You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 353 Why shoot? Because of King Shichibukai, because of Gourd Baby (2, monthly ticket 1000)

Wang Quan also wrote later that there are six sequels to the main story of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". If the sixth part is not divided into upper and lower parts~

The release frequency is once every two years, with prequels and spin-offs interspersed between them. "A Furious Sunny Xiangxi" comes after the third part, and "Huang Pizi Tomb" precedes the sixth one. The eight films will take a total of 12 years, and the cumulative investment is estimated to be 500,000 yuan. 100 million!

Seeing such a huge figure, Director Sun couldn't calm down anymore. He asked others to continue reading the script, and he chose to talk to Wang Quan directly.

"Director Wang, I would like to ask how you got the figure of 5 billion. Isn't it a bit exaggerated to average more than 600 million per movie?" Director Sun pushed up his reading glasses and asked.

Wang Quan explained with a smile, "This number may be conservative. Right now, I have invested more than 100 million in the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series. If you don't give it to me, Director Sun, I will give up the money." The water is floating.”


"One hundred million!"

"Preliminary preparation?"

The people who read the script on the spot raised their heads for a moment and were shocked. Now 100 million can make a blockbuster movie in China.

Han Sanping asked, "You didn't spend so much to buy the copyright, did you?"

"Oh, that's not the case. Domestic copyright fees are not that high, even though I bought out all the adaptation rights of Gui Chuu Deng," Wang Quan told several leaders, "Although I don't think the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series can be successful internationally. My previous films have received such great response. After all, the cultural gap is still huge, but I still think it is necessary to prepare for global marketing in advance.”

Next, Wang Quan told them what preparations he had made, "As early as two years ago, I invited sinology experts and translators from the United States who studied traditional Chinese culture to begin a systematic English translation of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". For this, I have spent a long time. The sky-high translation fees are much more expensive than ordinary channels, and people take the lion's share of the royalties after publication. Now that the first volume has been translated, I am personally very satisfied, and it will soon be available in English-speaking countries around the world."

This is the first point. "In addition, I also purchased an American comic company. I have been specializing in drawing the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" comics since last year, weakening the unique culture such as tomb robbing, and adopting the style of adventure and monster fighting. When the time comes, it will be combined with the English version of the book The simultaneous release is through the distribution channel of Dark Horse Comics, the third largest comics operator in North America, and the comics are not only available in English, but Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions are also being developed simultaneously."

"At the same time, we will also produce an original comic version with Chinese style painting in China. This may not be launched until next year before it is released."

"Also, in order to prevent the reputation of the "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" series from being damaged by other shoddy similar movies during the release period, or causing aesthetic fatigue, our company also purchased the copyrights of several popular homogeneous novels including "Tomb Raiders" in advance. I don’t take pictures just so that others can’t take pictures either.”

All of this is not meant to make money, it is just to expand the influence of the work, and we will continue to invest in it in the future. Oh no, the copyrights of several other novels can be resold afterwards. It is estimated that the value of the novel will increase due to the popularity of the ghost blowing the lamp. Few.

Hearing Wang Quan's preparations for the global market, Han Sanping was overjoyed and said that you are not optimistic about overseas markets and that you can invest so much!

Wang Quan is indeed not optimistic about it. After the English version sample book of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" came out, he did a survey and trial reading in several universities. Less than 30% of them were interested. In the end, less than 10% of them read it and expressed their liking. The biggest reason is Huaxia and tomb robbers. Many of the themes are original words created by the translator, so there is a threshold.

What Wang Quan has to do is to seize this less than 10%. Being able to do business with this audience is a great victory!

Wang Quan told them, "We will shoot at least three movies, and then we will shoot the subsequent parts depending on the domestic and international box office performance of the first three movies. If the international performance is acceptable, then starting from the fourth movie, Hollywood actors will be added to try internationalization." .”

Hearing this, all the leaders smiled heartily. If Chinese-language films can go global, then this political achievement can all be attributed to you! At this time, the official who had just been entangled between "ghost" and "trick" no longer struggled. It was good for the ghost to blow the lamp.

It’s a pity that we have to wait until the fourth film to start internationalization. That will be eight years later, and I don’t know if it will still be on the film and television system by then.

After hearing Wang Quan’s words, Director Sun sighed with emotion at the young man’s courage, “If you put it that way, 5 billion may not be enough.”

"Don't say anything."

Director Sun asked again, "How much do you plan to invest in this first film? Not counting the translations in the early stage, it's just the cost of actors and production."

