1980 My literary era

Chapter 35 You boy, you are blessed

Mr. Wan Jiabao's request was surprising, and what was even more surprising was his regard for Lin Weimin.

"The manuscript is in the dormitory. I'll go get it for you."

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, he ran out without waiting for the old gentleman's reaction.

In less than three minutes, Lin Weimin came back panting heavily, holding a stack of manuscript paper in his hand.


Wan Jiabao looked at the name of the work on the first page of manuscript paper and read it out softly.

He glanced at the contents on the manuscript paper for a few times, and after a short time, he had a rough judgment in his mind. He looked at the time again and stood up slowly, "Okay, that's it for today's class. Let's get out of class."

His manuscript was taken away by Mr. Wan Jiabao. Lin Weimin was a little confused when he stayed there. What does this mean?

Before he could come to his senses, Jiang Zilong came up and patted him on the shoulder, sighing: "You boy, you are blessed!"

Then came Jia Dashan again. After patting his shoulders, he stared into Lin Weimin's eyes, "It's really jealous!"

Everyone came up to say hello one after another. Lin Weimin seemed to understand that he had fallen in the old gentleman's favor?

But what do you mean by taking my manuscript?

When it was time for lunch, Lin Weimin saw Mr. Wan Jiabao and Teacher Tang Yuqiu sitting together to eat. He thought the old Mr. Wan Jiabao had left after giving lectures in the morning.

After finishing the meal, Lin Weimin watched Teacher Tang Yuqiu help Mr. Wan Jiabao to the office.

"Sir, this is this issue of "Zhongshan". Lin Weimin's novella is published here. It is twin to the manuscript you have in your hand now."

Wan Jiabao looked at the magazines and manuscripts in his hands, smiled slightly and said, "Young people today really have fantastic ideas."

He gently unfolded "Zhongshan" and said to Tang Yuqiu, "Go and do your work first, don't worry about me."

Tang Yuqiu made him a cup of tea and then sat back in the corner of the office.

Wan Jiabao took out his reading glasses from his arms and put them on, holding the magazine and reading it carefully, taking a sip of tea from time to time.

After about half an hour, he put down the magazine and turned to read Lin Weimin's manuscript.

Time passed slowly, and the afternoon class had begun. The old man finally raised his head.

Reading in a fixed posture for a long time made him a little tired physically and mentally. He was over 70 years old and had lectured all morning. Logically, he should take a break at noon, but because of Tang Yuqiu's request, he still insisted on reading the manuscript in his hand. .

Tang Yuqiu had been paying attention to Wan Jiabao's reaction. When he saw that he had finished reading the manuscript, he stepped forward to refill his tea and asked softly: "Would you like to get up and do some exercise?"

Wan Jiabao nodded, "That's fine."

He got up and walked around the office, stretching his legs and feet, and the plot of the novel he had just read flashed through his mind from time to time.

"Xiao Tang!"

"Sir." Tang Yuqiu responded.

He first lamented: "Today's young people are not like us at that time. At that time, all we thought about was saving the nation and saving our lives. We wrote things as critically as we wanted and as profound as we wanted."

Hearing what he said, Tang Yuqiu felt a little uneasy, fearing that what Lin Weimin wrote would not reach Mr. Wan Jiabao's eyes.

After a pause, he continued: "Now, the country is at peace and the people are at peace. Children like you are rare. The conflicts between the two works are natural, the plots are tight, and the characters stand up. The most important thing is that they are popular at the same time. And he can integrate metaphysical things such as the righteousness of family and country."

Tang Yuqiu asked in surprise: "Sir, do you agree?"

Wan Jiabao pondered for a moment and nodded.

Tang Yuqiu was immediately overjoyed and rolled his eyes again, "Sir, actually there are many good seedlings in our class, you..."

Wan Jiabao waved his hand before she finished speaking, "I am older, my time and energy are limited, and I have too many worldly affairs. It is not easy to cultivate such a seedling for your Institute of Literature."

Seeing the old man's clear attitude, Tang Yuqiu did not insist anymore.

Being able to sell Lin Weimin, the devil in the world, is already a success.

And on the other side.

After taking Shi Tiesheng for lunch in the cafeteria, Lin Weimin took the initiative to push Qu Xiaowei's wheelchair.

While chatting in the cafeteria, Lin Weimin learned that Shi Tiesheng's current physical condition was very poor.

On the way back to Shi Tiesheng, several people continued chatting. Shi Tiesheng was an open-minded person and he didn't mind sharing his experiences with others.

A few years ago, he went to work in the countryside in the northwest. One winter, for some reason, his legs suddenly lost strength. When he returned to Yanjing, his legs began to atrophy. After some examination, he learned that the problem was in his spine and that he had a tumor in his spine.

With today's medical conditions, this is almost a terminal illness.

In order to treat him, the family owed thousands of dollars in foreign debt, which was an astronomical sum for an ordinary family in the 1980s.

To make matters worse, his mother passed away at the age of forty-nine, leaving behind him and his thirteen-year-old sister dragging her body.

Now, sitting in a wheelchair due to years of muscle atrophy, Shi Tiesheng's lower limbs are paralyzed, his kidney function is severely damaged, and he suffers from uremia.

Lin Weimin listened to Shi Tiesheng and Qu Xiaowei's intermittent descriptions, and his heart was filled with sighs. Compared with this man's misfortune, what were the sins he suffered in the countryside?

The bus arrived, and Lin Weimin got off the bus with Shi Tiesheng on his back. He was very big, but he didn't have much meat on his body, so he felt awkward carrying it on his back.

Returning to the courtyard where Shi Tiesheng lived, he entered the house. He lived in a small house, only six or seven square meters. There was a bed and desk in the house. The remaining space was probably enough for his wheelchair to turn a small corner. look.

Shi Tiesheng was busy pouring water for Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei. A look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, "By the way, I forgot to tell you. I'm going to move in a while."

"Moving? Have you received your disability allowance and housing?" Qu Xiaowei asked in surprise.

Shi Tiesheng smiled and nodded, "Once it's done, we can move next month. The area over there at Yonghe Temple is larger than it is now."

"Hey, this is really a good thing, we should celebrate it!" Qu Xiaowei was spinning in circles on the ground with joy, looking even happier than himself for getting these benefits.

"It's time to celebrate until it's time to move."

"Okay, when it's time to move, I'll help you move."

Lin Weimin stretched out his hand and said, "Count me in."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, their laughter full of joy.

After lingering at Shi Tiesheng's house for more than half an hour, Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei went out. They had asked for leave. Shi Tiesheng was not in good health and could not stay out for too long, so they could only ask for the afternoon meal. Leave, send him back first.

On the way back, Lin Weimin suddenly looked at Qu Xiaowei seriously, making him tremble.

"What are you looking at?"

"It seems that apart from picking up girls, you are not completely useless."

"Your uncle!"

I'm most likely a sheep. I woke up several times last night in discomfort. My throat was tight and my body was sore. It's basically consistent with the initial symptoms. I hope I won't suffer too much these days, so I'll give you two updates first.

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