Naturally, Icheng would not refuse Kazami Yuka's request.

After snapping his fingers, he said:

"That's no problem"

"I can give it to you"

"No matter who enters your territory in the future, you can kill them all at any time if you want."

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Youxiang also found that the restriction on her body had disappeared.

After noticing this, Feng Jian Youxiang raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. She was obviously thinking of something.

Seeing this Yi Cheng was speechless at the scene.

Someone must be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Yi Cheng suddenly started to mourn for the person who came here to die. Even Yi Cheng had already guessed who it was. I guess he could have guessed who it was.

It must be that Tengu.

Now that the world has merged, that guy's newspaper has also developed.

It has even become one of the big media.

She loves the gossip about these people in Gensokyo.

And now Yuka If it can't hurt her, it's strange that she doesn't go crazy and seek death. If it's now, she probably won't have such a chance in the future. Isumi has now opened such permissions for Kazami Yuka.

If the dog dares to come one day, he will probably be a demon. She was so embarrassed that she would even bury her in the ground and use it as fertilizer.

When she came to the Dream Hall, Youxiang directly invited Isheng to sit down.

Then she ran into the house to get black tea.

She took it out together. There were also some green melon seeds.

Seeing this scene, Yi Cheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

She also didn't expect that Youxiang would really invite her to eat melon seeds.

After sitting down, Youxiang poured tea for Yi Cheng, Then he opened his mouth and asked:

"Are you looking for that woman Yakumo Murasaki again?"

"I really didn’t expect that that woman would actually fall in love with you."

Speaking of this, a flash of contempt flashed in her eyes. She obviously looked down on that guy Yakumo Murasaki.

Selling yourself for power, Mana!!..............................

Hearing Youxiang's words, Yi Cheng was speechless.

"You seem to have a hard time dealing with her."

"Haven't we obviously known each other since childhood?"

"After so many years, it's still like this."

Speaking of this, Isumi became curious.

Hasn't this guy known Yakumo Murasaki since he was a child?

After so many years, the two of them should have a good friendship.

But why should they become enemies ? Same?

This has to make people curious.

When Feng Jian Youxiang heard this, he immediately curled his lips

"I never said that"

"But then again, how does Yakumo Purple taste?"

"You've tried it, it should be pretty good."

"That old woman has been holding it in for so many years, it’s really hard for her"

"I believe you will be hungry and thirsty every day."

Yicheng was confused when he heard what Feng Jian Youxiang said.

I didn't expect that Youxiang was such a person?

He noticed the confused look in Icheng's eyes.

Youxiang took a slow sip of tea and then Continue to speak:

"No, yo, look at me like this"

"This is normal"

"No need to be too surprised"

"In the past, when we were in Gensokyo, maybe we had little contact with the outside world, so we had little interest in these things."

"But after integrating into your world, we can access the Internet and we will also watch some interesting things."

"After all, after such a long time, people will also become lonely."

"So naturally something will be done"

"It’s not just me, many people in this female-only Fantasyland are like this"

"So, you don't need to be surprised."

Hearing what she said, Yi Cheng was a little stunned.

He asked in confusion:

"Are you sure it's okay to tell me this?"

"This doesn't seem quite right!!"

Yicheng didn't even know how to complain.

Hearing what Icheng said, Youxiang Knowledge smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Although your world has merged many worlds, there are really not many men that I can like."

"If you take a walk around Gensokyo, maybe you will get a lot of love from people?"

"It’s just that you’ve never been there."

Speaking of this, Feng Jian Youxiang glanced at Icheng thoughtfully.

Icheng finally understood.

People who live for a long time seem to have become old filthy women.

Thinking of this, Icheng really doesn't know How should I complain?

Maybe, I can go there for a walk as she said? It's quite interesting, isn't it? After muttering a few words in his mind, Isheng picked up the melon seeds on the table and started to eat them.

To be honest, chatting with Youxiang is quite interesting.

She is different from the cold queen in my impression.

In fact, Youxiang is an old filthy woman.

Thinking that she has lived for so long, Isumi feels relieved.

Besides, she is probably also depressed. Right.

Thinking of this, Yi Cheng couldn't help but curse a few times in his heart.

The two chatted here, and their relationship improved rapidly.

Now Yi Cheng was no longer just eating melon seeds.

Instead, he stayed and drank and ate all night.

Just as Isumi guessed, as long as the opening is opened, Yuka can't stop at all.

Even if it pours out like a flood, it can't be stopped.

When Isumi came to Gensokyo, it was natural that it had already Yakumo Purple noticed it.

When she saw Isumi and Yuka bragging and chatting, and even helping Yuka clear up wasteland and release water for planting, she was completely confused. Naturally,

Yakumo Purple's current power will not be easy. was discovered by Kazami Yuka.

So Kazami Yuka didn’t know about her peeping, and only Isheng knew. But he didn’t say anything.

After staying here for a few days, Isheng ran over to find her. Yakumo Murasaki and Yuyuko.

After playing for a while, Isumi will naturally take responsibility, so Isumi also gave Kazami Yuka a natural spirit.

The moment she merged the spirit, she fired a magic cannon with her backhand. Somewhere in a corner.

She knew without even thinking that she had discovered Yakumo Murasaki.

Fortunately, Yakumo Murasaki ran fast, otherwise he would have really fought with her.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.) )

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