1980 My literary era

Chapter 34 My friend Shi Tiesheng

In June, the novel written by Lin Weimin was published in "Contemporary". The editorial department specially mailed a magazine to Lin Weimin, but he still bought a copy.

Looking at the printed text, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. The experience of crawling on the earthen kang in the countryside was still vivid in his mind, but he felt that a long time had passed.

Qu Xiaowei grabbed the magazine and admired it for a few times, and said in an envious tone: "The article for the people published in "Zhongshan" will be published soon, right?"

"Soon, it should be this month."

"It's harvest season!"

Qu Xiaowei was talking to Lin Weimin when he saw Teacher Tang Yuqiu in the distance and quickly waved to him and shouted: "Teacher Tang!"

"Teacher Tang, Mr. Wan Jiabao will give a lecture tomorrow. I have a friend who also wants to come and observe, can he?"

There were young writers who asked for favors to come and sit in. The Institute of Literature had this tradition before. In the past two months that Lin Weimin and the others had been studying at the institute, people would occasionally come to sit in. Most of them were out of respect for a certain lecturer. love.

The next day.

The lecturer today is Mr. Wan Jiabao, the Taishan Beidou in the Chinese drama world.

Although there have been so many famous names on the stage of the Institute of Literature and Literature before, Wan Jiabao's appearance on the stage today still made the students in the training class of the Institute of Literature and Literature feel extremely nervous and expectant.

That's the author of "Thunderstorm" and "Sunrise"!

Previously, the institute organized everyone to go to the Renyi Theater to watch a drama, and the one they watched was "Thunderstorm".

Lin Weimin was pulled out of School D by Qu Xiaowei early in the morning, saying that he was going to pick up his friend.

"What a big person, we have to run all the way to pick him up, don't we have long legs?" Lin Weimin complained.

Qu Xiaowei rarely looked serious, "My friend's body is a bit special."

Lin Weimin saw his look and knew there must be a reason, so he didn't say anything more.

Lin Weimin followed Qu Xiaowei off the bus, turned from the main road to a small road, and then turned into an alley. The nameplate on the side of the road said the name of the alley was Qian Yongkang.

We walked to the end of the alley and entered a large courtyard.

Early in the morning in summer, the courtyard is very busy. People push bicycles to work, go out to pour chamber pots, carry school bags on their backs to go to school, and come back from shopping for breakfast. People come and go, and it is very lively.

The two of them arrived at the innermost part of the courtyard. The road for about tens of meters was filled with bumpy dirt roads.

Qu Xiaowei came to a small house and knocked on the door.

"Tiesheng, I'm here to pick you up."

After a while, the door opened, and it was a young man in a wheelchair who opened the door.

The young man's skin is very dark, probably because he has been rocking a wheelchair all year round, and his shoulders are very broad.

"You're here, Xiaowei."

When the young man saw Qu Xiaowei, he smiled brightly and his lips looked thick.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Lin Weimin, a good friend I met while studying at the Institute of Literature. Weimin, this is my friend Shi Tiesheng."

As early as when the young man rolled the wheelchair and pushed open the door, Lin Weimin guessed the young man's identity based on the name Qu Xiaowei shouted.

Shi Tiesheng, "Me and the Temple of Earth", this one is familiar!

Lin Weimin shook hands with Shi Tiesheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, and exchanged greetings. Qu Xiaowei asked, "Are you ready? Okay, let's leave now."

"I'm all good at it, it's all thanks to you guys for the hard work." Shi Tiesheng said apologetically.

"What's so hard about this!"

Qu Xiaowei pushed up Shi Tiesheng's wheelchair nonchalantly and asked again, "Is there anything else you want to bring?"


"Okay, let's go."

The journey to the hospital was not long, only a few dozen meters, but because of the bumpy dirt road, Shi Tiesheng's wheelchair seemed extremely bumpy.

"Tiesheng, are you okay with your confusion?" Lin Weimin asked.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Shi Tiesheng smiled cheerfully, "I finally had a day off today, and it's great to be able to attend classes at your Institute of Literature and Art again!"

Shi Tiesheng's smile was bright, and Lin Weimin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

For ordinary people, going out is an ordinary thing, but for Shi Tiesheng, who is physically handicapped, it is a very difficult thing.

After walking through the dirt road in the courtyard, the road in the alley is much easier to walk.

The most difficult thing was getting on the bus. It was Qu Xiaowei who carried Shi Tiesheng on his back, and Lin Weimin was responsible for holding the wheelchair.

All the way back to the Literary Lecture Center, Qu Xiaowei took a deep breath and said, "Fortunately, the time is just right."

It was the first time that Lin Weimin saw him so serious.

The three of them came to the cafeteria. Most of the students in the class were already sitting in their seats. When they saw Shi Tiesheng coming in with Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei, his eyes revealed an inquiring look.

Occasionally, young writers or literature lovers come back to attend the lectures, but this is the first one to come in a wheelchair.

When the class started, the plump old man in Lin Weimin's impression slowly stepped onto the podium. Shi Tiesheng was running towards him today.

Mr. Wan Jiabao is originally from Beihu and was born in Jinmen. Unlike most teachers who come to give lectures, his speech has no accent and is very standard Mandarin.

The old gentleman is seventy years old this year, and his course is drama creation.

After entering the state on stage, he was accustomed to slowly picking up the handouts and reading monologues, and constantly analyzing the characters.

"'The road to hell must be paved early, and the prologue of the drama must be laid quickly.' This is a monologue, because he is thinking and getting into the role while speaking. This means that he is 'defiant'. He saw hell, and Move forward painfully, and move quickly. His show begins!"

Lin Weimin found the lecture very interesting. Does every good playwright have the potential to become a good actor?

Wan Jiabao is obviously just imitating the performance of an actor reciting a monologue on stage, but it makes people feel that he is both physically and spiritually.

Occasionally when he gets tired from talking, Wan Jiabao will stop and take a sip of tea.

Lin Weimin sat in the front seat and very proactively went forward to refill his tea. He was very good at this job.

Wan Jiabao saw him and laughed, "It seems that the little classmate's mission is not over yet!"

He obviously remembered Lin Weimin who asked him for an autograph on the day of the tea party at the beginning of school. Everyone laughed and Lin Weimin laughed twice.

It was almost noon and the class was almost over. Mr. Wan Jiabao sat on the chair on the podium and started chatting with everyone.

He said: "I heard from your teacher Tang that your class is doing a very interesting writing exercise recently."

Jiang Zilong replied: "Sir, this is the idea of ​​our class Lin Weimin. We all think this is a very good way to practice writing skills, so we all participated."

Wan Jiabao nodded, "Who is classmate Lin Weimin?"

Lin Weimin raised his hand, and Wan Jiabao suddenly became happy, "It's this little classmate again, it seems we are destined to be together!"


"They all said it was you who came up with the idea, so how's your writing going?"

Lin Weimin smiled modestly and said, "Sir, I haven't finished writing mine yet."

"Bring it to me and see." The old gentleman spread his hands towards him.

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