In the ring, Fan Ma Blade was indeed fighting those Sea Kings.

That's right, it's those, because the two Sea Kings that Chen Xiao said are indeed not Fan Ma's opponents.

Even if he can fight back for a while, he can still defeat the opponent in the subsequent continuous fights.

Especially in the whole big ring, you have to see blood......

Now, the person who fights with Fan Ma Blade is Sun Haiwang, and the content of the meeting is Jeet Kune Do, but the all-round free fighting technique of the Dragon Kingdom seems to be of no use to Fan Ma Blade.

Jeet Kune Do basically does not have its own complete routine, it is all about defending and attacking by looking at the opponent's attack, so Chen Xiao did not show any surprised expression when he saw the actions such as two-word tongs and sheep horses in Sun Haiwang's movements.

"Who do you think will win this time?" After Chen Xiao and Liehai King fought the last "One Twenty Seven", Kaoru Hanayama did not leave, but stayed to watch the ring match.

Actually, it is also Kaoru Hanayama's regret that he didn't play this time, no matter what the strength of those Sea Kings is, he also wants to fight with the other party.

"Of course it's Fan Majun," Chen Xiao said without hesitation, without any other thoughts, as if Fan Ma Blade would win against all those Sea Kings: "Although I don't know about the others, at least against this Sun Sea King, he will definitely win." "

Chen Xiao said calmly, and then, everything that happened in the ring was exactly the same as Chen Xiao's narration, Fan Ma Blade's whole body was extremely strong, and it was the rigid body technique that he had used before!


Winch head crane!!

Chen Xiao had never seen the moves on Fan Ma Blade, and when he was fighting with these Sea Kings today, Fan Ma Blade used them one by one, Chen Xiao felt that the content that would only appear on the picture and paper before appeared in front of him alive, which was quite interesting.

Sun Haiwang did not defeat Fan Ma Blade Tooth, and he failed, and the people in the entire big ring also boiled.

"Oh!! is he also a high school student, he looks so young, he can fight like this!"

"Blade Tooth, Blade Tooth, Blade Tooth!"

The people in the stands shouted the name of Van Ma Blade, he was still a high school student after all, and when he heard these voices, his heart couldn't help but boil.

However, there are still some out-of-place voices that he captures, such as ......

"It's a high school student, I don't know who is better than this guy named Fan Ma Blade and the high school student who was wheeled by others before!"

Fan Ma Blade's heart, which was still boiling with blood just now, instantly cooled, and he turned his head to look at Chen Xiao, who was still talking to Huashan Xun, and his whole heart was weak.

What are you kidding, fighting that monster, will he be grabbed by Chen Xiao's strange move and thrown from the ground of Tokyo Dome to the sky!

Absolutely not to fight him!

Just when Fan Ma Jianya was thinking about what kind of posture he would look better in the ring if Chen Xiao was really persuaded by these Sea Kings from the Dragon Kingdom to come up and fight him, a person stood under the ring.

This person is not tall, muscular, and has a long whip combed on the back, it is the Burning Sea King!

"You're really strong, it looks like I need to fight you. "

So many dragon kingdom sea kings were defeated by this young man, and the king of the Lie Sea couldn't sit still, not only for the sake of the dragon kingdom's face, but also because he wanted to have a fight with this young man.

Chen Xiao was not surprised at all, but was in the stands preparing to watch the play.

As everyone knows, Fan Ma Blade did not accept the battle of the Burning Sea King, but pointed to the old god who was sitting in the stands and planned to watch the lively Chen Xiao: "Your opponent is still sitting over there." "

Although wheel warfare is not prohibited in the big ring, most martial artists do not deliberately engage in wheel warfare to deplete one's physical strength in order to achieve final victory.

Fan Ma Blade was still at ease after facing the three Sea Kings, and he could see how many dishes the previous Sea King had, but since he said so, the Lie Sea King naturally would not force Fan Ma Blade, who had already beaten three people, to fight with himself again.

Doesn't this bully children?(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His eyes naturally fell on Chen Xiao's body, and Chen Xiao, who was still watching the play just now, put down his hands that were holding his chest in front of him.

It's not because the Burning Sea King is serious enough to make him serious, but the moment the Burning Sea King saw it, a powerful gaze was also locked on Chen Xiao's body.

The source of this sight was not from the ring, but from the farther stands, which surprised Chen Xiao because he did not find any threatening existence from the stands.

"This is the one you said you were?"

A deep voice rang out beside Tokugawa Mitsunari, who stared at Chen Xiao who was constantly looking for people in the stands, his eyes completely disinterested.

Not only Chen Xiao, but even those who stood under the ring and had already exposed their strength, he was not interested.

Weak, all too weak, today's neon, can all such people appear?

"This young man is different, he is really very strong, I have seen him shoot, and I have secretly investigated him, his strength, even if these people go together, he will not be his opponent. "

Tokugawa Mitsunari gave Chen Xiao a very high evaluation, but this person scoffed: "All the people here are not my opponents, even if the young man you said is really strong, it doesn't mean anything." "

After this person finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, Chen Xiao's gaze was as sharp as an eagle!!


This person immediately turned around and stared at Chen Xiao tightly, looking around just now, was he looking for him?

And it's rare that he actually found !!

"You've finally figured out something is wrong with him, haha......" Mitsunari Tokugawa laughed, "He's going to satisfy you, see how he fights, maybe you're really willing to go down and fight him?"

And Chen Xiao, after finding the source of his sight, touched his chin instead, and began to think about who the person standing over there was in 1.4.

Yujiro Van Ma?

Or the already resurrected Miyamoto Musashi?

In fact, no Chen Xiao is surprised, after all, he has also used swordsmanship in the big ring, if Miyamoto Musashi is really resurrected, he was seduced by Tokugawa Mitsunari with money or something, and it is not impossible to fight.

However, the person Chen Xiao has to face now is not those ethereal things, but the Burning Sea King who has already been prepared.

Chen Xiao pondered for a moment, but still walked down, since Kaoru Hanayama said that he might as well meet that person if he went to the ring to fight, then he might as well try.

As for the person who can't get out......

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, he was about to think about it, whether he would come over to the invitation of the big ring in the future.

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