1980 My literary era

Chapter 39 One word, absolutely

July is about to enter, and the weather in Yanjing is very hot and depressing.

Around noon, the cafeteria turned into a steamer because the kitchen had to cook.

Some of the guys ran to the trees in the yard to enjoy the shade, waiting for lunch.

Cheng Shixu held a copy of "Study" and shouted: "For the people, come and take a look!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Weimin heard him calling him big and agreed and came over.

"There was a book review of "The Death of Yura" in Dushu."

The "Study" in Cheng Shixu's hand was just delivered this morning, and no one else in the class has read it yet.

After class just now, Cheng Shixu ran to the library of the institute while there was still some time before dinner. He happened to find the magazine that had just been delivered. When he saw the article commenting on "The Death of Yura", he immediately ran to tell Good news for Lin Weimin.

When he said this, other people around him also rushed up, "Where is it? Where is it? Let me see!"

When a work is published these days, a review article itself is an affirmation of the author's ability or the quality of the work. Of course, there are also criticisms.

For example, after Jiang Zilong published "The Taking of Factory Director Qiao", many domestic newspapers and magazines published commentaries, some criticizing and some praising, but overall the praise outweighed the criticism, which also contributed to his great reputation as a "reform man." The name "literature" also spread like wildfire with this trend.

The fact that "The Death of Yura" was published in "Contemporary" goes without saying of its quality, but it still made everyone a little excited to see a review article about it in "Dushu".

As a literary review magazine founded after the reform and opening-up, "Dushu" has a short history, but due to the sentence in its first issue, "There are no restricted areas for reading," it became the favorite of countless Chinese literature lovers at that time.

Fifty thousand copies of the first edition of the first issue were printed, and an additional fifty thousand copies were printed and sold out.

After that, the sales of "Dushu" continued to rise, becoming a leader among domestic literary review magazines.

"Thoughts on Human Nature - Thoughts after Reading "The Death of Yura".

This is the title of the review article, written by Xie Mingqing.

"Xie Mingqing, who is this person? He looks familiar." Lin Weimin asked.

Cheng Shixu said loudly: "Xie Mingqing, the deputy leader of the novel north group of "People's Literature", is the one I talked to Brother Shan a few days ago."

"People's Literature" has always had a very special status in the domestic literary world. It is backed by the National Literature Publishing House and is born with a golden key to the rich second generation.

His novel group is even more elite. As one of the leaders of the novel group, Xie Mingqing's status in the industry is recognized.

This is why An Shishan looked so proud that day when he learned that Xie Mingqing wanted to talk to him.

Lin Weimin suddenly realized, no wonder it sounded so familiar.

Hearing what Cheng Shixu said, the people around him became even more excited. They pushed Lin Weimin aside and took the lead in appreciating this commentary article.

Lin Weimin looked at the group of people speechlessly, but he felt a little ashamed when he read the review articles of his own works. Let them read them first, and then secretly read them under the covers.

There were more than a dozen people squeezing in to read just one magazine, but many people couldn't see it. Cheng Shixu was also squeezed outside.

Lin Weimin asked him, "How is your novel going?"

"It's okay. With the ready-made story direction and character settings, it doesn't feel too difficult, but I can't say what the quality is." Cheng Shixu said with a worried look on his face.

"It's okay. I'll ask an editor to help me take a look at it later. It's best if I can publish it."

"Yeah." Cheng Shixu nodded.

After class in the evening, teacher Tang Yuqiu called Lin Weimin and said that someone was looking for him and he was waiting in the office.

Lin Weimin went to the office and saw a quiet woman waiting there.

"This is Teacher Wan's daughter Wan Fang, and this is Lin Weimin."

Teacher Tang Yuqiu introduced the two of them.

Lin Weimin immediately put on a smile and said, "Hello, senior sister!"

Wan Fang's face was stunned at first, and then she laughed, "My father said that the children in the Institute of Literature and Literature are very interesting, and it is indeed true."

Teacher Tang Yuqiu explained: "He is a demon king who is not stingy. If he is placed in "A Dream of Red Mansions", he is the material of Baoyu."

Lin Weimin said, "Teacher Tang, I don't know if you are praising me or hurting me."

Teacher Tang Yuqiu glanced at him and said, "You can experience it yourself."

Lin Weimin suddenly looked grim.

When the two were joking, Wan Fang kept laughing.

After exchanging pleasantries, she talked about her purpose.

She took out a stack of wrapped manuscript papers from her bag and said, "My father recently went on a mission to the United States with a delegation and will not be able to return to China for a few days. He told me to return the manuscript before. I was busy with work the past few days, so I just got it today. Come here empty."

"Sister, you are too polite. Just let me know and I will go get it myself."

"It's not too much trouble. I just happened to stop by to see my 'little junior brother'!"

There was a bit of ridicule in Wan Fang's tone, and Lin Weimin scratched his head with a smile. He was only twenty this year, and his face was tender. His actions like this did not violate the rules at all, but instead made people see his childish and simple appearance, and his heart. Have a good impression.

"Teacher Zhang just told me that every student in our institute is assigned a tutor. Other students may have already met with the teacher to study. Don't worry. Wait for my dad to come back later, and he will call you."

"Okay, senior sister, I understand."

After explaining the matter, Wan Fang stood up and said goodbye. Teacher Lin Weimin and Tang Yuqiu sent her to the school gate. She came here on a bicycle.

"How is the manuscript going?" Teacher Tang Yuqiu asked.

"It's only half written."

"It's so long?" Teacher Tang Yuqiu was a little surprised.

"Yeah. I plan to try a long story this time."

Teacher Tang Yuqiu pondered for a moment and nodded, "This is also a good thing."

For a novelist, novels are the best criterion for testing his strength.

As famous as Lu Xun, a generation of literary giants, when it comes to novels, his evaluation is lower than that of several great masters of his generation.

"Yesterday Shihui met me and heard about what you were doing. He was very interested and wanted to read your manuscript."

Lin Weimin previously wrote two manuscripts, "Latent" and "The Death of Yura". "Latent" was published in "Zhongshan" and "The Death of Yura" was published in "Contemporary". Rong Shihui had read it. "Latent".

Lin Weimin guessed that he was probably curious about how he would write the same story twice.

"Let's finish it later. I'll show it to him."


At night, there is no one around.

Lin Weimin opened "Reading" and found the commentary article by Xie Mingqing.

After reading it, Lin Weimin had only one idea.

After all, you are the editor. You have thought of things that I, the original author, have not thought of.

One word, absolutely!

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