Wang Quan, "The first part is expected to be around 400 million to 500 million, and it will gradually increase later because inflation has to be taken into account, and the main three actors have to shoot six movies in a row. They have been spinning in the same role for more than ten years. The artistry of this pair of actors Life is very cruel, and as compensation, the pay will be higher and higher in the future, and for the last one they may get top-notch pay for Chinese-language films."

Director Sun smiled and joked, "Your director's fees will also get higher and higher."

Han Sanping also laughed, "Director Wang's salary is fixed and he gets dividends. The higher the box office, the higher the income."

Wang Quan shook his head, "No, I will only shoot the first part. I will not be the director of the second part. Maybe the cost can be reduced."

"Ah, only one film?" Han Sanping was disappointed when he heard it. He thought that Wang Quan would film five films in a row like "The Twilight Saga". At worst, he could also be credited as a co-director.

Wang Quan said, "Boss, one of the important reasons why I chose "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is that this story can be filmed in several parts, and I only filmed the first one because I plan to use the subsequent films to train several directors who can make special effects blockbusters. At that time, I will participate in the specific affairs of the sequel as a producer, help the horse, and give it another ride."

Several leaders put down their pens and began to listen carefully to Wang Quan's important speech.

Wang Quan said seriously, "There is only one Wang Quan in Chinese films, which is far from being able to meet the audience's growing demand for commercial blockbusters. Therefore, I want to train a few more directors who can make large-scale productions and help them understand and master the operating rules of large-scale productions." !”

"Projects with a cost of over 100 million yuan in Chinese films are probably only accessible to the top directors. If it weren't for Wu Yusen, China Film would not have invested in "Red Cliff", but I can, I can hand over "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" For young and strong directors who are still inexperienced but have higher potential, after the experience of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", they can easily start projects worth over 100 million after they go out, and I will not put them in the king's circle, China Film or other companies have suitable Projects, you can use them as you wish.”

It can even be said that cultivating young directors was the primary reason why Wang Quan chose "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". His plan B was to make a stand-alone film.

"Director Wang is so grand, the layout is too big!" Han Sanping stood up and applauded him. If according to Wang Quan, this is more meaningful than completing the entire series by himself!

Directors who can handle large-scale productions are a scarce resource in China. They often turn to Xiangjiang directors, but they are not in tune with the local culture of the mainland, and the things they produce are not well accepted by the mainland audience. If Wang Quan can cultivate seven directors in one go For a great mainland director, even if it takes ten years, it will be a huge contribution to the entire Chinese-language film industry!

What will future generations call the seven of them, King Shichibukai? Is he still the gourd baby of King Quan?

At this point in the conversation, the plan for "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" has basically been finalized. We will shoot it and give him our full support!

But Director Sun still had a question, "When is this movie expected to be released?" He would quit in two years.

King Quan, “2011 Summer Release.”

That is next year, Sun Ju said in surprise, "It's so fast. Special effects blockbusters of this level are very time-consuming, right?"

Huang Jianxin on the side spoke, "As long as today's script is approved, Director Wang's Butian Pictures will immediately start modeling and production of scenes and monsters in the film. Director Wang has organized a team to draw many scenes and creature drawings in advance. I have made sufficient preparations, and I will also immediately organize the location scouting and crew formation. We will offer the highest remuneration in the mainland to attract industry elites to join us, which will be efficient and of higher quality."

Bureau Sun smiled at Han Sanping and said, "There is indeed a reason for big investment."

"Yeah, if you don't have money, Director Wang is still vigorous and resolute. I can't wait to see Cheng Long handing out posters to Director Wang." Han Sanping said with a smile. Cheng Long's box office record for mainland Chinese films is already within range.

Director Sun made the final decision, "It's settled then, pass."

The leader of the film bureau asked, "Why don't you delete something? For example, the opening..."

King Quan is sitting upright.

Director Sun asked Wang Quan, "Is there something supernatural behind the script?"

King Quan, "No, they are all natural phenomena that can be explained by science, including the curse."

Director Sun nodded, "Although there is a ghost in the beginning, it is the ghost in Hu Bayi's story. It is nonsense. There have been examples before. The "Ghost in the Heart" is the ghost in the radio drama. Following the precedent, pass."

Wang Quan thought to himself: Ah, this is passed?

The one I wrote about Paper Man Bride was deleted by the reviewers. He knew all the rules. If they didn’t delete something, wouldn’t it look like they were unprofessional!

