Your San Value is Zero

One hundred and two bold ideas 1

The adventurer leader's arm was injured and he twitched.

For a moment, he couldn't hold the sword firmly in his hand.

[The thief never makes a mistake] Watch the right moment.

He rushed over and grabbed the sword from the adventurer leader.

After he succeeded, he turned around and ran away.

The adventurer leader was blocked in place by other players.

He looked at the retreating figure of [Thieves Don't Leave in the Air], his mouth wide open.

What new routine is this?

The adventurer leader has never encountered such a situation on the battlefield.

With only one useful arm left, he didn't have time to think too much.

The leader of the adventurers pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed him to see if it was a stabbing blow.

He knew that the opponent could not kill him instantly with this blow.

He didn't avoid it at all.

Holding the dagger in his hand, he exchanged the wound for injury, and swung the sword of joy to chop the other arm of the adventurer leader.

The adventurer leader originally wanted to use this move to scare [Turbo Duck] and force him to dodge.

But he didn't expect that this person would not dodge at all.

[Turbo Duck] and [Smoker], as the main attackers, do not rush in like other players just to block the knife.

They will try their best to dodge fatal attacks, but as long as the adventurer boss's attacks cannot kill or maim them immediately.

They will still carry it out and exchange blood with each other.

This time the leader of the adventurers was completely intimidated, and he made a mistake in his judgment when he retreated.

Although he escaped the attack of [Turbo Duck], he was successfully attacked by [Smoker].

[Smoker] sent the dagger into his body.

The green knife goes in, the red knife comes out.

The reason is that the green knife enters.

That's because [Smoker] prepared a green toxin using the blood of various monsters.

There was severe pain in his lower back, and the adventurer leader swung his dagger towards [Smoker].

"Protect the boss!" One of [Smoker's] subordinates rushed over to block the dagger's attack path.

While the dagger struck him, the man tightly held the adventurer leader's arm with both hands.

[Turbo Duck] raised the sword from the side and dropped it. The sword of joy failed to cut off the adventurer leader's arm in one stroke. It was deeply embedded in his flesh and stuck on the bones.

While the adventurer leader was seriously injured in both arms.

The other players all succeeded and slashed him on the back, blood splattering everywhere.

The moment the adventurer leader fell to the ground, the surviving players rushed forward. That was the last scene he saw.

Now he regrets it so much.

I regretted why I didn't act on impulse just now and just carried the Shui Ling girl back to Conte City.

There was a beautiful and tender hometown waiting for him, but he missed it because of his greed for money.

While he passed away with regret, he also left a trace of suspense for the world.

The suspense is if he really returns to Conte City with [Kesulu] in his arms.

But he found that he couldn't unlock the special weapon designed by Du Wei at all.

I can only stare at [Kesuke]'s graceful figure.

The regret I had in my heart then was compared to now.

Which one will be bigger?

Now that this suspense has been left.

Then let's think about it boldly, even without Du Wei's restrictions.

The contented adventurer leader suddenly felt some indescribable power.

Then I learned that [Kesuke] was actually a middle-aged man who was rougher than him.

The regret that the adventurer leader felt in his heart at this time was compared to the previous two.

Which one is bigger?

Two elite teams worked together to destroy this best-equipped team of adventurers.

Everyone began to distribute the spoils.

Put aside [Thieves will not leave empty-handed] who steals the main weapon of the adventurer leader based on his ability.

The remaining two teams stripped the adventurer team and the chocobo naked.

Among the several chocobos, only the strongest one was not killed.

[Smoker] took a fancy to the bird and gave more equipment to [Turbo Duck] and others.

After several people worked together to put out the fire, everyone who had cleaned up the mess dispersed in a hurry.

Only a few adventurers were left, wearing underwear and lifeless.

The large force headed by the Tenchu ​​Legion suffered heavy losses when they besieged a team of adventurers.

This team is not as equipped as the one that fell into the trap, but they have electromagnetic guns.

Moreover, the user's combat effectiveness has reached the first level.

They nimbly avoid player attacks and move around on the branches.

Every time a beam is shot, one player will be evaporated on the spot.

After the dead player was resurrected, he found that the equipment with holes in his body was not restored together.

Knowing that they could not survive a single round in the hands of these adventurers, everyone simply took off their equipment.

Charge back with only weapons.

The adventurer team was playing and suddenly felt something was wrong.

As they looked around, there were fewer and fewer enemies rushing past.

In the end, only a handful of players were still wearing clothes.

Most of the others were charging in leggings, and they were all extremely cool.

A dozen female players also hesitated when they saw everyone stripping off their protective equipment.

Some male players saw through their hearts and walked over to encourage them: "Aren't there some foundations inside? What are you afraid of!"

"Yeah~" The female player with the biggest heart [Niko, who is allergic to cats] was bewitched by the male player and rushed over wearing only base clothes.

[lsp520] was running side by side with [Nicole], turning his head at 90 degrees to look at her, "Tsk, tsk, tsk~ That's interesting!"

[Nicole] frowned and looked at this man, punching his face, "Go home and see your mother!"

[lsp520] Covered his swollen eyes and stopped, "How come this punch still blinded you?"

The group of adventurers using electromagnetic guns came from another country.

It was a country that combined technology with secrets.

The energy consumed by their electromagnetic guns comes from the user himself.

Each bullet is equivalent to condensing their mental power and then firing it.

To put it bluntly, it is a spiritual power conversion device that is more efficient than the arcane scepter.

At first, when the player army rushed over, the formation dispersed, and they all attacked the adventurers they saw.

Now a group of adventurers are seen carrying high-tech weapons.

Almost 90% of players selectively ignored those adventurers who fought with cold weapons.

A group of people all rushed towards the adventurers using electromagnetic guns.

Players with basic combat capabilities can easily jump to a tree one or two meters high.

The adventurers were unable to throw them away, so they could only hide and fight, kiting those chasing players.

Many players who had left the enhancement time until now even went to Du Wei to redeem the enhancement effect after their death.

The combat effectiveness of the buffed people is comparable to the first level, and comparable to adventurers using electromagnetic guns.

[Invincible Nana] cooperates with [Dawn].

The former was aimed at the feet of an adventurer using an electromagnetic gun.

When he was falling, [Invincible Nana] drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

The arrow whizzed past, breaking the branches where he landed.

The man stepped on the air and fell to the ground.

[Dawn], which had been ready for a long time, released an airburst bomb.

The point of impact is where the person fell.

The attack coordination between the two was perfect.

The adventurer was hit by an air burst bomb the moment he landed.

When he stood up, [Inexplicable Melancholy] rushed out from the side.

Blessed by the strengthening effect, he shot out a dragon-like spear and stabbed the adventurer's body continuously.

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