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Lin Xiao sighed and asked, “What passage did this death knight seem to have said just now, where is the passage?” ”

Su Li touched his nose, a little embarrassed, just forgot to ask.

A wise man will make a mistake.

Well, that’s it.

Su Li looked left and right, and said while looking: “I have some speculations, you have also seen how stupid and lazy this death knight is, I guess, he must not have moved much after he came out, it is possible that the passage is nearby.” ”

Chen Han recalled the state of the death knight just now, as if he was really a little stupid, and seemed to be a little sleep-deprived and making up for sleep.

“Could it be that the Death Knight also stays up late playing cards or drinking?” Chen Han said with a smile.

Su Li and Lin Xiao glanced at each other, this is really possible, after all, this death knight is not sealed in cards, they all have their own life world.

“Regardless of this, let’s look around for any obvious traces.” Lin Xiao suggested.

Su Li and the three of them, as well as the people in the card, scattered and searched around.

This is a dilapidated temple site, most of the walls have collapsed, only some foundations and ruins remain, easy to find, and can be seen in time if there is danger.

A few people searched for less than five minutes before someone shouted.

“Over here.”

The person who shouted was Chen Han, and Su Li, Lin Xiao and the others turned around and went to Chen Han’s side after hearing it.

Chen Han greeted him, pointed to the back of a broken wall and said, “Go and see, is that the entrance to the passage we are looking for?” ”

Su Li and Lin Xiao went around to take a look, and behind the wall full of wind and rain baptism was a black light hole, the size of which was as tall as Su Li from them.

Did the Death Knight come from here just now?

It’s really hard to think about it, this hole is big for humans, but it is too small for death knights and horses.

“Probably right here.” Su Li nodded.

He looked closely at this light hole, which seemed to be a passage to another world, and most of the death knights lived in the underworld, and if there were no accidents, it was the underworld.

The underworld is a very mysterious place, and there are not many descriptions of the underworld in the world in which humans live, only literary fantasies.

Suddenly, Su Li found a subtlety

“This hole of light is getting bigger.”

“How is that possible?” Lin Xiao didn’t believe it, so he looked closely.

Then she found that when she was level with the light hole, she could see a brick gap in the wall behind, and after looking at it for two seconds, she found that the brick gap was blocked.

It’s really getting bigger.

“The passage is getting bigger, do the creatures of the underworld behind want to come over?”

Lin Xiao guessed, Su Li’s face began to look ugly, damn it, there are some ruthless people in the underworld, and the spies just sent out are all four-star death knights, what level will the large army and the main lord be?

Lin Xiao’s complexion also began to become ugly.

If it had been before, she would not have been so helpless, and now she was sealed by the curse of the six stars and her strength could only rely on meat. Physical strength to fight, let alone kill the enemy, it is difficult to run away.

She approached Su Li again, and now she could only count on Su Li to protect her.

Su Li turned his head and glanced at her and said, “Don’t get so close to me, hide away.” ”

Lin Xiao was stunned.

She is also the goddess of many boys in the school, and she is also the school flower, Su Li would use this attitude towards her?

Could it be that his charm is not as powerful as he imagined, and he has always overestimated himself because his strength is too high before?

Or does Su Li like boys?

It seems like…… Su Li had a good attitude towards Chen Han.

Lin Xiao’s gaze began to become complicated, and Su Li urged again: “Hurry up, dodge, another guy is coming out of it.” ”


That’s how it is.

Lin Xiao quickly dodged.

The familiar shape of the head stuck out from the black hole, and after sticking out, it first looked left and right, and then saw Su Li and the others.

There are humans?

It froze for a moment, and then wanted to go back.

But Su Li had already rushed over and grabbed his head, and his strength had increased a lot after just being upgraded, and he pulled out hard, not letting him go back.

The Death Knight saw them, and if they reported to the others after they went back, then the big people who came out below might be big people who could live every second.

Su Li didn’t want to face that kind of guy now.

The Death Knight began to struggle, but his strength was not as strong as Su Li, and he realized that something was desperate.

The companion in the back thought he was stuck and was helping to push him.

These damn pig brains, unable to retreat, can only rush out and kill this human.

So he began to squeeze forward, and Su Li also let go of his hand.

Then take off the sword in the stone and raise it high, the death knight saw this sword and realized that he was going to die, and could only keep cursing: “Damn, the back, don’t push it, let me go back!” ”

Unfortunately, the sound can’t be transmitted back through here.

The sword in the stone fell with golden light, and another death knight fell. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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