So Wang Quan deliberately wrote some plots about dancing on the red line just so that they could delete them. Deleting them would not affect them, but they actually kept them for him. Then he had to think about who to play the paper bride. Anyway, Hu Guohua’s He has already chosen the guest candidate, who is definitely a big name.

After the project is approved, Wang Quan's script will be withdrawn. The staff who reviewed the script are particularly reluctant to part with it and haven't finished it yet!

Several of them are fans of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". Wang Quan has made drastic adaptations of the original work, mainly by subtraction, deleting many side branches and inversions, making the story coherent and closer to an adventure film, but Because it is an adventure in a tomb, there are also some horror elements.

In fact, Han Sanping also wanted to ask Wang Quan something, but wait, he asked after leaving here, "Director Wang, China Film Group also wants to cast this movie, please watch it~"

Wang Quan didn't mind China Film's participation. He smiled and said, "This film will give 30% of the share. China Film, Qiankun, or other film and television companies, you can just watch the division."

"Oh, Director Wang is so awesome!"

With Wang Quan's current net worth, there is no financial pressure for him to make a movie by himself. Those who are willing to share it with others will definitely be rich in the future.

Wang Quan added, "The film will cost 600 million at that time."

"Ah, isn't it four to five billion?"

Wang Quan, "400-500 million is our company's own cost, and the external cost is 600 million, and we can participate in the global box office share." Other copyright income has no share.

When he heard that he could participate in global sharing, Han Sanping had no objection. As long as the global box office can reach 300 million U.S. dollars, he can make money. He has confidence in the kingship!

30% of 600 million is 180 million. The upfront cost of the movie is basically covered.

Wang Quan plans to officially announce this project after the Chinese New Year, which is only a few days away.

Next, Wang Quan rushed to the studio of Butian Pictures without stopping. The scenes in the tomb where the ghost blows out the lantern had to be shot in the studio, and the exterior scenes had to be shot all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. He had to make some work arrangements for Feng Tianming.

"Then should we stop taking on outside work?" Feng Tianming said excitedly.

King Power has a huge amount of special effects, and it is a 3D movie. It is expected to have more special effects shots than "The Twilight Saga 4".

As the first film in the series, Wang Quan worked very hard, and even the mouse at the beginning had to spend a lot of money and energy. He wanted to create a quality that far exceeded that of contemporary Chinese-language films. If he says 4 to 5 billion, he really means 4 to 5 billion. , not imaginary.

Wang Quan thought for a while, "Let's recruit people. We finally managed to win over the clients of Huayi and Bona. If we don't make money, we won't make it in vain."

Feng Tianming said, “I’m afraid that if we have more people, we won’t have as much work in the future.”

"Don't worry, I'm back, there will be plenty of work to do."

The special effects are fully supported by Butian Pictures. If they are not enough, we can seek support from Hollywood special effects companies, but that is much more expensive.

After the special effects are done, then comes the cast. There are three people throughout the movie, and there are also important characters such as Big Gold Tooth.

In fact, Liu Yifei's identity as a Chinese-American matches Shirley Yang very well, and she can also do action scenes, but firstly, she is too young and immature, and secondly, Wang Quan is reluctant to part with her.

As he said before, being stuck in a role for more than ten years would make other moviegoers unhappy. For an actor whose life goal is to become an award-winning actress, this is definitely not what Sissi wants. This is not what Wang Quan wants to see.

Thinking of Sissi, Wang Quan immediately ran to Mimi's house and told her the good news immediately.

Although Mimi was not his girlfriend, but they had a childhood sweetheart relationship, Wang Quan entered the room openly, but he did not intend to spend the night.

"It turns out that this is what you are going to shoot. This is really unexpected," Yang Mi said. "I have also read the novel. I am indeed not suitable for Shirley Yang, but Liu Yifei is not suitable either, right."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Then Yang Mi was relieved. It was a big production with an investment of four to five billion, and it was directed by Wang Quan. Yang Mi was envious of the actress who could become the heroine.

Wang Quan ate Mimi clean and left without spending the night. No matter how she tried to seduce her, it was of no use.

"Cici will doubt us if I don't go back!"

Then Wang Quan returned to Beiying Community to spend the night. During the winter vacation, Naza and Zhang Tianai still lived above him, but Zhang Tianai went back to the Northeast to celebrate the New Year, leaving Naza alone in the empty room...

(The King’s Gourd Baby, do you have any recommendations~)

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