"I want to deal with you, but it took me a lot of thought, you think you are hiding in the dark, but in fact, even if you don't come to me, I still have you as an imaginary enemy. "

The dream realm is completely controlled by Xiao Nai, Gu Yan is not the main body but only the consciousness that falls here, and he can't use the power at all.

And correspondingly, even if he is killed here, there will be no damage, and Xiao Nai can't deal with him.

First, due to Gu Yan's investigation, his traces were discovered, and then Gu Ji's whereabouts were unknown to break his psychological defense, even if it was just the slightest, it was enough to affect him.

"Sir, is there anything you need help with?" Xiao Nai's smile was very evil, and the color of mockery was overflowing.

It turned out that it was contaminated at that time, but why didn't Levins find out?

Gu Yan was very sure, this was the first time he had fallen into a dream, after all, the other party would attract attention if he rashly influenced him, and this time it would not be so easy to succeed.

But before that, he had already seen Gu Ji, what was going on?

, "Hurry up and kill me, or that stupid dragon will die!"

With a swift slash, Xiao Nai's pupils contracted, and she fell to the side, and the knife cut off two strands of hair, and she was shocked in her heart.

According to her prediction, the two of them would be able to stalemate in the dream realm for about five days, and now it seems that two days at most.

However, whether it is a dream or reality, the more fearful and desperate she is, the more invincible her existence becomes.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai shook his head regretfully, "Well, yes, presumably with your help, the first lawyer would not end up like this."

Eh, I almost forgot, I haven't told you yet......"

Gu Yan waved his knife for a moment, but guessed that this was the other party's intention.

"Aren't you curious, why can a fake figure deceive your perception of power?"

Thrusting forward, the tip of the knife went straight to Xiao Nai, and was grabbed by her bare hands, blood flowing, but she just laughed to herself.

"Because she's 'swallowed!'"


A gathering place in Paris.

It's more lively than ever, and even more than before the Honkai happened, people are celebrating, reveling, like a grand festival.

But there is no chaos here, and there are often heavily armed soldiers patrolling to maintain order.

This is the eve of the promulgation of the first code of law in history that all mankind will abide by and defend together, which will plan the future and protect ordinary people in disasters.

In the same way, the execution of the behaving supernatural will be remembered and celebrated, even if it is not officially promoted, but it cannot extinguish the yearning and expectation of mankind all over the world.

"Mr. Ross, the venue has changed, in Plaza de Locadero.

Levins, who was tidying up, was a little displeased, so he simply took off his suit and threw it aside, changing into his usual work clothes.

"Oh, it's not enough to broadcast live globally, it still has to be in public, why aren't you afraid of a few crazy people popping out and opening a few holes in their heads?"

Although this dress is a little inappropriate, and there are some blood stains left by surgery on the front end of the overalls, Levins is very satisfied and does not need to be sorted out.

"Huh...... The gentleman said with a smile, the security work can still be assured, after all, in addition to the combat effectiveness of this gathering place, a large number of people have also been mobilized from the other three parties.

With the current forces of defense, no one will be able to storm Paris in an engagement. "

As for him not wearing formal clothes...... No one dares to care, so far his contribution to mankind is no longer indescribable, even the other members of the Council of Eden, they all worship him as an ancestor.

"When I say this, you should understand that I am not at ease, and it is not who is responsible for the problem, but who still has the ability to give confidence to all mankind. "

“...... I understand.

Levens shook his head and sighed, knowing that there were tens of thousands of humans suspected of being manipulated by the Lawgiver in this gathering place.

Out of secrecy about Gu Yan, he didn't reveal the matter to humans, and even if he did, without his help, it would be difficult to fish out the aliens from this sea of people.

What is certain is that something will happen.

Soon after

, on the temporary high platform in Delocadero Square, Levins appeared in the live broadcast camera and took his seat, his special status, unique work clothes, and extraordinary appearance attracted many eyes.

It is hard to imagine that such a handsome young man could be one of the leaders of mankind, and even more so a leader in science and technology.

He had always been very tired of the noise, and after taking his seat, he just glanced around, did not communicate with others, and waited quietly.

The square was crowded with people, even stacked on top of each other, roughly estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands.

The closest to the high platform, in addition to the security personnel, are media reporters, and before the civilization law is announced, the draft is discussed and negotiated internally.

"Quiet!" As

many high-level officials arrived, a voice with a strong sense of oppression sounded, and the surroundings were silent for an instant, and Levins also breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't a high-ranking person who spoke, but a spokesperson, a psychic person, whose words would spread to every corner of the square, and even if he didn't understand the language he used, he could know the meaning.

At the same time, riots also began.

At first, it was a patrol group on the periphery of the gathering place, several figures rushed out, they reacted quickly, decisively shot and killed, and just wanted to report it, but found that the surroundings were already surrounded by strange-looking people.

Those puppets swarmed up, although the physical strength is still in the category of ordinary people, but their whereabouts are strange, the monitoring equipment and even the ability perception are difficult to detect, and the speed and strength are higher than those of the ability.

Soon, the group was wiped out, and several magic guns were in hand, and in the hands of the puppets, the magic guns were able to attack without consumption.

In this way, in just ten minutes, the outer defense line has been torn apart, and although the puppets are some dead and wounded, the remaining 70,000 are already fully armed.

The concentration of Honkai energy began to rise from the periphery of the gathering place, and a sharp knife pierced in, aiming directly at Delocadero Square.

More and more combatants were sent to clear the area, but the puppets cooperated closely and even managed to kill more than two dozen A-class abilities.

No one knows their ultimate purpose, but there is no doubt that the Garden of Eden is its enemy.

It was too late for the evacuation of the masses, and surprisingly, the puppets did not attack the civilians.

On the high platform of the square, many cameras are held high, and the firm and powerful sound strikes in the depths of everyone's soul.

"Honkai is a disaster that all mankind should face together, and any behavior that undermines human unity and endangers civilization cannot be forgiven!"

On the other side, in the fallen streets, people are crying and fleeing, artillery is roaring, and the lives of civilians are difficult to guarantee in order to stop the advance of the rioters.

"Collapse is not a disaster, it is a divine punishment! It is a punishment for ant-like human beings

! Resistance will only usher in the end, and the only way out for the world is to submit to God and bow down

to God! He will give strength and immortal souls, and he will be powerless to resist and worship God for eternal life!"

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