Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 295: Uncle, are you familiar with...

Luther noticed the commotion here and hurried over to control the situation.

"Uncle, do you have any craftsmen you are familiar with? If not, I will ask them to come over one by one, and you can choose."

This is how strong players on the team are treated, equivalent to potential customers.

[Huang Feiyu] scratched his head, feeling like he had seen this battle before somewhere.

"No familiar lady, ah no... I mean the craftsman."

[I want to fly] blurted out.

[Huang Feiyu] suddenly understood that this was the case, and he instantly matched the familiar scene in his mind with the current situation.

"a team!"

Luther called over ten craftsmen.

[Huang Feiyu] looked at the ten goblins in front of him and sucked a toothbrush.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's too ugly! No!"

Luther smiled helplessly, "Go down, Team 2!"

There are ten Goblin Craftsmen again.

"I said Mama-san, what kind of stuff do you have here!"

[Huang Feiyu] was very unhappy.

Luther was also very helpless. All the skilled craftsmen were picked away, and there was nothing he could do.

[Doctor Yang] and the other mental patients looked expressionlessly at [Huang Feiyu] who was sifting through the waves of goblin craftsmen.

In the end, [I Want to Fly] couldn't hold it back and asked weakly, "What do you choose?"

"Of course I'm sitting on the stage..." Halfway through his words, [Huang Feiyu] suddenly became silent.

Did I get too involved in the drama, or got into the wrong drama?

"Why are you sitting on the stage?" [Doctor Yang] flashed his big, confused eyes, filled with endless curiosity.

"Uh..." [Huang Feiyu] lowered his head in embarrassment and looked at his feet.

"This is the last batch. If I don't find anything I like, I really have no choice." Luther expressed his helplessness.


How about this? "

The only one who understood [Huang Feiyu], [I Want to Fly], randomly ordered a goblin and asked everyone.

"They all have about the same proficiency, so this is the one."

[Doctor Yang] threw identification spells at the craftsmen one by one to confirm their proficiency level.

[Huang Feiyu] Seeing that several people were finally no longer worried about where he should sit on the stage, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still don't understand. Why did you want to sit on the stage just now?"

[Feng Ji crazy] took over the conversation and asked again.

Obviously, [Doctor Yang] and others also wanted to know how [Huang Feiyu] selected the goblins. They reached out and blocked the mouth of [I Want to Fly] who was about to help him out.

[Doctor Yang] asked again: "If you have any secrets, please share them. Don't keep them to yourself."

"No, there's no secret. I just got distracted." [Huang Feiyu] waved and backed away.

Everyone's eyes revealed doubts, as if they wanted to see through [Huang Feiyu].

"Hurry up and don't waste your time here." [Huang Feiyu] didn't look too much, just picked up a goblin and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Isn't this the one we want?" [I Want to Fly] looked at the Goblin Craftsman he had just chosen. The Goblin Craftsman looked at him, and both of them stared at each other with big eyes.

[Huang Feiyu] didn't respond, he pulled the Goblin Craftsman and walked straight away without looking back.

[Doctor Yang] touched the non-existent stubble and said, "He must have a reason for choosing which one. There seems to be no difference between these craftsmen on the surface, so just let him be."

Everyone quickly followed [Huang Feiyu].

After a period of exploration, the types of monsters in the Gray Stone Forest have been basically figured out by players.

In addition to the various low-level monsters discovered earlier, there are two main types of monsters that are difficult to deal with.

One is the flame demon that [Director Ma] and others encountered.

The second is the main body of the gray stone forest - the dead tree spirit.

After all the materials in the fringe area were collected, the new goblin craftsmen began to extend their claws to those seemingly harmless stone dead trees.

Some of these dead trees are indeed ancient tree fossils, but some are dead tree spirits with life.

This kind of weak monster has an average strength of only Black Iron Level 5, and even ordinary players can barely fight it alone.

They are also relatively gentle in nature, and usually move around when no one is paying attention, causing players and even other monsters to get lost. However, as they suffer more and more attacks, their tempers become more and more violent.

The entire stone forest was like a whole. One of the dead tree spirits rioted, and the others began to become restless.

Now the gray stone forest has become a large maze, and the living dead tree spirits will move from time to time to confuse the team of players who enter.

When the player team entering the gray stone forest finds that there are too many dead trees around them, they should pay attention. At this time, they may have fallen into the siege of the dead tree spirits and may be attacked at any time.

[Doctor Yang] As the strongest player in the team, he takes the lead and leads the way.

The Goblin Craftsman originally thought he was holding him in his lap, but after following him for a while, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

This group of people entered the gray stone forest as if they were strolling down the street. There was no sense of nervousness at all, unlike the cautious way they used to go out with the troll goblins to look for materials.

Now it was too late to turn back. Who knew which seemingly harmless dead tree was the dead tree spirit? If he chose the wrong path, he would definitely die.

The goblin craftsman took out a wooden sculpture and muttered: "God bless, god bless."

"Hey? Goblins still believe in gods? What gods do you believe in?"

[Feng is crazy] Seeing the timid prayer of the Goblin Artisan, he also took out his faith book - "Self-cultivation of Cultists" and handed it to the Goblin Artisan to read.

The Goblin Craftsman didn't know what it was at first, but when he saw the other person talking to him, he turned around and took a look.

You can't tell at a glance, and there is no chance to be shocked after reading it. The strange characters on it gradually distorted the spirit of the goblin craftsman.

"Here, give me a few more glances." The Goblin Artisan took the book from [Feng Ji Crazy]'s hand.

"Hey, hey hey~ Hey hey hey!"

The goblin craftsman laughed like a maniac, and his expression became more and more obscene. Those who didn't know it thought that the paintings on it were all dirty pictures.

[Dr. Yang] heard the laughter and came over and asked, "What are you two communicating about?"

"Exchanging beliefs, it seems that the evil god I believe in is stronger than others." [Feng Ji crazy] said proudly.

[Huang Feiyu] Seeing the strange expression on the goblin craftsman's face, he threw an identification technique at it.

At this time, the Goblin Artisan's mood had changed from nervousness to madness.

"What are you showing it!" [Huang Feiyu] saw the Goblin Craftsman's negative emotions fluctuating so much and rushed over to understand the situation.

"My ancient relic, the book that taught me a bunch of skills."

[Feng is crazy] said proudly.

"That, that! Can you show it that thing? Take it back quickly."

[Huang Feiyu] snatched the evil book.

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