been sold. There is also Jiahe, so Wang Quan's idea of ​​buying a big house has been given up again. Let's talk about it next year. There should be no shortage of money next year. .

After refreshing the blog comment area, there were already hundreds of comments. Wang Quan selectively replied to the netizens.

Fat Brother 18: After reading this article, I remembered that Director Wang has not even graduated from university!

King Power and Wealth @Fat Brother 18: My education level is still low, I will go back and take a postgraduate examination.

Alien No. 1: Although I didn’t win the two most important awards, it was the biggest surprise of this year for one person to win two awards. It was awesome!

King Power and Wealth @Alien No. 1: Try to get more in the future.

Brother Monkey, please stay: Director Wang’s graduation film should be a theatrical film. Let’s make a Chinese film as soon as possible! Everyone is horny and thirsty!

Wang Quan @Brother Monkey, please stay: I’m not sure, the time is still a bit tight, I will return to the United States to work in June.

Wingless Yun: I’m looking forward to director Wang’s domestic company’s new work. I hope my idol will have the opportunity to star in it. My idol is Huang Xiaoming.

Wang Quan @wingless cloud: Sorry, the age is inappropriate.

I'm not Liu Yifei: Director, how do you evaluate Liu Yifei's acting skills in "The Stewardess"?

Wang Quan @I am not Liu Yifei: Huh? Has this drama been aired? I haven’t watched it yet.

Domestically, Liu Yifei was furious. She had clearly informed him that she could watch it on international channels, but he didn't even watch it!

If you don’t watch it, it will be over!

The next day, Gadot took Wang Quan to the airport and nibbled each other for half an hour in the car before letting go of each other.

Wang Quan finally hugged Gadot and said, "If you spend the weekend, you can come to the capital to see me."

Later, Wang Quan boarded a plane flying to Xiangjiang.

That's right, fly to Xiangjiang first to avoid long nights and many dreams.

However, after landing at the airport, Wang Quan called Dorothy and asked her to help him make an appointment with Boss Zou. However, Wang Quan heard Cantonese from the noise on the phone, and it seemed that he was also at the airport~

"Where are you?" Wang Quan suddenly became serious.

(Push my friend’s book Black Bicycle, produced by Old Driver, a harem entertainment article with a sense of the times, "Golden Age 1900"~)

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