With the arrival of the wind of death, the members of the Hand of Death are in despair at this moment!

But what they despaired about was not their own lives, but that they failed to rescue Xiao Zhan even before they died!

They roared angrily, and the whole body's defensive power was activated crazily. Their last strength before death was still not used for defense, but poured into the hand of death!

At the last moment of their lives, they still chose Xiao Zhan!

Seeing this scene, Han Dingxiang burst into tears, with helplessness written on her face.

At this moment, the memories of three years ago in her mind were like a storm, similar scenes, similar sacrifices, and herself being protected.

Her sadness exploded, and all the emotions accumulated in more than a thousand unspoken nights came out at this moment.

Her tears came in a flood.

Next to her, Jose looked unusually dull. He never thought that their road would be cut off at this moment.

He has always believed in Xiao Zhan and believed that he could solve all problems, but why...

He watched in disbelief as Dilong charged away at Li Teng and the others. Is this really the end?

Just when everyone fell into despair.

Suddenly, Earth Dragon let out an extremely shrill scream, opened his mouth wide, and blood poured out from between his teeth.

At the same time, its rapidly impacting body suddenly stiffened at this moment, and then suddenly softened like a broken rubber band. It fluttered feebly in the air and fell toward the ground.

And its huge head was like an out-of-control airplane, falling quickly but without any direction.


Its head hit the ground, creating a huge crater. At the same time, its body also fell to the ground with another rumble, kicking up thousands of dust.

The dust was like fog, instantly covering the members of the Death Hand.

Han Dingxiang and Jose standing in the distance saw this scene, their expressions were dull, not knowing what happened.

Why did Earth Dragon suddenly become like that?

But soon they realized that it was Xiao Zhan!

The Earth Dragon couldn't have fallen for no reason. Someone must have done something, and that person could only be Xiao Zhan!

Han Dingxiang immediately rushed towards Dilong in excitement.

But Jose grabbed him.

"Don't be impulsive, it's still very dangerous! If it's really him, it won't be too late to go later!"

Jose's voice calmed Han Dingxiang.

She stared in the direction of Earth Dragon, her eyes full of worry.

Soon, the dust dispersed.

The corpse of the Earth Dragon lying motionless on the ground was revealed. It had no life left at all, its eyes were wide and dull, and its mouth was slightly open.

The soil was embedded in its mouth, and a large amount of blood flowed from the mouth, dyeing the soil red and forming a blood river.

Next to Earth Dragon's head, the members of Death Hand were lying on the ground. They were in a messy condition and each had injuries.

But fortunately, they were not serious injuries.

Earth Dragon lost his life at the last moment, and the position where his head hit was shifted, so the members of Death Hand were lucky to avoid this disaster.

Li Teng quickly got up from the ground.

His body was covered in dust and stained with blood, and one of his arms was stretched out, obviously suffering a lot of injuries.

But he didn't care about his injuries, and walked quickly towards Dilong's body, holding the sickle in his hand tightly, and was about to give Dilong a death caesarean section.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw the earth dragon's mouth moving.

He was vigilant, thinking that the earth dragon was not dead. Just as he was about to give it a fresh blow, he saw a man covered in blood walking out of the earth dragon's mouth.

Although he couldn't see his face, the familiar aura allowed him to instantly tell that this was Xiao Zhan.

"Master, you're still alive! That's great!" Li Teng shouted excitedly, rushing toward Xiao Zhan like a sunny boy.

Xiao Zhan looked at him, feeling the fresh air outside, and couldn't help but smile.

The white teeth formed a sharp contrast with the deep blood stains.

The Earth Dragon Crystal Core he held in his hand gave him a sense of joy in surviving a disaster.

"Master!" Li Teng came to him, overwhelmed with excitement.

Xiao Zhan looked at him with a smile,

at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Han Dingxiang and Jose also ran over quickly.

Soon he came to him.

"I'm so worried about us, I almost thought..." Jose didn't finish his words, with a smile on his face, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Han Dingxiang looked at Xiao Zhan, and the memory in her mind overlapped with the present again.

The turbulent thoughts like waves instantly occupied her entire head. She could no longer suppress the emotions in her heart, forgot everything about the outside world, and threw herself into Xiao Zhan's arms.

But just when she was about to throw herself into Xiao Zhan's arms, suddenly, a cold light struck her without any warning.

Han Dingxiang was unprepared, and she never thought that someone would attack her.

Just as the cold blast was about to hit her, she suddenly felt a fast and powerful pulling force coming from behind her, and her body was immediately pulled backward by this force.

At the same time, the moment her body moved, the cold light fell.

But luckily, she missed.

She stabilized her body and glanced at Jose. It was Jose's quick reaction that saved her just now.

At the same time, she looked at Xiao Zhan in disbelief, because that cold light was actually directed at her by Xiao Zhan. To be precise, it should be the Death Scythe in Xiao Zhan's hand.


Xiao Zhan didn't react just now, but when he did, he immediately said to Ye Youlong.

But Ye Youlong didn't listen to his dissuasion at all. The magic sickle dodged and was about to attack Han Dingxiang again.

"Get out of my way!"

These words were a warning to Jose.

Apparently Jose's action just now aroused Ye Youlong's dissatisfaction.

Jose was immediately at a loss.

But at this moment, the flashing cold light of the magic sickle suddenly disappeared.

The Death Scythe turned into Ye Youlong and fainted all of a sudden.

Xiao Zhan also fainted with her. It was the relaxation of the rest of his life after the disaster. After that tense spirit, extreme fatigue came to them like a flood.

When Xiao Zhan woke up, he found himself in a room.

The house was very familiar, it was the room where he lived in the Xiao family.

He glanced around him. Ye Youlong was not there. It was also daytime outside, so he was probably outside.

Ye Youlong's physique is a weapon spirit, which is slightly stronger than Xiao Zhan's, so he wakes up earlier.

Get up and get dressed.

Just as he was about to open the door, Ye Youlong pushed the door open and came in.

"Wake up." Ye Youlong held the food in his hand and put it on the table, "I thought you wouldn't wake up yet."

Looking at the food, Xiao Zhan happened to be hungry and sat at the table, "As I said, don't you know how long I'm going to sleep?"

After saying that, Xiao Zhan asked again, "How long have I slept?"

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